Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 106 Traditional Spirit Fighting

Chapter 106 Traditional Spirit Fighting
Suoto Grand Spirit Arena, VIP rest area, VIP Room No. [-].

The luxurious room is 15 square meters, and the huge leather sofa is more than [-] meters long. The decoration in the whole room is mainly gold, with golden palace lanterns, and all kinds of decorations that you can use in gold, all of which give people a sense of luxury. The resplendent feeling.

In front of the huge white leather sofa, there was this crystal coffee table. At this time, the seven young people in the room were gathered around the crystal coffee table, looking at the information on the coffee table, and carefully pondering it.

And the seven young people in this room are all the members of the Huangdou team. At this moment, Dugu Yan looked at the cloth on your crystal table covered with handwriting and read slowly.

"The Shrek Seven Monsters team.

Captain: White Tiger with Evil Eyes, Martial Soul: White Tiger...

Vice-Captain: Thousand-Handed Asura, Martial Soul: Blue Silver Grass...

Team member: Charming Rabbit with Soft Bones, Martial Soul: Jade Rabbit...



After Dugu Yan finished reading, Yu Tianheng frowned and said suddenly.

"Mr. Qin, is this the team we are going to fight against? Such a low level of soul power? Can they win so many games in a row? Maintain a record of complete victories?"

"Why, underestimate your opponent? Have you forgotten yesterday's failure? As I said before, the opponent you will encounter in this team battle is not that simple."

Qin Ming, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at them with a cold snort, and said in a deep voice,

"It's not that I underestimate the opponent, it's just that I have some doubts. After all, their team has three people whose strength is not even that of the soul master. It's really surprising that this kind of team can win so many games in a row..."

Seeing Teacher Qin's displeased expression, Yu Tianheng quickly explained.

After the crushing defeat by Lin Feng before, the sense of nobility and pride in their Huangdou team's heart as a foreign imperial team has disappeared.

Although they are quite good in the younger generation, and they are also well-known in the Soul Arena of the Imperial Capital, they have almost no defeats except for those veteran soul master teams.

Even though he had heard of Lin Feng's reputation faintly before the game yesterday, although he was cautious in his heart, he didn't care about it. He only thought that there was no strong opponent in Soto City, which made the latter so famous. .

But since the end of that game, their prejudice has also disappeared. They know that there are people outside the world, and there is a truth beyond the sky, and they no longer dare to underestimate any team.

Otherwise, they wouldn't all gather here seriously to discuss the situation of their opponents.

In fact, if Mr. Qin hadn't agreed to today's competition, otherwise, he would have suffered the shame of being directly crushed by a peer of his age at the Soul Fighting Arena in Soto City.

They didn't have the face to continue to ostentatiously, and they ran back to the imperial capital long ago, determined to practice hard.

"That's good. It seems that yesterday's failure has a good effect on you. Facing unknown opponents, you must always maintain a cautious attitude, otherwise you will easily encounter setbacks!"

Hearing Yu Tianheng's explanation, his eyes slowly swept around, then Qin Ming nodded, and a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

The members of the Huangdou team, as their leader and teacher, naturally knew the temperament of these young people.

Although they behaved very obediently in front of him, as extremely talented people, they were all rebellious and arrogant, but not many people could be taken seriously by them.

Now that such a change can occur, it seems that yesterday's failure is also a growth for them.

"In this case, the purpose of this business can be regarded as achieved, and it doesn't really matter if the team wins or loses."

Thinking of the Shrek team, Qin Ming shook his head, then looked at the Huangdou team in the room and nodded slightly, saying,

"Forget it, don't underestimate any opponent, you guys have a good discussion, this is the last game here, by the way, remember that in team battles, don't kill or even disable the opponent, understand ?"

"Why? Teacher, don't you often teach us that there are no fathers and sons on the battlefield, and we must go all out. If we don't hurt our opponents, we may be hurt ourselves. We must not be merciful."

After Dugu Yan finished listening, he looked at Qin Ming and asked strangely, although the other people did not behave like Dugu Yan, but Qi Qihui looked at him suspiciously, and at the same time, they were dissatisfied with Qin Ming's remarks. untie.

Seeing this, Qin Ming showed a wry smile on his face. After pondering for a moment, he sighed softly and said.

"Originally, I wanted to wait until the end of this soul fight to tell you, but since the outcome of this soul fight is not as important as I thought before, then I will tell you a little bit! Actually..."


"The information of the Emperor Fighting Team is here, you should study your opponent carefully, this will be a difficult soul fighting for you..."

In another lounge of the Suotuo Spirit Arena, the master raised his hand and knocked on the material cloth spread out on the table. The white cloth was surrounded by a circle of gold silk embroidered lace, and on both sides were embroidered with Soto's fighting spirit. The mark of the soul field neatly records the information of the Huangdou team.

"Teacher, what are our chances of victory?"

Tang San carefully glanced at the documents on the table, then frowned, looked at the master and asked.

"It should be [-]%. Although it was only about [-]% originally, you should have been at the fighting spirit stage yesterday, Xiaosan. You must have watched the battle between the captain and vice-captain of the Huangdou team."

Hearing this, Tang San also nodded, a look of astonishment appeared on his face, and said.

"Well, I also watched that game, and it had a profound impact! Teacher, are you saying that the strength exposed by the captain and vice-captain of the Huangdou team increased our winning rate by [-]%?"

"Yes, the power of the unknown is the most terrifying and difficult to deal with. But once the mystery of the unknown is lost, then this power will lose its original power."

The master said indifferently, and when he heard what the master said, Ma Hongjun also had a trace of curiosity at this time, because yesterday he was going to participate in the team battle spirit, and now he had already reached the silver battle spirit badge, so he did not I didn't sign up for the two-on-two soul fight, nor did I go to see that fight.

"Hey, third brother? How was the match yesterday? Are the captain and vice-captain of the Huangdou team very strong?"

"Very strong, even though he was defeated in the end, he is indeed very strong!"

Facing Ma Hongjun's question, Tang San pondered for a moment, then Shen Sheng used two very strong words to describe the strength of the leader of the Huangdou team.

"Oh? Lost?"

Hearing what Tang San said, Ma Hongjun was surprised and puzzled.

"Hmph, of course they lost, and I don't even look at whose hands they lost!"

At this time, Ning Rongrong, who has always been transparent in the team and did not communicate too much with the Shrek people, couldn't help the girl's heart, a faint smile appeared on her small face, and she immediately folded her hands and hummed softly. With a sound, he said quite proudly.

"Yo, did you lose in your hands?"

Ma Hongjun glanced at Ning Rongrong and suddenly interrupted, and said happily.

"Well, they lost to Rongrong's group."

Right now Tang San nodded, glanced at Ning Rongrong, and said softly.

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about, both the captain and vice-captain of the Emperor Fighting Team lost..."

Hearing what Tang San said, an inconceivable look appeared on Ma Hongjun's face, and he immediately sneered, speaking quite disdainfully, but before he finished speaking, the door of the lounge suddenly opened.

"Haha, Flender, look who's here!"

As Zhao Wuji pushed the door open, a loud laugh sounded, at this time a man with an ordinary appearance of around [-] appeared in front of everyone at the door...

(End of this chapter)

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