Chapter 117

Holding the wooden doll in his palm, Lin Feng murmured softly.

The profession of "Emperor of Heaven" is in his few remaining memories, but he only knows that this seems to be the second awakening name of the profession of Asura.

Lin Feng originally thought that after he chose Sword Soul, he would never be able to get in touch with this Asura-related profession. Sometimes Lin Feng would have a little regret in his heart when he thought of it.

But I didn't expect that there was such a thing, which seemed to allow me to see the power of the Asura awakening profession.

Lin Feng looked at the "Level 75 "Emperor of Heaven" puppet, and stared at it carefully. Suddenly, a message flashed in front of his eyes.

The long sword pierces the sky, and the gods come to the world.

Blind eyes should have poured endless darkness,

But why does it emit such a bright light?
The mighty body stands between heaven and earth,

The sound of thunder resounded through the earth,

This is the fluctuation of light?


Is this the ability to awaken the "Emperor of Heaven" for the second time?Mastering the power of thunder and lightning and the fluctuation of light, hey, he is obviously just a blind man?

Lin Feng shook his head, and carefully put the fighting doll into his space soul guide. This "Emperor of Heaven", who has been awakened for the second time at level 75, if he encounters desperate danger, this thing seems to be the biggest life-saving card in his hand up.

I just don't know what kind of combat power this "Level 75 Heavenly Emperor" has. Although the doll's combat power is generally not high according to common sense.

As a "Emperor of Heaven" with first-sense skills and second-sense skills, maybe he can bring himself a little surprise?

With anticipation, Lin Feng also put away this thing well, and immediately after exhaling a long breath, he was ready to start resting.

But just lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling of the room with both eyes, just when he was about to close his eyes and turn off the lights, his ears moved slightly, and he heard a slight sound, and immediately got up from the bed, frowning and said.

"It's so late at night, why did they come here again?"

After sighing lightly, he stretched out his arms, put on his clothes, and left his bedroom...


"Zhuqing, did you just turn over here last time?"

At this time Ning Rongrong came to the long street behind Lin Feng's tavern, looked at the three-meter-high courtyard wall, looked at Zhu Zhuqing with bright eyes and said in surprise.

"Yes, near the back door of his bedroom! You can find him by climbing over the wall."

Zhu Zhu said calmly, hearing this, Lin Rongrong was also a little speechless, why do you know the location of his bedroom so well!

"Let's not climb over the wall, let's call him here..."

Ning Rongrong looked at the three-meter-high courtyard wall, frowned, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and discussed with Zhu Zhuqing.

Although after practicing Lin Feng's "Spear Fighting Technique", her physical fitness has improved in all aspects. Although the courtyard wall is very high, she can still climb over it now.

It's just that she can't climb over the courtyard wall beautifully with a single jump like Zhu Zhuqing. If she wants to climb over the courtyard wall, she can only climb slowly with her hands and feet.

"If I was seen by other people, especially him, during the climb, then I might as well die..."

Ning Rongrong muttered inwardly, it is too shameful to turn over a man's courtyard wall in the middle of the night, and still use this method to climb over the courtyard wall!

"It can be done like this, but it will disturb other people around to rest."

Zhu Zhuqing took a look at Ning Rongrong, then nodded immediately, frowned, and said.

The reason why she directly climbed over the courtyard wall was because of this important factor.

"It's okay, there are very few people around the tavern, let's move a little less, so as not to disturb other people..."

Ning Rongrong said with a smile, and immediately stepped forward, walking towards the back door of the courtyard wall, raising her small hand slightly, ready to knock on the door.


When Ning Rongrong was knocking on the door with his small hand hanging in the air, the back door of Lin Feng's backyard also made a soft sound at this time, and it opened directly from the middle.

A handsome man with a helpless expression appeared from the courtyard wall, looking at the two of them.

"Afraid of disturbing other people, why are you not afraid of disturbing me! Could it be that they want to rest in the middle of the night, and I don't rest? Or do I have no human rights at all?"

Lin Feng kept his hands on the back door, looked at the two pretty girls on the long street, and made some speechless complaints.

"Hee hee, don't talk so much, get out of the way, let's go in quickly!"

Ning Rongrong looked at Lin Feng and smiled. After speaking, before waiting for Lin Feng's reaction, she lowered her body and slipped through the gap between Lin Feng's arms holding the door.

"I'm sorry, I thought you wouldn't rest by now."

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed slightly, and with a trace of apology on his face, he said to Lin Feng.

"Hey, it's so late at night, I don't rest, do I still practice all night?"

Lin Feng looked at the cold girl in front of him, and said angrily.

Hearing this, to Lin Feng's surprise, Zhu Zhuqing nodded his head!
"Tsk, you really overestimate me? What makes you think I'm such a cultivator..."


Zhu Zhuqing took a deep look at Lin Feng, and said two words with his red lips parted.

"And I looked for you last night. You said that if you have any doubts in the future, you can come to you at any time, even now..."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Lin Feng with some doubts, as if he didn't understand why Lin Feng's attitude was completely different today, so he said calmly.

"Um, I was just being polite, I didn't expect you to take it seriously..."

At this time, Lin Feng also recalled the scene last night. He was surprised at Zhu Zhuqing's progress and performance. It seemed that he had said such a thing, saying that if he had any doubts, he could come to him at any time.

But it never occurred to me that anyone with a normal emotional intelligence would be able to understand that what I said casually was just a polite remark.

In fact, Lin Feng was not a polite word, if Zhu Zhuqing came to him, he would help him to answer his doubts, but it is best not to disturb his rest at night.

"Oh, is that so... That bothered you, I'm going back now."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Zhu Zhuqing's cold eyes, then he said slowly, and after finishing speaking, he was about to turn around.

"I really convinced you, you are here, what else is there to go, come in."

Lin Feng raised his forehead and looked at the cold girl, and said softly, looking at the girl's stagnant figure, he continued to add.

"Really, I'm not saying you can't come and ask me, but it's better not to find such a time in the underworld to come to me, okay? As long as I am free during the rest of the day, I will definitely help you..."

"Really? I see."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing turned his head, nodded his snow-white chin, a look of astonishment seemed to flash across his face, looked at Lin Feng, let out a sigh of relief, opened his red lips slightly, and said.

"Oh, what a fool!"

Lin Feng shook his head, looked at the cold girl in front of him, and said speechlessly,
(End of this chapter)

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