Chapter 122

After a simple breakfast, it was time for Lin Feng's tavern to open.

Still the same as before, Lin Feng was playing the "qin" near the door, attracting passers-by with melodious and unique music, while Ning Rongrong was at the counter of the tavern, pouring wine.

As for Zhu Zhuqing and the remaining rx-78 robot, they were in charge of reception, wine delivery and other tasks.

There were not many guests in the tavern. Ning Rongrong and rx-78 were able to entertain them before, so Zhu Zhuqing also had nothing to do after being busy for a while. He sat not far from Lin Feng, black eyes watching him play music.

In fact, Zhu Zhuqing also liked Lin Feng's special music very much. Although he never said it, Lin Feng could actually feel it.

Lin Feng had already seen Zhu Zhuqing's stunned reaction after playing the song "Warrior Like the Wind" in the tavern.

Perhaps it is because her own situation resonates in the music. Although Zhu Zhuqing likes other music very much, every time she plays the "Warrior Like the Wind", if there is nothing important.

Zhu Zhuqing would put down the affairs in hand, close his eyes, and quietly listen to Lin Feng playing the music "Warrior Like the Wind".

Thinking of this, Lin Feng had some speechless thoughts in his heart while dancing his fingers on the keys.

"I've been here for so long, and my strength hasn't improved much, but I'm getting more and more proficient in playing the piano."

In the past, his skills in this area could at best be regarded as a good level. If it weren't for his special score in another world, he wouldn't be able to attract many people.

But now, with so many months of playing every day, my skills have been greatly improved.

Although he has not yet reached the exaggerated realm of the unity of human and piano, it is not an exaggeration to call himself a master.

The business ability has obviously improved a lot.

Lin Feng secretly sighed in his heart, and immediately played Zhu Zhuqing's favorite song "Warrior Like the Wind" without distraction.

And as Lin Feng's familiar music rhythm sounded, Zhu Zhuqing was also sitting not far from Lin Feng at this time, listening to the music quietly with his eyes closed.

The whole tavern fell into silence at this time, except for some slight sounds, everyone was quietly enjoying Lin Feng's music at this time.

But soon, the tranquility was broken by the sudden sound.

"Boss Dai, the "Moonlight Tavern" you mentioned is here? Tsk, this little song is really good."

A slightly obscene voice came from the gate of the tavern to the inside of the tavern, which disturbed many noble ladies who were listening to Lin Feng's performance.

Immediately, all dissatisfied eyes gathered on the chubby little fat man at the door.

Following Ma Hongjun's voice, three other figures appeared on the other side of the tavern.

These three people, one man and two women, the two girls are gorgeous, they all look about 1.7 or [-] years old, they are tall, about [-] meters tall, but the most surprising thing is that their appearance is exactly the same. It's a pair of twins.

The twin girls are respectively holding one arm of the man in the middle, and the man in the middle has double pupils, looks quite strange, handsome, it is Dai Mubai among the Shrek crowd.

"What are you doing here!"

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing saw Dai Mubai bringing the two girls here, also stood up, looked at the latter directly, and said coldly.

"Hehe, the tavern is here, of course I'm here to listen to music and drink, why aren't you welcome?"

Dai Mubai now embraced the twins with both hands, raised his head slightly, looked at Zhu Zhuqing and said with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing stared at Dai Mubai with black eyes for a long time, then frowned slightly, his expression didn't change at all, he directly took a step forward, and said coldly.

"What do you need?"

"Hey, Zhuqing, are you here too? Fuck, the wine here is so expensive, why steal money?"

At this time, Ma Hongjun also spotted Zhu Zhuqing's figure, waved his hand immediately, and said hello. At the same time, he also picked up the drink list on the table beside him, and found the fruit wine on it that cost more than one gold coin per glass, he couldn't help saying in surprise.

"keep quiet!"

At this time Zhu Zhuqing nodded towards Ma Hongjun, and immediately saw that he was yelling, frowning too, and said in a cold voice.

On the side, Lin Feng, who had noticed that something seemed wrong in the tavern at this time, did not change in any way, and was playing the unfinished piece of music.

Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's scolding, at the same time that Ma Hongjun also noticed dissatisfied eyes cast on him from all around, couldn't help but scratched his head, and smiled embarrassedly.

"Give me a cup of the cheapest one! Hehe!"

"Give the three of us the most expensive cup!"

Then Dai Mubai didn't look at the list, directly waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Boss Dai, the most expensive glass of wine is ten gold coins!"

Seeing that Dai Mubai waved his big hand, that Ma Hongjun's expression also changed, and said to Dai Mubai quickly.

"Okay, thirty gold coins, one gold coin, please take a seat here."

That Zhu Zhuqing said coldly, without the slightest change in tone, as if he didn't know the person in front of him at all, he turned around and left immediately.

"Wow, that luthier is so handsome!"

At this time, the twin girls on Dai Mubai's left looked at Lin Feng who was unmoved by external objects and continued to play, and said in surprise.

"Well, I heard that he is still a soul master!"

The twin girls on the other side saw this, their eyes lit up slightly, and they looked at Lin Feng and whispered.

"Ah! Young Master Dai!"

Just after the two twin girls finished speaking, they all exclaimed in surprise, feeling the mischievous hands on their backs, and yelled at Dai Mubai in the middle.

"Hehe, don't discuss other men in front of me. Don't you know how powerful I am? Do you want me to punish you?"

Dai Mubai grabbed the plump buttocks of the twin girls with both hands, and immediately exerted a little strength with both hands, and embraced them in his arms, speaking ambiguously to them.

"Young Master Dai~ You haven't looked for us for so long, I thought you had forgotten us."

The girl on the left said to Dai Mubai resentfully at this moment.

"I was in special training a while ago, why are you lonely?"


Dai Mubai smiled ambiguously at the twin girls in his arms, and said slowly, but just after finishing speaking, Zhu Zhu's faint voice came from the side.

"Master Dai, who is she? Do you know her?"

The girl on Dai Mubai's right looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and immediately said to Dai Mubai out of curiosity.

"Her, haha, you may not believe it, but she is my fiancée!"

 Tried to add more, but failed, continue to try tomorrow!

  Well, today is the last day of 2020, and there is nothing to say, so I wish you all a happy new year in 2021.

(End of this chapter)

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