Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 128 Delinquency

Chapter 128 Delinquency
"Don't you tell him? Wait for two more days, and you will leave the imperial capital when the two-month recuperation period is over."

Zhu Zhuqing's black eyes glanced at Lin Feng who was sipping fruit wine, and immediately walked to the counter, looked at Ning Rongrong and said softly.

"Again, wait... just wait."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong gritted her white teeth lightly, a look of hesitation appeared on her white and tender face, and said in a low voice.

"Huh? Rongrong, what happened between you and him?"

Zhu Zhuqing frowned lightly, looked at Ning Rongrong and said in a puzzled way.

During these nearly two months, no matter how dumb she was, she still found that there was something wrong with the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Lin Feng.

"It's nothing, I'm just... well, it's nothing, Zhuqing, don't ask."

Facing Zhu Zhuqing's question, Ning Rongrong frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

"Well, you'd better tell him earlier, in fact, I hope he can go to the imperial capital."

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Lin Feng, looked away, looked at Ning Rongrong and said softly,
In these nearly two months, with Lin Feng's guidance, her strength has improved a lot, and her soul power level has also broken through one level again beyond her expectations, reaching level 29.

As for why the breakthrough was so fast, on the one hand, it was because of Lin Feng's training and the magic cake.

On the other hand, the "mind eye" that has been upgraded to level two can clearly feel the energy and fluctuations between the heaven and the earth, and indirectly increase the speed of absorbing and cultivating soul power a little.

Although his strength has improved greatly, Zhu Zhuqing, who relies on Lin Feng's guidance and hopes that his strength will continue to improve rapidly, naturally does not want Lin Feng to be separated from him.

"Oh, actually, actually, I hope too, but..."

Ning Rongrong bit her lip lightly, with an inexplicable panic in her eyes, she spoke intermittently.If she hadn't gone through the previous incident, she must have told Lin Feng about it long ago.

Because she thinks that Lin Feng likes her, she will definitely go to the imperial capital with her!
But now, she has understood that everything before is actually her own wishful thinking, and he doesn't like herself.

He was not sure that Lin Feng would follow him to the imperial capital, and he was afraid that he would ask an answer that would disappoint him, so he always wanted to avoid it.

Originally, he wanted to have a better relationship with Lin Feng, and waited until he apologized for the previous incident and he generously forgave him before telling the news.

But he didn't expect that for more than a month, facing his ignoring and indifferent attitude, he didn't even have the slightest tendency to apologize and repair the relationship with himself.

Therefore, this avoidance is equivalent to avoiding for nearly two months.

As the end was approaching, she was even less sure that Lin Feng would go to the imperial capital with them. After all, Lin Feng's attitude towards her in the past two months made her feel faintly that she might be more important than him in Lin Feng's mind. Much lighter than imagined.

"Protect me at all costs, it should only be said out of desperation by me, maybe he has forgotten this sentence long ago..."

Ning Rongrong's clear and beautiful big eyes looked at Lin Feng on the other side, his eyes were slightly red, and he thought bitterly.



"Ah, it's finally over again!"

Lin Feng got up, today's tavern business task was finally completed again!

Stretching, exhaling a mouthful of stale air, he put the "qin" into the space soul guide, and drank the remaining fruit wine on the small table in one gulp.

As the guests in the tavern gradually left, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing finished the rest of the work and prepared to leave. Ning Rongrong still didn't say a word today.

But different from the past, today Ning Rongrong frowned, and her fair and tender face was wrinkled, appearing preoccupied.

This appearance was naturally discovered by Lin Feng, who has meticulous observation skills.

"Go back today and prepare for things."

Zhu Zhuqing came to Lin Feng's side, and said in a cold voice, if it was the past, she would probably spend most of her afternoon practicing in the backyard of the tavern.

But the day after tomorrow, she will leave Soto City for Tiandou Royal Academy, and she needs to go back to Shrek Academy to prepare something.

"Yeah." Lin Feng hummed lightly, nodded, then turned his eyes to the other side, and said softly

"Rongrong, you seem to have a bad complexion?"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong was inexplicably happy, but because of the month-long cold war, hearing Lin Feng talk to her, subconsciously turned her head away, snorted coldly, and said.

"Hmph, none of your business!"

Just after finishing speaking, a trace of annoyance flashed across Ning Rongrong's beautiful big eyes, and there was a faint remorse in her heart, secretly hating herself for why she was still being brave at this time!

If the conversation had been carried out in the usual way, Lin Feng would have shrugged his shoulders and left directly after hearing Ning Rongrong's unceremonious words.

But today, he still had something to give to Ning Rongrong, so he didn't give up the communication after being choked by Ning Rongrong's words.

"Hey, I just cared about you, don't need to treat me like this. By the way, you have been angry for so long, and you are not tired of being a boring gourd every day?" Lin Feng complained helplessly.

"I want you to care!" Subconsciously Ning Rongrong wanted to say this to hate Lin Feng, but because he had learned the previous lesson, Ning Rongrong didn't say it.

Looking up, those beautiful big eyes blinked, and her fair and tender face was full of grievances, and she muttered pitifully in a low voice.

"Shouldn't someone reflect on what the reason is?"

Lin Feng's eyes were a little surprised. It's been more than a month, and Ning Rongrong actually started to talk, revealing for the first time that he wanted to communicate with him.

"Okay, my fault. By the way, I finally refined what I promised you before, so you can keep it."

Seeing Ning Rongrong's aggrieved appearance, Lin Feng immediately raised his hands in surrender, admitted his mistake, and spoke slowly.


Ning Rongrong was slightly taken aback, and said subconsciously.

"That's right, twenty Colt revolvers, I entrusted someone to refine them."

Lin Feng nodded, and immediately waved his hand, a white light flashed on the table beside him, and with a crackling sound, twenty revolvers glowing with silver metallic luster appeared on the table.

"You haven't forgotten?"

Looking at the neatly arranged revolvers on the table, Ning Rongrong opened her beautiful eyes wide, and a look of amazement appeared on her face, remembering what Lin Feng promised herself on the fighting spirit stage a few months ago.

It's just that later, with the sudden change in her relationship with Lin Feng in the past two months, she had long forgotten about it, but she didn't expect that Lin Feng would still remember it.

"Of course I remember, you little girl, do you think I'm the kind of person who talks like fart? Since it's what I promised, I will definitely do it. How could you forget it!"

Lin Feng looked at Ning Rongrong's unbelievable appearance, and thought that this girl thought that she would renege on her debts, so she said with a smile on her face.

 Cough cough, add more tomorrow, absolutely no pigeons!Another accident happened today...
(End of this chapter)

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