Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 130 Shame

Chapter 130 Shame
During the past few months of dating with Zhu Zhuqing, Lin Feng finally proved that there shouldn't be only base desires between men and women!There is still pure friendship!
Lin Feng looked at the cold girl holding the revolver in front of him, thought to himself, and immediately turned his eyes to the other side, frowning slightly.

"Why don't you talk? Little girl?"

Lin Feng looked at Ning Rongrong who raised his head slightly at this time, looked at the table of ammunition and weapons, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he was thinking about something, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Hearing Lin Feng's slightly concerned question, Ning Rongrong also came back to his senses, looking at Lin Feng, his beautiful big eyes flickered slightly, showing a hint of entanglement.

But immediately pouted his small mouth, exhaled lightly, straightened the expression on his face, his eyes were full of firmness, opened his small mouth, and said in a somewhat heavy voice.

"Actually, I will leave Soto City the day after tomorrow..."

"Really? Back to the sect? Or?"

Lin Feng nodded, and immediately looked at Ning Rongrong's unusual appearance, and said curiously.

"We are going to the Imperial Capital Tiandou Royal Academy, and we will all study and practice there for the rest of the time."

Before Ning Rongrong could speak, a cold and ethereal voice came from the side of Lin Feng.

"Oh, that's it."

Lin Feng let out a soft cry, and didn't react for a while, looking at Ning Rongrong's slightly frowning eyebrows and raising his head, with three-point expectation, three-point fear and one-point pitiful eyes, like a bird afraid of being killed by others. Abandoned puppies in general.

In an instant, Lin Feng understood what the little girl wanted to say.

"It turned out to be this matter, don't worry, I will always be by your side."

Looking at the restless girl, Lin Feng was inexplicably moved in his heart, immediately smiled and said softly.

In an instant, upon hearing Lin Feng's words, Ning Rongrong's originally dim eyes suddenly shone brightly, and his eyes were full of unbelievable joy. Seeing this, Lin Feng also reacted quickly. .

I was only concerned with comforting the girl's uneasy emotions just now, and seemed to ignore that my words seemed a bit "ambiguous", so I quickly added a premise and added.

"As a partner of the adventure group, I will always be with you..."

Before he finished adding, Ning Rongrong rushed towards Lin Feng like a sucking swallow throwing himself into the forest. With a gust of fragrant wind blowing towards his face, Ning Rongrong wrapped his hands around Lin Feng's neck, weighed his feet slightly, and The whole person hangs on him.

"Um, I'm talking about the premise of being a partner of the adventure group, I will be by your side, that's not a confession..."

Lin Feng looked at Ning Rongrong who fell into his arms in a moment of excitement, and his face was also embarrassed. He raised his hands high, not knowing where to put them, and explained.

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly as he watched this scene, and an inexplicable color flashed through the black eye mask.

"I'm very happy..."

Ning Rongrong closed her eyes slightly, her pink face was flushed, her nose was slightly wrinkled, and she greedily breathed in the unique breath of the man in front of her, like a lazy kitten, yearning for the temperature in Lin Feng's arms , the small mouth moved slightly to make a faint mosquito moaning sound.

"What did you say?"

Lin Feng looked at Ning Rongrong's red lips moving slightly, as if he was saying something, but Lin Feng, who was secretly annoyed that he had said the wrong thing just now, was distracted for a while, and didn't hear clearly what the girl in his arms said.

"I am very happy that you can stay by my side all the time..."

Ning Rongrong closed her eyes and murmured softly again.

"Ahem, in fact, I definitely won't stay by your side all the time, after all, I have other things..."

Lin Feng coughed a few words, explained again, and at the same time secretly complained that his words were really not brains.

"As long as you don't lie to me..."

At this time, Ning Rongrong also retracted his hands around Lin Feng's neck, took a step back, and put a little distance away from Lin Feng.

His eyes fluttered, his hands were behind his back, his body leaned forward slightly, and the distance between the two faces was only one centimeter. The soft smile appeared on the face again, and it returned to the appearance of two months ago. said pretty.

The oncoming warm fragrant wind blew on his face, Lin Feng lost his mind for a moment, then shook his head slightly, and said helplessly.

"When did I lie to you little girl..."

Although he calls himself a scumbag, he still thinks he is a relatively honest scumbag, but he has never said any sweet words, or made empty promises to deceive others.

"Hee hee, who knows?"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong's eyes were slightly bent, like a bunch of beautiful crescent moons, and he looked at Lin Feng's clothes that had been made a little messy by his sudden action just now.

Ning Rongrong's small face was slightly red, and she stretched out her white and delicate hands to straighten out Lin Feng's slightly wrinkled clothes.


Lin Feng looked down at Ning Rongrong's delicate, soft and flawless little face. A wisp of black hair fell and stood in front of the smooth forehead, occasionally being blown by the breeze blowing outside the door, revealing a pair of beautiful and watery eyes. In the blink of an eye, she was extremely moved.

He had never seen Ning Rongrong like this before, staring blankly at Ning Rongrong who was arranging his clothes like a little daughter-in-law, Lin Feng's originally calm breathing also became messy for no reason.

"You, what are you looking at?"

Ning Rongrong straightened out Lin Feng's clothes, noticing Lin Feng's dazed gaze, her little face turned bright red, with a hint of joy in her heart, she said softly.

"Huh? Uh..."

After being woken up, Lin Feng's face also turned a little rosy, but fortunately, he has a thicker skin, and after coughing twice, he said as if nothing had happened.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised that you, the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, would do these things."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Ning Rongrong giggled and looked at Lin Feng, her ruddy mouth curved in a happy arc.

"Hmph, of course, I used to straighten my father's clothes when I was young."

"Cough, this is indeed normal."

Lin Feng nodded, his expression returned to normal, he took over the conversation according to him, and covered up his previous gaffe.

"However, I haven't done this since I was ten years old. You are the first person to make me like this, and I think it will be the only one in the future."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong put her slender fingers against her snow-white chin, moved to Lin Feng's side, and said with a smile.

"Ah, this..."

Lin Feng opened his mouth and looked at the girl in front of him, not knowing what to say.

"Hee hee, I lied to you! Hmph, I don't like you now!"

After Ning Rongrong finished speaking, seeing Lin Feng's appearance at this time, he smiled with satisfaction, and immediately stepped back, putting his small hands behind his back, and said with a smile.

Immediately, feeling the increasingly hot face, he waved his hand quickly and turned around, leaving Lin Feng with a charming back in a white dress.

"Hmph, Zhuqing, let's go back!"

After finishing speaking, he only left Lin Feng with a hurried back, and trotted out all the way.

"Hey, haven't you taken what I gave you?" Lin Feng shouted looking at Ning Rongrong's pretty back.

"Ah?" Ning Rongrong let out an "ah", and immediately stopped at the door, but she didn't turn her head.

"I'll help Rongrong take it back."

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing looked at the table full of things and said softly.

"Hee hee, thank you Zhu Qing!"

After hearing these words, Ning Rongrong thanked her, then quickened her pace again and disappeared into the long street outside the tavern gate.

With a wave of his hand, Zhu Zhuqing put the ammunition on the table into the space soul guide, greeted Lin Feng, and left quickly.

Looking at the long street with people coming and going at the door, looking at the beautiful figure that had already disappeared, Lin Feng also took a long breath and said to himself.

"Oh, you're too young! You're too young! It's a disgrace to a scumbag, to be teased by a little girl who doesn't even have a fully developed butt!"

Lin Feng, who always considered himself a scumbag, felt a sense of shame from his heart for his performance of being unable to withstand the temptation just now.

"However, it's time to leave this city that I've stayed in for so long!"

Looking at the familiar street, Lin Feng murmured in a low voice, and then closed the door of the tavern.

 The state is not good, only two and a half chapters have been coded, wait to see if the last chapter can be published. .

(End of this chapter)

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