Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 149 Background

Chapter 149 Background
At this moment, that figure appeared in Zhu Zhuqing's mind.

This cold girl is not a person who likes to take the initiative to communicate.

During the few months of knowing Lin Feng, he didn't take the initiative to communicate with Lin Feng much. Even if he communicated, most of them were only asking about his strength.

But this doesn't mean that Zhu Zhuqing doesn't care about everything around her. Many times, she secretly listens to Lin Feng and Ning Rongrong's words and deeds.

But immediately Zhu Zhuqing shook his head and gave up the fleeting and somewhat unrealistic idea in his mind.

"Title Douluo, even if the family knows that I have been kidnapped, there should be no movement at all."

She was a titled Douluo who came here, and even if it was her own family, she would not dare to provoke her easily.

Although Lin Feng is powerful and mysterious, but she wants to save herself from that Dugu Bo. Zhu Zhuqing, who knows that the title Douluo is powerful, is completely impossible in her eyes. Dugu Bo was injured.

Maybe, he doesn't even know the news that he was kidnapped now.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing buried his head between his bent legs. Now that he understood his situation, Zhu Zhuqing did not expect Lin Feng to come...

Dugu Bo was standing at the entrance of the valley above the valley, looking at the night sky, with his hands behind his back, his eyes gleaming with green light, looking at the two people down the valley.

For Zhu Zhuqing, he just glanced lightly, not showing much interest, seeing that he stayed in the valley obediently, did not continue to pay attention,
Then he turned his gaze to Tang San, at this time Tang San was holding two medicinal herbs, one with ice blue branches and the other with fire red stems and leaves, sitting cross-legged beside the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

With some surprise in his eyes, he frowned and whispered.

"Huh? What is that kid doing, devouring two herbs with opposite properties? So impatient to seek death?"

Sure enough, when Dugu Bo just finished speaking, Tang San directly swallowed those two herbs, and soon, under the impact of the two forces of ice and fire, he fell into the cold and hot eyes of the ice and fire, After a while, the whole person fell into a coma.

"It doesn't seem to be dead..."

The spring water in the Binghuo Liangyi Eye churned a bit with Tang San's fall, not long after, while the spring water was surging, Tang San had quietly sank into it.

The surface of the water regained its calm, milky white and crimson are still distinct, water vapor pervades the air, and everything returns to silence.

Zhu Zhuqing looked at all this, even though Tang San had explained to her what might happen later, Zhu Zhuqing was prepared early in the morning, knowing that Tang San was not dead, but refining the power of medicine.

Therefore, there is not much worry.

Leaning his back against the cold rock wall, his black eyes looked at the peaceful valley where there was only one person left, and he couldn't help curling his legs, looking at the rising mist in a daze.

Time is like water, from morning to night, it's just the sunrise and sunset.

For many people, a day is just a moment of opening and closing eyes, but for Zhu Zhuqing who is in this deserted and silent valley at this time, unable to even cultivate and do nothing.

She has never felt such a long time, and Tang San has not had any movement in the eyes of the ice and fire. This feeling that her life is not under her control also makes her unable to rest with peace of mind.

Only looking at the water mist rising from the eyes of ice and fire, recalling his past and the experience of coming here.

The Star Luo Empire's Zhu family had a deep connection with the royal family since ancient times, and her elder sister had been betrothed to the eldest prince Davis by her elders since then, and she had also made a marriage contract with Dai Mubai, who was the second prince.

The royal family struggles of the Star Luo Empire were extremely cruel. To be precise, almost all royal family struggles were extremely cruel, but the royal family of the Star Luo Empire was even better.

The winners became the rulers of the Star Luo Empire, while most of the losers either disappeared without a trace of life or death, or were abolished of their soul power and expelled from the Star Luo Empire. Very few had good endings.

When she was a child, she didn't know this. As she grew older and her mind gradually matured, she also understood that she had worn the shackles of the family and royal struggle since she was a child, and knew how cruel her future would be.

It was precisely because she knew this that she actually had high expectations for Dai Mubai who had been separated for a long time since childhood.

The reason why she came here, the first purpose in the beginning, was actually to see how strong Dai Mubai is, and to urge him to cultivate by the way.

As a result, when he came here, he bumped into Dai Mubai going in and out of the hotel many times, and even dating two twin girls.

In fact, as the daughter of the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, Zhu Zhuqing didn't have much dislike for men who were flirtatious, as long as they were not indecent.

But Dai Mubai's appearance of playing with things and dying, his attitude of not resisting made her extremely disappointed.

For this childhood sweetheart whom she had known since she was a child, and her fiancé who grew up, in her eyes, she lost the meaning of fighting hard and had no capital to compete with his other talented elder brother.

Originally, that first prince was gifted with superior talent, his strength surpassed Dai Mubai's soul power by several ranks.

And more than a year ago, Davis led the team to the Wuhun Temple and suffered a disastrous defeat. It seemed that he was stimulated when he came back. He worked harder in training and his strength improved rapidly.

In contrast, Dai Mubai, who was already a bit behind his elder brother in strength, did not try to find a way to improve his strength to close the gap when he went out to practice, but put part of his mind on women, and did not understand how big his future was. cruel.

Therefore, Zhu Zhuqing's first impression of Dai Mubai was that he was a waste, she would not find it strange that he died under a woman's skirt that day.

And after seeing Dai Mubai from that day, she also despaired in her heart.

Her mother once said that if you can't marry a real man, it's better not to marry for life.

Before coming here, Zhu Zhuqing had made preparations, if Dai Mubai could not meet his expectations, then not only would he not marry him, but he would kill him, and then commit suicide.

And her initial thoughts were indeed like this, after all Dai Mubai was too far behind Davis in her eyes, in the battle for the throne a few years later, it was impossible to win at all.

Rather than dying at the hands of his eldest brother, or at the hands of his own sister, it is better to let her bear the fruit herself.

However, after meeting Lin Feng, his thoughts subtly changed.

Although Dai Mubai's performance in the previous training made her a little better, but she didn't think Dai Mubai could surpass Davis.

After all, when he left, Davis was already a level 44 soul master, while Dai Mubai was only a level 37 soul master.

But after seeing Dai Mubai's changes, Zhu Zhuqing also wanted to improve his own strength even more urgently, so as to face the future changes.

After all, as long as there is a glimmer of light, who would really want to commit suicide?
Moreover, Lin Feng's miraculous "fighting skills" and "eyes of mind" gave her even more confidence to face all changes in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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