Chapter 152

"Although Salas is not weak, and his martial spirit ability can restrain Dugu Bo, the gap between Title Douluo and Contra is really too big..."

Looking at the fierce battle in the distance, Lin Feng couldn't help frowning slightly, and said secretly in his heart.

Although Salas is a platinum bishop, with a high position and authority, he rarely has the opportunity to make a move, but his strength is extremely outstanding, although Lin Feng has never seen other Contras above the [-]th level make a move.

But Saras's rare light-attribute martial soul is indeed extraordinary in strength. If it were an ordinary Contra, Dugu Bo would have already been defeated when he appeared behind the true martial soul.

But Na Salas relied on the restraint of his light attribute martial soul and special soul skills, on the contrary, he faced Dugu Bo several times back and forth, without losing much of a disadvantage.

If this Salas can cross the threshold of level 89 and become a Title Douluo, even if he only steps into the realm of Title Douluo, Dugu Bo probably will not be able to defeat this Salas.

However, the threshold of Titled Douluo is not so easy to cross. Even though Saras has level 89 spirit power and has not yet entered old age, if he wants to advance to Title Douluo, it is estimated that his heart will be higher. There is not much bottom.

Shaking his head, Lin Feng looked at Dugu Bo's martial soul avatar, the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor.

The original Dugu Bo's emaciated body, the human body disappeared, and now it turned into a 30-meter-long giant python. Its whole body was covered with diamond-shaped scales, like pieces of inlaid emeralds.

A pair of huge green snake eyes stared coldly at Salas, who was suspended in the air in front of him and held a scepter in his hand. He hesitated in his mouth, and a thick green mist surrounded his body.

But every time the green mist reaches a certain concentration, the light cluster on the scepter in Salas's hand will emit silver light, emitting the third soul ability to purify the holy light.

The light cluster on the scepter turned into the sun, exuding a soft holy light that was evil-fighting, weakening the poisonous mist around Dugu Bo, and greatly limiting Dugu Bo's ability to use poison.

But even though this Poison Douluo's title is Poison, it doesn't mean that he only has the ability to poison.

The huge snake tail twitched violently on the ground, repelling the two Wuhundian cardinals who had been harassing Dugu Bo.

Although Salas brought a lot of power, he only dared to let the two cardinals of the soul sage level make a move to harass Dugu Bo from the side to relieve himself a little pressure.

After all, this is a battle between Title Douluo, and he is still a Title Douluo who is good at using poison. Even if he has the ability to restrain Dugu Bo, he does not dare to easily let those temple warriors of the soul emperor and soul king level fight.

"It turns out that he has the ability to restrain me, no wonder he has the confidence to come to trouble me!"

At this time, Dugu Bo felt the pain in every part of his body, and there was a hint of anger in that huge vertical pupil. He had been fighting with Salas just now, thinking of getting rid of Salas as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, Salas still had some means and strength, and it was difficult to win for a while. Instead, he was hurt by two grasshopper-like cardinals.

Seeing this, he also decided to show some real strength!
The thin green poisonous mist that permeated the body was sucked back in an instant, the muscles under the snake's head began to flatten, half of the snake's body stood upright, and the original green snake's eyes instantly turned terrifying white. A white halo is rendered on the snake's head.

Na Salas stared slightly, holding the scepter in the air in the air, and then a heavy voice sounded slowly.

"Holy Light Qinshield."

The fifth soul ability on the scepter pulsed, and instantly the light cluster suspended on the scepter projected a ray of light, which turned into a huge shield of light in front of Salas.

The moment the shield wall first appeared, two pale rays of light shot out from the white eyes of the Jade Scaled Snake Emperor.

However, when the two white lights touched the huge light shield wall, the shield of nihilistic energy originally made of light turned into a solid body, turning into a huge boulder and crashing down from the sky.

"Hmph, if you blocked it once, could it be that you can block it a second time!"

The Jade Scaled Snake Emperor looked at Salas who was frowning in the air with pale eyes, and said with a cold snort.

Immediately, the pale eyes also burst out two pale rays again, and in an instant, they flew towards Na Salas at an extremely fast speed as if cutting through the space.

This ray beam is extremely fast, if it is not an agility attack department soul master who specializes in speed, otherwise it will be impossible to dodge it in that split second.

And that Salas seemed to know that he couldn't avoid it, so he stood on the spot, and the ray shot directly at Na Salas' body.

Seeing that Salas's body quickly turned into a stone and fell from the sky, the huge head of the Jade Scaled Snake Emperor transformed by Dugu Bo also showed a humane and triumphant smile.

As for the rest of the Spirit Hall, seeing that Salas was hit by the ray, they couldn't help but change their expressions.

Except for Lin Feng, of course, he has the passive skill "Eagle Eye", even if it was just a moment that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

However, under the powerful dynamic vision brought by his "Eagle Eye", he also easily discovered that just when the petrochemical ray was about to hit that Salas, a trace of white light shone from Salas' body.

The petrified body that remained in place was actually just a false body constructed by Salas with light attribute energy.

"Although I can't block it, I can dodge it. I just don't know if you can release this "Medusa Ray" again?"

In an instant, on the back side of the huge body of the Dugu Bobilin Snake Emperor, a white light flashed, and the chuckle of Salas slowly floated in the air.

"Silver Blade"

With a flick of the scepter in Na Salas's hand, two cross-shaped light blades appeared in front of him, their volume swelled in the wind, and they slashed towards Dugu Bo with an unstoppable sharpness.

Dugu Bo didn't feel much panic when he realized the attack from behind. He snorted coldly and didn't even turn around. The green scales of the snake tail shone slightly, and the snake tail swept out.

In the air, there was a gust of wind and waves, which bent the tree trunks in the surrounding jungle a lot, and struck towards the light blade with a power like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

In an instant, the light blade slashed on the snake's tail, and a symphony of gold and iron erupted, and the light blade shattered in response to the sound, and exploded with a bang.

"It's still a bit powerful!"

The Jade Scaled Snake Emperor spat out the snake letter, looked at the few green scales split on his snake tail, and said in a cold voice.

Immediately, the snake opened its mouth, and exhaled a mouthful of poisonous mist on the snake's tail, and the split scales healed miraculously.

"It seems that I did underestimate you, but what tricks do you have? If you don't leave now, you won't be able to get out later!"

(End of this chapter)

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