Chapter 156
" can only exchange for one bullet, but it should be enough!"

Lin Feng looked at the stagnant space in the distance, and his mind moved for a moment, the light in his hand shone, and a huge gray-black sniper rifle appeared in a blink of an eye.

The overall length of the sniper rifle is nearly one and a half meters, and the thick gray barrel occupies nearly two-thirds of the length of the gun body, showing its power to everyone. The gray-black metallic luster shines slightly, presenting a kind of Streamlined technology aesthetics.

He quickly opened the magazine, and put the only large-caliber silver sniper rifle bullet that was exchanged for the length of a finger into the magazine.

With the triangular bracket on the body of the sniper rifle, the body of the gun can be fixed, reducing the number of guns. However, for Lin Feng, time is running out and it is too late to find a place to fix the body of the gun.

Putting the butt of the gun directly in front of his chest, and holding the gun body with one hand to adjust the position, he closed one eye and aimed at Dugu Bo in the distance through the infrared ray aiming.

The pupils of the aiming eyes shrunk. At this time, he also started to use the special passive skill "Eagle Eye" to observe Dugu Bo's weakness.

Although Dugu Bo's weakness is already obvious, it is the isolated emerald green bead.

However, out of caution, he observed with his "Eagle Eyes", and after getting the answer, Lin Feng raised the muzzle of his gun slightly, aimed at the emerald green bead on Dugu Bo's head, and said silently in his heart.

"Have you taken it back? Three, two, it's now!"

Seeing that Dugu Bo raised his hand, ready to take back the green bead on top of his head into his body, he looked at the green bead slowly blowing in the wind.

There was also a flash of light in Lin Feng's eyes. He pulled the trigger of Neil's sniper rifle, and a flash of silver light spit out from the muzzle of the sniper rifle.


In an instant, following the firing of the sniper rifle bullets, Lin Feng instantly felt a huge force coming from the butt of the gun in his chest, causing Lin Feng to fly backward involuntarily!

"Sure enough! Hit!"

At the same time that his body flew upside down, Lin Feng also looked at the green bead on top of Dugu Bo's head at that moment.

With the passing of a silver light that is hard to catch by the naked eye, the beads that were originally emerald green like emerald glass now have slight cracks.

"Hiss, it's really hard!"

Looking at the appearance of the bead, Lin Feng couldn't help but hesitate for a moment. The silver sniper bullet made of special material can seriously injure or even kill a soul saint with one blow.

Hitting the emerald bead head-on, turned out to only make a crack appear in it?

However, it's fine!
With one last glance, Lin Feng saw Dugu Bo spitting out a mouthful of blood, his aura fluctuating, and the dragon shadows and golden spears that had turned into emerald green around them also changed back to their original colors at that moment, grazing towards Dugu Bo in the center. go!


In an instant, Lin Feng's figure was like a cannonball, and he hit a big tree with a diameter of about one foot behind him, making a muffled sound.

At the same time, there were several shocking loud noises from the distant battle circle!


Lin Feng half knelt on the ground at this time, rubbed his swollen chest, and raised his head with a painful expression on his face.

In an instant, all the attacks landed on Dugu Bo's body in the center, the radiance radiated, and circles of surging energy fluctuations turned into halos and scattered in all directions!
Even though he was far away from the central battle group, Lin Feng could still feel the oncoming violent energy fluctuations. At this time, the attack between the dragon shadow and the golden spear contained a terrifying power!

In this battle, Dugu Bo made a mistake!After all, I still lost!

Seeing this, a smug smile appeared on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth!

It is estimated that Dugu Bo did not expect that at this last moment, among the group of people who did not even have soul saints or qualifications to fight, he was the least concerned about being able to launch such a terrifying attack.

Passed through his time and space imprisonment and wounded his inner alchemy.

"How are you doing!"

At this time, Ning Rongrong also ran over in a hurry, with a look of anxiety on her small face, and quickly helped Lin Feng who was half kneeling on the ground to get up.

"It's okay, let's go and save Zhuqing!"

Lin Feng stood up, put away the sniper rifle in his hand, and immediately said to Ning Rongrong with a smile.


Ning Rongrong nodded her head, seeing the reversal of the last scene just now, looking at Lin Feng's beautiful big eyes full of admiration.

As the violent energy fluctuation calmed down, Lin Feng hugged Ning Rongrong, and with one leap, he came to the place where they fought just now.

I saw that the hillside that was originally densely forested at this time was completely bare at this time, with broken trees and rotten branches everywhere, all kinds of scorched ground, scattered and cracked, and large holes and round pits several meters deep can be seen everywhere on the ground.

"Lord Salas, where is Dugu Bo? Has he escaped?"

After Lin Feng came here, he immediately put Ning Rongrong down from his arms, and then asked Salas, who was standing quietly on the side, with half sorrow and half joy between his brows.

"Well, I didn't expect that in the end, in this situation, I would save a hand and let him escape!",

Salas shook his head, looked at the huge crater that was tens of meters long and wide in the center, emitting green smoke, and said slowly.

Today he offended Dugu Bo, the Poison Douluo, to death, and he suffered such a serious injury there, and finally let him escape. I am afraid that he will remember this title Douluo in the future...

However, he is not afraid, this Poison Douluo is not strong one-on-one, although he is no match for Dugu Bo, but if he wants to run away, Dugu Bo can't kill him, and now Dugu Bo Neidan is injured , he is not afraid anymore.

Now, that Dugu Bo was seriously injured and escaped, and he and others defeated the Titled Douluo, which can be said to have a great reputation, plus that Elder Mo from the headquarters of the Spirit Hall.

Maybe I can go back to the headquarters of Wuhundian and get some chances to break through the Title Douluo!

"Oh, have you escaped?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng frowned slightly. Although he had already had some guesses in his heart, it was not easy to kill Titled Douluo.

But when he really heard that Dugu Bo escaped and let the tiger go back to the mountain, Lin Feng was a little disappointed.

"Hehe, don't worry, you were the one who injured Dugu Bo Neidan just now, right? Now that Dugu Bo Neidan has been injured, his strength has dropped drastically. At most, he only has the strength of a soul sage. It won't take a year for him to recover. , he should not show up within this year."

Looking at Lin Feng's appearance, Salas thought he was worried about Dugu Bo's revenge, so he comforted Lin Feng with a smile.

But thinking of the scene just now, he was also secretly startled, he also did not expect that Dugu Bo's last soul skill was so powerful.

At that time, the space was imprisoned, and even the strongest blow they issued could freeze all of them directly.

Fortunately, Lin Feng succeeded in the sneak attack in the end, otherwise, he would take out his last hole card and run away.

But the blow just now really impressed him very deeply, although most of the power of the space-time prison at that time was used to confine the "Holy Dragon Truth" and his "Spear of Victory".

But the blow that can break free from the confinement of time and space is not at all like the attack that a soul master of the soul sect level can make!
(End of this chapter)

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