Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 162 Choice

Chapter 162 Choice
After the previous communication with Uncle Mo, Lin Feng also understood that when dealing with the relationship between people, he must be clean and tidy, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

And Lin Feng didn't care too much about the relationship between Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San and his party before.

After Dan went through today's incident, he had to gradually let Zhu Zhuqing separate from them. After all, Lin Feng always had a faint feeling that he might confront Tang San!

In fact, Lin Feng didn't really care about this kind of situation with the original protagonist, but he was afraid that Zhu Zhuqing would be in the middle of them, and it might be a bit embarrassing.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing's temperament is not like Ning Rongrong's, she should still treat Shrek and his party as partners and have some affection.

In order to prevent future troubles, he also started to make Zhu Zhuqing aware of her own situation and make preparations in advance.

He could give Zhu Zhuqing some time, and after a while, it was up to her whether to choose Lin Feng or Shrek.

And today he deliberately set a trap for Flender, I believe Zhu Zhuqing can also realize that although Lin Feng has always said that Zhu Zhuqing is a bit stupid, she is not stupid in fact, and naturally she can understand the meaning of Lin Feng's actions.

"Go, go back."

After Lin Feng finished picking the two plants of fairy grass, he said to Salas.

Hearing that, Sales also ordered a cardinal and two Templars to live in a cave on the cliff above the Yin-Yang Liangyi Eye and stay behind, while the rest of the people were preparing to return.

"Why don't you go to Tiandou Academy now? Dugu Bo's serious injury probably won't happen in a year or two. No one will drive you away now."

At this time Lin Feng turned his head, looked at the two girls Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, and said with a light smile.


Ning Rongrong's beautiful big eyes were bent into crescent moons. She was extremely happy about Lin Feng's invitation. At this moment, she was determined to pay attention, and she was going to join Tiandou Academy!

Although she violated Ning Fengzhi's instructions and left Shrek Academy without authorization, she can't control so much now!

On the other side, Zhu Zhuqing looked up at Lin Feng, a trace of struggle flashed in his black eyes, he remained silent, and after a long time, he opened his lips and spoke.

"Can you give me a moment..."

"Hehe, it's okay. I just invite you to take a look. I'm not in a hurry."

Lin Feng shook his head, without any disappointment on his face, obviously Zhu Zhuqing's answer was within his expectation.

"Then, just to see?"

Zhu Zhuqing raised his snow-white neck and asked Lin Feng softly.

"Well, I won't force you."

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing also took a look at Shrek and his party, and immediately nodded "Yes", expressing his agreement.

And then, after everything was over, except for the few soul masters who needed to stay here, everyone left here.

At this time, it was already the evening, and because of the division of Yin and Yang, they were originally on the same route, so it could be said that they were two groups of people who could drop by.

At this time, they parted ways, and each took a different route to return to the academy.

With the setting of the sun disc, the sunset forest looks extraordinarily quiet at this time.

Tang San and his party walked in the setting sun forest, the night is not good tonight, there is not much moonlight to illuminate the forest path.

On the contrary, there is a lot of fog, which blurs the vision. If ordinary people come to this jungle and encounter such a situation, they may easily lose their direction and get lost.

But for a group of people who are all soul masters with sharp eyes and ears, Tang San and the others, it doesn't have much influence.

Right now in the dark forest, Tang San's eyes were shining with purple light, looking at everything around him, at this moment in the team, Flender was already staying in the yin and yang eyes.

And among them, apart from Liu Erlong, who was at the soul sage level, there was only him and the master who didn't have much fighting ability.

This is the inside of the Sunset Forest, where thousand-year-old soul beasts can be seen everywhere, for safety's sake, Tang San still used the Purple Demon Eyes to carefully explore the surroundings.

But when the eyes that shone with purple light looked at the one-meter-high bush, a look of surprise suddenly flashed across his face.

"Huh? That bush is actually poisonous?"

Although it looks no different from ordinary bushes on the surface, but looking with the Purple Demon Eye, one can find that the bushes are shining with green light.

Apparently it was smeared with a colorless, odorless and highly poisonous substance.

"What's wrong? Little San?"

The master looked at Tang San's figure suddenly slumped in front of him, he knew his disciple's character well, and asked.

"No teacher, I just wanted to know what Lin Feng's identity is, and he can invite the Platinum Bishop of the Wuhun Temple."

Tang San looked towards the bushes at this time, the bushes in between were covered with vines and vines, forming a natural barrier, people couldn't get a glimpse of the whole picture.

After thinking for a moment, Wei Wei's eyes flickered slightly, and she whispered directly to the master.

Hearing this, a thoughtful look appeared on the master's stiff face, frowning, he said slowly.

"His identity should be related to the headquarters of the Spirit Hall. He is so young and his strength is so..."

"Is the teacher not clear?"

Tang San took another step, and asked softly while walking.

"Well, it's just a guess, not sure."

The master spoke slowly, he had several guesses about Lin Feng's identity, but he didn't have any evidence, so he couldn't be sure.


Tang San nodded casually, and left here...

And as they left, after a long time, a rustling sound came from the jungle that had been smeared with colorless, odorless and highly poisonous substances.

Immediately, a green-robed figure appeared in the jungle.

Tall and tall, his pale complexion presents a great contrast in this dark night, his whole body's breath is extremely unstable, and this green robed figure is exactly Dugu Bo.

At this time Dugu Bo stood in the jungle, eyes like poisonous snakes, looking at the direction Tang San and others left, said softly.

"That kid is still alive?"

Dugu Bo originally thought that Tang San was already dead, after all he swallowed two herbs with opposite energies, ice and fire, and finally fell into the eyes of that yin and yang.

Unexpectedly, he didn't die, and he seemed to have discovered his hiding place just now.

At this moment, Dugu Bo's gloomy and cold eyes were flickering, and suddenly he covered his chest with one hand, groaned, and spit out a mouthful of bloodshot green liquid from his mouth.

After the liquid fell into the ground, there was a chi-chi sound instantly, obviously the green liquid that Dugu Bo spit out from his mouth was highly poisonous.


With a painful look on his face, Dugu Bo supported the tree trunk beside him with one hand, half-kneeled on the ground, feeling the condition of his body, and cursed secretly.

In fact, Dugu Bo's injury was far more severe than what Saras had imagined.

Dugu Bo already had hidden dangers in his body, but he suppressed them with his mighty soul power.

But now that Neidan was injured, the hidden danger broke out. In addition to the injuries caused by Salas and the Golden Iron Triangle, if it is not treated.

According to what Na Salas said, it is difficult for Dugu Bo to recover his strength in a year or two, which is the best situation for Dugu Bo at this time.

If the situation is a little worse, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a few months, and I will return to the west directly because of the deterioration of the injury.

(End of this chapter)

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