Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 167 Immortal Grass

Chapter 167 Immortal Grass
The next day, I woke up early in the morning.

Lin Feng went to his "New Moonlight Tavern" in Tiandou Academy together with Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

With the help of these two girls, Lin Feng's tavern in Tiandou Academy has finally been renovated and reached the point where it can be opened.

It was still the same as in Soto City, except for the location of the tavern, everything remained almost the same, and even the decoration style was basically similar.

And Lin Feng was sitting near the door and window as before, playing music to attract passers-by, while Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were in charge of other matters.

And then as the tavern closed down, Zhu Zhuqing also left Tiandou Academy and returned to Lanba Academy.

Oh, no, it shouldn't be long before the name will be changed from Lanba Academy to Shrek Academy.

Lin Feng was standing at the entrance of the mountain gate of Tiandou Academy at this time, looking at the beautiful figure going away to the mountain, shrugged his shoulders, thinking inexplicably in his heart.

"Go back, practice hard, and reach level [-] as soon as possible. Next year, you will participate in the soul master competition. You can't hold me back."

Lin Feng turned around, and said with a light smile to Ning Rongrong who was beside him who had "turned to the light".

As the imperial academy of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy has two places for participating teams in the Continental Soul Master Classic Competition, divided into the first team and the second team.

Generally speaking, the first team is the strongest team in the academy, and Yu Tianheng's team that Lin Feng met in Suoto City before is the first team that has already been pre-determined.

But now that Lin Feng is going to participate in the Continental Soul Master Elite Competition, he will not join Yu Tianheng's team, and he just severely injured Dugu Yan's grandfather, Dugu Bo.

Reasonably, he wouldn't join the team.

Therefore, he had to form a team by himself!
As for Ning Rongrong, now that she has left Shrek to follow her, then she doesn't need to find someone for the auxiliary system soul masters of her team!


Ning Rongrong nodded, averted the sad gaze of seeing her friend leave, and nodded.



In the next two months, although Zhu Zhuqing still hadn't made a decision on whether to leave Shrek Academy, he still came to Lin Feng's tavern every now and then to meet them.

And in these two months, Zhu Zhuqing also broke through to level [-]. Lin Feng also took her to the Sunset Forest to hunt for a thousand-year soul ring, and successfully advanced her to become a soul master.

As for why Lin Feng took her there, it was naturally because Lin Feng discovered that when he was advancing to the realm, he could directly learn the skills he had acquired through the soul beast.

It seems that this effect is also effective for Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

Of course, besides this, there is another reason, that is, I don't want Zhu Zhuqing and Shrek to continue to have more entanglements.

Therefore, it was Lin Feng who took her to hunt the soul beast, and Zhu Zhuqing had no objection.

Thousand-year-old soul beasts may be difficult for some soul masters of the soul sect level to deal with, but to Lin Feng, they are nothing.

Today, after hunting the soul beasts and Zhu Zhuqing was promoted to level 31, Lin Feng also gave Zhu Zhuqing the celestial grass that had been prepared.

After the tavern opened for three hours today, after watching Zhu Zhuqing tidy up the tavern, and after exchanging feelings with Ning Rongrong, Lin Feng also directly called out the figure who was about to return to Shrek Academy.

"Zhuqing, wait a minute, I have something to give to you!"

While speaking, a white light flashed in his hand, and a long white jade box with crystal luster appeared.

"This is?"

Zhu Zhuqing turned around, frowned slightly and looked at what Lin Feng was holding.

She probably knew what these were. These were the two fairy grasses that Lin Feng had picked in the Dugu Bona Valley before.

Although she didn't know what it was used for, it must be extremely precious. She didn't know what it meant when Lin Feng took this thing out and seemed to be giving it to her.

"Before I thought that I would hand it over to you after you broke through to the soul master, but after thinking about it, I should wait for you to stabilize your soul power and adapt to the changes in your soul power, and you should be able to absorb this thing better. I decided to give it to you today."

Lin Feng smiled, then stepped forward a few steps, and opened the long cold jade box.

At this time Ning Rongrong also came up curiously, and looked into the long cold jade box together with Zhu Zhuqing.

In the long box, there is a white crystal flower, which looks like a green lotus and a white lotus root, spotless.

Lin Feng took it out, handed it to Zhu Zhuqing, and said with a smile.

"This flower is called "Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone". After taking it, it can moisten the muscles and strengthen the bones. Qi can flow through the eight meridians, build the foundation, and enhance the strength. It is very suitable for you."

"For me?"

Zhu Zhuqing pointed at himself slenderly, looked at Lin Feng with black eyes, and asked.

"Yes, only eat the petals when taking it, suck the stamens at the end, and at the same time use the soul power to move it, and calm down, so that you can absorb the essence." Lin Feng said slowly.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, she could feel that these flowers and plants seemed very precious.

However, when his gaze touched Lin Feng's gentle eyes, the hesitation slowly disappeared, and he immediately stretched out his hand to catch it.


"Hehe, don't keep saying thank you, take it quickly, it can bring you some surprises later."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said directly with a smile.

Nodding his head, Zhu Zhuqing was also in the tavern, found a clean corner, sat down, and took the fairy grass.


Time passed by every minute and every second, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Feng, who was watching from the side, estimated that about four or five hours had passed.

After Zhu Zhuqing ate the narcissus jade muscles and bones, a light jade color spread all over his body. With the release of the medicine, he changed from sitting cross-legged on the ground to standing upright.

Standing there, with his hands resting on his plump breasts, he breathed slowly, quietly absorbing the power of the medicine.

The sun was setting gradually, and the night was slowly falling. After observing Zhu Zhuqing for a while, Lin Feng and Ning Rongrong also entered into a meditative state to practice, waiting for Zhu Zhuqing to wake up.


There was silence in the tavern, and suddenly, a soft cat meow broke the silence.

Lin Feng also suddenly opened his eyes at this time, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and saw that Zhu Zhuqing had opened his eyes at some point, as if he had just woken up from a dream, his beautiful eyes were moving around, and his expression was a little dazed.

"The strength should have improved a lot, right?"

Lin Feng looked at Zhu Zhuqing and asked gently.

"I seem to understand why you guys are fighting for that fairy grass. My spirit power seems to be level 38 now?"

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated for a moment, then looked at Lin Feng with a somewhat uncertain expression and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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