Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 170 Confession

Chapter 170 Confession
"I said unbearable, not this kind of unbearable! It's that kind of unbearable!"

Lin Feng let out a deep breath, some scorching breath passed through Ning Rongrong's hair and touched that tender white cheek, looking at Ning Rongrong, he said helplessly.

Ning Rongrong tilted her head slightly, with a hint of doubt in her eyes, she looked at Lin Feng, as if she didn't understand what Lin Feng's cloudy words meant.

However, after feeling Lin Feng's increasingly hot and rough breath, he also inexplicably understood what Lin Feng meant when he said that he couldn't bear it.

Immediately, a hint of shyness and panic appeared on the smiling face, and he released his hands, gently pushed Lin Feng's chest, stood on the ground, and kept a little distance from Lin Feng.

Although she loves Lin Feng, she is not ready for it yet!
And today's harvest is enough!

Ning Rongrong blinked, looked at the handsome and perfect man in front of her, lightly touched her rosy lips with her slender fingers, her beautiful big eyes were full of water, and said happily in her heart.

"Huh, you girl, you are really getting bolder!"

Looking at the pretty girl standing in front of him, Lin Feng let out a long breath, stretched his waist, slowly calmed down the strangeness of his body, and said softly to Ning Rongrong.

"Hee hee, isn't that the surprise you gave others too much? The little girl has nothing to repay, only a promise with her body! I will go back to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School tomorrow."

Ning Rongrong didn't refute Lin Feng, but raised her face slightly, patted her chest, and said as if it was a matter of course.

"Huh? What are you going back for?" Lin Feng was inexplicably sensitive after hearing these words, hummed lightly, and looked towards Ning Rongrong.

"Of course it's to tell Dad about our marriage, after all, you took away his first kiss~" Ning Rongrong turned her big sly eyes slightly, and said pretending to be shy.

"What! Don't scare me, what you said is true?!" Lin Feng exclaimed.

Seeing Lin Feng's panicked appearance, Ning Rongrong burst out laughing.

"Of course I lied to you! I haven't made up my mind to marry you now!"

"Uh, don't scare people with this kind of thing, my heart can't stand it."

Lin Feng said speechlessly, if Ning Rongrong really said this when he went back, maybe Ning Fengzhi would have a twitch in his head and bring someone directly to Wuhun Hall to propose marriage.

At that time, he was not in the Spirit Hall, if that little fox Hu Liena knew the news, he would die of grief.

I thought of the girl in the red dress who exudes youthful temptation all the time.

After hearing the news that he was making trouble in the name of training, Lin Feng also felt quite helpless in his heart with his crying face.

It's not my intention to mess with flowers and grass, it's just that people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes!It's all because I have such a bad face!

"Actually, the reason why I went back was that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda broke through to the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda. The news is really important to this Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Therefore, I have to go back to let my father and the others know the news for too long, and since I haven't been home for so long, I still feel a little homesick. Anyway, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is not far from Tiandou City, and I can get home in one day. "

Ning Rongrong looked at the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda shining in the palm of his hand, whispered to Lin Feng the reason for going home, and immediately murmured in a slightly disappointed tone.

"But, are you so afraid of marrying me?"

"Uh, how should I put it..."

After Lin Feng heard Ning Rongrong's words, he didn't know how to explain the reason.

But after thinking about it for a while, I thought that this little girl Ning Rongrong put all her heart on her now, and it seemed that she shouldn't continue to hide this kind of thing.

Immediately sighed softly, stroked his forehead, looked at Ning Rongrong and said softly.

"Mainly because I'm afraid that the news will be known to her..."

"Him? Is it a man or a woman?"

Ning Rongrong frowned, although he had a faint guess in his heart, he still hesitated for a moment, and asked him softly with a fluke mentality.

"Of course it's a girl. You should have seen it before when you came to Wuhundian. I and the other three people in Wuhundian are called the "golden generation" of Wuhundian, and she is the only girl in the golden generation."

"Hu Liena?"

Ning Rongrong thought for a long time, and quickly found the unfamiliar name from his mind, after watching the battle with his father at the Wuhun Palace.

Since Lin Feng's impression was too deep, it didn't have much influence on the rest of the golden generation, but for the only girl in this golden generation.

Moreover, she is a disciple of the Pope, the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall, Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong still knows her name, although she has not had close contact with her, but in her impression, she is also an extremely beautiful beauty.

"Yes, it's her. We grew up together, we are childhood sweethearts."

"Then? She likes you?" Ning Rongrong looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"En." Lin Feng nodded, affirming.

"Do you like her very much too?" After Ning Rongrong finished listening, her beautiful big eyes instantly sank, she was silent for a moment, and continued to ask.

"I have a good impression, I think I like it." Lin Feng said slowly, although he had always treated Hu Liena as an older sister before him.

But ever since the kiss at the back of the Hall of Spirits before parting, he had already understood that their relationship seemed to be something that couldn't be viewed with pure eyes.

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong's eyes instantly became dull, and he said with a hint of crying in his tone

"what about me?"

"Although saying it may make you very disappointed in me, in fact, I also have feelings for you."

Lin Feng looked at Ning Rongrong and sighed softly, then smiled wryly.

Saying in front of a girl that I like you as well as her, a scumbag, his behavior will undoubtedly disappoint Ning Rongrong, a little girl whose heart is all about her...

But the next moment, Ning Rongrong's reaction was completely beyond Lin Feng's expectations.

I saw that after Ning Rongrong finished listening, her beautiful big eyes shone again, she patted her small chest, and said with a look of fear.

"It's okay, it's okay, so she and I are standing on the same starting line, so don't be afraid!"


Lin Feng was ready to receive Ning Rongrong's slap, but he didn't expect to directly fix such a place, which made Lin Feng feel a little overwhelmed.

"Aren't you angry?"

Lin Feng was taken aback, looked at Ning Rongrong's appearance, and asked.

"Hmph, what's there to be angry about, your first kiss was given to me, which shows that my advantage is much greater than hers!
And when you said inexplicably and nervously that you liked me and Zhuqing at the same time, I thought of this possibility at that time. "

Ning Rongrong raised her head slightly and snorted softly, proudly saying that she is not stupid, she is called a little witch in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, she has a delicate mind.

After reconciling with Lin Feng, she had long guessed the possibility of why Lin Feng had such an abnormal behavior before, but now that Lin Feng confessed, she was relieved.

Lin Feng also didn't expect that his behavior of making Ning Rongrong hate him before could actually make Ning Rongrong think ahead and prepare mentally. This effect was not something that Lin Feng could have foreseen before.

Seeing Lin Feng's half-believing look, Ning Rongrong slightly raised the corners of his mouth, smiled sweetly, stepped forward and hugged Lin Feng's arms, and said.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, so please stay with me now. It just so happens that it's already dark, and I haven't been to Tiandou City for a long time. Let's go to Tiandou City to visit the night market?"

"Hey, okay..."

(End of this chapter)

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