Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 281 Finals

Chapter 281 Finals

After the third round, there is a rest period before the fourth round.

At this time, in a certain room in Mo Mansion.

Lin Feng and Zhu Zhuqing were maintaining this hard practice, and only Ning Rongrong and Hu Liena were alone here.

"Yesterday, did Shrek Academy eliminate the Star Luo Empire Royal High-level Soul Master Academy? I can't tell, they are also quite powerful."

After listening to Hu Liena's description of yesterday's situation, Ning Rongrong blinked her beautiful big eyes and said in surprise.

Yesterday, because Ning Rongrong suddenly wanted to visit his father, he didn't participate in the competition, so naturally he didn't watch the match, and didn't know the situation of yesterday's match.

Hearing that Shrek had gone through three knockout rounds and advanced to the top six, he was obviously a little surprised, although Ning Rongrong naturally knew that this team was not easy because he had been in Shrek for a while.

But they didn't expect that they could be so strong, directly defeating the Star Luo Empire Royal Senior Soul Master Academy team, and directly approaching the top six.

"Shrek Academy is indeed a team that I have never heard of, but I watched their game yesterday, and their average strength and tactical coordination are indeed very good."

Hearing this, Hu Liena who was sitting beside Ning Rongrong smiled slightly and said softly.

"Hee hee, Sister Nana, they're just lucky. It's been so many rounds from the qualifiers to the finals now, and they haven't met us in a dignified manner."

"Now there are only six teams left. If we meet, we must teach them a lesson!"

Ning Rongrong waved her small fist, wrinkled Qiong's nose slightly, and said with an expression of dissatisfaction.

"Rongrong, do you have any issues with them?" Looking at Ning Rongrong's appearance, Hu Liena lowered her head and chuckled, and asked softly.

"Festival... Actually, it's not a big festival...hehe."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong immediately stood up slightly, wanting to explain the reason, but then realized that Shrek didn't seem to have a big problem with her.

It's just that she has a lot of grievances with Lin Feng, if she is so anxious and resentful, she may notice something.

So he just grinned and dismissed it perfunctorily.

Hu Liena didn't care about Ning Rongrong's little thoughts, and immediately took Ning Rongrong's little hand lightly, looked at Ning Rongrong with her charming eyes, and said softly.

"If you don't like them, Rong Rong, if I meet them in the next round of competition, I will definitely teach them a good lesson and help you out a little."

For Ning Rongrong, a new friend of the same sex, Hu Liena also cherishes and likes her dearly, so when she heard Ning Rongrong's words, she immediately made a promise to Ning Rongrong.

"Well, thank you, Miss Nana!"

Ning Rongrong nodded vigorously, subconsciously dodged the gaze from Hu Liena's eyes, and then said loudly with an unnatural smile on her face.

At the same time, he pulled out the small hand held by Hu Liena without leaving a trace.

Of course, Ning Rongrong didn't hate the contact with Hu Liena, in fact, with Hu Liena's character and gentle attitude, she couldn't hate it either.

Without Lin Feng, she might be able to treat Hu Liena the same way she treated Zhu Zhuqing, and become a good friend without a trace of gap.

But now, even though Ning Rongrong couldn't be with Lin Feng openly and aboveboard due to the presence of Hu Liena in front of her, she didn't hate Hu Liena either.

The reason why he took his little hand out of Hu Liena's palm was mainly because of Ning Rongrong's guilt.

After all, Hu Liena regarded her as a friend and best friend, but she wanted to have sex with her. Seeing Hu Liena's serious and innocent appearance, Ning Rongrong instantly felt guilty.

"By the way, Sister Nana, let's stop talking about Shrek Academy! Let me tell you about Captain Lin... over the past two years! By the way, where did I get to last time?"

Feeling guilty, Ning Rongrong immediately changed the topic, using "Lin Feng's experience" that Hu Liena was most interested in as a topic, successfully attracting Hu Liena's attention.

"The last time you seemed to be talking about the time when Lin Feng joined the Tiandou Royal Academy, right? What happened to him afterwards?"

When Hu Liena heard this, she quickly responded and asked Ning Rongrong impatiently.

"By the way, Sister Nana, I will give you the captain, after joining the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy..."


The fourth round of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition continued after a day off.

After the last round of strong collisions and fierce battles, this round has become normal again.

The final six teams still draw lots to determine their opponents.

Among them, the obviously stronger Wuhundian team, the deputy team of Tiandou Royal Academy team where Lin Feng belonged to, and the Shrek Academy team did not draw the other two teams.

Lin Feng was lucky, the Tiandou Royal Academy team had drawn a not-so-strong opponent, and the same was true for the Wuhundian team.

Only Shrek Academy and the identity academy after strength fusion were drawn together, and a fierce battle broke out.

But in the end, Shrek Academy still won the competition under the "advanced and dangerous" situation.

After Shrek Academy's victory, there was almost no suspense in the rest of the competition. The Tiandou Royal Academy team and the Wuhundian team won the victory, and the fourth round of the competition ended.

Coincidentally, the last three were the strongest in Lin Feng's eyes.

By this time, it has entered the final moment of struggle.

Seeing the end of the fourth round, Lin Feng also had a smile on his lips.

The finals are just around the corner, and he is only one step away from winning the final victory!

The bright sunshine fell on the earth, and under the sunlight, the Pope's Palace looked even more resplendent, like a place where gods lived.

In front of the Pope's Palace, two rows of Knights guarding the Palace lined up from the front of the Pope's Palace to the foot of the mountain. The bright silver armor and heavy knight swords made the whole Pope's Hill even more majestic.

In front of the Pope's Palace, this is the venue for the last three teams of the finals.

The eliminated teams have basically left after the fourth round, and they were not even allowed to watch the final day's battle. Only young and strong players with real strength are eligible to set foot on the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

Of course, this is not absolute, because in Lin Feng's team, there are quite a few fish who slipped through the net by hugging their thighs and finally entered here.

Early in the morning, the three teams that entered the final three finals had already appeared in front of the Pope's Palace, waiting quietly. The teachers related to the three teams were not allowed to stand on the square, and could only sit quietly outside. Wait quietly.

A total of 21 participating players are standing quietly on the square, waiting for the final moment.

The Spirit Hall team headed by Xie Yue, "Yan" and "Hu Liena" is obviously very confident, with their heads held high, their eyes gleaming, they look extremely eager for victory, and at the same time full of fighting spirit.

However, their fighting spirit was not shown to Shrek, but to challenge Lin Feng.

After all, although Shrek's strength has always been good, it is still at a good level in their eyes. After all, "Xie Yue" and "Yan" are already full of confidence at this moment after three years of hard training.

With a soul power of level 53 and a soul power of level 52, with such formidable strength, facing Shrek, a team that doesn't even have a soul king, it's just an extremely simple thing to win easily.

The only opponent who can be regarded by "Yan" and "Xie Yue" is Lin Feng who is also the soul king.

On the other side, compared to the Wuhundian team, the Shrek Academy team maintained the most low-key attitude, with seven people lined up.

From left to right, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, and two other people that Lin Feng didn't know.

One of these two people is a man with a very strong figure, and the other is a girl with a very light figure, who is used to replace Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong who were originally abducted by Lin Feng.

Compared with these two teams, the vice team of Tiandou Royal Academy that Lin Feng was in seemed a bit casual.

Lin Feng, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong stood in a row. Although it was the first time they came to the square of the Pope's Palace, they were a little curious, but after looking at it twice, they looked away with a calm expression on their faces.

However, the other team members behind them, including Luo Mier, who is usually calm and smart, looked around at this moment with expressions of excitement and impatience.

If it weren't for the need to keep quiet in this sacred place, otherwise they would just start cheering!
They turned out to be really bluffing, and they bluffed into the finals directly!Came to the Pope's Palace where young soul master geniuses who were several times stronger than them could not come!

This sudden honor suddenly fell on their heads, making them a little dazzled.

After all, their original intention was just to mix with a background who had participated in the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy, and they were very clear about how much they weighed.

Unexpectedly, they seemed to be able to win the championship in the end. Thinking about it, these people couldn't help but faint in surprise.

They are all sons of nobles, with this honor added, their status in the family will rise in a straight line in the future!

Of course, they also knew that this honor was not earned by their strength, but by the man in front. Thinking of this, they secretly turned their excited and grateful eyes to Lin Feng.

The square in front of the Pope's Palace is no smaller than the competition table used in the previous competition. The square floor is paved with special stones.

Under the light of the morning sun, the surface of the stone exudes a lustrous luster like jade.

Of course, these stones used as floors are not real jade, but they are not comparable to ordinary rocks. From this point, we can see the foundation and wealth of Wuhundian.

Soon, a group of people came out from the side door of the Pope's Palace. A total of twelve cardinals who were second only to platinum bishops lined up and walked out slowly.

They walked all the way to the two sides of the main entrance of the Pope's Palace, and stood on the left and right sides.

"His Majesty the Pope is here!" the leader shouted,
"Long live, long live, long live!" Three loud shouts instantly resounded throughout Wuhun City like a landslide and tsunami.

These voices are not only the Knights of the Temple standing in line at the Pope's Hill, but also almost all the soul masters living in Wuhun City. In their hearts, the Pope is their supreme belief.

The huge palace door opened slowly, and the badge on the facade gradually deviated from the track.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the gate of the palace in an instant, even the team of the Wuhun Palace was the same.

After all, apart from Hu Liena, the Pope's disciple, the number of times they were able to see the Pope's face was extremely rare.

In the past two years, even "Xieyue" and "Yan" only met once when they were awarded the Purple Record Medal after passing the trial.

The same is true for Lin Feng. Compared to "Xie Yue" and "Yan", because he left alone before, he did not participate in the trial of the Spirit Hall like them.

In his memory, he had only seen Bibi Dong during the competition in the Spirit Hall, and he was somewhat vague about the appearance of His Majesty the Pope.

Dressed in a golden long dress from head to toe, wearing a purple gold crown on her head, Bibi Dong with a solemn expression walked out of the gate first.

The whole person has a special sense of illusion, and his appearance is beautiful.

However, no one paid attention to that beautiful appearance, because at this moment, more attention was paid to its majesty representing the Pope of this generation of Wuhundian.

The golden long dress fits very well, and the gorgeous dress is shining with precious light. There are more than a hundred extremely precious red, blue and gold tri-color gems on it.

The purple gold crown on top of her head was even more radiant, and all the light was concentrated at this moment, and it was only on her.

All the members of the Wuhun Hall are kneeling on the ground at this moment.

"See His Majesty the Pope."

At this moment, the atmosphere was indescribable. Even Lin Feng, who had a firm mind, felt a sense of worship amidst the shouts from all directions.

However, Lin Feng did not worship, even though he knelt down on one knee and shouted His Majesty the Pope, it was not a big deal to Lin Feng.

But after all, at this moment he represents the Heaven Dou Empire, and he is also the Heaven Dou Royal Academy team, when the main team of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy team is eliminated.

What he represents on the surface is the face of the Tiandou Imperial Palace, and he shouldn't kneel down in the first place.

Behind Bibi Dong, there were four people following, three of them were in bright red dresses, different from the cardinal's all-over red dresses, their red dresses were studded with crystal lines.

Especially the shining golden gem on the chest, which is the size of a baby's fist. To ordinary people, this gorgeous dress just represents nobility.

But for a soul master, especially someone like Lin Feng who is familiar with the composition of the Wuhun Temple, being able to wear this dress is a great honor for a soul master.

After all, the soul masters who can wear this dress are all powerful Titled Douluo whose soul power level has reached level ninety or above.

 These are two shifts, just to keep the average order from falling, and the two shifts combined into one shift. . .

(End of this chapter)

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