Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 285 Why is this happening

Chapter 285 Why is this happening
At this time, after Hu Liena walked around the corner of the long street, she was in a good mood, and when she returned to the Spirit Hall with a little joyful pace, she happened to meet Xie Yue who had already been waiting here.

At this time, Xie Yue was leaning against the wall of a courtyard, with her head slightly raised 45 degrees, looking at the sky from a slightly melancholy angle.

Immediately after discovering Hu Liena's arrival, he also looked at his sister with a complicated expression.

Immediately stepped forward, with a slightly excited tone, and said to his sister.

"Nana! I'll tell you some news, but you must keep it a secret. Don't tell that boy Lin Feng!"

Seeing Xie Yue's figure, Hu Liena's charming eyes looked a little surprised, and she didn't understand why her brother appeared here.

Logically speaking, shouldn't he be racing against time to practice now, preparing for the decisive battle with Lin Feng tomorrow, or planning for the match with Shrek Academy in the afternoon.

In the past few days, if it wasn't for competition-related matters, she would never see Xie Yue at all in most cases. Why did he find her all of a sudden, and it seems that he still has something to say to her, which seems to be quite important .

"Brother, what news do you want to tell me, and why don't you tell Lin Feng?" Hu Liena asked softly with doubts on her face.

"This news is about the relationship between you and him. In short, you must not tell him, otherwise this kid will be proud for a long time after knowing the news!"

Xie Yue said a little viciously, her tone full of resentment.

Thinking of the scene when he was summoned by His Majesty the Pope for questioning just after the game, he couldn't help shouting in his heart.

"Damn it, I haven't defeated Lin Feng in all these years since I was a child. I didn't expect that even my only sister would be taken away by this kid so quickly. I am so unwilling!"

Just before that, after the symbolic end of the match between the Heaven Dou Royal Team and the Wuhundian team in the morning, shortly after Hu Liena left for Mo Mansion.

As Hu Liena's brother, Xie Yue, led by a cardinal, came to the Pope's Palace somewhat flattered.

At that time, he thought that His Majesty the Pope summoned him to motivate him to defeat his opponent with all his strength in the afternoon game.

At the beginning, it was indeed as he thought, His Majesty the Pope did ask about the competition and told him to perform well and beat his opponent.

But after a few sentences, he "accidentally" asked about his sister, the relationship between Hu Liena and Lin Feng.

Obviously, Bibi Dong, who usually doesn't care enough about her disciples, has heard about the relationship between her disciples and Lin Feng, but she is not sure.

Therefore, they found Xie Yue, the blood relative of Hu Liena, and wanted to hear his views on the relationship between Lin Feng and Hu Liena from him.

In fact, Lin Feng made some mistakes in Bibi Dong's guess before. In Lin Feng's eyes, the reason why Bibi Dong wanted to let the Wuhundian team defeat the Shrek Academy team and prevent him from defeating Shrek Academy was because he didn't want to easily put his disciples to death. Hand it over.

But in fact, Bibi Dong's real idea is that she doesn't want to use this kind of bargaining chips to reward her to decide the life of her disciple, even though Bibi Dong heard that the relationship between the two is your love and my wish.

She has been paying attention to Lin Feng's talent. In the Wuhun Temple, the talent and status of the two are extremely well matched. If her disciple likes it and can be happy, she has no need to stop it.

In Bibi Dong's thinking, if in this competition, after the Wuhundian team successfully eliminated Shrek, and then in the final finals, Lin Feng's performance satisfied her,
It's not impossible to agree to Mo Xing's request and temporarily appoint his disciple and Lin Feng's soul master.

As for Xie Yue, when she heard Bibi Dong asking about her sister's relationship with Lin Feng, her heart instantly turned cold.

Although he likes to be locked in the training room all day long, he is not stupid in training, so he naturally knows what His Majesty the Pope's inquiry about this matter means.

Although Xie Yue was very reluctant to hand over her younger sister to Lin Feng, this bastard who beat her up since she was a child, wanted to say that they were just a normal relationship and hadn't reached that level.

But I thought of the two or three years since Lin Feng left, my sister's unchanging feelings and longing for that boy, and more and more smiles recently.

For the sake of his sister's happiness, he still gritted his teeth and chose to confess directly. By the way, he let go of his prejudice against Lin Feng and helped Lin Feng make a few good words.

After hearing Xie Yue's description of the relationship between the two, His Majesty the Pope nodded slightly, and without saying anything, he waved his hand to signal him to back down.

However, before Xie Yue finally left, in order to clarify her guess from His Majesty the Pope, she plucked up the courage and asked Bibi Dong.

Then, after getting Bibi Dong's nod of affirmation, he hurriedly came to the way his sister must pass back to the Spirit Hall, waiting for his sister and telling her about it.


"Brother...Brother, do you think the teacher plans to let me get engaged to him after the competition?"

After hearing her elder brother Xieyue's narration, Hu Lienayu covered her red lips with her hands, her slender and charming eyes stared wide open, and said with a trembling voice because of her excitement.

"Yes, this is the news I got at the risk of offending His Majesty the Pope. It is absolutely unmistakable!" Seeing her sister's surprised expression, Xie Yue couldn't help but be infected with her complex thoughts at this time, and said with a smile .

"This, this, this, no! I! I! I have to tell him!"

After Hu Liena got her brother's confirmation, Hu Liena happily clasped her hands in front of her chest, feeling her uncontrollable, thumping heartbeat.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he stood on the courtyard wall at the edge of the street, lowered his head, and stammered loudly to Xie Yue.

Seeing this, Xie Yue's complexion changed instantly, and she wanted to call Hu Liena back, but in a blink of an eye, the beautiful figure on the courtyard wall disappeared, leaving only Xie Yue who had time to sigh.

"Don't go! Girls have to be reserved, didn't I say it all... Hey! Hey! Hey! What a silly sister!"


At this time, Hu Liena jumped into the courtyard wall of the street and walked straight towards the Mo Mansion at an extremely fast speed.

In Wuhun City, there are clear rules that soul masters cannot step on buildings and walk quickly.

But at this moment, Hu Liena, who was eager to share the good news with Lin Feng, didn't care about so many rules. Now she just wanted to go to Lin Feng immediately, and wanted to see what would happen to Lin Feng after he knew the news. surprise.

In an instant, in less than a minute, Hu Liena arrived at the long street in front of the Mo Mansion.

Her charming eyes looked towards the long street in front of the Mo Mansion Gate, and in an instant, she saw two familiar figures hugging each other tightly in front of the Mo Mansion Gate in the distance, murmuring in a low voice.

"Why is this happening!"

(End of this chapter)

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