Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 302 Immortal Grass

Chapter 302 Immortal Grass
The soft sunlight shone on Lin Feng's face, perhaps feeling it, Lin Feng slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar ceiling, Lin Feng immediately knew that he was lying on the bed in his room in Mo's house.

Frowning slightly, feeling the slight pain in his head, Lin Feng didn't know how much time had passed.

All he knew was that Tang Hao's sudden appearance earlier directly destroyed his last ultimate killing move, Wuhun, causing the soul in his body to backlash, passing out, and losing consciousness.

What happened after that, he didn't know.

Supporting the bed with one hand and his head with the other, he slowly got up.

"Hehe, finally woke up?"

At this time, there was a sudden chuckle in the room.

Hearing this, Lin Feng looked up, and then in his bedroom, by the east window, he saw a figure sitting on a recliner, looking at him with a smile.

"Uncle Mo? Why are you here?"

Seeing this, Lin Feng wondered subconsciously.

"Why! Didn't see your little girlfriends, only this old man is here, so you are so disappointed?"

Hearing this, Old Uncle Mo got up from the reclining chair, looked at Lin Feng, and said as he walked slowly.

Hearing the words, Lin Feng blushed slightly when he heard the words, and touched his head, feeling a little embarrassed and irrefutable.

Indeed, as Uncle Mo said, when Lin Feng woke up, he thought that he would see Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong and the others immediately, who knew that there was no one there.

Only Uncle Mo was here, which made him inexplicably disappointed.

"Hehe, you kid..." Uncle Mo looked at Lin Feng's appearance and shook his head helplessly.

"Nana actually came to see you just now, and now she has returned to the Spirit Hall. As for the little girl from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, she was called back by Ning Fengzhi because of some things."

"The only remaining cold little girl from Zhu's family wants to stay by your side, but she's afraid that the other two will find out, so she doesn't dare to stay by your side when the other two are away."

"Hehe, but that girl from the Zhu family often takes advantage of the middle of the night thinking that no one will find out, and visits you kid by herself."

"You boy... you are really good..."

Uncle Mo sat in front of Lin Feng's bed, and said to him in a meaningful tone.

"Hehe, is that right?" Lin Feng smiled when he heard this, and he was in a good mood.

"By the way, how many days have I been asleep, Uncle Mo?" Lin Feng asked as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Less than four days." Uncle Mo said lightly.

"Then, how is the relationship between Rongrong and Nana now?" Lin Feng asked cautiously.

I have been unconscious for the past few days, completely ignorant of anything.

Hu Liena must have met Ning Rongrong again in the past few days. Now she already knows the relationship between Ning Rongrong and herself, and she doesn't know what accidents will happen if she doesn't reconcile it.

"Could it be a real fight?" Lin Feng murmured to himself.

Old Uncle Mo, who had seen through Lin Feng's thoughts, said softly.

"Don't worry, when they were looking at you, they ran into each other several times, but they didn't fight. They even said hello and chatted for a while, but the atmosphere was not as good as before."

"Oh, that's it, that's good, that's good!"

Lin Feng let out a deep breath, full of joy, and relaxed.

Although the relationship between Ning Rongrong and Hu Liena was no longer the same because of this incident, it was already a great fortune for Lin Feng to be able to maintain this relationship after this incident happened.

After getting Uncle Mo's answer, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately remembered another thing, and asked with a frown,

"Uncle Mo, where is Tang San?"

"Tang San! Naturally, he was rescued by that Clear Sky Douluo, along with that 10-year-old spirit beast." Old Uncle Mo heard that, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly.

"10-year-old soul beast?" Lin Feng frowned, a little puzzled. If he felt something, a look of thought and memory appeared on his face. From the memory fragments in his mind, he seemed to remember something again.

"Yes, in Shrek's team, that girl named Xiao Wu is actually a humanoid form of a 10-year-old soul beast." Uncle Mo said with a sigh.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the little girl turned out to be the incarnation of a 10-year-old soul beast.

"Xiao Wu? A 10-year soul beast? That's how it is." Combined with Uncle Mo's answer and the remnants of memory in his mind, Lin Feng had a look of surprise on his face, and finally remembered Xiao Wu's original identity. .

As for the news that Tang San was rescued, it didn't surprise Lin Feng too much.

In the past, the reason why Lin Feng didn't dare to touch Tang San, apart from the background of the master's so-called honorary elder of the Spirit Hall, in fact, the biggest reason was this Clear Sky Douluo.

This Clear Sky Douluo could kill the former Pope, with his terrifying strength, Tang San probably couldn't kill him if he suddenly appeared there.

The only thing he cares about now is how did Tang Hao leave in the end, probably because of an amazing battle with Bibi Dong and the other two titled Douluo in Wuhundian.

Reminiscent of Tang Hao directly destroying his martial soul with a hammer, Lin Feng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He originally thought that his strength was already good.

But for these real powerhouses, he is still too far behind.

Compared with these real powerhouses, the field he is proud of now cannot match the power of his random hammer.

Now, he almost killed Tang San, and he must have had a grudge with this Tang Hao, so he also wanted to know about this Tang Hao's strength.

"Hehe, that person is not someone you can provoke now. I'll talk to you briefly later." Uncle Mo said slowly to Lin Feng.

Immediately with a wave of the sleeve robe, two objects were suspended in front of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng looked at them.

One that Lin Feng knew was one of the prizes of the competition, the torso soul bone.

As for the other square cold jade box, Lin Feng didn't know what it contained, but it seemed to contain some medicinal materials.

"This is the prize for the victory of this competition. The torso bone dropped by the 5-year-old spirit beast is one of the most precious spirit bones in the Wuhun Temple. We, His Majesty the Pope, treat you very well." Really good."

Uncle Mo pointed to one of the torso bones with golden light floating, and said to Lin Feng with a hint of envy in his eyes.

Even he is quite tempted by this torso bone.

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to another thing floating in front of Lin Feng.

"This is the fairy grass you told me about before. Under the order of His Majesty the Pope, it has been identified by Chrysanthemum Douluo. It is called Ziyun Wanling Ginseng."

"I heard that after taking it, it will be of great benefit to your current injuries and strength improvement."

Uncle Mo flicked his right finger lightly, and the cold jade box suddenly opened.

In an instant, the room was filled with a strange medicinal fragrance. Lin Feng took a deep breath, and his spirit was shaken.

"That's right, you can use these two things as soon as possible, first heal the injury in your body, and then talk about other things."

Uncle Mo said slowly with a smile, then got up, walked towards the door, opened the door with both hands, turned his head, and reminded Lin Feng.

"No one will disturb you today, kid. I will come to see you tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, with the soft sound of closing the door, Uncle Mo left directly.

"Soul bones? And fairy herbs?"

Lin Feng looked at these two things, exhaled lightly, thought for a moment, and then closed the opened cold jade box.

Slowly closing his eyes, he entered into the practice. Although he really wanted to taste the ginseng with purple charm directly, but at this moment he felt that the soul power in his body was about to break through.

It is still decided to break through the soul power to level 55 first, and then deal with the refining of this fairy grass.

(End of this chapter)

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