Chapter 337
Back at the Hall of Spirits, meet Queen Bibi Dong.

After briefly explaining the situation in the Slaughter City to Bibi Dong, Lin Feng fell into retreat.

In the Slaughter City, he broke through level nine and was about to reach level ten. Although Lin Feng was already level 83 at this time, he was about to reach level 84.

But because the breakthrough was too fast, the soul power in his body was vain and his foundation was unstable.

Therefore, shortly after Lin Feng returned to the Wuhun Hall, he quietly chose to retreat directly, preparing to digest the gains in the Slaughter City this time.

In this way, a year has passed...

In the past year, Lin Feng's relationship with Hu Liena was finally exposed.

Ning Fengzhi also knew that his son-in-law, who was originally appointed by his family and was extremely satisfied, actually stepped on two boats!

Not only to communicate with his own daughter, but also to have a close relationship.

Moreover, the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong's disciple, Hu Liena, is actually his fiancée!

After learning the news, Ning Fengzhi was almost so angry.

I thought that I, who had always been scheming, had misjudged my eyes and was confused by Lin Feng's appearance, so I gave my daughter to him with confidence, and finally caused my daughter to be cruelly played with by Lin Feng's feelings.

If Ning Rongrong was not by Ning Fengzhi's side at that time, she explained the situation to Ning Fengzhi in time, saying that she knew about the relationship between Lin Feng and Hu Liena long ago, and Lin Feng did not hide it from her.

All of this was her own choice, which made Ning Fengzhi resist the urge to send two Douluo from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to assassinate Lin Feng.

After listening to what his daughter told about the situation, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help sighing, he couldn't figure it out at all, his daughter usually had delicate thoughts at home.

And as the eldest lady of the Qibao Glazed Tile School, she has been favored by everyone in the school, and she has the attitude of a little witch.

Unexpectedly, after meeting this kid like Lin Feng, who knows what ecstasy drug he gave his daughter, it turned out that his daughter became so devoted to him.

She obviously knows that this kid has a fiancee, but she still likes him so much!I want to post it upside down!

Knowing that all of this was an informed choice by his daughter, Ning Fengzhi's anger was somewhat calmed down.

But even so, Ning Fengzhi, who thought that his precious daughter must be wronged, was still a little unwilling.

Immediately, he also decided to send Bone Douluo to the Wuhun Hall in the name of teaching, thinking that he would teach Lin Feng a good lesson. It would be best for Lin Feng to beat him to death and vent his anger for his daughter.

In fact, Ning Fengzhi planned to send Jian Douluo to beat up Lin Feng, but Jian Douluo said with a look of embarrassment that Lin Feng was his disciple, and he couldn't take action to teach Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng was heartless and ungrateful and failed Ning Rongrong, then Ning Fengzhi didn't need to say anything more.

Jian Douluo probably rushed to Wuhun Hall overnight, beat Lin Feng half to death, and taught Lin Feng a good lesson.

But in this case, it was Lin Feng's personal situation. As long as Lin Feng didn't make any serious mistakes, Sword Douluo couldn't easily interfere.

And Jian Douluo, even if such a thing happened, he still has a good impression of Lin Feng.

After all, Lin Feng did not deceive Ning Rongrong, but listened to what Ning Rongrong said, at first Lin Feng still rejected his little princess's wishes.

It was only under the stalking and persistence of his little princess that he finally accepted Ning Rongrong.

Although after Lin Feng accepted Ning Rongrong, he still had entanglements with Hu Liena of the Spirit Hall, which made Jian Douluo a little uncomfortable.

For Jian Douluo, Lin Feng's only shortcoming is that the young man is too carefree. He obviously has his own little princess, but he couldn't let go of his childhood sweetheart in the past.

However, in another sense, this kind of "favorite" can also be regarded as a sense of responsibility of a swordsman.

After all, if Lin Feng had a bad heart and fell in love with Ning Rongrong, he would have severed ties with Hu Liena, who had always liked and waited for him.

Then, as a simple swordsman, Sword Douluo might still look down on Lin Feng.

Therefore, if Sword Douluo refused to make a move.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect bears the heavy responsibility that Ning Fengzhi expected, so it can only be handed over to another Bone Douluo.

But "Bone Douluo" didn't think so much at all.

He has nothing to do with Lin Feng, after knowing that his "little princess" who has been loved since childhood, was actually given "green" by the little boy of the Wuhun Temple.

Dang even his eyes shot out with anger, and he embarked on the road to the Wuhun Hall overnight to teach Lin Feng a lesson.

Ning Rongrong really wanted to explain to Bone Douluo, but strictly speaking, it was not "Lin Feng" who greened her, but she herself greened Hu Liena.

But Bone Douluo didn't have so many worries at all. In his eyes, no matter whether it was Lin Feng who greened Ning Rongrong, or Ning Rongrong greened Hu Liena, it was Lin Feng's fault anyway, and made his little princess feel wronged.

Therefore, after swearing to make Lin Feng pay the price, he rushed all night to Wuhun City and found Lin Feng.

At that time, Lin Feng had just absorbed the vain soul power in his body, broke through level 84, and was thinking about continuing to hone his foundation.

Bone Douluo came to the door aggressively, and in the name of guiding his practice, he wanted to have a battle of exchange with Lin Feng.

The excuse was fair and aboveboard, but Lin Feng at the time didn't think that this Bone Douluo came all the way from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to Wuhun City to compete with a junior like himself.

And on the surface, the gap between the two sides is too big. Although Lin Feng returned from the killing capital and his strength has greatly increased, he has not shown it in front of others.

Only a few people know that Lin Feng is now an advanced Soul Douluo, and this Bone Douluo probably doesn't know his current strength, at most he thinks he is just a Soul Sage.

A titled Douluo who had reached level 95 came all the way from a distance, and with an unfriendly expression, he asked for a sparring with a person who in his eyes only had the strength of a soul sage.

Even if you don't think with your head, but with your ass, you know that this situation is extremely abnormal.

At that time, Lin Feng, seeing Bone Douluo's obviously hostile expression, suddenly had a glimmer of understanding.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is secretly getting closer under the matchmaking of Uncle Mo. Could it be that they heard some rumors about themselves and Hu Liena from the Wuhun Temple?

After Lin Feng suddenly had such an idea in his mind, seeing Bone Douluo's unfriendly expression, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

And after Lin Feng guessed this point, the intention and purpose of Bone Douluo coming here from thousands of miles became obvious, that's why Bone Douluo came here.

On the surface, in the name of guiding Lin Feng's cultivation, in fact, he wanted to teach himself a good lesson and vent his anger for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

After thinking about this point, Lin Feng immediately sighed lightly, as expected, there are some things that cannot be hidden.

However, fortunately, his current strength is enough to handle all of this.

Facing Bone Douluo's request for "discussion", Lin Feng's eyes shone brightly, and he agreed without hesitation.

Neither Hu Liena nor Ning Rongrong would give up, even though the two girls now acquiesced to each other's existence.

However, the identities of these two girls are both extraordinary. If Lin Feng wants to be with them at the same time, he must show his monster-like strength, so that people can see their value and potential.

Otherwise, although Ning Fengzhi couldn't do anything to him in the Spirit Hall, if Bibi Dong got angry, it would be really troublesome for Lin Feng.

Therefore, he wants everyone to see that his current strength is enough to be worthy of these two girls.

And Bone Douluo thought so far to teach him a lesson, in fact, it was a perfect opportunity for Lin Feng at this time.

It just so happened that he refined and absorbed all the vain soul power in his body, and successfully broke through to level 84. Today, he is finally able to fully display his strength.

Although Bone Douluo is a level 95 titled Douluo and one of the two guardian gods of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Lin Feng doesn't think that with his current strength, he might not be able to fight against Bone Douluo!
After choosing a relatively secluded venue, under the witness of several senior officials of the Wuhun Hall, Lin Feng also started a real "discussion" with Bone Douluo.

(End of this chapter)

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