Douluo's ghost sword

Chapter 342 Beasts

Chapter 342 Beasts
Although the battle between Lin Feng and Bone Douluo was extremely secretive, it has not been introduced to the outside world.

But in the end, it shocked countless people, and it was still spread among the high-level people of Wuhundian.

The "Bone Douluo" of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is a level 95 Title Douluo, and compared to this Elder She Long, his strength is more than a notch higher.

And Lin Feng was able to fight against Bone Douluo at such an age, and even won.

Therefore, She Long, who is quite self-aware, although he is several rounds older than Lin Feng, is still in front of Lin Feng, a monstrous existence.

But he didn't dare to show the arrogance of his predecessors at all, so he directly put himself in a low position.

Since all the imperial guards of the people around have been replaced by "Xue Qinghe" with the soul masters of the Wuhun Palace, Lin Feng doesn't have to hide anything anymore.

Looking directly at "Xue Qinghe" in front of him, he asked.

"Plan, how long does it take to start?"

Hearing this, "Xue Qinghe" had a strange light in his eyes, but he didn't answer Lin Feng immediately.

Turning around, he waved his hand at the crowd, and the surrounding guards dressed as spirit masters from the Wuhun Palace immediately retreated immediately after seeing this.

And the Elder She Long, who was titled Douluo, after seeing Xue Qinghe's actions, also asked "Xue Qinghe", and after receiving Xue Qinghe's answer, his figure flashed.

After leaving here, go to the palace where Emperor Xue Ye is, and guard there to prevent accidents from happening.

"come in."

At this moment, only Lin Feng and "Xue Qinghe" were left in front of the Prince's Hall.

Xue Qinghe glanced at Lin Feng beside him, said something indifferently, and then slowly walked into the hall.

Seeing this, Lin Feng also followed behind Xue Qinghe with ease, and entered together with him.

As soon as Lin Feng entered the main hall, the open door was closed by the turned Xue Qinghe with a wave of his sleeve.

In the vast hall, only Lin Feng and "Xue Qinghe" were left.

"Xue Qinghe" turned around, with the corners of his eyes slanting slightly, looking at Lin Feng, without saying a word, but exuding a special majestic aura of a superior.

Seeing this, Lin Feng, who had already been familiar with too many routines of "Xue Qinghe", said with a slight smile on his face.

"Hehe, you use power to overwhelm people, so is this the attitude someone once said to treat "friends"?"

"Xue Qinghe" frowned slightly upon hearing this, then snorted coldly and looked at Lin Feng.

"Although I said that I can treat you as a "friend", it is not a reason for you to act recklessly!"


Hearing this, Lin Feng was a little confused.

Taking a look at "Xue Qinghe", she found that she was indeed a little angry compared to before, but Lin Feng couldn't figure out what he did wrong to offend her.

Seeing this, "Xue Qinghe" got even more angry in his eyes, and said coldly.

"The mission assigned to you by Wuhundian is to ask you to come to Tiandou City to assist me in completing the final plan of the Tiandou royal family! It's not for you to spend all day with those two little girls in Tiandou City! I haven't seen a single person for a month!"


Hearing this, Lin Feng was speechless for a moment.

It seems that he did fish by himself, but the main reason is because Lin Feng asked Uncle Mo about the start time of the Tiandou Royal Family Project before coming here.

According to the answer obtained from Uncle Mo, Lin Feng knew about the plan of the Tiandou Imperial Family, although Uncle Mo did not know the exact start time.

But according to what Uncle Mo said, at least it will not really start until after the soul hunting operation.

Therefore, after Lin Feng came to Tiandou City, he did not immediately go to see "Xue Qinghe", the actual person in charge of this project, but lived in seclusion in Tiandou Royal Academy for almost a month.

After hearing the news of the soul hunting operation, it was decided to go to the palace to discuss the next plan with "Xue Qinghe", as well as those plans and where his power needs to be used.

Of course, in fact, according to the normal process.

Lin Feng should have kept in touch with "Xue Qinghe" as soon as he returned to Tiandou City.

After all, Lin Feng is now one of the two titled Douluo combat powers sent to "Xue Qinghe" as the "Wuhun Palace" to ensure the smooth progress of the plan.

Of course, with Lin Feng's current strength, even though he is only a level 85 Contra, he is already regarded as the real strongest combat power in this team.

During the entire planning process, Lin Feng's existence has completely reached the point of being pivotal.

However, Lin Feng, who is the strongest being in the team, seems to be completely ignorant of his importance after arriving in Tiandou City, and remains in the Tiandou Royal Academy.

It was not until a month later that he finally decided to come to see "Xue Qinghe" to discuss the next plan.

As far as the facts are concerned, although Lin Feng had considered this time to contact "Xue Qinghe", it would not be too late, and it would not have much impact on the plan.

But this kind of behavior and attitude is indeed somewhat irresponsible.

Who is Lin Feng? He really doesn't want to get in touch with His Highness "Xue Qinghe". After all, this Highness, Lin Feng always feels.

Perhaps it was because of the nearly 20 years of latent life that she missed the best years of a girl, and her psychology was slightly distorted.

There was nowhere to vent the dissatisfaction in her heart, and it just so happened that she fell in love with him again, and he knew her true identity again.

I always like to catch myself mocking and torturing, in every way...

Therefore, after returning to Tiandou City, Lin Feng thought that although it was because of work, he had to continue to contact "Xue Qinghe", but it was as rare as possible.

That's what created the current situation.

However, Lin Feng did not expect that his behavior, which he thought was no big deal, could actually make "Xue Qinghe" so angry...

"Hmph! Actually, I can understand you, although you have been with that woman's disciple for so long. But you haven't seen the two little girls in Tiandou City for a long time."

"With your lustful nature, it seems understandable for a person like you to let go of the mission of my Spirit Hall and choose to accompany those two girls for a month."

Seeing Lin Feng's speechless expression, at this time "Xue Qinghe" activated her traditional performing arts, and sneered and mocked Lin Feng directly.

Hearing this, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, looking at "Xue Qinghe" in front of him.

This "Xue Qinghe" wants to say that he is not responsible for the "work" of Wuhundian, fishing, and being lazy.Forget it, he won't refute at all, just admit it directly.

But the big hat that was obsessed with sex was suddenly buckled down, which made Lin Feng a little confused, and immediately retorted.

"Why am I so lustful? Don't slander me just because of your status."

"Oh, I slandered you?"

Xue Qinghe raised his eyebrows when he heard this, gave Lin Feng a meaningful look, and sneered.

"Do you think that I don't know that the news is spreading in the Wuhun Palace at this time. You must know that there are many people in the Wuhun Palace who are envious of your good fortune."

"Not only have you gained the heart of the "Holy Maiden", but even the daughter of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's suzerain also has a heart for you. Hehe, with their identities, they can step on two boats at the same time, but on the entire continent, there are only You can do it."

"Xue Qinghe" eyes flickered, he didn't know what he was thinking, looked at Lin Feng, and said lightly.

"Eh..." Lin Feng was speechless again.

It's just that he looked at "Xue Qinghe" and complained secretly in his heart.

She doesn't look like someone who is idle all day, does she?Why do I like gossip so much...

However, if you have two boats on your feet, can you be considered lustful?It shouldn't be right, this can only be regarded as a little playful at best.

"Do you want to say that your behavior is just a little playful?"

Xue Qinghe glanced at Lin Feng indifferently, and before Lin Feng could explain, he saw through his thoughts.

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment and nodded.

Seeing Lin Feng like this, Xue Qinghe sneered even more.

"Heh, they all say that you are in two boats, but if my vision is correct, you have other plans for the friend of the girl from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, who is also the daughter of the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire. "

Hearing this, the embarrassment on Lin Feng's face became more intense.

This is indeed conclusive evidence, after all, in the eyes of most people, Ning Rongrong has his own heart, but Zhu Zhuqing is Ning Rongrong's best friend and friend.

But I do have some inexplicable relationship with her.

This kind of person, who can't help stepping on two boats, and even shot one of his girlfriends and best friends, was in Lin Feng's previous life.

and some lustful beasts,

What's the difference?
(End of this chapter)

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