Chapter 355

It has been more than half a year since Lin Feng led the army to set off.

As for Lin Feng, the marshal who was only 25 years old, his performance on the battlefield far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even the new Tiandou Empire established with the fourth prince "Xue Beng" as its core is backed by the Star Luo Empire, Haotian School and Tang Sect.

But in the past half a year, Lin Feng led an army of 40, and almost every time he came to a city, he would directly push it down, and took it down.

Then after a day or two of simple rest, he continued to move forward and captured the next city.

Although the "New Heaven Dou Empire" has Ge Long, the old marshal of the empire, they have most of the ordinary soldiers of the former Heaven Dou Empire, in terms of the number of soldiers in the army.

The New Heaven Dou Empire, occupying the western frontier fortress cities and provinces, has a powerful military force group of nearly 80 troops.

But the 80 army, twice as strong as Lin Feng's, still couldn't stop Lin Feng from leading the army like a broken bamboo.

Leading the army, Lin Feng came to Luoyun Fortress, which was originally the second line of defense against the attack of the Star Luo Empire, but now it became the last line of defense of the New Heaven Dou Empire against Lin Feng's attack.

As long as this Luoyun Fortress is breached, then although this so-called New Heaven Dou Empire still occupies a large territory and city.

However, apart from the Luoyun Fortress, there is a large area of ​​cities in the plains, which are not dangerous to defend, easy to attack and difficult to defend, and cannot form an organized defense.

Therefore, if Luoyun Fortress is captured by Lin Feng, then this so-called "New Heaven Dou Empire" occupying a third of the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire will really exist in name only.

The importance of Luoyun Fortress, the Star Luo Empire also knows its importance.

Therefore, a large number of strong men, elite troops and special troops were directly dispatched to station in Luoyun Fortress together with the New Heaven Dou Empire.

He wanted to use this huge military fortress to thwart Lin Feng's offensive in one fell swoop, and let Lin Feng taste the taste of failure.

After more than half a year of fighting, Lin Feng's "First Division" performed powerfully on the battlefield, shocking almost all forces on the mainland.

More than half a year ago, when Marshal "Ge Long" heard the news that Lin Feng was attacking them, he directly took out an army of 50 and started a large-scale frontal battle with Lin Feng.

He wanted to take advantage of the Tiandou Empire's hasty attack opportunity and let him personally command the battle, intending to wipe out all the elite military forces of the Tiandou Empire and beat them to a pulp.

However, the idea is extremely good, but he underestimated the existence of the "First Division".

Although the "First Division" has only 1 people, almost all of these 1 people are composed of ordinary people.

But the power displayed on the battlefield is several times stronger than the Royal Knights, which was originally known as the most elite force of the Heaven Dou Empire, called the Spear of the Empire, all composed of soul masters.

When Lin Feng started a large-scale frontal battle with Ge Long, a half-life marshal, for the first time.

The old marshal also made a fatal mistake, using most of his strength to defend against Lin Feng's imperial guards and the Royal Knights, the most elite forces in the Heaven Dou Empire.

As for Ge Long's "First Division", an army composed entirely of ordinary people, because he had never heard of it in the Heaven Dou Empire before, he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, even though this "First Division" is stationed around the Heaven Dou Imperial City just like the imperial guards and the Royal Knights, it is an elite force that directly belongs to the royal family.

But they are all ordinary soldiers, there are no soul masters, and they were newly established three years ago.

Therefore, in Ge Long's eyes, this so-called "first division" is nothing more than a level stronger than the lack of training city guards in various places.

He was completely incomparable with his own long-fighting frontier army, so he was not too worried about the 1 people in the "First Division".

The Royal Knights, with a total of nearly 1 people, and the Imperial Guard are the forces that Ge Long needs most to think about how to resist on the battlefield.

After all, although the number of these two special legions is less than 1, there are quite a few soul masters among them, and the personal abilities of soul masters are extremely powerful.

If the light cavalry and heavy armor of the imperial guards collide with the steel lions under his command, they can barely deal with it.

However, the Royal Knights in heavy armor and composed entirely of soul masters, this special power, is extremely difficult to resist once they charge.

Therefore, in the First World War, in order to deal with about [-] Royal Knights and Imperial Guards, Gelong used nearly [-] heavy infantry regiments, holding heavy shields, to resist the Imperial Guards and Royal Knights charge.

In addition to the remaining [-] heavy armored knights, they kept going back and forth, entangled with the Royal Knights and the Guards.

Relying on ten times the number of the Royal Knights and the Imperial Guards, as well as special tactical arrangements and cooperation, Ge Long also directly held the Royal Knights and the Imperial Guards back.

As for the "First Division", although it is not a concern in Ge Long's eyes, it is a taboo for military strategists to underestimate the opponent.

Although in Ge Long's eyes, they are not as good as his long-fighting army at the border, but as a marshal who has experienced the battlefield, he thinks he is quite cautious.

Facing the "First Division" with an army of about [-], he directly deployed [-] heavy armored infantry and [-] light cavalry to defend against the "First Division"'s attack.

Although just to defend against these 2 people, Ge Long spent about 13 of his elite troops.

Even though he, as the former Marshal of the Tiandou Empire, commanded the frontier fortresses and controlled most of the country's soldiers and military forces, the real elite force of the 80 troops under his command was only 20 troops capable of conscripting and fighting at the border.

The remaining 60 troops are only slightly stronger than the city defense army with the lowest combat effectiveness.

In the previous battle with Lin Feng for the first time, considering the weak logistics of the New Heaven Dou Empire and the border defense, Ge Long only brought out 50 troops.

Among them, there are 18 elite divisions of the frontier defense army and 32 ordinary soldiers.

Among Lin Feng's 40 troops, there were only [-] elites except the Royal Knights, Imperial Guards and "First Division".

The remaining 38 troops were ordered by the imperial edict, and the inland city defense troops gathered from various provinces were vulnerable to a single blow.

Therefore, although in order to defend against Lin Feng's 13 elite, Ge Long took out [-] border guards.

But the remaining 32 elite frontier guards and 38 ordinary soldiers, in Ge Long's eyes, could easily defeat Lin Feng's remaining [-] troops.

It directly caused the first battle commanded by the young marshal to fail.

Ge Long originally thought this way, but the actual results are often extremely magical, beyond his expectations.

In this battle of nearly a million troops between the two warring parties, the result is naturally watched by everyone on the mainland. In the eyes of everyone, the coaches of the two warring parties.

One was Marshal Ge Long, who had been a soldier for half his life, and had achieved great prestige.One is Lin Feng, who is under 25 years old and has not yet graduated from the Advanced Soul Master Academy. At this time, he is still a student of the Tiandou Royal Academy.

In terms of the experience of commanding a war alone, the two are completely incomparable.

And on the other hand, in the comparison of the military strength of the two sides, in the eyes of many people, Lin Feng's side is also weaker than Ge Long's.

Originally in such a state where the enemy is strong and we are weak, it should be more slowly, seize the opportunity, use one's own logistical advantages, weaken the opponent's strength little by little, and finally turn defeat into victory.

But Lin Feng, an extremely young Marshal, faced Ge Long's invitation to face-to-face battle, and under the circumstances that the strength gap between the two sides was not small, he agreed directly.

After hearing the news, everyone lamented that Lin Feng had acquired such strength and status at such an age, which made him too young and vigorous, and underestimated his opponent.

The 40 troops of the Heaven Dou Empire led by Lin Feng may be severely injured by "Ge Long", an old wolf who has half his life as a soldier, in this frontal battle.

However, when the results of the great battle came out, they heard the news that Ge Long's 50 troops had collapsed and retreated to Glenn City.

Everyone showed a look of disbelief and shock, and said it was impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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