deep in love

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

"Mom! Aunt Lei." Coincidentally, Kaina also appeared here.then--

"Lie is here?" She was a little surprised to see Lei Lie.

The person Lei Lie least wants to see right now is her!But seeing you, I had no choice but to say hello.

"Kenna..." The tone was a bit strange.

Luo Xin smiled and nodded.

Liu Shangzhi pulled her to sit next to Lei Lie, and said with a smile, "Nana, what a coincidence. Come and have a cup of tea and chat with Aunt Lei."

"Yes, Mom." Kena responded affectionately, but felt very helpless.I thought, my mother is too enthusiastic, she probably doesn't know that Lie has Ye Yu.

In fact, the appearance of Keina is not accidental.It was Zhao Shangzhi who called her in advance.

Keina smiled to hide the helplessness in her heart, and asked kindly: "Aunt Lei, how are the party preparations going?"

"Well, thanks to your mother's painstaking help, it's almost there. Nana, I haven't seen you for a few days, and she's become more beautiful again." Luo Xin replied with a doting tone and a smile.She hopes to have a daughter, and Kaina is well-behaved and sensible, just filling that regret temporarily.

"Auntie, you are entertaining me." Keina showed an embarrassed expression.

In a relaxed and happy atmosphere, time will pass very quickly.

When they parted, at the insistence of the two elders, they got into the driver's car and left.Naturally, the task of sending Kaina home was left to Lei Lie.

Lei Lie drove the car indifferently, usually he didn't think that he would not care about this problem, but he suddenly paid attention to this problem, but for a moment he didn't know how to face Kaina.

"Lie, how about going for a drink? I haven't been to a nightclub with you and Ting for a long time. Go to the one we went to, okay?" She asked softly.

Lei Lie suddenly parked the car on the side of the road.His dark eyes stared straight ahead without answering her.

"It doesn't matter... if you don't go. I'm just talking casually." Looking at his handsome side face, Kaina flashed a hint of disappointment.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Lei Lie turned around quickly, he also wanted to talk to her.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at an ordinary nightclub.The dim lights, the deafening music, and the dancing figures are filled with a dazed and decadent atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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