deep in love

Chapter 104 Accident

Chapter 104 Accident
"They... medicine..." Kaina's face turned reddish, her body was trembling in his arms, her breathing gradually became short of breath...

Seeing her strange reaction, Lei Lie immediately understood what was going on, and picked her up to the counter!He shouted at the waiter:
"Water! Give me a lot of water." It might be too late to induce vomiting with water.

The waiter was taken aback, and hurriedly took out the mineral water.Lei Lie quickly brought it to Kaina's mouth, and said anxiously: "Kena! Drink water! Drink water constantly!"

Keina took a few sips in a panic, but couldn't swallow it.He vomited it all out, his eyes were in pain.

Lei Lie groaned inwardly, it seemed that the time to induce vomiting with water was missed.He picked up Kaina and left quickly, and finally had to go to the hospital.He helped Kaina fasten her seat belt and started the car quickly.

Kaina's consciousness gradually blurred, her breath became more and more hot, and her eyes revealed the color of longing.

"Kenna, hold on, we'll be there soon." Lei Lie accelerated the speed of the car again.The drug spreads too fast, is it too much?
Lei Lie's words brought back a sliver of consciousness in her, she forcefully opened her eyes, bit her lip fiercely, as if she wanted to use the pain to wake herself up.

"Take you to the hospital, can you?" The direction of the car is the hospital.

Kai Nashang was still somewhat awake, shaking her head desperately, muttering: "No... I can't go. If it spreads... it will be more painful than death."

He understood Kaina's refusal to go because Cui's family was one of the celebrities in the fashion industry.As the saying goes, a big tree attracts the wind, and there are many people waiting to see her family's jokes. If rumors spread about her going to a nightclub and being given aphrodisiacs, her reputation will be ruined, and the impact on the Cui family's business will be unpredictable.

"Okay! Come to my apartment first. I'll call Dr. Luo to come over." This is probably the only way.

He took out his mobile phone and called Dr. Luo.There was no choice but to disturb her late at night.

Kaina stopped Lei Lie from making a phone call as if she was confused and flustered, her blushing face was already dripping with sweat.

"Don't...don't let the third...person know." She begged weakly.

"No, you are in urgent need of a doctor now." Lei Lie said firmly, "Doctor Luo is not an outsider, and she will not tell anything about you."

"No..." Kaina suddenly didn't know what was going on, as if in a panic, she snatched his mobile phone, pulled out the battery tremblingly, and held it tightly.

The bright red lips were bitten open, traces of blood overflowed, and tears rolled in the eyes, but the stubborn she refused to let them fall.

Lei Lie was taken aback by the current Kaina. He knew that she was soft on the outside and strong on the inside, but he had never seen her so persistent.

It took about 10 minutes or so to get to the apartment.

(End of this chapter)

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