Chapter 534 Conditions
As Chen Ziming said, once the Di tribe joins the Han, give the Han three or two years to completely digest and absorb the Di tribe according to Chen Ziming's method, and there will be no foreign forces around the Han that can threaten the Han.

Sanhan, Japanese, Fuyu, Dian and other alien races in the northeast were wiped out by Chen Ziming early in the morning, and the three states of Fuzhou, Jizhou, and Heilongzhou were established, which are now the real territory of the Han Dynasty.

The northern grasslands used to be strong, and they could dispatch large armies to invade the Han Dynasty many times. Every time, the regiment was almost wiped out. There were many internal strife, and the conquests continued. The population of the grassland was not one out of ten. Now it is still in civil strife, and there is no threat to the Han Dynasty. .

Today's grassland herdsmen want to recover to the strength that can threaten the big man. It is impossible without a hundred years. Will Chen Ziming give them a hundred years?

Wuheng on the grassland was the first to be wiped out, and now the Xianbei and the Xiongnu, who have been greatly reduced in power, are still vying for the supremacy of the grassland. As for the Qiang people, in a year or two, there will be no more Qiang people in this world, and they will be completely assimilated by the Han.

The threat from the north is gone, and now there is only the Di tribe in the west. Once the Han completely controls the Di tribe and absorbs the Di tribe into the Han, there will be no other tribes around the Han that can threaten the safety of the Han.

As for the farther north and the west, the big man can't reach it, it's too far away. With the current productivity and transportation capacity, not only the big man can't do anything to such far away places, but the forces in those places have no threat to the big man.

Of course, there is also the Western Region, but the Western Region is too far away, and it is not unified at all. There are countless divisions inside, and there is no threat to the big man.

As for the Nanman in Yizhou, according to the investigation of the dark guards, since the army of the barbarian king Meng Huo was killed by Xiahou Dun, the barbarian tribe has no leader, and there are bloody suppressions by barbarian traitors. Nanman's future will not be easy.

In the end, this is South Vietnam, and Sun Quan is still very powerful. To deal with Liu Bei and Cao Cao, Sun Quan is not good, but to deal with the foreigners in South Vietnam, it is completely one-sided massacre. According to the investigation of the hidden guards, there is no force in the entire south that can confront Sun Quan head-on.

Bafan, 93dian, Rinan and other forces have been completely wiped out by Sun Quan, and further south, there are only some tribe-like forces left. It can be said that there are no aliens in the south.

Now, the entire alien force that borders on the big man is either being annexed, or its vitality is seriously injured. It will not be able to threaten the big man in a hundred years. The external troubles have been eliminated, and only internal worries remain.

"Prime Minister, General, how will the soldiers and horses of the Di tribe be arranged?"

After taking the five leaders of the Di tribe away, Ma Chao hurriedly asked, since Chen Ziming had already fully controlled the Di tribe, it was impossible for the [-] soldiers of the Di tribe to be released, otherwise it would be disadvantageous for the Han army to enter the Di tribe in the near future.

Before Chen Ziming could speak, Pang De said first, "The Di people are young and strong, they are good at fighting, and they are not afraid of death. You can use them."

"Yeah." Chen Ziming also meant the same thing: "The Di people are the same as the Qiang people. They are usable. The big Han needs a lot of fighters."

Years of fighting, the young and strong inside the Han have lost too much, and they have reached the warning line, and they can no longer be recruited into the army. It happens that the young and strong of the Di tribe are a very good choice. Let these young and strong enter the Han army. It is very helpful for them to integrate into the big man.

As for the placement of the soldiers and horses of the Di tribe, they had already planned when they came, so Guan Yu took over the matter: "The military department has made arrangements for this matter."

After spending most of the day, several important matters were finally decided, and everyone dispersed to let Chen Ziming take a good rest.

After traveling all the way, Chen Ziming was already exhausted. If it weren't for the many major events in Yizhou that he needed to deal with urgently, Chen Ziming would probably have to lie in bed and have a good sleep as soon as he arrived in Chengdu.

While playing on the sidelines, Chen Ziming was called up, and the dinner was ready, Chen Ziming hosted a feast for the Yizhou nobles, this was the beginning of governing Yizhou, and it must not be sloppy.

The dinner is very simple. Set up tables and chairs, serve wine and meat, have a boring song and dance, and then get to know each other. After eating and drinking, we will officially enter the theme of tonight.

"Yizhou is the land of abundance, the land of dragon prosperity, outstanding people, and the emperor attaches great importance to it."

After hearing Chen Ziming's words, many clan patriarchs sat upright and listened carefully. Tonight's banquet is related to Liu Bei's attitude towards the Yizhou clan, and their family's life and death.

Don't look at them calling the wind and rain in Yizhou, but facing the huge Liu Bei group, they have no power to fight back. The most they threaten Liu Bei is to make the people below make trouble, but Liu Bei's threat to them is to exterminate the clan. Dare to neglect in the slightest.

"The patriarchs are all great talents. The emperor is thirsty for talents, and wants to invite all the patriarchs to serve as officials in the court and serve the great man."

It started, everyone's eyes lit up, and Chen Ziming began to comfort them by pointing out the benefits that Liu Bei could give them. However, although it is good to be an official in the court, it is not enough. They are all waiting for Chen Ziming's next words.

Chen Ziming smiled slightly, a group of old foxes, and then continued: "You and other family members, even if there are sages, they can govern one side and lead an army."

"Those who don't want to be officials can still live in one place, and they can also do business and start a family."

Chen Ziming's conditions made everyone's eyes bright. If this is the case, the strength of their family can still be preserved. You must know that there are many talents in their family. Now they are packaged by Liu Zhang and given to Liu Bei. It is not impossible to accept Liu Bei's rule.

"However." Chen Ziming's eyes sharpened, and he said seriously: "You should know that anyone who is an official in the Han Dynasty, officials above the county magistrate, is not allowed to stay in his original place, and the generals who command troops must listen to the dispatch of the military department."


As soon as Chen Ziming's conditions came out, many clan chiefs were slightly moved. Their foundation is in the family, and they have become accustomed to controlling one side. According to Chen Ziming, this is to deprive them of control of the place, which is a bit unacceptable.

"You can rest assured that your family is safe, as long as you are loyal to the emperor, the army of the emperor can keep your family safe."

Chen Ziming showed a smile on his face. This opening changed the faces of the people below. They are all clan leaders, and they would not be able to hear the threats in Chen Ziming's mouth. Those who serve the emperor, the emperor's army will destroy their family.

They are powerful in Yizhou, but they also dominate the local area. Facing the division of tigers and wolves, they have no power to resist. They either obey or exterminate their clan.

Whether it is Liu Zhang, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, etc., there may be nothing to do with them. After all, local governance still requires their efforts, but Liu Bei is different. The Liu Bei Group has countless officials who govern the local area, and there is no need to rely on these old clans. .

Their only support has no effect on Liu Bei. If it is not for the rapid stability of the place, Liu Bei does not even need to negotiate conditions with them. This is Liu Bei's confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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