Chapter 259 Acupuncture
According to this method, she tried all the acupuncture points on the left side of the old man's paralyzed body, all the acupuncture points were activated, and there is no necrosis, and there is still a possibility of recovery.

"Ms. Mu, what's going on? Why does it suddenly hurt?" The two brothers looked at Mu Qingyi in surprise. The back of his hand was hot red, and he didn't even cry out about the pain, as if he couldn't feel the pain.

Mu Qingyi said: "Having pain proves that he has pain perception, and having pain perception shows that he is not completely paralyzed, and there is still a chance to recover some functions."

The two brothers were overjoyed when they heard the words, "Really? Can it really be recovered?"

"At least today's acupuncture is effective. If you come back tomorrow, you should be able to see some effect after three consecutive days." Mu Qingyi said.

The two brothers bowed to Mu Qingyi again and again, more respectful than before.

Although there were still doubts in their hearts, they were really happy to hear that she could recover a little bit, even if there was only a little hope, they wanted to give it a try.

"You two are sincere and filial, I am very grateful." Mu Qingyi bowed back to the two, and then said: "This disease has a cause, and it needs long-term medication to control it. This will reduce the chance of recurring in the future, otherwise it will still be serious." It will happen again, and you must have heard the consequences of the second recurrence of stroke."

The two brothers nodded quickly. They had indeed heard that after some old people had a stroke, their hands and feet were inflexible first, and their eyes were crooked and their mouth was crooked.But not long after, some old people fell ill for the second time, and simply collapsed on the bed, unable to speak, unable to recognize people, drooling all day long, unable to eat, choking easily, and quite Not long.

"Can a second stroke be avoided just by taking the medicine on time?" my brother asked.

Mu Qingyi said: "It's just to reduce the incidence rate, there is no absolute in everything."

The two brothers understood, thank you again.

After the two brothers took the prescription and helped the old man leave, she also quickly returned to the triage hall to see if she could still find the leak.

As soon as I went back, I ran into yesterday's pneumothorax patient standing in the lobby looking around, and when he saw her, his eyes lit up obviously.

The couple came over with smiles on their faces.

"You guys are here! How do you feel?" Mu Qingyi looked at the man's face.

The man smiled, "It's much better, not as boring as before."

So Mu Qingyi took him to the surgical ward for reexamination, and the images showed that most of the shadows in the patient's lungs had disappeared, leaving only a small amount of shadows remaining, which seemed to be partly absorbed by itself.

Judging from the current situation, there is no need to exhaust gas anymore, just rest slowly.

It was a little strange for the couple to see that she didn't even prescribe medicine. Usually, they only need to come to the medical office, regardless of serious or minor illnesses, which time they didn't prescribe a lot of medicine to go home?
"Don't you need to prescribe medicine?" the woman asked.

Mu Qingyi blinked, "Do you want to take medicine?"

The woman waved her hand, "No, no, that's not what I mean, I mean, my husband doesn't need to take medicine for this disease?"

Mu Qingyi smiled, "It's useless to take medicine for his illness, he just needs to rest well, and he will heal on his own, so don't worry."

The woman could hardly believe her ears. She had never heard such words from other doctors or doctors in the clinic.

It was so sincere that people couldn't help crying when they heard it.

Seeing the woman burst into tears, Mu Qingyi asked in confusion, "Ma'am, why?"

(End of this chapter)

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