Fubao wears books and becomes a group pet

Chapter 188 Your father can't eat

Chapter 188 Your father can't eat
She didn't believe that she was going to seek death, yet Chen Dali dared not help her.

Chen Dali became furious, and roared angrily: "Don't move if I tell you not to move!"

Wu Fang was too frightened to move, and looked at Chen Dali expectantly without blinking.

At this time, Chen Dali stretched out his big hand, took a big piece of sizzling meat from her head, and said, "Okay, now you can go wherever you want."

Crowd: ...

Fubao: ...

Wu Fang: ...

"I'm dead!" Wu Fang let out a heart-piercing cry.

This time I really ran away.

Mrs. Chen felt distressed when she saw the meat all over the floor, and she wanted to pick it up with chopsticks.

Brother Chen Pan said: "What else is there, call the big Tibetan mastiff and eat it directly."

Mrs. Chen slapped Chen Pandi on the back: "What are you talking about? Are you crazy? It all fell on the ground, and it's so dirty that a big Tibetan mastiff will eat it?"

Chen Pandi was beaten inexplicably and was very unhappy: "Do not let the dogs eat the ones that fall on the ground, who will eat them? Throw them away?"

"Bah!" Mrs. Chen slapped her hard again: "You prodigal bitch who has neglected her family and career, are you going to throw away such good meat? I think you are crazy!"

"When did I say I was going to throw it away? I meant that it could only be eaten by dogs!" Chen Pandi was aggrieved.

"Bah! Is that a dog? That's your sister! I don't know anything about sisterhood!"

After Mrs. Chen finished scolding, she took the meat into the house.

Chen Pandi chased after him: "No, mother, what are you doing with the meat in the kitchen?"

"The big Tibetan mastiff can't be eaten, your father can't eat it?"

Brother Chen Pan: ...

Father Chen: ...

--------split line--------

Zhang Li and Zhou Jing were shocked when they saw that the children brought back half a basin full of fish.

"Oh my god, didn't you go to pick water chestnuts? Why did you catch so many fish? How did you catch them?"

"It was Fubao who caught it. Fubao is so powerful, he is a fish when he stretches out his hand."

Chen Daqiang's youngest son, five-year-old Chen Yongqiang, was in a hurry to show off to his mother.


"Really, uncle, if you don't believe me, ask my brother." Chen Xiaozhuang said suddenly.

"Your brother?"

The Chen family has three sons, the eldest is Chen Daqiang, the second is Chen Dazhuang, and the third is Chen Dali.

The boss gave birth to two sons and two daughters, one is Chen Xiaoqiang and the other is Chen Yongqiang.The second child gave birth to two sons and three daughters, the eldest son Chen Xiaozhuang, the youngest son Chen Yongzhuang, and the third child gave birth to two daughters without a son.

Although Chen Daqiang got married first, Chen Dazhuang had a son before him, so Chen Xiaozhuang is the eldest of the third generation grandchildren of the Chen family.

Chen Xiaozhuang suddenly said his brother, Zhang Li was confused.

Chen Dazhuang slapped Chen Xiaozhuang back, "Little bastard, isn't it over?"

The children laughed.

The people at home hurriedly asked what was going on.

The children talked about how their father changed into a brother from the adults at home.

Make everyone angry and funny.

But it also indirectly proved that these fish were all caught by Fubao.

"Oh, I didn't expect Fubao to not only look good, but also catch fish so well." Zhang Li envied.

When Fu Bao heard someone praised her, he quickly said modestly: "Actually, I am prettier than a fairy by a little bit."

Seeing such a lovely Fubao, everyone laughed again.

Zhou Jing blinked and said, "Then you take Fubao to the pig farm this afternoon."

"What are you doing at the pig farm?" Mrs. Chen said disgustedly, "It's dirty and smelly."

Zhou Jing looked like a fool: "Fubao is so blessed, once he catches a fish, wouldn't he be able to catch a pig when he goes to the pig farm? You caught dozens of fish in one morning, if If we catch dozens of pigs, won't we be able to eat meat every day for a year?"

Mrs. Chen slapped her leg: "Oh, why didn't I think of that? The second child, you are so smart!"

(End of this chapter)

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