Xueba couples do not study

Chapter 217 What they consider 'so-so' and 'hard work'.

Chapter 217 What they consider 'so-so' and 'hard work'. (monthly pass update)

After the two bought clothes, they went back home first, because they had tried on a lot of clothes before, and it would be a 'cumbersome' if they took these clothes to other places.

After they left their clothes at home, they went out again.

This time, their destination was a large bookstore not far from home.

Because it was a weekend, there were quite a lot of people in the large bookstore. Some people sat on the ground and picked up a book on the shelf, and began to read it.Most of the people who read are students, only a few are older people.

Regarding the phenomenon of customers reading books, the owner of the bookstore agrees.He believes that as long as they can study well, it is nothing to lose a little money.

Of course, as for book readers, apart from reading a few books that they don't really like, they will usually buy half of the books they read.

One is that I am ashamed to go whoring for nothing in the bookstore. Although the bookstore owner said it was fine, I still couldn't stop feeling sorry.Second, I am looking forward to the ending.Although there are pirated websites on the Internet, which can be read for free, they feel that reading online is better than reading with a book. Looking at the screen all day, no matter whether it is eyes or head, will not adapt. It is better to read slowly with a book , in the process of reading, you can feel the unique fragrance of the book and the texture of the paper, which makes you excited and excited inadvertently.

Lin Sheng and He Yang are regular customers of this bookstore. They often came to this store to read and buy books when they were young.The old employees in the bookstore have long been familiar with the two of them.

When the two of them entered the bookstore, Lao Li, one of the old employees who was standing at the toll booth waiting for customers to come to check out, greeted them when he saw them coming in.

"Xiao He and Xiao Sheng, I haven't seen you for a while." Because there are no customers now, Lao Li chatted with them for a while and said, "How are you doing?"

"It's been a while since I came here," Lin Sheng said with a smile when he heard the second half of his sentence, "It's still the same, so let's study like that, 'so-so'."

He Yang who heard her words:
So-so tenth in city A, sixth in district A, first in school
May I ask how such a result was so sloppily tested, written, and calculated!I really want to ask Mr. Lin Shen.

"What about Xiao He?" Lao Li looked at He Yang beside her after listening to Lin Sheng's words, and asked, "I heard from my son that the English competition seems to be number one in the country. Not bad, as expected of Xiao He .”

After hearing what Lao Li said, He Yang smiled and said, "Thank you, but you can get it if you work hard."

After hearing He Yang's words, Lao Li thought to himself: Why can't my stupid son get the first place like him after working hard, but he is not too high, just the first place in the class.

Lao Li said: "Really." Really as long as you work hard, you can get the first place.

He Yang nodded affirmatively after hearing Lao Li's words, and said, "Yes, as long as you 'work hard', you can get the first place."

Lao Li was very grateful after hearing this, and quickly said, "Thank you, Xiao He."

Lin Sheng, who was beside him, looked at him expressionlessly after hearing his words. She asked the specific meaning of He Yang's words and thought in her heart.

Lin Sheng: As long as you work hard, you can get the first place. He Shen, may I ask if the "hard work" you mentioned means doing S-level question types and questions every day, and then only listening to things you don't know in class, or It is a difficult and challenging question.

This is not called hard work!

Whoever 'works hard' like you can get the first place in the country, I will.
Confession to you!

 Thanks to Lost Memory for voting for a monthly ticket on 6.4, thanks for supporting w
(End of this chapter)

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