Chapter 1 Forbidden Court (1)
The only one I can rely on is Mr. (1)
In Tongyue, this year's vernal equinox comes later than in previous years.Due to the leap in February, the sky was still slightly cool during the Ching Ming Festival, but now they have changed into spring clothes.

There was a torrential rain last night, and the air still smelled of earth and grass.Zonghua opened the window and looked at the lights on the building, and the singing and dancing from far and near, gradually cooling down in the morning light.There are many willows in Jian'an City, and when the sun goes up to the turret, a gust of wind blows, and the sky is full of catkins, peaceful and powerful, enveloping the entire Huanghuang Imperial City.

A thick layer of white had accumulated on the window sill, as if spring snow had fallen in a trance.She lowered her head and blew, Liu Xu was light, she pretended to fall downstairs, and drifted away with the wind.

When Cui Zhuyu came, he broke a new willow branch and handed it to her, "Huangmen is already waiting outside, are you ready?"

She nodded, raised her skirt and stepped out of the threshold, and looked back at him, "Sir, I must achieve my goal here. It's not I who need them now, but they need me, right?"

There was a glint in Cui Zhuyu's eyes, and he wanted to persuade her, but he swallowed the words back.He just said: "I can't enter the palace, everything depends on you. You have to be careful, the palace is different from the outside, a word, a look must be controlled properly."

She hummed, and suddenly smiled charmingly: "Bianliang is far away from Jian'an, sir will wait for me there when I arrive, right?" Her voice gradually became low, almost inaudible, "The only one I can rely on is sir. gone."

She pressed on his wrist, quickly withdrew her hand, and was helped down the steps by the female envoy.He was stunned, he couldn't keep his strength, and he couldn't appreciate it carefully.After regaining her composure, she rushed out, standing in front of the car and politely thanking the Huangmen who came to meet her, "There is a gentleman in labor." Then she boarded the car, lowered the curtains on both sides, the driver turned the horse's head, and swung his whip towards Tongque Street The direction went.

The imperial palace of Sui State was built on Fengshan Mountain, from Zhongwazi to Qinghefang, and then Hening Gate.Her status is a bit special, she can't go through Li's main entrance, she has to go around and enter the palace through the east side gate.Although the loess road is flat, occasionally the car will bump into rubble when it hits rubble.She grabbed the waistband on the apron, and inserted her fingers into it forcefully.

Today is Qingming. In the past, I used to go out of the city every year to visit the tomb and pay respects to my dead mother. But this year, my mother, who had been dead for more than ten years, suddenly came back alive and became the current queen mother.Thinking about it, it was her father who lied to her all along, and she had kept this secret for so long, but after two years of his death, she finally couldn't hide it.It was also brought about by many chances. Emperor Chong passed away and was changed to Yuan Taichu. Now Gao Fei, her half-brother, sits in court.She didn't know, and she didn't want to know how her mother had tried so hard to hide it all these years.She just felt sorry for her father, who could go far away, but had to endure humiliation and stay in Jian'an.Build a clothes tomb, engrave the beloved wife on the stele, and look at the high wall of the Forbidden Garden every day across the Wangxian River.After all, she couldn't let go of her because her father loved her.

Because of being loved, she has no fear of abandoning her husband and daughter.She is not as magnanimous as her father, she hates that so-called mother, and Queen Mother Guo must not like her either.But because this blood relationship still has value to be used, they have to bear with each other.

The wheels rolled towards the gate, and she lifted the curtain to look out. The palace was majestic, and the gate tower was so high that she could not imagine.She once watched from a distance behind her father, and she didn't have a very intuitive feeling after being separated by several miles.Now standing in front of it, with cornices upturned, carved beams and painted buildings, an invisible huge sense of oppression buckled down like a fence, her heart tightened in vain, and even her breathing became extremely heavy.

If you back down, maybe it's still too late.But she can't, she wants to go to Yue, and to get close to Yin Chongyuan, she must have the backing of Sui Guo.She knew that when the two countries were getting married, there were no princesses in the clan who were suitable for marriage. Now that they recognize their relatives, there must be his beauty.What they asked for was exactly what she wanted. If she missed it, she would never have such an opportunity again in her life.

A red lacquer stool was placed in front of the car, and Xiao Huangmen raised his arm to lend her strength. When she got off the car, the guards on both sides saw it and stopped her, and asked from afar, "Who is here?"

Huangmen took out the fish talisman and presented it, "By order of the Empress Dowager, I will bring the girl into the palace, please let me go."

With a wave of the fish talisman that has proven its effectiveness, the imperial guards dispersed, and the guide Huang Men made a gesture around his waist and led her straight to Da Nei.

After all, she was still a little nervous, she clenched her hands tightly, and when she arrived at the Palace of Mercy, she put her skirt on Danbi, and the wind flowed through her fingers, icy cold to the bone.

She lowered her head and entered the main hall, but saw a piece of skirt embroidered with phoenix patterns float into her sight, she knelt down and kowtowed, "Little girl, Yan Hua, I respectfully invite the Queen Mother to enjoy endless happiness."

She leaned on the ground, stretched out her hands, clasped her shoulders slightly trembling.The Empress Dowager couldn't hide her sorrow, and said in a choked voice, "Yong Hua... good boy, get up quickly."

Only then did she raise her head, and for the first time faced her biological mother who lived in the same capital city but had been away for 15 years.

Although Empress Dowager Guo is already a queen mother, she is not very old, she is only in her early thirties, she is well maintained on weekdays, and her complexion has not faded in the slightest.Yun Hua looked at her, maybe it was because of her nature, she didn't feel strange, as if she had seen her before.But it's funny when I think about it carefully, it turns out that this intimacy doesn't come from elsewhere, but from her reflection in the mirror.The mother and daughter are so alike, you don't even need to bleed to recognize your relatives, which really saves a lot of trouble.

With tears in her eyes, the Empress Dowager looked at her carefully, and said repeatedly: "It's true...that's great, my child, the empress misses you every day."

Empress Dowager Guo hugged her into her arms, tears fell and wet the painting silk on her arms.In terms of feelings, there is really not much, why cry?She knew that their father and daughter were in Jian'an, and they didn't even have a letter in 15 years. Why did they cry?But for no reason, Yung Hua's heart was so depressed, waves of grievances surged like waves, and he couldn't hold back, sobbing softly.

The queen mother has been in the palace for so many years, and she has long developed the ability to retract and release freely.The Holy Mother lost her composure, and it's not good to ask left and right to look around.She stopped crying, and Yan Yonghua sat down on the screen bed. Seeing that there were still tears on her face, she rolled up a handkerchief to tuck her in, and said softly: "This is the empress's bedroom. Take it easy, it's okay. I've ordered it Someone went to invite the official's house, your siblings haven't seen each other yet, and the gathering today will end my longing for many years." As he spoke, tears welled up, and he asked her earnestly, "How are you? I have wanted to leave the palace several times. Looking for you, it's a pity that I can't help myself. There are powerful enemies around, and if you make a mistake, you will end up in a different place. Don't blame me. After so many years, now the fifth brother Yuji, who treats me as the queen mother, let me I am looking forward to this opportunity. I know you hate me, I know you hate me, there is nothing you can do about it..."

There is no way, everyone has difficulties.She lowered her head and said nothing, because she was not sure what attitude she should take to face her.Speaking of hate, after all, blood is thicker than water, no matter how fierce the hatred is, she is still a mother; if she doesn't hate, how will her father's long-term pain be settled?Worn down by resentment and depression, he was only 33 when he died.Zong Hua wanted to question her, but couldn't.Tears are the most useless things, they can be used when you are sad, and you can also use them when you are happy. Who can guess its true meaning?
She restrained herself and tried her best to smile, "I know my mother's difficulties. My father has raised me all these years. Even though you are not by my side, I am doing well. My mother does not need to blame herself."

The Empress Dowager's face darkened, and she said in a low voice: "Your father...I'm sorry for him. Did he mention me when he was dying?"

People are gone, still care about what those people do!Yun Hua felt contemptuous, but hid it well, just looked at her burningly and said: "Daddy takes me to the Clothes Tomb outside the city every year to pay homage, saying that it is my mother's tomb. Now it seems that those buried in the tomb, It's just his love. When he was dying, he couldn't speak, and he was holding a mirror tightly in his hand. Later, Xiao Yan couldn't open his fist, so he let him take it away. Does the empress know the origin of the mirror?"

Queen Mother Guo was absent-minded for a long time, and finally covered her face and wept.That mirror was her favorite thing. When she left Li's house, she didn't take it with her, but it became his all sustenance.No matter how high a person climbs, there is always a soft place in his heart to put those unforgettable pasts.No matter how rich and rich the sky is, Qingmei's feelings cannot be soaked in when she was young.It's a pity that I can't tell it anymore, I can only watch it rot.

"I thought he would marry again. After all, he was too young at that time." The big sleeve covered half of his face, only showing his smooth forehead.After a short while, she calmed down again, and sighed, "Let him pass the past. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. What matters is that you are back by my side now. I once said to you Fifth brother mentioned it, he also knows you, and said that the empress should find my sister, and don't let my sister wander in the countryside."

The fifth elder brother she mentioned is Jinshang Gao Fei, one year younger than her, fifteen years old this year.When a woman enters the palace, she has the confidence to have a son.The first emperor's heirs were weak, and the first few princes died one after another. When the first emperor passed away, only the fifth son remained, and Gao Fei logically ascended to the throne.

Sometimes hard work is important, but luck is also a major factor in success.Before the late emperor's funeral, the throne had been left vacant, so Guo's mother, relying on her son's preciousness, jumped from a young Zhaorong to the empress dowager, and her decision was not in vain.

Although the mother and daughter are divorced, they have something to say when they sit together.After a while, the servant announced that the official's family was coming, and Rong Hua hurriedly got up and retreated to the side to stand silently. He saw a person coming in from outside the threshold. Zhang Fengzhi looked good.I bowed my hands in front of the Empress Dowager's bed, "Knowing that the empress is taking sister into the palace today, I was anxious, and rushed to the empress's palace before I could change my clothes." Turning around, he said with a smile, "I think this is it!"

I heard earlier that there are beauties in Jian'an City, who are unparalleled in whiteness and beauty.Gao Fei had thought about bringing her into the palace, but she turned out to be her half-sister after traveling far and wide, which inevitably made people disappointed and melancholy.Looking again and again, this elder sister is really good-looking, with a straight waist and temples, and graceful eyebrows. Compared with her, there is no color in the Forbidden Garden.Such a delicate and pretty person can be pleasing to the eye if he returns to his heart, but if he doesn't return to his heart, he can overthrow the country in a leisurely manner.

Zong Hua leaned over to salute, Gao Fei gave way, and smiled very warmly, "You and my siblings don't have to be too cautious in the back garden. It's a good thing for the empress to find my sister. I called a few big money this morning. After discussion, it is absolutely wrong for my sister to be away, so she has to be admitted to the palace. However, it is unreasonable to have no name and no role in the palace, and it is also a compensation for sister to be sealed later."

As soon as the Queen Mother straightened her body, she felt a bit embarrassed, "Although it is good, I'm afraid the admonisher may have doubts."

Gao Fei didn't take it seriously, "Sister is my mother's compatriot, and I can't even get a title. Doesn't it make me lose face? I just ignore it after advising the doctor. I don't have any brothers. The sisters have all surrendered, and now my sister has endless relatives. I don’t think my sister’s fief should be too far away, so I honor Princess Shouchun, what do you think?”

The Empress Dowager naturally said yes, with a happy expression on her face, and led her to say: "Your Majesty is so gracious, please come and thank the official."

Rong Hua Yingying knelt down and knelt down, Gao Fei hurriedly gave her a hand, and said in a loud voice: "Sister, there is no need to be too polite. Outsiders may see the majesty of the Tian family, but in fact, everyone in it knows that we are no different from ordinary people. Sister is here Just be calm in the palace, and after the ceremony, you will have a salary, no different from an orthodox princess in the clan."

The many courtesies seemed to dilute the awkward atmosphere between each other. She settled down, pursed her lips and nodded, "Thank you, the officials. I have always been in the private sector. I don't know much about the rules in the palace. I am really afraid of breaking the etiquette."

Being in the folk, there is innate nobility and prudence in the blood, which is unmatched by ordinary people.Gao Fei looked at the queen mother with a smile, "I see that my sister advances and retreats with restraint, there is nothing wrong with it."

Empress Dowager Guo said: "It's good for her to be prudent, and she'll just send two Shang Gongs to supervise her." As she spoke, she held her hand and stroked it, "Did your father invite you for a husband? Where are the celebrities?"

Yun Hua paused for a moment, and said vaguely: "There is a gentleman in the family, who is not a celebrity, but he is very knowledgeable. When he was down and out, my father saw that he was talented and learned, so he stayed and became a teacher."

The queen mother nodded, "Your father has passed away, so I don't feel relieved to let you go out alone. It is still the fifth brother who is thoughtful and will live in the palace from now on. Please pay more attention to the officials, and find a good marriage in the future Go out. Girls must have a reliable natal family so that they will not be bullied." Yan Ba ​​helped her to put the mutton fat jasmine hairpin on her bun, "My son is sixteen this year? Your father's filial piety period It's been three years, is there anyone who is willing outside the palace? There is nothing to be ashamed of when the female university is married. If you say it, someone will check it out and see how the family is. If you can pass it, it's okay to make a decision."

If it's exactly as she imagined, it's time to talk about marriage after meeting her relatives.But when it comes to that wishful person, she can't help feeling sad.When she was young, she had an extremely good playmate, his name was Yun Guan, he was the direct son of Emperor Bei Yuemin.Today, the world is divided into three parts, with Yue in the north and Wurong in the west. The national power of the Sui Kingdom was once the strongest. Under pressure, the two countries in the northwest had to send the prince to Jian'an.Generally, protons don't need to be heirs. Emperor Chong is a tricky and mean person, so he wants to do the opposite.The Chu Jun grew up in another country, and he has long lost his fighting spirit after more than ten years. When he returns to the court to succeed him, he is not afraid of causing big waves.Yunguan is a victim of political struggle.

At that time, the two mansions were very close to each other, and a pair of young children came and went frequently, reciting poems and songs, throwing pots and horses.For her, Yun Guan embodies her most simple yearning for all the beauty.That slender figure filled her entire girlhood.

Yun Guan's people, as the name suggests, people are born to stand on the clouds.He has the most noble lineage of Da Yue, and his mother's family is a distinguished family, which is second to none in the world.She still remembered the smiling face of him leaning against the tree to make hairpins for her. He said that when he ascended the throne, he would send envoys to Sui to ask for marriage. He wanted to welcome her into the palace and make her his queen.

But no one expected that he would die tragically in the Forbidden Court in the second year after he returned to his battle-axe. It is said that his face was blurred and his head was in a different place.When she heard the news, she cried for three whole days. Cui Zhuzhen said that his death was not an accident, but someone plotted to seize the heir.Emperor Min had two sons, one of them died, and the remaining one was the biggest beneficiary. Like Gao Fei, it was logical for him to ascend to the throne.She lost what she loved, but it was a pity that it was beyond her reach.Fortunately, she is a patient and lucky person, let her wait until this day, and if she works hard, she may be able to avenge him.

Yue is no longer what it was 20 years ago, and its strength should not be underestimated now.So Sui Kingdom wants to get married and send a titled princess there, all of these are expected by her.There is no need for her to maintain a decent smile anymore, they must have checked her before they took her into the palace, if it wasn't for her and Yun Guan, the Queen Mother might not have recognized her.As for Gao Fei's efforts to resist all opinions, it was just to add weight to this unreliable family relationship.Why did the speaker object?Isn't it a great thing to conjure up a princess out of thin air and send it to an enemy country to maintain the relationship between the two countries?

She lowered her head and turned her face away slightly, "Don't ask, my lady, I'm an unlucky person."

Empress Dowager Guo and Gao Fei looked at each other, and said kindly: "How can it be! You go back to your mother, and you have the officials to make decisions for you. What kind of blessing do you need? If you have something on your mind, you may wish to tell your mother, we are close relatives, flesh and blood. There is no need to shy away from it.”

She still shook her head, "Today is a good day, my daughter doesn't want to ruin the happiness of the empress and the officials. The future will be long, and it will not be too late to talk about it when I have the opportunity."

The queen mother said, "Yes, I have been busy all morning, so I should take a rest." Turning her head, she told the servant, "Call Miss Sun, and lead the eldest princess to the Yanchun Pavilion." She smiled at her again, "The scenery in that place is very beautiful." Qi Hao, you settle down now. The princess's canon ceremony needs to be prepared a little, and everything will be discussed after the seal is sealed!"

Outside the hall, a beautiful woman with plastered tinsel and a dimpled face came to lead the way. Manghua said good luck to the Queen Mother and the officials, and followed her out of the Cifu Palace.

Yanchun Pavilion is in the corner of Gongye. There is a lake beside the pavilion, and there is a lake center pavilion in the lake.Mrs. Sun led her across the flower garden, pointed forward and said with a smile: "That's Feihuating. The eldest princess has nothing to do. Going to the pavilion to watch fish is a good pastime."

She agreed with a smile, Mrs. Sun sent someone to bring in the smoker, smoked the hall, and resigned after a few polite words.

(End of this chapter)

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