Chapter 10 Forbidden Court (10)
I crossed mountains and ridges into the wilderness, my heart was in the Southern Dynasty, and my body was in the North. (1)
The marriage customs of Yue Kingdom are different from those of Sui Kingdom, the marriage ceremony between husband and wife is in the bridal chamber.Yan Hua backed up and took her back to Rouyi Hall last time, this time her eyes were bright, but her clothes and skirts were long, so she had to be careful with every step.

Two unfamiliar people stood opposite each other, and the atmosphere was awkward.After hastily praying and sitting in the tent, I felt weak and weak, and my legs were trembling a little.

Shang Gong sent a pair of cups, and said with a smile, "The sky of the peach is shining brightly. The son returns home, and it is suitable for his family... Please invite the officials to drink with the saint. From now on, the husband will sing and the wife will follow, and the phoenix will sing in harmony."

The ears of the Hebei wine glass are connected with a concentric knot, and when the new couple uses it up, they should be placed under the bed, turned up and down, to symbolize good luck.Drinking a glass of wine is an essential step, and Shang Gong, who is the emcee of ceremonies, watched eagerly. Yan Hua had never touched a drop of wine before, and this time he had to fight it out.She raised her glass to Jinshang, smiled shyly, her eyes were soft and soft, like spring water, "Guanjia..."

Imakami raised his eyes, said nothing, and drank the wine with a tilt of his neck.

In fact, she had a sentence lingering between her lips and teeth, and she wanted to be coquettish, for example, the concubine is not good at drinking, can I just take a sip or something.In the end, before she could speak, Yin Chongyuan finished his drink simply and directly, and then looked at her, which seemed a bit casual.

It's not good to be incomprehensible, she thought fiercely in her heart, her smile became a little ferocious later, and she swallowed the whole cup in a hunch.

The Yue Kingdom is different from the Sui Kingdom, it used to be a passionate country.Taking the name of the country as Yue, the atmosphere of war has been engraved on Huabiao since ancient times.Originally, it was a land of swords and swords. Even though hundreds of years have passed, he has gradually become grand and magnanimous, and he still has his brave and courageous nature in his bones.Yue people are fond of drinking, and the virtue of drinking slowly in Sui country is absent here.The cup of Hexiu wine was as big as a man's fist. After drinking it, the hotness in the throat continued to burn, and the internal organs were about to burn.

She was choking, raised her sleeves to cover her mouth and coughed, she didn't take it seriously, stood up and brushed her knees and said: "There is a banquet in the Jiying Hall for the ministers and envoys from all over the world, if the queen is tired, go to bed first, don't worry wait for me."

She sent it out, saw that his cuff was folded, put her hand back to put it back for him, and said softly: "I'll come back when I go to the official's house, I'll wait for you."

It was a kind of roundness unique to women, without edges and corners, but it could penetrate to the deepest level.He looked at her complicatedly, turned around and left without saying a word.Yun Hua watched him off, and only took two steps back to lean against the door frame when the tall and straight figure got farther and farther away in the night.

The alcohol came very quickly, his forehead was drenched with sweat, his legs were limp, and every step he took was like stepping on a cloud.She covered her mouth and smiled silly, "I seem to be... drunk."

Chunwo was very helpless, and stood up with Aunt Jin, and helped her into the inner hall.

It's funny to think about the fact that the bride was drunk by a glass of Hebei wine.After all, she is still a child, and she built a very large and perfect revenge plan by herself before, but as a result, a glass of wine made people unknown, what else could she do except being taken advantage of by others?But Chunwo is not worried. A woman shouldn't pretend to be too much. Now that she is married and a woman, she should live her life in peace.Instead, she hoped that the officials would impress her. In fact, Yunhua is a very simple person, but sometimes he is stubborn and does not listen to others' persuasion.If she could get into her heart, she would probably treat him like she did to King Wise!
Chunwo tucked her temples for her, "The official family won't come back for a while, you lie down for a while, and I'll make someone cook a bowl of hangover soup."

They helped her to bed, and with the cold matting against her, she finally felt a little more comfortable.It's just that for some reason, the itching on the neck slowly started, and it became more and more intense. She couldn't catch it, so she turned over and sat up suddenly, and frantically tugged at the green gauze.

Chunwo was startled, and asked her what's wrong, she frowned and said, "It seems like a bug bit me, it's very itchy."

As a result, an expensive Yiyi garment was stripped to pieces, and finally torn apart, the result was astonishing.A large rash appeared on the originally smooth skin, spreading from the jaw to the chest.Because of the scratching, the scratch marks were intricate and swollen faintly, which was shocking.

Chunwo turned around in a hurry, and ordered the maid outside to say: "The sage is sick, please go and call the imperial doctor." She wrung out a wet towel to scrub her, but she couldn't stop her from crying, and was afraid that she would scratch her skin, so she held it down hard Her hand said, "What should I do, send someone to the Queen Mother's Palace to report back, don't tell me that someone has done something to harm you."

Xu Shanggong from Yongjin Temple came in after hearing the news, and said after seeing it: "I have seen this kind of symptom before. It's because of drinking alcohol. It doesn't matter. Some people can't drink alcohol. The internal heat is accumulated and cannot be released. You have to wait for the smell of alcohol." Let it go, it will be fine slowly." He gently persuaded, "Saint, bear with it, drink the soup of understanding wine, and it will soon subside. The servant girl will invite the official, and the evil spirit will also be with the official. Don’t dare to invade anymore.” After saying that, he went away on his own.

Zonghua was rolling all over the bed, complaining of itching and heat, making the palace restless.Brother Fo and Ah Rong came to fan her, she took off only her bra, and she lay there crying.Chunwo had no choice but to hold her hand and said: "Ancestor, I know you are uncomfortable, so bear with it anyway, don't teach people to read jokes. The imperial doctor is coming soon, let's see what medicine can be used and take it slowly. Sun Shanggong As I said, it will be fine if it spreads out.”

She gritted her teeth with hatred, "I will never drink again..."

Chunwo responded: "Okay, don't drink, don't drink. Today is a day of great joy, and there is nothing to do with drinking, and I will never drink again. I will pass on the word that Qingning Palace is not allowed to keep a wine pot. It's gone." The outsider came in and said that the imperial doctor had arrived, so he hurriedly covered her with a thin quilt, and lowered the curtain to invite someone in.

The imperial physician's diagnosis was the same as what Xu Shanggong said, there are really people in the world who can't touch alcohol.Perhaps the wine in the south is mild, but the strong wine is used in the Bianliang area. The queen's drink is light, and her body can't bear it.

The imperial physician licked the tip of his pen and leaned over the table to write out a prescription, which was not complicated, honeysuckle, cork, flavescens, and green leaves.Pass it to Xiao Huangmen, tell him to grab the medicine quickly, then turn his head and tell Chunwo, "Fry it thickly on high heat, just take the juice and rub the affected area."

In response to Chunwo, the people in the Qingning Palace got busy separately and set up a medicine stove on the Danchi.Ah Rong stood by the hanging child in a daze, the scorching flames seemed to melt the air, and through the distorted heat, she saw the official family coming in through the palace gate, so she walked in and announced, "Mother Chun, the official family is back."

Chunwo immediately had a feeling of reliability in his heart, although it was late, it was better to come than not to come.Turning around to look at the bed, she had removed her make-up, her clothes were disheveled, she was drowsy, her brows were frowning and she occasionally panicked.In terms of dignity, there is nothing at all, but when a person is sick, how can he care about those.

She put down her hands and led the crowd out to greet her. The official stood outside the threshold and took a look, "How is the queen?"

She said it truthfully, "The sage never drank alcohol in his boudoir. He hadn't noticed this shortcoming before, which made him panic today. Please forgive me. The sage is still drunk. According to the imperial doctor, at least he will pass It took two hours for the symptoms to subside slightly."

He frowned, and stepped into the inner hall, and the heavy curtains in the new room were all lowered.It was already very hot in June, the sills and windows were covered with gauze, and the windows were half-opened, and a faint wind blew in, and the light curtains fluttered, covering half of the bedroom like fluffy clouds.

He climbed onto the bed with footrests and raised the bed curtain, and the beautiful woman lay on her back and on her side, creating a beautiful scene.But the red marks on her shoulders and back are real. She has extremely fair skin, reddened by drunkenness, like a half-cooked shrimp.

The maidservant in the front palace brought the decocted medicine, and he only asked, "How to use it?"

Chunwo said: "Just wipe the affected area."

He nodded and pointed to the desk, "Put it down, you all go out."

The people below quickly exchanged glances, bowed and said yes, exited the hall, and closed the gate of Rouyi Hall.

The night was already deep, the stars in the sky shifted their positions, the palace lanterns hung high, but the voices of people fell silent.Chunwo tucked his hands and looked up. Ah Rong got jujube porridge and fried carved flowers with honey from somewhere. While eating, he dug them out of his pocket and handed them to her.Seeing her melancholy face, he asked her in a low voice, "Mother Chun, are you unhappy? Is it because the princess is getting married and you are reluctant?"

Chunwo glanced at her, "I can't be called a princess anymore, she is a queen, and I have to establish rules from myself." After speaking, he looked back and murmured, "Except for Queen Mother Guo, I think every mother Everyone is the same. When a child is brought up and left the court, it is inevitable to feel sad. From now on, her closest relative will not be me..."

Ah Rong shook her head and said no, "Her dearest person will always be you."

Chunwo forced a smile, and his words became meaningful, "Ah Rong, our position is different from Aunt Jin and the others, you have to remember."

Although Ah Rong is childish, she has a good brain. She puffed her chest out and said, "Mother Chun, don't worry, my friendship with them is only on the surface. I am a saint with all my heart, and I know what is best for her."

Chunwo nodded, and looked back reluctantly.The Yongjin Hall is brightly lit, although the windows are half open and the curtains are heavy, you can't see the scene inside.The previous rumors about Jinshang were not good, and she was always worried that something would happen to Yonghua.It seems to be slowing down today.Maybe the officials also understand the principle of the same body of husband and wife, no matter how harsh they are to others, they should still be gentle to their own queen!

She sighed, helpless, and took Ah Rong to the side hall.

It was not yet dawn when Zi Hua woke up from alcohol, his head hurt, his head was raised up, and his hands and feet could not be controlled.Wanting to drink water, he pushed hard twice, and finally struggled to sit up.When I was about to get out of bed, I realized that there was an extra person on the bed.

Her heart skipped a beat, her mind was blunt and she didn't know why.Looking around, the hall was covered with red and green, and finally remembered that today was the day when she and Imakami got married, and the person lying next to her was none other than her ultimate purpose of coming to Da Yue.

Isn't he unwilling to be close to others? He didn't expect to condescend to sleep with her.It was all in a hurry before, and his face was very vague in her memory.Just looking at it now, although it is still alienated, it is not so scary.

The hatred she had brewed for a long time was aroused within a short distance.He is here on a high bed with a soft pillow, while Yun Guan is cold and rotting under the ground.Originally, this world should not belong to him, isn't it wrong to sit in Zichen Palace?If she had a knife in her hand, she would kill him with her own.She should have hidden a dagger under the pillow long ago. She kept persuading herself not to be abrupt, but when she saw him take off his top-of-the-sky crown and only wear a white veil, she felt that he was nothing special.Without the escort of the Jinwu Guards, he could neither call the wind nor the rain.

She bit her lip and stared hard at that face.The room was silent, only hearing each other's breathing.Her heart was agitated, and she was almost thinking of killing him when he suddenly said something——

"Don't look at me like that, I don't like it."

She was frightened, and fell back onto the slippery silk brocade quilt.He turned sideways, his eyes were like thin blades, if it was real, he would have cut her into pieces long ago.

But although the blade was sharp, it gradually shifted its direction.She wondered in her heart, and looked down, it turned out that there was only Yi Nan's flower-style tube top left on her upper body, her bare shoulders were exposed in front of him, and she didn't even wear a dress.

She blushed immediately, and pulled the quilt to wrap herself.However, the stamina of the wine rash has not completely subsided, just now I was so focused on hating him that I forgot to itch.But when she covered it, the reptile-like Haloxylon touch was lingering around her neck, and she couldn't help reaching in and scratching again.

"The official is awake?" She hesitated, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"We're getting married today, this is the bridal chamber of me and the queen, why don't you come?" He seemed to have not fully woken up yet, and there was a kind of laziness in his tone.Her eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and her eyes overflowed through the thick eyelashes and landed on her neck, "Why, it's still itchy?"

She mumbled, and rubbed her hot skin twice, "It's much better, I can't handle alcohol..." She stepped forward and asked, "When did the official wake up?"

He said, "You just stepped on my foot."

Her scalp felt numb all of a sudden, she really was an idiot who couldn't help her up, her mind was confused in the middle of the night, she was tripped before, but later it turned out that he had forgotten.I hope she didn't do anything stupid, but just stared at him coldly, without personal and physical evidence, it's not a crime, right?

She lowered her body, leaned her elbows on the mat, and said in a mournful and aggrieved tone, "Did you step on the official's house? I always sleep alone, and today I got drunk and accidentally offended the official's house. Don't bother me, officials."

He turned to look at her, and gave her a faint glance, emotionless, "You don't have to be too cautious, you are the only one who can sit on an equal footing with me in this forbidden garden." He pointed to the guiding pillow, "Lie down, I have I want to talk to you."

In fact, it was a weird situation, just like most couples chatting on the pillow, maybe it seemed nothing to others, but Meng Hua felt awkward.But he woke up, and he was a different person when he was awake than when he was asleep.She might be a bit bullying, and when he was off guard, she was eager to strangle him to death.But when he opened his eyes, she immediately flinched again, because she knew very well that there was a huge disparity in strength, since she was not his opponent, she had no choice but to wait for the opportunity.

She lay down obediently, with a light body, holding the leading pillow, and covering half of her face with her curved jade arms.

He is no stranger to this kind of posture, and he usually shows it unconsciously when he is on guard against others.He stretched out his hand to push her arm away, and when he was done, he rubbed his fingers on the quilt twice repeatedly.

Zihua looked down, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "The officials have something to say, but it's okay to say it."

He lay on his back, with his fingers crossed on his belly, he didn't answer her immediately, and after a long time he said: "Suiguo is willing to form a state of lips and teeth with the big axe, marry the princess as a hostage, and never allow soldiers to invade each other... The queen thinks, how true or false is this statement?"

Yun Hua was stunned when he heard that, "Is this the marriage letter brought by the envoy Sui?"

"Yes, as a hostess...Does the Queen know what a hostess means?" He looked at the top of the landscape tent, without needing her answer, and said, "Your current situation is the same as that of Yunguan back then. As long as there is even the slightest misconduct in the Sui Kingdom, you will be the first to bear the brunt of death."

Her heart skipped a beat, it was the same in Baoci Palace last time, as if he had a third eye, some buried truths could be seen without digging.She is not sure how much he knows about her involvement with Yun Guan, but every time she mentions it, she always trembles with fear.She cautiously looked at his face, but she didn't see any joy or anger, so she tentatively said: "In this case, the official made me queen, it must be to resist all opinions! A fake woman like me, who speaks lightly, is like a ten-pound weight I can't bear the weight of a hundred catties, and Princess Wurong was born noble, why did the officials abandon her and choose me instead?"

He still had an incomprehensible look on his face, and Zihua found that he would pause for a while after speaking, and he didn't know if it was a fault that fell from his childhood.But if he is half crazy and half stupid, how can there be a fool like him in the world?His mind was unpredictable, he took this step, and he couldn't guess what would happen next.

He did not hesitate to say, "With the current national power of the big axe, it is enough to make the four parties become ministers. How to arrange it in the palace will not shake the overall situation."

She didn't understand even more, "So the government appointed the queen just on a whim?"

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply: "You and Yun Guan have been together since we were young. You studied and played together. Yun Guan once made hairpins for you, and he solemnly promised you that when he ascends the throne, he will welcome you as queen. Is that so?" He turned his face and smiled mockingly, "It's a pity that he couldn't wait for this day. As an elder brother, I should fulfill his wish for him. Now you are the queen of Dayue. You should be satisfied."

These words can be said candidly and honestly, and Yong Hua suddenly became furious.It turned out that he already knew it by heart, so he should also be clear about her purpose of entering the Forbidden Court.He wants to snatch things that belong to Yun Guan, and he also wants to take the people Yun Guan likes for himself.

She couldn't lie down any longer, she propped herself up and said, "What does the official family mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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