Chapter 109: Family (11)
Leaving Prince Yu's Mansion, it was the time when the ghost market was bustling. When I came out of the alley, I saw white gauze lanterns hanging on both sides of the street, and the cries of vendors kept coming and going, just like daytime.They didn't ride a horse or a sedan chair, and the two of them walked back.To tell the truth, Song Yin wanted to eat fried liver, Song Yin went to a small stall, saw that the stew was cooked well, threw a few copper coins, asked him to get two portions, and chose a place to sit quietly.

"The food here must not be so authentic, don't be disgusted, just make do with it. I can't walk today, and I will invite you to Xianju for dinner in two days." She took out a small fan and shook it lightly, after a rain , it is not as hot as before, and the faint smell of fireworks in the market is more comfortable than being in Qiluodui.

He put his hands on the table and built a small hut, with a face resting on the top of the hut, looking bright and beautiful.Asked her, "Just now you said you wanted to investigate for Prince Yu, tell me about it."

She turned her face away, "It's not good for a man to be so inquisitive."

He said no, "I care about you, and I am afraid that he will persecute you again because of his status. If there is anything, you must tell me, and we can find a solution together."

Song Yin looked at him after listening, and said softly: "Why are you so kind to me? What should I do if I don't have anything to repay."

He didn't take it seriously, "You can make a promise with your body."

He said that he was not serious, Song Yin gave him a hard look, "I don't care if you and I have nothing to say, don't turn around and talk to the old lady."

He immediately said that he knew, "I am the best at pleasing old ladies and wives, don't worry about that. But I am very happy that you can take care of me. There is a saying that with your arms folded in your sleeves, since we are in the same group, we will not be separated. You and I."

He is too good at getting close, probably that's why he has attracted the likes of older people!Song Yin has been in touch with him a few times, and has gotten used to his way of speaking, and doesn't take it seriously.When the fried liver was served, the two each took a spoon, each poured a cup of tea, and drank slowly with tea instead of wine.She didn't intend to hide it from him, for some reason, she was willing to tell him what happened to her.He is probably the only person after Ama who can listen to her.

"I was in the palace early in the morning, and he was fishing. When he mentioned that no one was in charge of the family, I asked him why he didn't marry a Fujin. This is what I thought. If he was in charge, I think it would be beneficial to me." The good thing is that at least you don’t have to call me for every church meeting. He didn’t take it seriously at first, but then he suddenly figured it out, and asked me which girl is good, maybe I’ll be back to the queen mother if I’m sure, and then I’ll ask the emperor to marry me.” She He stroked the cup in boredom, and said, "I was so happy at the time, I mentioned everything I could think of to him, I see that he doesn't seem to be shocked, and I plan to go back to the palace tomorrow, and have a good touch again. "

Rong Shi frowned, "That's it? Nothing else?"

Song Yin blushed, lowered her eyes and said: "How can I be so cheap? He said that I will not be allowed to have a family within two years. When I turn twenty, he will find me as his concubine."

Rong Shi thumped the table, shaking the plates and bowls on the table, "Is he still thinking about it? Marriage is not allowed within two years, so if he dares to protect the matchmaker, isn't he afraid that I will settle down and welcome people?"

Because of his anger, his voice was a bit loud, which caused other diners to stare blankly.Song Yin hurriedly pressed his hand to let him restrain himself, "Don't yell like that, let people hear you! There have been many changes in the past two years, who knows what will happen then. Even if he wants to accept me, it depends on whether I am willing or not." Woolen cloth."

He looked aggrieved and angry, aggrieved to a certain extent, his eyes sparkled, and said: "Sister, you won't follow him, right? You have to promise me and give me a reassurance."

Song Yin gave him a weird look, "Of course I won't be with him anymore, but why should I give you a guarantee?"

"Because I'm just the head of the guards, and my status is not as good as his. My arms can't twist my thighs." He pursed his mouth, looking pitiful, "If you promise me, then I won't have any worries, and you will follow me."

She became embarrassed, and hurriedly covered her face with the cup, "I won't follow him, and I don't have to follow you. I've told you eight hundred times when your stinky disease will be cured."

He pretended to be deaf and dumb, with a piece of liver in his mouth, and said, "I didn't hear that, and what you said was meaningless. Anyway, our old lady asked me several times, saying that it was time to prepare the dowry. Hurry up, let me hang out with Yinzi again. If you change your mind midway, then you are being unkind."

She was dumbfounded, "How sooner or later did I promise you something? Didn't I tell you clearly, we don't count this time."

"Then I don't care. You just stay with me and don't marry me. I will go back to your grandma and say that you bullied me."

Song Yin was rendered speechless by him, is this person planning to play tricks to the end?She felt that she should explain it to him again, but she gave up after thinking about it for a long time. Could it be that a smart person like him really doesn't understand?He was just pretending to be stupid, deliberately messing around.

She didn't plan to talk to him anymore. After eating two pieces of liver, she felt that it was too salty, so she put the spoon down.He didn't really like his appetite, so he got up and said, "It's getting late, I'll take you home."

He usually talks a lot, but today he was uncharacteristically, which made Songyin very nervous.A halo of light around the lantern circle illuminated his face, and he frowned slightly, feeling a little depressed.She couldn't hold back, and asked him cautiously, "What's wrong with you?"

He raised his head and felt infinitely sentimental, "This is the first time I've been with a girl, and I'm very serious. But it's like a person knows that his life is rough when he lands alone, so there's no mood. I'm sad...don't worry about me, I can hold on. It will take a year at most, and I will gradually recover."

It takes a year?When Song Yinjing said this, he felt guilty, and began to reflect on whether he had gone too far and played with other people's feelings.But it was agreed at the beginning, no one should take it seriously, why is he thinking about it again!

She hesitated, rubbed the handkerchief and said, "It's not my fault..." She wanted to promise to find another one for him, but the words reached the tip of her tongue, and she swallowed them again.

He nodded, "I can't blame you, I blame myself. In fact, I didn't have anything to do before, but I heard that he married Fujin on the one hand and grabbed you on the other. Looking for someone, let you wait, and carry you into the mansion through the side door every other year, and make him a side room, thanks to him being able to speak! You are in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and if you follow him, you will be thrown away. Stretching your neck to look forward to him every day, what is the difference between you and an ordinary ignorant woman? Do you know what is the most valuable thing about you? It is this strength that no one can control! If this is worn out by him, you are not the original You're all ruined."

Song Yin was quite touched, she never expected that such an incomprehensible old man could see such deep things.Although he pretended to be pitiful just to win her sympathy, but the last few words let her see that he at least respected her.Living alone as a woman, food, clothing and clothing are not everything. These things cannot be compared with being respected.Men will take you seriously if they look up to your ability and character.If it's just out of a momentary curiosity, if you lose the novelty and throw it away like a shoe, then it will be like he said, ruined, and it will be too late to regret it.

She stood still, turned around and faced him, "I understand what you mean, thank you for looking at me. Don't worry, I have my own opinion, and I have explained it clearly to him. The Tong family's aunt is not a concubine. I know what he does It’s not up to this point, so don’t worry at all. Besides, we can’t underestimate this man. His ambition is not to marry a few concubines. He is a person who handles big things, so how can he be entangled by such petty love? It's limbs."

Rong Shi thought about it carefully, and his spirit suddenly lifted, "Does your Tong family have such a rule? Girls don't become concubines? Then I'm just right. Not only do I not have a main room, but there are no connecting rooms."

He said that he wanted to sell to himself, and this heart was really used up enough.Song Yin was a little embarrassed, "We'll talk about this later, let's not discuss it now, okay?"

Rong Shi is a little confused, so does this mean that he is very hopeful?Originally, with a talent like him...

He bit his lip, extremely excited and shy.Song Yin glanced at him, lowered her head, a slight smile appeared on the corners of her lips, the two of them just stood at each other stupidly, at a loss what to do.

Her mind was in a trance and she was also active, and now she felt that he was very good, responsible, and careful.He was so calm when facing Prince Yu, like a mountain, which made her feel reliable.A girl is a girl, and when she is vulnerable and unbearable, she needs someone to stand up and be willing to resist for her.There will be a day when Ama grows old. If Ama is not around and she has nothing to rely on, what will she do then?

She looked at the knees he was swaying, and realized that he had come to pick her up without even changing his clothes, and she was really moved.Let's find something to say, she thought for a while, "Has the emperor's tour been arranged properly?"

He hummed, "Every level has been assigned, it's very safe."

She nodded, "I should be my Ama's entourage in Shangxishan, I have to stay in the palace. You should be careful in everything, and you can't afford it if something goes wrong. I would rather be tired and take care of everything, don't be negligent. "

He said he knew, and was surprised in his heart. It turned out to be a very happy thing to have a woman tell you so.

No longer talking nonsense, just being silent for a few moments, it's really embarrassing.They looked at each other with a smile, and quickly turned their eyes away.Bu'er Hutong is gradually approaching. It used to look like a place with no characteristics, but today it is full of poetry and beauty. Every brick and every gate looks vivid and lovely.It's just that the road is too short, and I rubbed my feet, trying to slow down, but I still reached the door.Having to separate, he watched her go up the steps and called her, "I'll pick you up tomorrow."

She pursed her lips and smiled, "Mao is about to enter the palace, you have to get up early. No need, I can always see you when you walk around. I won't invite you in, go home quickly, you haven't eaten dinner yet .”

He stood at the foot of the steps with his hands behind his back, squinting his eyes slightly, "Go in, I'll watch."

When he calmed down and stopped running the camel with his mouth full, there was a kind of restraint and grandeur that she had never discovered.She hesitated for a moment, and for a moment she had the illusion that she didn't quite recognize him.The nanny inside the door has already greeted her, greeted Rong Shi, and took the girl in.

She stepped over the threshold, still thinking about it in her heart, and looked back, he was standing in a light and shadow, just like when she first met, the son is unparalleled in this world.

I have a little secret in my heart, and I don't tell anyone about it.Song Yin vaguely felt that she probably really fell in love with Rongshi. At the beginning, she might be confused by his beauty. After all, the older the man, the uglier he is. Pick a man with a better foundation. Light, out of shape, at least the face is there, there is nothing wrong with it.The second is his character, optimistic, gentle, upright, and a little clever, this kind of person is really a good candidate for living at home.

If they want to develop between them, there is basically no obstacle at home. Her grandma and Ernie both like him.On their side, the old ladies and wives also treat her well, and it's definitely not a fake politeness with one face on the other.The two families have similar family backgrounds. Although they are half relatives, they are much closer than usual neighbors. It is only logical that they really want to get along.It's a pity that there was a pimple between them that couldn't be resolved for a while. It can't be said that each of them is the master, anyway, that's roughly what it means.Rongshi is loyal to the emperor, his father was the head master of the study at the beginning, and the emperor regarded him as a mentor, it is impossible to bow his head to Prince Yu just because of this.As for my own family, I was in the bordered yellow flag, and I wanted to be loyal to the emperor, but there was a banner owner pressing me down, and I didn't even dare to breathe.If the two of them became a couple, and the fight would be too fierce, she would be worried, not to mention whether Prince Yu could win over Rongshi, if the emperor also became suspicious of him, he would be tricked to death.

So I can secretly like him, but generally speaking, it's better not to implicate him.If one of the couple is in charge of the imperial confinement and the police, and the other controls the royal property, once these two people combine, the entire Forbidden City will become their family. Regardless of whether the emperor agrees or not, the ministers will not look at it.

She was very thoughtful, but Rong Shi didn't seem to be worried, he made no secret of his wishes, and jumped up and down to express "sister, you and me", "sister, you come with me", so direct, Made her feel very embarrassed.She refused many times, and if he mentioned it again, she would probably be too embarrassed to refuse.But what to do, the position of the Tong family is hereditary, if she gives up, the whole family will be ruined, and it is impossible for her Ama to train another successor.As for Rong Shi, it is not realistic to give up.He was the emperor's most trusted person. Right now, Prince Yu was full of wings and looked at him covetously. If he changed hands at will, it would be like putting a guillotine on the dragon bed, and he would face the danger of being forced into the palace at any time.

No one can put their hands down, so they can only stand still for now.Song Yin is very open-minded. People will encounter different scenery in this life. If they like it, stop and look at it. It doesn't have to be kept for themselves.If you continue on the road, you may not be able to meet the same ones, but there may be more suitable ones.When I think about it many years later, I said that I once admired this person. He is doing well now, and I am also doing well. This is also very fulfilling.

However, the idea has to be ironed, and many times it may not develop according to your thinking.She tends to be distracted now, she doesn't feel it, but the people around her see it for real.

(End of this chapter)

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