Chapter 118: Family (20)
Night run
This matter can't be discussed for a while, and the situation is changing rapidly, so we can only play by ear.It is inconvenient for Songyin to stay here for a long time, and she earnestly told him to leave after a few words.Before leaving the palace with the key, he went home and disguised himself as a fruit and vegetable delivery servant, and headed straight to Prince Yu's mansion with the burden.

She had been to Prince Yu's mansion once, but the concierge might not recognize her, but the stewards in the mansion had an impression of her.

It was getting dark, and she entered Asmen wearing a straw hat. Haha beads led her to the kitchen at the back, but she ignored her. She put down the burden and asked someone to remove the things in the basket. She turned around and asked, "Where is the prince?"

The concierge was a little surprised, where did the wild mud feet come from, and he stabbed straight at the door to see the prince.His voice was not very good, "Open your eyes and see where this is, the prince is the one you can see if you want to see it?"

She took off her hat and showed her head and face, "Please pass on a message for me, Tong Jiasongyin has something to report to the lord."

Her name is very famous now, and she has been serving as an official for more than half a year. Probably no one in Sijiu City does not know that Tong's family has a daughter who is an official.

The concierge was taken aback, and said sorry in multiple voices, "The servant is blind and didn't recognize Mr. Tong all of a sudden. Don't be offended. Just wait a moment, and I'll send someone up to deliver a message to the prince." , sit down and rest your legs."

She wasn't in the mood to sit, she just wanted to finish her work quickly and get out of here.Come during the day to attract attention, but feel inconvenient to come at night.To be honest, Prince Yu's character is really not very good, and she is a little afraid to be alone with him.But now that we are here, no matter how worried we are, we have to pretend to be calm.She looked northward with her hands behind her back. The big wedding was only five or six days away, and everything that needed to be arranged had already been arranged. The colorful paintings under the eaves were newly painted, and the water chestnut flowers on the doors and windows were repainted red. A thriving scene came out.

Haha Zhuzi ran very fast, came up to him and slapped Qianer, "My lord is in the study, please come with my servant, Mr. Tong."

Song Yin followed, there were several study rooms for Prince Yu, the second entrance, the third entrance and the garden were all arranged.This time it was in the garden. There was an independent water pavilion to the north of the fishing pond last time.So this person's ambition is everywhere, everything imitates the emperor's other career, and he is really not afraid of being impeached.

Hahazhu picked up a lamp to illuminate the corridor, and when she was going up the steps, she hung the lantern low, and asked her to be careful where she stepped.Song Yin looked up, the deathly wind in front of the water pavilion was covered with water-red silk, and the lights flickered, illuminating the reflection in the lake, as if a lonely mountain temple was bathed in the setting sun, with a strange and erotic flavor.

She followed and went up the roundabout corridor, and when she was about to reach the door, she shouted, "Master, I beg you to see me."

A figure gradually moved over, at first it was a blurry mass, and then slowly condensed, with a slender silhouette and a neat hair crown.Opening the door, the night wind poured into the study, blowing his sleeves to swell, and for a moment she thought he would be taken away and fly away into the sky.He didn't seem to be smiling, so he glanced at her lightly, but didn't speak, and stepped aside.Song Bank saluted, although his heart was pounding, he still went in.He turned around and closed the door behind his back.

"Night Ben?" He looked her up and down, wearing a servant's suit, she is a young lady, but she has never been delicate, and she is as bold as a man in major matters, the Tong family really has a monster.He turned his head slightly, and gave her the side face he thought was the best, "Is it worth dressing up like this when you come to see me? Is it because you are afraid of being misunderstood? Or is it because you are afraid of ruining your reputation?"

Song Yin didn't look at him very much, just stared at her own toes, and said no, "I am here to inform the master by order of my Ama."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the wind? What's the letter?"

Song Yin repeated the words compiled on the road, "Do you know that Lu Run was punished by Lafayette? The emperor was annoyed by this, and he didn't let the princes enter and leave the Compassion Palace at will. He announced the cabinet ministers yesterday and ordered them Collect the crimes of the master, and plan to play a draft, so that I can take the opportunity to deal with you. I got the news, and sent me to remind the master overnight, please pay attention to the master. If the Lord Long Live makes up his mind, I am afraid it will be bad for the master. Prepare early in case something happens."

His expression was indifferent, and he didn't seem surprised, "It's hard for you, Ama, you still have me in your eyes. You are working for the emperor, why did you tell me such an important matter?"

Song Yin showed all his enthusiasm to show his extreme loyalty, stepped forward and cupped his hands and said: "Master Mingjian, our Tong family has been in charge of the House of Internal Affairs for generations. , We serve our master with no two hearts. But this life is really weird. The owner of the inlaid yellow flag is not the emperor. To tell the truth from the master, we are caught in the middle. Sometimes it is indeed in a dilemma, but the slave and Ama have a sense of proportion, and the master and We are the ones who are close to each other. Let’s not talk about other things, let’s talk about the emperor’s heir. The slaves and Armagan took the risk of killing everyone and cleared the way for the master. The slaves turned to the master with all their hearts. Can't you trust us?"

He fell silent after hearing this, and smiled softly for a while, "You can die for your master, but you don't want to marry him. This is the way you live in the world. It's really strange."

When he brought this up, Song Yin was at a loss for words for a moment, she felt three inches shorter, and said with a smile: "I'm here to talk to you about something serious."

"Isn't it a serious matter for you to marry Fujin?" He glanced at her and said, "You reported a little late, and I received the news yesterday. But you can come, a big stone in my heart has fallen Hey, at least you didn't force me to fire you, you know the time."

Song Yin's heart was pounding, it seemed that this trip was coming, maybe he already knew about the emperor's illness, but no matter whether he mentioned it or not, he had to pretend to be confused.Spontaneous defection and forced defection are two different things. When you find out that your backer is about to fall, you decide to change direction temporarily. How true is this kind of loyalty?

She tilted her head and thought for a while, "Master is the most sympathetic to slaves. We, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, don't care about the affairs of the court. It was also when my ama and Tan Rui were gossiping, and eunuch Tan accidentally revealed it, so we learned about it. This As soon as I got the news, I came to the master, maybe it was a little late, but the Tong family's love for the master is undeniable, master, you have to look at Zhenzhou."

He nodded, "See, I understand, I still have a heart."

She sneered, "Master's holy candle is shining, and the servant is afraid that the master will suffer a dark loss. There are secret sentries watching around the palace. I can't help it. I changed my clothes to see the master. Master forgive me for being abrupt."

He looked at her softly, "It's nothing, a man can bend and stretch. Although you are a woman, I admire you for your openness." He paused, and asked her in a teasing tone, "Didn't it last time?" Have you been caught by an evil spirit, and you have been wrestling again, have you not seen him for a few days, have you recovered?"

She cheered up, "I heard that the master was in trouble, and he recovered immediately."

He let out a loud voice, "Great Lord is really a hunting hunter on behalf of the sky, and he is also in charge of exorcising ghosts. Don't worry, the difficulty this time is not difficult, and the master can resist this idea." He put his hands behind his back and sighed for a long time, "You As I said, a good slave is hard to come by. When I give it to someone else in the future, can I still not forget my original intention? The current situation is like this. The emperor and I are at odds. Where will you and Rongshi go? You and I know that, after all, the Tong family is still inlaid with yellow flags. I can't find the palm of the master. What about Rongshi? He is a member of the Outer Eight Banners, the emperor's right-hand man. You are each master, what will you say in the future?"

Song Yin hurriedly said: "I'm here today to show my heart. He is now promoted to the minister of the guards, and he is in charge of the garrison dispatch of the entire Forbidden City. Among the guards who go up to the Three Banners, the Yellow Banner is demoted to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. To the south, to the north of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there are only Zhengbai and Zhenghuang flags left. The Zhengbai flag is the flag of the Han army, and they belong to him, so the master can rest assured. Besides..." She hesitated for a while, and in the end she still wanted to count Guo Guiren .At this moment, she and the child in her womb are the most important bargaining chips. She originally wanted to protect them, and would never risk them unless it was absolutely necessary.But now it's at a dead end, if she wants to keep the Rong family, she has to push them out.She was also suffering in her heart. With the lessons learned from Mr. Xi, she was really reluctant.However, when people are alive, they are always making choices.Maybe she was selfish, abandoning them for her own happiness.If she just wanted to save herself, she would not touch them, but with Rong in front of her, she had no choice, she had to think for the people she loved.

She took a deep breath, "Due to the disappearance of all the nobles in the East and West Palaces, the guards conducted a thorough investigation in the name of strengthening the access control. They found Jingqi Pavilion and found that the demoted concubine was pregnant and she was five or six months old. .”

He was taken aback, "Relegated to concubine?"

Song Yin responded, "Guo Guiren who is in front of the emperor, the one who refuses to sleep with his life and death, because he offended the saint, he bowed his feet, and he did not expect to be pregnant when he was thrown into the cold palace. I don’t even know about it now...Master, Rongshi is usually inconspicuous, and he is never ambiguous in major matters. A good bird chooses a tree to live in. At the beginning, the master tied the string for us to win him over. Now Rongshi and us are also together. Master, please let go of the past and give Rongshi a future in the future, let him do the work of the master."

He still seemed to have doubts about her, "He is willing to join me? Why does this sound a little ridiculous now? Rong Shi's dog-tempered master, who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, was persuaded by you just like that?"

Song Yin smiled, "Master, don't underestimate a woman's ability, he is not a person who doesn't listen to words, I'm for his own good, what reason does he have to rebel?"

This news was indeed useful to him. He had fought openly and secretly with the emperor for more than ten years, and every time he gained the upper hand, the emperor had the ability to calm down the situation quietly.That brother was still a brother before, but later he became like a fire and water.Now the imperial court is divided into two factions, one to protect the emperor and the other to support him, but everyone is worried about the emperor's lack of heirs, so as long as his retreat is cut off first and he is allowed to linger on, he can wait.

He calmed down and thought: "Can you handle that matter for me?"

What he meant by doing it well was to imitate how Mrs. Xi handled it before. Song Yin thought about it carefully, and it was very difficult to escape his eyes, so she had to think of Li Daitao to be stiff.At that time, first find a girl to fill the number. If the child is a daughter, everything will be fine; if it is an elder brother, change the child and take it outside the palace. No matter where it is kept, the child's life will be saved.

She tucked her hands in and said, "The servant has also thought about this, whether the medicine will be successful now. I asked the confidant imperial doctor, miscarriage within three months is very common, and it will not be suspected. After five or six months, the child will be born early." The root has already taken root, and abortion at this time, unless there is a big change in the mother's body. Then Guo Guiren is a careless person. When he arrives in the cold palace, he should still eat and sleep. His body is as strong as a cow. It's too conspicuous. I have to wait for her to give birth, and I will arrange reliable people to do it. If the baby dies a few days after landing, the emperor will have no choice but to be suspicious."

He looked sideways at her, "Are you so cruel now? Didn't you blame me for Mrs. Xi?"

She said no, "I'm the sixth master's slave, and I put my master first in everything. I didn't think carefully before, and I was working under Ama's errand, just getting by. Now the situation has become like this. Could it be that because of the benevolence of a woman, I was cheated?" Has the master achieved the great cause? The slave knows how to do it, please rest assured, the master."

He nodded slowly, "You are all for me, I should give you something in return. Tell me, what is your wish?"

Song Yin was stunned for a moment, he spoke so directly, should she tell him the whole story?She bit her lip and considered, "I'm doing things for my master, what can I ask of him! If my master is merciful... I will marry Rong Shi, I really like him and want to start a family with him. In the future, we will work together as husband and wife. The master serves his life and is the master's confidant."

She was trembling, fearing that he would get angry, but she didn't expect him to be unable to hold back, and said sharply: "I really like him? What's so good about him? Aren't you a good slave of the master? Why do you refuse to follow me when I want you?"

She took a half step back in fright, "Master is at the time when he is making great achievements. Is it worth it to lose a general for my burnt paper? Waiting for Master Yuji, what kind of good girl can't be found? I will give it to Master. Zhang Luo drafts the show and fills the harem full, isn't that okay? If you marry me, I'll be jealous and occupy you back, what's the fun of being emperor? Besides, I have to let the Tong family business go on, follow me You and I can’t do anything, what will I do after my Ama becomes an official? Doesn’t my family fortune have to be left behind? You just let me hang out with Rongshi, since you told him about me from the very beginning, and Jinkouyao’s words were contradictory, how can you do that? Haven't you lost your prestige?"

She spoke cleverly, although every sentence made sense, but at this point, it was like eating ecstasy soup, and everything she said was in vain.

He grabbed her hand, "Er Yin, you really don't like me at all?"

How would she answer this?It's too late to say that I hate you, will I be slapped to death by him?She explained in a roundabout way: "It's not that I don't like you, it's that I can't like you. Do you know that I, Ama and Ene, have been husband and wife for 25 years. Once, my aunt wanted to give Amana a concubine to have a son. Nie knew that I almost didn't beat me to death. I'll follow my Nie, I can't stand this, so I'll follow Rong Shi, I can still beat him if he doesn't listen. I can't beat you when you become the emperor, even heavy words I can't say a word, maybe I will die because of this. Would you like to see me disappear? No way!"

There was still hope in his eyes, but as she spoke more and more clearly, there was nothing but desolation left in his heart.It's all an excuse, why don't you want to share it with others, there are still people with this problem in this world?He can promise to leave her heart alone, isn't that all right?He is also crazy, it's best if he can't eat what he wants. Now he sees her as cute everywhere, and she really doesn't deserve her.But why doesn't she love Jiangshan?Is the future emperor not as good as a minister?

"We can solve what you said. As long as I have meritorious service, I will not treat him badly. Rongshi can continue to be a first-rank official, and I can also choose another spouse for him. The daughter of a senior member of the court is up to him to choose. As for the inheritance The follow-up question, I let you be the queen, the mother of the world, isn't it enough to honor the lintel of your Tong family? The Emperor's Sangong and Sixth Courtyard are indeed in the way of etiquette, if I promise to only love you, this will not work?"

Song Yin stared at him blankly, and couldn't help but want to laugh, "Master, why do you love me?" She really couldn't think of anything cute about herself, and only Rong Shi, who had shallow eyes, could look up to her.It was the first time for that man to like a girl, and he saw that there was nothing wrong with her, even the scar on the corner of her eyebrow was like a flower to him.The one in front of me is well-informed, and it is impossible for him to keep thinking about it for a long time. When he gets his hands, it is not rare, and he can't even think about it when he puts it aside.So she would rather follow Rong Shi to be the overlord than to be the queen with him, she doesn't need to earn this honor for her family.

She shrank her hands back, but smiled on her face, "Some things can't be explained clearly. I used to work with Ama on errands, but you insisted on being a matchmaker for me to win Rongshi. I am a person with an unstable mind. I just put myself in. I didn't have a good time with anyone, and Rong Shi was considerate to me, and I couldn't help falling in love with him, and I wanted to marry him every day." She said shyly, "We were at Donghuamen that day. I met Fifth Master last night, so it’s just Fifth Master’s mouth... Is there anyone in the Forbidden City who doesn’t know about me and Rong Shi? My reputation has gone out. If I change people halfway, I won’t be poked by others Well. Let’s just leave it at that, I’ll do an errand for the master, and repay the kindness of the master. The master will let us be a good pair with that idiot.”

How can there be such a thing in the world, the girl's family comes to ask for marriage, and she says "I like him, I want to marry him".Knowing that he was interested in her, didn't she deliberately poke his lungs by doing this?He was annoyed, but calmed down quickly, anyway, it wasn't when he was arguing with her, the two of them were in a heated relationship, the harder they separated, the more they would never forget.He has ways to prevent them from accomplishing anything. If you want to gain a foothold in the Forbidden City, it is not enough that you love me and I love you.

He slumped his shoulders and looked disappointed, "I treat you differently than others, don't you think about it?"

She smiled and shook her head, "Master, don't worry, there are better girls waiting for you."

"The best girl has already given her heart to someone else, what else do I expect? I made a mistake before, and I didn't realize how much I like you at that time. Now that you have your heart, it's too late for me to say anything." He smiled bleakly , "Are you sure? When do you plan to get married?"

He let go, Song Yin was overjoyed, and finally made her wait.She restrained herself as much as she could, not daring to let him see how proud she was, and said softly: "Their family is preparing for it. We will discuss the marriage after the date of appointment."

He sighed deeply, "It's not mine, and I can't keep it after all." He raised his arm, and the hand under the apricot-yellow arrow sleeve stretched out in a semicircle, "Will you let me hug you before you return to him?"

She was embarrassed when she heard it, "It doesn't seem very good, let him know how to treat me!"

He looked more and more sad, "It's just this one time, can't you give me something to think about?"

He said it was pitiful, and Song Yin felt that making a little compromise would bring her and Rong Shi peace and harmony, which was already a big profit.If you offend him, and you turn around and snatch the marriage, then the loss outweighs the gain.

She has always been generous and straightforward, open her arms and say it.He leaned over, hugged her very tenderly, closed his eyes and felt, the frozen heart came alive again and began to beat.He tightened his arms slightly, afraid to frighten her, so he didn't dare to hug her tightly, but he felt his trembling, and called her against her temples, "Er Yin..."

She hummed, "Master, please be obedient." Then she patted him on the back, once and for all, like coaxing a child.

She didn't turn pale in a hurry, nor did she back away, so she made him look forward to it again.The hands on her shoulders moved down slowly, pressing on her back, and asked her tentatively: "If I treat you well, is there still time?"

She found that this was not right, her ears were too soft, and she might cause a commotion.She resolutely pushed him away, shook her head and said: "We are not suitable, I have said everything I should say. It doesn't matter whether you treat me well or don't follow other people's brands. I only pretend to be one person in my heart, and this person goes in. If you can't get out, that's not you." She took two steps back and knelt down to him, "Master is a person who handles important affairs, and he won't let go of his son and daughter's love, so it won't delay you. It's getting late, The slave should go back, the master stays behind."

The conversation was over, and her ending was not sloppy, if it wasn't for the jealousy of the power in his hands, maybe it would have been more sharp.He didn't say that he didn't like him, but he was afraid that he couldn't draw a clear line between the lines.What she meant was very clear, she could work hard for him, but she didn't want to be with him.Even if he promised her mother to love the world, she was not tempted at all, she just wanted to continue to be her little official and take good care of her one-acre three-point land.

Is this the only way out?Isn't the queen better than the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?Isn't it rare for the empress to sit side by side with him in the country?

He watched her leave his sight as if fleeing, and began to reflect on his shortcomings.Everything he does is in line with the standards of those in power. Even if he has a desire in his heart, he cannot follow his own likes and dislikes. This is the case now, and it will be the same in the future.She can't understand because there are still choices.What if there is no other choice?

In such an extraordinary period, everyone is calculating.Prince Yu was calculating when the emperor would be promoted, the emperor was calculating how to take down his old enemy with one last breath, and the Rong family and his son were calculating how to survive in the cracks.

It was very late when Rong Shi came back, and when he got the news about Song Yin, his mind didn't stop for a moment, and he was worried when he got home.

Their father and son are indeed honored, and the father and son live in the first rank, and they can't find a second one in the imperial court.This kind of favor is not something for nothing. When the first emperor promulgated the will, the scholar Rong was present. It is a big lie that "heir" became "four".
The hearts of the masters in the world are probably the same as those of their parents. They have a good eye for a student, and they really look after their own children.At that time, when the emperor was an elder brother, he had cast himself under the apprentice of Rong Xueshi. The fourth son of the emperor was a diligent and loyal character, and never cheated or played tricks.The young man is ambitious, sensitive and eager to learn, and is deeply loved by his master.The first emperor had six sons, all of whom were good-minded, among which Yan Fang and Yan Sui were the most outstanding.The inheritance of the emperor upholds one point, there is a heir to establish a heir, and there is no heir to establish an elder. These two brothers are both born to Empress Xu, and Yan Fang is the eldest son of the heir. On the head of the fourth son of the emperor.After the emperor came to the throne, he was grateful for their benefits and rewarded several ministers, especially the bachelors, who praised them again and again.The emperor and Rong Shi have known each other since they were young, and in private, they have a friendship like buddies. The two generations of father and son have served as the masters, and it is only then that the Rong family has achieved its glory today.

However, human nature is always selfish. In the past, we relied so much on others, but when it comes to critical moments, we still take care of ourselves.The emperor's illness was well concealed. If Lu Run hadn't taken care of Song Yin, they would still be planning to deal with Prince Yu wholeheartedly.Without the full support of the emperor, is the emperor's younger brother so easy to manipulate?Yan Sui keeps a low profile, looks peaceful on the surface, but there is no wind and waves in the dark.The challenge to the imperial power never needs to be at the brink of a sword, just need to see the timing.From foreign enemies and vassal lords to disturbances, to floods and insect disasters, tax relief, the emperor was very concerned about it, and he had to take care of it.It's a good name to share worries with the master, but in fact it's just for fame. This is the strength of Prince Yu.A person who is not only innocent but has merit, if you touch him, you will not tolerate others, it is brotherly killing, the emperor can't bear this bad name, so he tolerates him until today.Now that he is ignored, and he is determined to deal with him, if he has a good body, it is not difficult to bring him down.But what about after the overthrow?There is no heir under his knees, what will happen to the country then?
Bachelor Rong met Sheng Gong several times, and faintly sensed that something was wrong, "Long Live Lord seems to have inadequacy."

Rong Shi frowned and said, "Consumptive disease."

Bachelor Rong choked for a while, and then sighed after a long time, "Young... It seems that I have to find another way out."

At present, apart from Prince Yu, the other four princes in the court hardly care about other matters. They saw the sky walking birds, raising grasshoppers, and giving birth to a son. After thinking about it, there was no good candidate.Rong Shi looked at his father and said, "Look at that Jingqi Pavilion's belly, can you make a fuss about it?"

Bachelor Rong hesitated, "Do you know if the lord is pregnant with a son or a girl? Even if he is an elder brother, how long can the emperor delay the child? Let me tell you, the young lord's ascension to the throne is not just a matter of talk, there must be someone Those who can stand up stand up, and the queen mother must take the lead. That Guo Zhuer's background is low, her father is a green camp leader, and her mother's family has no foundation at all. How can He De be the queen mother? According to me To put it bluntly, Lu Run is a scourge, he gets a good beating, and we all suffer accordingly. I became a eunuch in anger, I have lived a long time, and I have never heard of this kind of saying. When the real person is so sick, he is confused You don’t even know who you are.”

This predicament was like a big net, engulfing everyone, even Bachelor Rong felt helpless.Rong Shi sat in the armchair, raised his hand and stroked his lips, "Can the situation of Yangxin Hall be hidden from the court, can it be hidden from Prince Yu?"

Bachelor Rong snorted and said, "You're just acting like a ghost? Last time, the emperor only summoned a few important ministers in the cabinet to discuss the appointment and dismissal of the Bashu commander-in-chief. Why did he get the news so early? If he was safe, he might have I was sent to Shengjing to look at the warehouse, and I have to wait until now?"

Rong Shi thought for a while and said: "Song Yin came to me today, she meant to let me keep a hand, so as not to be retaliated against in the future. But the emperor wants to hold on to it, and we have to do it. I weighed it over and over again, Anyone who is an emperor is better than Prince Yu. I plan to set up a trap for him to take advantage of, and when the time comes to win him in one fell swoop, there will be no worries."

Bachelor Rong took a look at him, "Worth taking this risk? I know what you think, you are not really the emperor, you want to be private, don't you? Because Prince Yu is also interested in Song Yin, you like it , I made up my mind to eradicate him."

"Isn't it obvious, you still ask?" He admitted generously, and there was nothing to hide in front of his father, "But there is one case for Song Yin, and the other case, we have always been the emperor's people , Prince Yu's courtship has not worked out a few times, so he has no complaints against us? Feng Shui turns, and if it falls into his hands, we will have no good fruit to eat. Don't wait until the end of the mountain, when the time comes, it will be too late to think about it."

Bachelor Rong thought more, "What can attract him now?"

"What do you think is most important to him?"

Bachelor Rong plucked his beard, "What's important... He was overwhelmed with joy when Sheng Gong passed away. Another point, if Master Guo of Jingqi Pavilion is a boy, it will have some influence on him."

Rong Shi nodded, "Whether men or women claim to be Elder Brother, he can still stay in the Prince's Mansion? Unless he doesn't do anything, I will find a way to deal with him."

This is a risky move, if it goes wrong, the Rong family will be ruined, but if it works, maybe it will be another court minister.It is difficult to decide whether to take this risk or not.Bachelor Rong looked at his son, he was rarely so serious, the son of the ancestors, he didn't want to care about anything before.This time, in order to marry a daughter-in-law, I risked my life. Is the price I paid too high?Bachelor Rong advocates moderation. After being an official for so many years, he was exhausted and frightened, so he looked away from everything.Whether the children can become officials is not the most important thing. I only hope that the whole family is safe, and wishing is enough.

He spared the room, "I'm afraid this matter will not go so smoothly, Prince Yu is very cunning, he is not the king of the county, he is telling you to play a monkey." Walking behind his son, he pressed heavily on his shoulder, "Son, I have to persuade you, there are no fragrant grasses anywhere in the world. When the sky changes, you have to fight, fight for good or bad, have you thought about the consequences?"

Rong Shi turned around and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, I know the good and the bad. I'm not a person who puts a knife on the top of my head. He can tell his mind, so I won't? It's just that this matter has to be settled with Song Yin." Discuss, ask her for help."

Bachelor Rong was still apprehensive, "You have to think about it carefully, how many lives of two families, you can't bear the burden if something happens."

At this point, stretching the head is a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife.He stroked his train of thought, originally wanted to do it behind Song Yin's back, didn't she persuade him to surrender, he pretended to surrender, and when the time came, he turned his back and hit the nail on the head.But after thinking about it more carefully, it's a big matter, he should communicate with her so that the two of them can work it out together.

The next day he held a banquet in Dongxing Building, and went to the House of Internal Affairs to pick her up at noon, but she didn't say anything, and she left the palace with him after explaining to her Ama.

It was getting cold, and he was afraid that she would catch the cold, so he prepared a car before dismounting the stone, and the two of them rode hand in hand, and his Ghoshha was driving the car.

Songyin lifted the curtain to look outside, leaned against the window and said with a relaxed smile: "It's so easy to be free, the table is almost rotten." As he said, he rubbed his arms, "The pile of Shangyu in the red room It was like a mountain, and I took it out and tidied it up once, and I packed a full forty sacks, but I was exhausted."

He is a good man of 24 filial piety, and he immediately understood, and hurriedly squeezed her shoulders and beat her back, "Don't let the subordinates do the hard work? You are a girl, how strong can you be? Look at these thin arms and legs , Su La raised fat in vain, but you are getting thinner, I feel sorry for you if this goes on."

He took the opportunity to get close to her by pinching her arm. His fingers were dishonest and pinched her under the armpit. She also indulged him, just teasing: "I'm sorry to ask you to give me a massage. Mr. Rong is a busy man, I If you are so troublesome, Long Live Lord, I don't have such treatment!"

He said with a smile: "Masters, high-ranking officials and generous salaries are easily available. The most important thing is to serve your daughter-in-law. Serving your daughter-in-law well is the real skill, don't you think?"

He took one daughter-in-law at a time, and Song Yin just pursed his lips and smiled.She looked very good-looking, and he was so excited when he saw her, he leaned over a little, hugged her into his arms, found the bright red lips, and kissed her hard, "I can't wait to marry you home right now."

She was not in a hurry, saying that sooner or later this day would come.After thinking about going to Prince Yu's Mansion yesterday, she finally decided to tell him.

"Maybe I'm a little self-assertive." She looked up into his eyes, "I'm afraid you'll be angry with me... I think the emperor is going to die, we have to plan for the future. I met Prince Yu, my ah Ma asked me to show my loyalty. Although it is late to flatter you, it is enough for others to be useful. I also mentioned our matter, and I said that I have already won you over. I am afraid that he will suspect you. He said it." She paused, observed his face carefully, and said, "It seems that he should have been touched by this, and his attitude towards you has somewhat changed... Do you blame me? I am too cruel, for By myself, I can forcefully push people under the guillotine."

Blame her for being selfish?She has tried her best, how can she be blamed!The two thought of getting together, but he was very happy. He hugged her and said, "My wife is smart. I discussed this with my father yesterday. In your opinion, what should we do next?"

Songyin felt relieved when she heard that the beating was wrong, and she leaned against him and said: "He asked me to deal with the child, and I agreed, but I couldn't do it. I thought about it carefully, if we were good, we would have earned this opportunity for nothing. No one is hurt. If it is an elder brother, I want you to help me, and the door control will be accommodating. I will go out and find a girl to replace the elder brother, so as to leave a root for the emperor." She originally thought Talking about Mrs. Xi, but after thinking about it, I held back, fearing that he would look down on her and think she had a bad heart.

Using Guo Guiren and the dragon species in his belly as bargaining chips, the two almost reached an agreement, but the way of dealing with it later was a bit different.He frowned and said: "I was also planning to discuss this matter with you. What I mean is that both men and women say that it is Elder Brother who seduced Prince Yu. As long as he makes a move, I can take the opportunity to eradicate him. You go outside It's not difficult to get a child to come in, and it's not difficult to pass the gate. No one dares to stop you if you want to walk sideways. But what if the child cries in the middle of the road? Have you ever thought about the crime of being caught? I don't want you to take risks. Anyway, we’ve reached that point, so let’s just keep doing it! It’s a matter of life and death, if you don’t use tricks, next year the grass on the grave will grow as tall as a person.”

Song Yin's heart jumped up again, "You really plan to do that? What if he doesn't fall for it?"

He smiled, "If you don't fall into the trap, why do you want to watch the emperor become the crown prince? That's good, assisting the young master is another great feat that will go down in history."

There were so many thoughts in her mind, and they piled up again in an instant, "I made an agreement with him yesterday, and he promised not to interfere in our affairs anymore. I know he has great ambitions, as long as he is the emperor, he will be happy." It's too late, and you still come to find fault with us?"

He stared at her, "Do you believe what he said? Once he takes control of the overall situation, it's up to him whether he wants to round us up or flatten us."

Song Yin stared blankly at him, "Second brother... what should we do?"

He cupped her face, "We have different opinions, you should think about it carefully. This matter requires the cooperation of both of us, and I can't do it alone."

Song Yin felt in a dilemma, she knew his worries, it would be great if she could really get rid of Prince Yu in one go.I am afraid that I will fail, and not only the two of them, but also the whole family will suffer.

It was difficult for her to make a decision, and she was already in front of the gate of Dongxing Building. This restaurant has been around for a long time, and everyone with dignity in the city likes to come.Song Yin was afraid of meeting acquaintances, and he would have endless greetings when he turned around. Fortunately, he booked a private room on the second floor, and as soon as he arrived, the dishes were brought up continuously.

"I always yelled about the dinner table, and it's been almost two months, and I just came here today." Rongshi pulled an armchair for her and let her sit down, "Leaving aside what we said earlier, the place is wrong, no Partition walls have ears. Come here and have a good meal. I see that you have been worrying lately, and your face is tired. You can't do that. I have no objection that you are busy with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but you have to take care of your body." He is a diner , I am very familiar with the dishes here, pointing with chopsticks like a flower name, "Jiuzhuan large intestine, braised duck with four treasures, boiled meatballs, and mutton stewed with spinach..." Give her a little bit like this, a bit like that My son, afraid that she would not eat it, tried to coax her, "If you eat well, you will be more beautiful if you have oil and water. Don't keep frowning, the sky will not fall, and there will be a hammer to support it. Don't worry!"

She wanted to laugh when she heard him say these inconsequential words, and the melancholy just now dissipated, let's discuss everything later, according to his words, eating is the most important thing for the people's livelihood, even if it is an emperor.

The two of them rolled up their sleeves, Song Yin used to be very gentle, pick a little on the tip of the chopsticks, eat in small bites, don't chew Hesai nonchalantly, this is the rule of the family.But when he met this person, he didn't like her eating less, saying that the emperor only tasted a small bite of a dish, which was called eating "sick food".Those who like to eat opened their mouths to eat, and said while eating, "Sister, you can't be fooled by that ghost. You know what is going on with the imperial meal. You know it when you walk in the palace. Is it interesting to eat twice a day?" ? You are facing a table of good dishes, and when you are hungry, you have to wait for the eunuch to taste the dishes one by one before taking your turn. Do you want to kill him? I always feel that although the people in the palace eat a lot of delicacies, they are If you don’t have food, you can’t be satisfied with anything you eat, so it’s not as good as ours.” He gave her vegetables, “Don’t hold back in front of me, the more you eat, the happier I will be. It’s not just acquaintance, you have to pretend Delicate, I don’t dare to chew things. From now on, let’s start a small stove by ourselves, and I’ll make you whatever you like.”

Song Yin said with great comfort in his heart, "Do you make it even if you are hungry in the middle of the night?"

"That's natural." He patted his chest, "I don't have any other skills, and it's no problem to support my wife. If we don't become an official in the future, let's open a restaurant and bring out the dishes from the palace. The business is better than here Woolen cloth!"

He doesn't miss the officialdom, if he really has the chance, he can live a very happy life like this.

Just as we were talking, the waiter asked through the curtain, "Second Master Rong, we have a new chef from Shanxi who can make pasta. He is good at clear oil pancakes. The noodles are thinly stretched and filled with smoked chicken. Si'er, not to mention how beautiful it is, why don't you come and try it?"

Rongshi likes to try new things, and after eating novelty things, he improves them and makes them for his family when he returns home.It should be good, "If you do a good job, you will be rewarded."

The clerk exclaimed happily, "Okay!", and took the order to pass on the dishes.Just as he was about to raise the chopsticks again, the curtain on the door was raised, and someone poked his head and said, "I heard it's called Rong Erye, hey, it's really you!" Looking at Song Yin again, "Why are you here? The old lady also said In the middle of the day, I will warm up the dishes for you, so I don’t have to worry about eating and drinking, so I have someone to help me!"

Song Yin stood up and said in a dazed voice, "What a coincidence, second brother has an appointment?"

This is Jinkun from the third room, the second in line of cousins.The brothers and sisters of the Tong family have a very good relationship. Even if they don't live in Yifu, they still have to get together to joke with each other during festivals.Although the family knew that Song Yin and Rong Shi had already talked about it, they always thought that they were both close and far away, so they wouldn't be so warm.He broke it today, and the two of them secretly met for a restaurant, and Jin Kun felt that he had discovered big news, and he couldn't wait to spread it out.

When Rong Shi saw his uncle, he didn't even have time to flatter him, so he said with a smile, "I don't know who it is, if it's convenient, let's use it together, it's lively."

Jin Kun snorted, "Who can I date, not just my brothers and sisters." He turned around and raised his arms, "Hurry up and see who's here!"

Song Yin's eyes suddenly went dark, and he saw a large group coming up the stairs, five or six brothers, two or three sisters, I don't know what day it is, they are so complete.

Rong Shi was overjoyed, he was worrying about his relationship with Song Yin, and now all the juniors from the Tong family came, that would be great, first recognize relatives, and in the future they will be familiar with each other.

He raised his voice to call the waiter, and hurriedly added more bowls and chopsticks, the Eight Immortals table couldn't fit anymore, let's change to a big round table!Seeing that Mrs. Rong is very busy, Song Yin stands beside him at a loss.Originally, she wanted to come out to have a meal, but she met such a large group of people, all winking at her, she was so frightened that everyone was dumbfounded, it was as if her adultery had been broken, it was really embarrassing.But the family likes him very much, Mr. Cong Rong was replaced by Second Brother Rong, and the youngest Tong Qing almost called him brother-in-law.Song Yin was caught in the middle awkwardly, unable to advance or retreat.

Tong Qing turned her head and winked at her, "Who said he was not good before? I think he is pretty good, with a gentle temper and no official airs. Is the second sister planning to marry him?"

Yes, she really wanted to marry him. Since Prince Yu agreed, I hope nothing will happen again.She wanted to go to Lu Run and ask him to speak well in front of the emperor. As long as Sheng Gong agreed, she could marry with great fanfare immediately.However, for some reason, she was afraid of offending Prince Yu, and her heart was always hanging, and she couldn't let it go.

She smiled and turned to look at him. He was having a drink with Fogg and the others. Men of the same age were very close to each other.She also compares him and puts him with her brothers. He is the one with the most outstanding appearance and will never lose her face.She asked Tong Qing softly, "Si'er, do you think he's okay?"

Tong Qing said: "It's too much, he looks really beautiful! I used to listen to Rangyu run on him, thinking that this person must be a bad guy, but I didn't expect to see him like this. He talks very well and behaves well. , It’s really good. I think it’s settled like this. There are four sisters in our family. The eldest sister is dead, and the person she married is also dead. It's half-la, and you can't be considered one of your own at all. The rest is you, find a good man, marry a good man, we sister and son will move around in the future, brother-in-law can't be mean, I'm afraid it won't last long."

Bitter and mean words are definitely not acceptable, what Tong Qing said is quite right, if the rest of her follow Prince Yu's advice, there will be four sisters, three of them will be useless, and there will be no one in the long house.She nodded, "Just him, I think he's pretty good too."

Tong Qing smiled, held the cup and stretched out her hand, "Second brother, I respect you."

Rong Shi hurriedly stood up, holding the cups in both hands to return the gift, "Thank you fourth sister, I'll do it first as a respect." It's just the flair with his neck raised, the son-in-law looks like this, he is already impeccable.

They chattered and laughed, Song Yin lowered her head and thought about what he said before, after all, the palace affairs are imminent, should she wholeheartedly rely on Prince Yu, or follow Rongshi's thinking, take advantage of Guo Gui's birth opportunity to try to get rid of him?There are risks in both paths, and both paths depend on luck.This time she didn't dare to discuss with Ama, fearing that Ama would refuse and Rongshi would be in trouble.But if you agree to him, how can the lives of the whole family be guaranteed?She suddenly felt that it was so difficult to live. The Tong family's foundation had been smooth for more than 80 years. Why did it get into such a mess when it came to her?Some people used to say that women are not good at being officials, but she was not convinced.Now that they are in such a predicament, they realize that female officials are really weak, because they expect both relationship and official career to go hand in hand, and often they cannot take care of both.

(End of this chapter)

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