Chapter 12 Forbidden Court (12)
I crossed mountains and ridges into the wilderness, my heart was in the Southern Dynasty, and my body was in the North. (3)
He stood upright, with a tall and straight figure, seeing her need to lower his eyes, so he had a kind of condescending air, "It's rare to be quiet, what's wrong with not having to deal with those nagging officials?" After saying that, he ignored her , and sat back on the low couch under the window.The couch was very spacious, and on it was an anise table of sour branches and wood. He leaned against the side of the couch, and raised the book of war again, "Sun Tzu said that those who are good at using soldiers should avoid their sharpness and attack their laziness." Be still, if the enemy does not move, I will not move." He raised his eyes to look at her, "Queen, should you move or not?"

He discussed the use of soldiers with her, but Yun Hua didn't know much about that, so he felt dazed looking at his face, and said casually: "If the enemy doesn't move, I will move; if the enemy wants to move, I will move first; if the enemy has already moved, then I will move move."

Hearing her fallacies today, I was taken aback at first, but then a faint smile rolled into the corner of my eyes, "The queen is so insightful and unique, it's the same as the sentence that people are rude, don't kick to death, it has the same effect."

Yun Hua was very surprised, she still remembered this sentence, when she was a child, she first learned the "Book of Songs", and there was a sentence in one of the articles "Feng Feng·Xiangshu", "Xiangshu has a body, but people are rude."If you are rude, you will die.She was just enlightened at that time and didn't know so many characters, but she understood the gist of the poem.Seeing that Trent and Kick look alike and make sense in terms of conception, they read it openly.At that time, his father was hosting a banquet for distant guests, and she really disgraced her father by thinking about it at the banquet.Fortunately, that friend was not a pedant, and after hearing this, she laughed up and down, and praised her for her talent and intelligence, her methods were swift and resolute, and she would become a great weapon in the future...a great weapon, maybe!But how would he know today?It was so long ago that she almost forgot about it, yet he could do it at his fingertips?

"Official...where did you hear that?" She moved her lower lip, "What else do you know?"

He squinted at her, and she stood in the morning light, with a graceful figure and exquisite curves, like a budding stamen on a wisteria tree, without any extra movements, she had a strange Tsinghua atmosphere.The big wedding last night wore heavy makeup, today no makeup was applied, but the natural beauty can still hit my heart.Clear eyes, translucent skin, and soft lips, it seems like a newborn anytime and anywhere.Even if the dress is not dignified, it does not look wasteful, and it is always suitable to wear real heavy makeup and light makeup.

He looked away, and pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, "The present world is stable, just pass by, why bother to get to the bottom of it. The queen has this spare time, why not think about how to deal with the queen mother."

He pointed casually, and Minhua looked along. There was a vermilion lacquer tray on the table, and a silk handkerchief on it.The veil is made of the finest snow forging, bordered with leeks, it is dazzlingly white.

She knew what it was for, Chunwo told her before the big wedding that the bridal chamber should be inspected, whether it is a village woman or a famous lady, it is the same.It's just that the process of this test is really hard to describe.She looked at him blushing, with a knife hanging above her head in a daze, and it might fall down at any time.

He still looked indifferent today, and said casually: "The empress must have heard a lot of rumors when she entered the forbidden court. Those maidservants in the Huangmen Palace all said behind their backs that the official family was sick." He raised his eyes and suddenly smiled, "I am sure I am sick, and I don’t want others to get too close to me, but I often feel lonely. Do you understand loneliness? No matter how many people there are, there can always be a terrible tranquility in the bustling depths. I have thought about overcoming it, but with little success Wei. Since you can’t change it, you have to learn to enjoy it. After a long time, you will no longer need others. So don’t worry, the queen, you and I won’t have more contact. I know you hate it, and I don’t like it either.”

When he said that, it made her feel familiar.She was afraid of being alone, just like she thought she was the only one in the palace just now and tried to escape from here in a panic.But she couldn't figure it out. She didn't know if he was touching her on purpose. In her view, he was a monster who could penetrate people's hearts, and every word would hit the nail on the head.

But he bluntly said he didn't like it, which is both good and bad.If you really reject her, wouldn't it be difficult to get close to her in the future?
"I don't feel disgusted by concubines. It is my duty as a wife to marry and be with the official family and not let the official family be lonely." I am busy with business, and there will always be times when I am tired, and I want to take a rest, but I can come to the Yongjin Palace where the concubine lives. At least I can explain it to the Empress Dowager, and the officials say it is okay?"

She is sweet-tongued, but her tone is sincere, she smiles slightly, the corners of her lips and eyes are raised.Jinshang nodded slowly, "Just follow the queen."

She smiled even more charmingly, and turned to get the silk handkerchief.Uncover the glass cover of the dragon and phoenix candlestick, and take off the burnt wax head. The copper candlestick inside is sharp, and it should be feasible to use it to pierce a hole.

She raised her arm to paddle, but he was ahead of her.I didn't see his movements clearly, I saw the blood dripping down the elbow when he raised his sleeves.

She was a little dumbfounded, and hurriedly picked up the handkerchief, and the snow-white satin was soon dyed red.He withdrew his hand, without even frowning, and sat back on the couch again.

Yun Hua was still in a daze, and took a moment to put away the silk handkerchief.He handed over the handkerchief, and asked softly, "Does the official family hurt? Can my concubine look at the wound for you?"

He took the towel and rolled up his sleeve to wipe it without her help.The bloody deep mark is normal when pressed, and the pain is slow, which has been like this since childhood.He sometimes wondered sarcastically, if one day the knife cut his neck, I don't know what it would be like, would he still have nothing to worry about.But her courage made him admire, shouldn't beauties cherish every inch of skin?She didn't care much, she didn't even blink her eyes.

She stood beside her frowning. He didn't want to talk at first, but finally found that he couldn't help it, so he had to agree, "This injury is nothing, the queen can go and rest."

She snorted, "But I still think some medicine should be given. The candle sticks are not clean. If it's hot today, what if the wound is damaged?"

She clasped her hands and stood aside, her face was full of melancholy and melancholy.With such a look, even if he is a bit villainous, his face is not hateful.

Jin Shang slightly frowned, "As long as you order someone to bring the medicine, the Empress Dowager will know right away, isn't the blood shed in vain? I want to stay alone, the Empress can go back to the inner hall!"

What else did she want to say, she held back after thinking about it, and muttered to herself: "The concubine cares about the officials..." Quietly shrinking her neck, she walked back with lingering steps.

He retracted his gaze, wondering what was the last thing he saw?On her shoulders, it was as big as a plum blossom petal, and it was extremely bright red.I wanted to ask her, but after careful consideration, I realized that it was Shou Gongsha.Daughters of the Sui people click on the ground immediately. There is no such custom here.Dayue has relatively loose rules for women, and if there is a widow or reconciliation, remarriage is also common.

He felt very bored and said, "Okay, I want to stamp someone, what's the difference between tattooing and tattooing by soldiers in the army?"But one is more cruel and the other is softer.

He kicked him out, so Zi Hua couldn't just sit there, in fact, it's also good to resign, she's not used to getting along with him after all.

Strangers, the city is deep, and every word you say has to be weighed in your heart. Even if you have made enough preparations, it is still very tiring.She would rather go back to the apse, half open the bamboo curtains and watch the scenery outside the window.The wall of the Forbidden Garden is still so high, but seeing the branches of an apricot tree stretching in from outside, with half-ripe apricots hanging from the branches, I feel that there is hope for everything.

The sky was bright, and suddenly there was a buzzing pigeon whistle.She looked up and saw a group of pigeons passing by and disappearing on the highest glazed tiles on the roof of the hall.

Bored, sitting with his chin resting, he vaguely heard the lock of the front hall, accompanied by the order from the servant in a low voice, presumably the delivery of food came.

She changed her arm to pillow, looked back, and saw Chunwo's figure through the veil, not only her, but also Lu Shanggong from Baoci Palace.She hurriedly got up and pulled off the silk quilt on the bed.Lu Shanggong didn't say anything when he entered the door, he just wished her all the best.She knew why they came, and pointed to the Kuilong pattern screen, the silk handkerchiefs on the lacquer plate were neatly folded, Lu Shanggong went over to look, and immediately burst into smiles, all the treasures were rolled up, Packed in a brocade box.

Chunwo turned around to look, and then looked at her expression, not sure what was going on.But seeing her posting properly, I was relieved for the most part, and only whispered: "I will ask the chef to cook what the sage wants to eat."

Yunhua shook his head, "The officials said that they will be locked up for three days. It's really boring. Mother, please send me some silk puppets. I want to show them to the officials."

After hearing this, Lu Shanggong got more and more heartbroken, and said with a smile: "The sage has a clever mind, and the Queen Mother will be happy to know it. There is no need for Mother Chun to worry about such a small matter. I will send a message to the accounting department and order them to do it immediately." After finishing speaking, she pulled Chunwo's sleeves, opened the curtain and went out by herself.

No one was allowed to stay in the bridal chamber for a long time, Chunwo was ordered to inspect the white silk, and after picking it up, he had to leave without delay.Today I was in the outer hall again, I couldn't ask many questions, I checked her again and again to make sure she was fine, so I followed Liang Shanggong.

(End of this chapter)

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