Chapter 122: Family (24)

Songyin knows his ability, and he can't be troubled by any difficulties, and it's our Ama who brings his own dowry, so if other men can't buy it with money, he just opens his mouth and says it.There is a strange power in him. From your point of view, there is no way out, but in his eyes, there is hope.He is not the kind of stubborn person, he knows how to be flexible, if you don't marry me, he is willing to be the door-to-door son-in-law.

It's a pity that it's unrealistic. After Rong Xu's death, he became the only son, and the family business depends on him.His parents and grandma are getting old, and he left his whole family to live in Tong's house. It's not a storyteller's story, how can a person live like this wantonly!But his heart is still very rare, at least it made Song Yin feel a little more comforted, she was not abandoned because she was not likable, but because of the general trend and there was nothing for everyone to do.

The fine snow was flying in the sky, and there was still wind before, but when it officially snowed, the wind stopped.The snow is quiet, without any sound when it falls. The vermilion palace walls set off its holiness, but it also carries an indescribable sadness.

She squinted her eyes and looked up at him, "It's really good to be like what you said, we don't care about anything, and live for ourselves to the fullest. But you know that in the end it's all empty talk, because it's impossible to realize. We are not brother She, and we each have responsibilities on our shoulders. I used to be able to lie to myself, saying that the boat would be straight when it reached the bridge, but now that it has really reached the bridge, so what, I am helpless." She looked deeply He glanced at him, "Yesterday your mother went to the palace gate to stop me. The whole family knew about it. Now not only your family is not happy, but our old lady will never let go, so we are really done for."

He was not reconciled and said no, "I'll go and explain to the old lady, don't break us up no matter what." He put his arms around her shoulders and begged, "What about you, what are you thinking? Nothing is important right now, I I just want to know your thoughts. As long as you still love me, I can make up my mind and go all the way to the dark."

The fine snow fell on her face, and the cold touch made her unable to open her eyes.She looked at him hard, as if trying to engrave him into her memory.What a young man like pearls and jade, at the age of 22, he has already reached the pinnacle of his life.Like her, he has not experienced setbacks, nor does he have the corrupt atmosphere in the officialdom, and he still has a pure heart.This emotional dilemma is their common catastrophe, forcing them to grow together.

She raised her hand to caress his face, "I can't bear you. When I think that you will not be mine in the future and may fall into the clutches of cousin Yizhuang, I feel very uncomfortable. I heard that the old lady and the wife want you Take her into the room, is there such a thing?"

He suddenly changed his face, "I don't want her."

Song Yin's heart sank. In fact, there was no definite news. It was her intention to test it out, but after trying it, she found a clue.Alright, I have more or less plans to take a girl with a foreign surname in the house.Pity her, if she is much more pitiful, she wants to help her to the end, not to mention the current difficulties, even if she and Rong Shi get married in the future, this cowardly cousin will still be a focus of disease, and it may break out at any time.She wanted to be like Ama and Ernie, and she would live a lifetime of Tong Rongshi, which seemed difficult to achieve.She once used this request as an excuse to reject Prince Yu, if in the end Rongshi could not escape such an arrangement, then how could she be so embarrassing?
She was so sore, she forced herself to restrain herself and asked, "What are you going to do with it? If I don't do it well, I'll return the Tongxin Jade to you."

He said goodbye, "I kicked her out yesterday, but the old lady didn't like it, so she chased her back. It doesn't matter, I will kick her out again if I can't do it once. I thought about it, because of the old lady's face, if she If you don't mess with me, it's a big deal for me if you don't see her; if she messes with me, I'm not a sympathetic person, and it doesn't matter what kind of relative she is, I'll beat her up."

This person was born in the army, and in terms of gentleness, although he didn't have much, he didn't hesitate to give it to her.The rest of the people, even if it was a girl, were unequivocal about beating and killing, which reassured her.

She grabbed the clothes on his side, held on tightly, felt the narrow and strong waist, brought him to her, raised her face, and pressed her pointed chin against his chest, "I remember my love for you I said, if we have nowhere to go, please wait until I am 30 years old. At 30 years old, I will find a way to resign, go back to the inner house, and be your young mistress with peace of mind. My wife asked me yesterday if I can wait. I have nothing to wait for. , I just have no face to say it in front of her. Now I ask you, can you wait? In another 12 years, the situation between the DPRK and China should be settled. If you treat me as before, we will get married, no matter what No more, I will marry you too."

Up to now, it has turned into a drama of bitterness, and both of them are tearful.Rong Shi said: "It's really evil, it's so difficult for me to marry a wife! Don't say anything, if I can survive this political struggle, I will wait for you whether you marry me or not. I will force you now How about with me, I have no face, you can protect yourself, you have made an agreement with me, I'm afraid it will hurt you. It's not bad for my wife to do so, just take it easy, wait until I am qualified to marry you , I’ll come to you again.” His initially chaotic mind suddenly cleared up, he hugged her hard, and then gently pushed her away, “Sister, I can’t hurt you. There are still two months, and everything will be resolved in two months. You go, it's not a good thing for us to make too much noise, as long as you are firm, I know in my heart that no one can tear us apart."

A consensus was reached, but it felt like the treasure already in the bag was taken out again, full of danger and hesitation.

Song Yin took two steps back, the snow foam fell, fascinated her eyes, and fell straight into her heart.She exhaled slowly, and wanted to say something more, but found that she couldn't find a suitable one.

That's it, temporarily faded, just enough to confuse Prince Yu.The two of them are usually busy, and they don't see each other for four or five days, and two months pass in a blink of an eye.Guo Zhuer is about to give birth, she has lost contact with Rong Shi, maybe Prince Yu will trust her more, and when the time comes, he will cooperate with Rong Shi inside and outside, with luck, maybe he can defeat him in one fell swoop.

She turned around and headed for the door, he chased after a few steps in a daze, "I will always wait for you."

She paused for a while, without looking back, she crossed the threshold and entered the aisle, walking away step by step.

The news of her and Rong Shi's parting ways eventually became big news in the Forbidden City. In just one day, everyone in the palace knew about it.Even Lu Run got the news that when she went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he would look at her with pity. When she came out of Sanxi Hall, he would wait for her in the Baosha.

"You and Master Rong, is this the end?"

She tucked her hands in and asked, "You heard that too?"

He hummed, "Mrs. Rong stopped you outside the Donghua Gate. The news spread so quickly that almost no one knew about it...Is it because of Master Rong and Liuye Buku?"

Song Yin didn't want to go into details, so she replied vaguely: "Older people think more than me, and they can't blame others. Rongshi and I don't have the orders of our parents, and we don't have the words of a matchmaker. It doesn't matter. You It is said that other people's mothers have come to the door, what else can I do, let's go and see!"

Lu Run nodded, looked at the sky outside with his hands behind his back, and murmured: "It's really cold today, the dragon son is burning in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the cold is still penetrating into the bones. You have also seen the situation of the emperor, how do you see it?" "

Song Yin glanced back and saw Sheng Gong when he was replying just now. The emperor flushed with hot flushes, and became thinner and thinner to the bone.It is really not good to go on like this, it is a serious crime in the palace, she can't just say it straight, but said tactfully: "The master doesn't want to be seen by the imperial doctor in the palace, so I will go outside and lead someone in. There is a Huichun Hall in the capital, and the doctor who sits in the clinic Good medical skills, take him into the palace quietly, ask him to check his pulse, and use another prescription, maybe you will see improvement."

Lu Run sighed, "It's useless. When I first got sick, I pretended to go out of the palace to be seen by others. Out of ten doctors, nine and a half showed embarrassment. I took a lot of medicine, and the situation went from bad to worse. Today I finally let go. Those who call for a delay, have a copy of the South Study Room, first submit it to the Military Aircraft Department for discussion, and if the discussion is not approved, then submit it to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. I see..." He shook his head again, hesitant to speak, "You are the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I am afraid of something It needs to be arranged in advance. Right now, the Empress Dowager and the Empress can't borrow their strength, so the Ministry of Internal Affairs should do it quietly, and there will be no time to catch up."

She was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a sense of panic that the setting sun was approaching, "You mean..." What should be prepared, I can't say clearly, everyone knows it in their hearts.The coffin and shroud of Emperor Daxing were needed immediately, and there was no delay.There is also the imperial mausoleum, which started construction five years ago and has not yet been completed, so it has to be urged.

There was silence for a while, the snow outside was getting heavier, she rubbed her hands, her fingertips were freezing cold.Lu Run noticed it, winked at the eunuch below, and brought a cloisonné enamel hand stove over after a while.He put it in her hand, and Song Yin came back to his senses, hugged her in his arms to thank her, and said after a long while: "Master Guo is still two months away from delivery, does the emperor know?"

He said he knew, "I still ask today, I can see that he is also anxious."

Song Yin nodded. In fact, she could understand this feeling. Even when she was at the end of the road, she was like her Ama. She would rather let her daughter carry it hard than give up the family business to her brothers.People are like this, when they don't have a family, they may pay attention to brotherhood, and when they become a family, they take care of each other, and gradually the family relationship begins to fade, some become loose, and some are more unbearable than enemies.

She turned her head and asked Lu Run, "What does the emperor mean? If he is an elder brother, should he be a crown prince?"

There was no expression on Lu Run's face, but there was a gloomy and cold light in his eyes, "Make a will, and find a trustworthy minister to ask Gu."

She was taken aback, "So urgent?"

He bowed his head in silence, his brows gradually furrowed.

Song Yin didn't know what was going on in his mind, but was only worried about whether Rong Shi's plan could be implemented smoothly.He once reported to the emperor alone, because there seemed to be an inner ghost in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and he was afraid that his actions would leak, even Lu Run didn't know about it.To put it bluntly, they were all born under the emperor's control. Their master was healthy and healthy, so their lives would be stable and stable.If the master has something good or bad, he will take refuge in others again, and he will have to go through a lot of trouble.No one wants to be in turmoil, and no one needs to "seek wealth and wealth in danger" and want to be at ease, but there is no such luck.The country changes hands, the country changes, and the waves will wash away the sand forever, and only those who are left will live.

Lu Run remained silent for a while, and after a while the clouds cleared and the mist cleared up. He said with a smile, "I thought you and Mr. Rong would have something to do. I can't stay in the palace anymore. If I let it out, I have a place to go. Now It's a pity that the meeting has no hope."

If he really left the palace at this age, he would definitely not need to rely on anyone with his mind, he was just joking.Song Yin was a little sad, forced a smile and said: "Without him, there would be me. If you go to Tong's house, where I stay, there will be a tile covering your head."

With a warm and soft smile, he said in a low voice, "I didn't expect that I would be able to make friends like you this far. I am a useless eunuch who lives only to be used as a cow or a horse for others."

His self-knowledge made people worry, Song Yin said: "Don't say that, in my eyes, you are as reliable as Rongshi and the others. When I encountered difficulties, you stretched out your hand and grabbed me. I will always remember your kindness in my heart.”

She has such a temper, and the kindness of a drop of water will be repaid by the spring.If she really wanted to exchange at equal value, she saved his life last time, which was enough to offset his few good words in front of the emperor.But people are alive, there are always intricate intersections and contacts, one has another, in exchange for him to reveal the emperor's condition, so that they are prepared so that they will not be caught off guard.

After staying in the Hall of Mental Cultivation for a while, I went back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, met Ama, and told about the emperor's condition. Shuming thought about it, "The condition of the dragon body has been concealed from the outside, and the Tai Hospital has not even established a medical file. Sudden purchase of shrouds and materials... the emperor is only in his [-]s, so it's too early to avoid suspicion."

It must be done if it arouses suspicion. It is uncertain when it will happen.Song Yin pondered for a while and said: "There is an enclosed room in the ice cellar factory at the foot of Jingshan Mountain, which is vacant, and the people from the craftsman's office will go in and make it. Dao 81, according to Lu Run's intention, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive this winter, and it will be too late if we delay any longer."

After hearing this, Shuming said yes, "Then send people to make preparations. You have to choose carefully what kind of wood to use and what kind of gold lacquer to apply." Then he turned and called Zuo Ling, "The batch of gold wires that were paid tribute to Sichuan and Guizhou last time Nanli, there are two pieces of good material that are thousands of years old, you go right away, pick them out, load them into the car, and use them later.”

Zuo Ling responded and hurried to do it.Shuming entered the room and asked, "Have you gone to Jingqi Pavilion? How is Master Guo?"

"He's in good health, very good." She tidied up the booklets on the table, and put the scattered bits and pieces into the drawer.As soon as Ruyi Yuntou lock was opened, she saw the box where the gourd work was placed. She paused, lowered her hand to trace the outline, feeling disappointed that the things she had prepared could not be sent out, and she didn't know if there would be a chance in the future.Thinking of the concentric jade, I took it off and put it in the box, feeling like saying goodbye to the past.She sighed, and closed the drawer, "She said she wanted her Enie and her aunt to enter the palace. I think it's fine. There are many people in the delivery room. If it's an elder brother, no one would dare to do anything. Ama, Lu Run said the emperor I have a plan, as soon as my elder brother lands, he will issue a secret edict immediately, and the scholar Rong must be a minister of Gu Ming, so it will be considered a bright future, right?"

Shuming sneered, "Ming, who is going to hold the emperor who is one foot and three inches? Guiren Guo? The master is so stupid that he can't distinguish the five grains, so he can't lift him up. Give it to the queen? The queen's crimes have not been pardoned, and the queen mother will come out at that time In other words, the little emperor is a good condiment for pickles when he falls into the Palace of Compassion and Ning."

Song Yin didn't think so, the situation was indeed grim, but as long as Elder Brother could ascend to the throne, it meant that Prince Yu would be finished by then, and no matter how powerful the Queen Mother was, she would be a toothless tiger, and a few auxiliary ministers could solve her.

After all, she still had hope, and wanted to find out about Ama, so she said, "I met Rongshi on the way back..."

Shu Ming jumped three feet high, "That kid still dares to see you?"

Song Yin hurriedly said: "Mrs. Rong came to see me without knowing it. Why don't you dare to see me? Ama, are you a reasonable person? If you are reasonable, I will tell you. If you are unreasonable, I will simply not open my mouth." gone."

In order to find out the inside story, Shuming became unreasonable and had to become reasonable, "Okay, why are there so many twists and turns! In the end, your marriage is not decided by your parents. If you don't tell me, you plan to make a private decision for life? "

Song Yin had no choice but to tilt his head and said, "He asked me to ask you whether our family lacks a son-in-law, and he is willing to step in."

Shuming was dumbfounded, "Did I hear it wrong? He came and barged in? To be honest, we want a son-in-law at the door, but we don't dare to accept him if he dares to come. A senior official, the only seedling of the Rong family, what do we do? How is it different from digging someone’s ancestral grave? When Rong Yunzao saw me, he insisted on biting off a piece of my flesh. Don’t think about it as soon as possible. ? It’s just like a bowl being cracked, no matter how curly it is, it’s still broken, and it can’t be filled with secondaries, do you understand this truth?”

Of course she understood, and she also knew that Rong Shi said those stupid things to make her happy.No matter how unreliable he is, he has no reason to put aside his parents who have experienced the pain of bereavement and just want to be happy.When she fell in love with him, she felt that he was responsible and a man.If he really came to the door, she felt that this man was not true, and he was not so worthy of love.But in this way, she understands Ama's position, no one in the whole family supports her to have a relationship with Rongshi again, so she still doesn't know where this relationship will go.Is it really going to be in vain?

She was instantly discouraged, and said in a low voice: "What if I still want to be with him? Does it mean that the family won't object if Prince Yu has fallen?"

Shu Ming frowned, "You're quite a clever person, but you still don't understand what I mean. Now that you have prejudices, even if the time and place are right, it's useless. Don't you know the temper of the old lady? You are the one who says nothing. , can you make her turn back?"

She fell into despair, yesterday the old lady was planning to send someone to the Rong's house to scold the streets, dissatisfied with the old lady and the wife of the Rong family, even Rong Shi was not welcome.But she also felt that she couldn't give up, she believed Rong Rong too much, as long as the obstacles were removed, with his stubbornness, he shouldn't be worse than Ama back then.Even Ama knew how to buy pigeons to please her father-in-law, wouldn't he?
My heart is full of affection, but the days are peaceful.Sometimes there will be a sudden panic, and I am busy with something, and when I hear footsteps, I can't help but turn my head.I thought he was coming, but he wasn't.I'm used to him pushing hard, and now it's getting less and less, and it's getting less and less, an indescribable loss and disappointment.

Her loneliness is calm, and she does her errands as usual, well organized and uncluttered, the chaos is in her heart, and others can't see it.Ama doesn't want her to stay at night anymore, because the last time Prince Yu stayed overnight, if he can come once, he can come a second time.

Speaking of that Prince Yu, Song Yin only had a few big characters in his evaluation of him—it's really not a thing!He is so wicked, if you don't get it, let alone ruin it, it will ruin your reputation. If the Rong family doesn't want her, and she refuses to marry him, then she will really be an old girl.The only way out is probably to marry a foreign place, such as Horqin and Chahar. The men there are rough, unlike Guan Nei who doesn't rub sand in his eyes.If something goes wrong before a woman gets married or she has married someone, people basically don't take it to heart.

Lovesickness is bitter, like being sick, and I often have no strength to do anything.She knew he was busy, the time for Guo Guiren to give birth was getting closer, and there were many places to be deployed.So those guards, although they were replaced by Zhenghuangqi and Zhengbaiqi after the third hall, but who can predict what they think in their hearts.He had to pick out his cronies. This door and that door are like multiple locks, and the locks can guarantee that there will be no return.She counted with her fingers, half a month passed...a month passed...the result will be known soon.

She has all the things to do here, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs must choose a steady wife, nurse, and nanny.Phoenix descendants and grandchildren have their own rules, and there are too many people involved, so they must be checked one by one to ensure nothing goes wrong.And because the end of the year is approaching, there are many things to do during the festival, and just a big banquet for the New Year's Eve is enough for her to be busy.The past few days have been busy, and when it's time to be on duty, or in the dead of night, when I think about it for a while, I want to see him right away and give him a hug.

The sky was getting dark and the snow was piled up in clumps. After the shift, I had to go to the Bingjiao Alley to see the process of building the coffin.In fact, it doesn't take much trouble to put it together. The trouble is carving and painting, which all depend on hard work.

The coffin for the emperor was done in secret, and the windows of the enclosed room had to be reinforced, and the peach blossom paper was covered with sackcloth to prevent someone from piercing the window paper.A small horn lamp led her into the backyard. The eunuchs from the craftsman's office beat her up when they saw her coming in. The manager showed her and said, "I used five coffins and two outer coffins, and the five coffins are more than half finished. It's just outside. A large outer coffin is time-consuming, and the paint alone costs twenty catties. Right now, there is only one inner coffin left. According to the order of the little manager, it will be finished day and night, and it will be finished in less than five days... Come and see this colorful painting and Carver, on the body of the coffin, there are paintings of the Eight Immortals and spirit attractors, and on the head of the coffin, engrave the longevity of the group, and if there is anything missing, I will listen to your instruction."

Song Yin held up the lamp to look carefully, the inside and outside materials are all high-quality nanmu, and the gold threads in the wood grain shine with a delicate and magnificent luster in the candlelight.When he knocked with his hand, there was a dull sound, as if submerged in water, which could not arouse any echo.She nodded, "It's not vague, it's nothing else, just be careful and careful, and it will be done. Later, the chief manager will come to see, I think everything is good here, I don't know what he thinks. How many days will this paint dry?"

The steward said: "If it can be put in the yard to let the air out, it can be painted once every four or five days. If it is stuffy in the house and it is cold, it may take seventy or eighty days."

It takes 81 coats of paint, how long does it take?She said: "Take it to the yard and watch it. No one is allowed to enter the ice cellar. Anyone who violates the order will be arrested."

The person in charge responded, and she stayed for a while before leaving. Jingshan and Bu'er Hue went south and north, and she had to run for a long time.

It was late at night, and she was leaning on the sedan chair to take a nap. In summer, she could sneak into the garden of the Compassionate Ning Palace to take a nap, but in winter, she couldn't. She would feel sleepy when it got dark.With eyes closed, I swayed with the sedan chair, listening to the creaking of the bearer's shoes on the snow.It was just drowsy, and I stopped for some reason, and my intuition should not be so fast.Open the curtain and look out, this is not in front of the house, why did you stop halfway?Could it be that the road is broken and difficult to walk?
She asked, "What's wrong?"

The bearer called out to the second girl, hesitantly, the sedan chair neither moved nor lowered its shoulders, presumably it was blocked.

She lifted up the felt and looked at it. On the opposite side, an exquisite eight-person sedan chair crossed the alley at the waist, blocking the originally narrow road.Her heart skipped a beat, and she secretly said that it was a big night, don't let anything happen again.If you can't afford to provoke, you can afford to hide, put down the blanket, and tell the bearers to detour.

A voice came out slowly from the other side, not angry but assertive, "You dare."

She had expected it to be him, and he was not surprised when he made a sound.It's just that I have to deal with it when it comes to my door.If you want to ask her what's on her mind, as far as what he did in the past, if she had the ability, she would have beaten him to pieces.But this is an untouchable master, and he cannot be offended for the time being, and no one will know who will die until the last moment.

She had no choice but to ask the bearer to stop the sedan chair. When he got off, he was already standing outside the sedan chair. The golden crown and jade belt, and the green fox cloak that reached the ground stretched his body even longer. He stood there like a Buddha, with round eyes The heavy halo covers everything.

Song Yin stepped forward and squatted for a while, but he could see his dissatisfaction from that hesitation, "Now he is not under my banner, and he will leave without saying hello when he sees me? I am your old master after all, let alone you, Even you, Ama, dare not do this."

He came to show off the majesty of the master again, Song Yin had no choice but to back down, "Master Liu was joking, I am not such a person. You didn't show up or make a sound before. I didn't know it was you. If you know it, how can you not?" I have to come and say hello." She raised her eyes to look at the sedan chair, still blocking it arrogantly.She Chi asked, "Did Liu Ye just pass by here? Just happened to meet me?"

He said no, "I'm just here to block you."

Her forehead twitched, but she didn't hide what she said, it's good to say it openly.She tried her best to suppress her anger, "Sixth Master will definitely give me instructions, and I will obey your orders."

He took two steps slowly, "It's nothing, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you, come to see you."

She blushed and looked left and right. There were about twenty bearers on both sides including his Goshha, and he said it bluntly.She felt ashamed. He never cared about other people's feelings when he did things. He was probably only reserved when he wanted to use you. For the rest, as long as he was happy, he would directly throw it in your face, and you had to follow it if you didn't answer it.

She smiled awkwardly, "Master Liu misses me, and probably knows that the slave is busy recently, so I don't have time to come to the mansion to say hello."

He said no again, "I heard that you were rejected by the Rong family. Let's take a look at you."

It turned out that it was because of the fun, and she felt that the rage was surging upwards. The perpetrator had used so many means to do immoral things, and now An Ran came to check the results.She looked at his face, and he smiled at the corners of his eyes, with a very contented expression.She gasped for breath, wishing to scratch his face and tell him to play tricks again!But no, she still had reason, and she still didn't dare to offend him.

"I'm fine, thank you Liu Ye for your concern. Originally, Rong Shi and I were going to get married, so we had to go to your place to change gears. Now there's no need for it. When I fall in love with someone else, I'll get married as soon as I say so."

He snorted, "Because your flag registration is no longer in the bordered yellow flag? My stall was burned down, and your household registration booklet was not handed over to Zhenghuangqi for a day, and you are in the hands of the master for a day."

Song Yin couldn't hold back anymore, she poked her neck and looked at him angrily, "What on earth do you want me to do? It's no longer possible with the Rong family, why are you still not satisfied?"

"Of course I'm dissatisfied, because you haven't married me yet, and I'm not happy, so I will fight you and make things difficult for you until you become my Fujin."

Is this man crazy?Does he have such an attitude of getting married?Just because he is a man of heaven, he is forced to force him if he can't get it, forcing people to have no way out, leaving them with no choice?

Song Yin looked at him in disbelief, "How old are you this year? I remember the 25th year, right?"

He said yes, "Why do you ask me about my age?"

"That's not too small, why are you so annoying?"

He was quite surprised, thinking that she didn't dare to talk to him like that, but he didn't expect that she would finally have an attack after being daring.

He pursed his lips and smiled, which was wonderful, he just wanted to see her true temperament.If he bullies her so unscrupulously, and she can still fight with him, it means that he is wrong, she is a face, and there will be no steel fire in the future.But the female officer in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how could she be like that!She wants to say he is naive, doesn't she?It's just that he still kept his mouth open and didn't dare to be so direct.

He nodded, "It's not young, so what? I like to punish you two, and I'm not happy to see you well."

Song Yin was very angry, and looked around, "I can't scold you, or let's fight, a fight will be happy."

He immediately looked at her with contemptuous eyes, "You are not timid, no one can lose to you! But I won't fight with you today, I was hurt by Rongshi's arm, so I can't get out of the game. You put the account Come on, when the time comes, I will make you happy."

He made a pun, and Song Yin was not an idiot, he heard it all, and immediately blushed with annoyance.With so many ears listening, she shouted loudly, "Get out of here!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Prince Yu raised his hand, "Listen to Fujin's words, spread out."

Who is his Fujin?Even Rong Shi didn't call her Young Mistress, but his Fujin called her so refreshingly!
She clasped her hands and said, "I've told you more than once, what are you going to do if you are so persistent? Even if I break up with Rongshi, it's nothing to you, you should rest early !"

He sneered coldly, "You've reached this level, how arrogant are you? If you don't marry me, who will I marry? Who can you marry? Who would dare to want you?"

She said loudly: "If I can't get married, I will be my sister-in-law. Why do I have to marry? I don't need to rely on a man, I can support myself."

That's right, she said loudly, the House of Internal Affairs will be in her hands in the future, how much will it cost, and are you still pointing at men to support the family?He was also irritated by her, why didn't he go down the steps at a time like this, insisting on choking whoever he was like like a hot pepper.

It was snowing again in the sky, fluttering like salt.Seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, he took off his cloak and put it on her. She was covered with thorns, and he was not allowed to touch her, and he did not care for his favor.He was like this, the more she resisted him, the more she had to do it, he used brute force to wrap her tightly.She yelled unyieldingly, "From now on, I will never come and go with you!"

He turned a deaf ear to it, "Don't worry about men's affairs, women. Since ancient times, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit."

She wanted to say that he knew that Buku had lost to Rongshi, so what face did he have to say that.But she wasn't sure, she didn't know if he was defeated on purpose, so that the women of the Rong family would spontaneously come to annul her marriage as if they were facing a formidable enemy.In fact, looking at it from another perspective, he is indeed the winner. He can make them fight among themselves without a single soldier, put her in a very embarrassing position, and force her to compromise.Could this be liking in his eyes?Is it love?

She choked up, "Do you have feelings for me?"

He said yes, "I used to think you were a capable woman, but now I think you are a capable and good woman, suitable for me to be Fujin."

"Then don't you ask me if I like you?" She said tearfully, "Can you treat me as a human being? Can you respect my decision? If you want me to live with you, you should at least ask me first Opinion, let's see if I can see you."

He was displeased when he heard it, "Need to ask? Why do you look down on me? If you don't like me, who else can you like? I am Prince Heshuo, and my future is limitless. Don't you want to be the master and empress? What's the status of a broken official with a single-eyed feather in the back of his head? Is it not enough for the Lord to let you wear Dongzhu and Chaozhu, so that all women will envy you?"

He thought that he would be able to buy her off by assuming the throne of queen, and if he wanted her to be queen, it would depend on whether he was lucky enough to be emperor!
He hugged her through the cloak, and she kicked her on the shin, "You see me as a woman who is greedy for vanity? In terms of reputation, I still have a bit of reputation. I am the only female officer in the whole Daqin. I I was able to gain a foothold in the Forbidden City without serving tea and water, or recommending pillows and mats. But then it was all destroyed by you, and you made me lose face, and now you come to tell me this?"

He held her back reluctantly, regardless of the snow and snow, the two of them were covered with white hair, he dusted her casually, and said kindly: "If you have any grievances, you can vent it if you want to vent it. After you vent it, you have to tell me." .You don't want to show it to the Rong family? As long as you want, I can make them never stand up..."

After struggling for a long time, she finally tore off his cloak and threw it on the ground.She doesn't like his smell, she used to think it was moist and sweet, but now she only feels disgust.Especially since he is still a person who confuses black and white, she has become more and more disgusted with his character, "People haven't wronged you emotionally, why do you want them to never stand up again? Rong Shi sincerely defected to you, and you treat others like this? Although I failed to achieve a positive result with him, but my heart is fair, I think it is not kind of you to do so, you should have no doubts about employing people, shouldn't you?"

But he said it with arrogance and no shame, "Who told him to rob women with me?"

Song Yin didn't know what to say to him, "It wasn't he who robbed you, it was you who robbed him. I dare to plant a plum tree in front of your house, and you are the only one to take care of it."

He grimaced, "I've put up with you for a long time, please be content with me. You said last time that you wouldn't follow me if I had another woman. Let me tell you, the two side Fujin masters didn't even touch each other." , I’m just waiting for you! If you make any more noise, immediately take it home to the bridal chamber, cook the raw rice and cook it, I’ll see what else you can do!”

She cried and jumped, "I won't do it, if you dare to mess around, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself!"

She's just a little bit crazy, and the way she plays is amazing.He was so upset by her that he hurriedly pressed his hands and said, "Okay, okay, I just said that, you look like this? Don't think that I will turn off your appetite if you do this, just make a fuss about it. It’s like pretending to be a ghost last time, I’ve seen through it a long time ago, so don’t waste your efforts.”

Song Yin was discouraged, so he was already invulnerable.He didn't know how well he knew her, but he insisted that she was not that kind of person, and it was useless for her to vilify herself, he didn't believe it at all.

She was dumbfounded, with tears on her face.He raised his hand to wipe it off for her, and said with a soft smile: "Whatever you like, you have to get it no matter what. Jiangshan is like this, and so are you."

If you make up your mind to marry her, then you will only treat her as a woman, and you will not talk to her about political affairs again. From now on, you will only talk about love and not politics. Isn't this kind of determination considered big?But he didn't mention it, but she wanted to ask again, "Guo Guiren is going to give birth soon, what does Master Liu plan?"

He put his fingers on those soft lips, signaling that her environment was not right and she should not talk about state affairs.However, his heart jumped when he touched it, and he knew the taste of those two red lips, which was enough to make people ecstasy.He was very impulsive for a moment and wanted to kiss her, but he was afraid that she would go crazy, so he could only hold back for now.He picked up the cloak on the ground and put it on her again, and said in a warning way: "Don't throw it away, if you throw it away, come back to Prince Yu's Mansion with me now." Seeing that she was still honest, he didn't make things difficult for her, and turned to look at her little sedan chair , "It's getting late, let's go back, don't worry the adults in the family. We will have a long time in the future, and we will talk about it another day."

Song Yin knew it was going to be difficult this time, her questioning didn't work on him, he had the posture of "I did it on purpose, I'm number one in the world" and was so arrogant, who could do anything to him?She breathed out a foul breath and nodded, "I don't mean to disobey you, I respect and admire you, but I just can't love you."

He smiled mockingly, "Are you still whitewashing the peace? In fact, you hate me and hate me, and that is the root of not loving me. You once said that you can only pretend to be one person in your heart, and you are preconceived. One step. But if this person disappears, can your room let me in again?"

She panicked in her heart, afraid that he would kill Rongshi, she stared at him and said, "I'd rather be empty, but you won't be able to get in. Liu Ye, why don't you understand? I like kind-hearted people. Don't be rich and rich, just be one heart with your man."

He looked at her and was speechless by her loving and kind words.As far as good and evil are concerned, I have always appeared as an evil side in front of her, and it is too late to make up for it now.It's just that she said "her own man", she's not even tall and ugly, so Rong is actually her man?He was depressed for a while, turned his face away and spurned her, "Don't be ashamed!"

Song Yin choked for a moment, "Don't be ashamed if you're not ashamed. I had a relationship with Rongshi. Although it's broken now, I still hope that he will be well. When he gets married and has children, maybe I will slowly forget about him. Yes, but if something happens to him, he will take root in my heart, and I will never forget him for the rest of my life."

He thought about it for a while and said, "I won't move him and help him get married early. Is that okay?"

What a wise man, he said that the wind is the rain.Song Yin glanced at him, "I will only sympathize with him more if he is forced to marry." She was unwilling to say anything more to him, for a heartless person, no matter how many explanations she gave, she would just talk to him.She turned back to her sedan chair and took two steps, the smell of sweet pine disturbed her.She folded back again, took off the cloak and handed it back to him, "Put it on yourself, and be careful not to catch cold."

Without looking at his expression, he said something again, and she closed her ears.Sit in the sedan chair, put down the thick blanket, and see him again, the world is finally quiet.

I don't know if Prince Yu did something bad again, that day when Xiaonian heard that the Rong family went to see girls everywhere, and they wanted to kiss Rong Shi.When Songyin got the news, her heart was up and down, she sat in front of the case for a while, and comforted herself, Rongshi believed in her heart, so there was nothing to worry about.It's just that the old lady and the wife made up their minds not to hire her. They used to love her so much, but now they are thrown into the mud all at once. Human feelings are cold and warm, and the world is cold and cold. She really felt it once at a young age, and it was an eye-opener.

It won't be long, Guo Guiren's delivery date is just around the corner, and there will be an explanation for everything.She ignored those and cheered herself up. The imperial dining room sent in the amount of materials prepared for the New Year's Eve banquet for her to review. She read the order: "65 catties of pork, three ducks, [-] catties of mutton, venison Fifteen this the amount for a table?"

The eunuch in charge of the dining room said: "Only the materials on the royal table of the Long Live Lord, and the empress dowager, empress, and concubines, made another file. You can look back."

She nodded, feeling melancholy in her heart.Can the emperor still host this year's banquet?His energy is deteriorating day by day, and if he ignores the court for many days, suspicion will eventually arise between the court and the opposition.He has been very diligent since he came to the throne, and the imperial gate listens to the government almost continuously.If he doesn't get better in a short period of time, he will eventually be unable to hide his illness. How can a king without an heir retain people's hearts?

The Ministry of Internal Affairs doesn't care about the affairs of the previous court, but there are still rumors that Prince Yu was implicated in the matter of borrowing money from the government bank by his slaves. This time, Cheng Zi paid an errand to think about his mistakes in the palace, but although he is not in the military plane, his tentacles are everywhere .He had already received the news about the construction of the Zi Palace in Bingjiao Hutong. He talked to Ama that day, and he mentioned it vaguely, knowing that the winning ticket was in his hands, so he became more and more on the sidelines.

This is the situation right now, let's see who God favors more.If the emperor can wait until the elder brother lands and eradicates Prince Yu, then the throne will still be in this branch; if the emperor's body is not up to the mark, and he can't wait until that moment, then the succession of the emperor's younger brother will be logical, and the sky in the Forbidden City will change. up.

She held Chen Tiao and looked outside in a daze, how difficult it is to support an infant emperor, everyone had to grit their teeth and run forward.The emperor's edict should be established now, right?Has it been handed over to Maester Rong?

She closed the booklet and handed it back to him, telling him to wait and see.After returning from the imperial dining room, he met Ama at the gate of Longzong. He had just gone to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to invite Ann, and looked up at her with a secretive expression.

The two of you walked back slowly, Song Yin said: "Look at Sheng Gong..."

Shuming sighed, "There are only a handful of bones left, it seems that time is running out."

"Did you hear that the Minister of Military Aircraft was summoned?"

Shuming shook his head, "It's said that I slept all day, and I didn't say anything when I went in. Lu Run took a look from a distance, probably couldn't breathe, and his mouth was wide open. To say something outrageous, it might as well be like this He is dead. It’s already this time, what are you holding on to? You can’t keep it anymore, it’s better to pass the throne to the sixth master, everyone deserves to die and live, it’s over.”

The Tong family must not be able to die, after all, they have never been an enemy of Prince Yu, he has dissatisfaction, that is, letting Yu enter the palace and raising his family.It was the Rong family who were going to die. Once Yan Sui came to power, what would happen to them? It's hard to say.

"It's time to clean it up, let their family look for a daughter-in-law everywhere!" Speaking of this, Shu Ming was even more angry than Song Yin, angry that his daughter could not get married before Rong Shi.For example, if a marriage falls through and one party gets married first, the remaining one will definitely be abandoned. "What is their family doing in such a hurry? Are they in a hurry to get rid of the relationship with the Tong family? Or are they bullying us that we are not easy to marry and want to see us laugh?"

Seeing that Ama was filled with righteous indignation, Song Yin was not so angry.It is not easy to marry, she is indeed difficult to marry.In the past, when she was an official, no mother-in-law could tolerate a daughter-in-law who could stand up to her mother-in-law just by entering the door.Later, with such a bad reputation, there was no hope.

She smiled, "It's just that I can't get married. Don't you want to keep me as a housekeeper? I'm like you. I've been working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the rest of my life. When I turn around, I'll pick a smart brother from the younger generation to take care of the family business. pass it on to him."

Shuming said: "It's still true. It has been passed on and passed on to others. I point out that you will have a son in the future. It is better to pass on to your nephew than to your grandnephew. Besides, parents all over the world have the same heart. Who doesn't want their children to be good? I am willing to pass it on." Are you going to be an old girl forever?"

She snorted, "Would you like it or not, isn't it all like that? Don't be serious, who made you have no son!"

Basically, not having a son is an eternal pain, but I have gotten used to it long ago, and there is no time to force it.Shuming walked into the Yamen with his hands behind his back, "What are you eating at noon today?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a long sound of "It's going to happen" behind him, and the eunuch in the respect room came up to him and beat him a thousand times. gone."

"Hurry up and take a look." Shu Ming winked at Song Yin, "Be careful, you can't make a mistake." Turning around, he asked again, "Has the Emperor reported back?"

The eunuch said: "Go back to Director Lu, I must know now."

Song Yin hurriedly walked out, and while walking, she signaled her cronies to send news to Rong Shi.She had imagined this day countless times, but when it happened, she still felt urgent and at a loss.It is very common for a concubine to give birth, but it is of great significance until now.The atmosphere suddenly became tense. This matter is related to the life and death of many people, and victory or defeat is only a matter of day and night.

It was sunny for a few days at the end of the year, followed by boundless wind and snow, and the sky was also gray at noon.Songyin stepped up and ran towards Jingqi Pavilion, and the servants sent behind her filed in, and the cold palace that had always been neglected by people suddenly became lively.Mrs. Guo's Er Nie and her aunt had entered the palace to accompany her one month before she gave birth. Although they were both the headed wives, their own family could manage the rudder, and they were capable everywhere in the palace. They seemed to have fallen into the heart of the sea. Yes, no reliance.Seeing Song Yin, he stepped forward and called the little manager, "Look..."

Song Yin reassured them, "It doesn't matter, the midwife is selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and they are reliable. As long as the wife and uncle have a good look at the nobleman, they will take over and hug the little master when he lands."

Mrs. Guo trembled, "I'm a little scared, will the emperor come?"

Song Yin slowly shook her head, "I can't come, there are rules in the palace, the emperor is waiting for news in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the eunuch will report to Yuqian later."

Go in and look at Master Guo, she is lying there with bright eyes, "I'm going to give birth."

Song Yin hummed, "It hurts a bit, you just hold on, and you'll be fine."

"Can I give birth to a princess?" She was still thinking about Concubine Hui's daughter, because she saw her once, and all she wanted was to have such a beautiful child so that she could dress up her in the future.

Song Yin said: "It depends on God's will. If God wants the little master to achieve something, I'm afraid it can't be a girl. In fact, elder brother is also very good, smart and capable, and he can protect Er Nie when he is older."

But she was worried, "What if you look like a senior official from Ximen?"

Song Yin was stunned for a moment, realizing that she shouldn't be showing her that kind of book, and her mind was in a mess.But it's really uncertain whether the emperor's love for men will be passed on to his children... But now is not the time to worry about these things, the priority is to let the children fall to the ground first.She blindly comforted her, "Why do you take the book seriously? It's all written for people to cancel. Don't worry! What we need to worry about right now is not this, but to give birth to the little master safely, and the rest Let’s talk about it later, take him well, don’t let him read idle books like you, and that’s it.”

Guo Guiren was wronged, "Didn't you bring those idle books to me?"

She replied: "It's mine, I won't let you see this in the future, you should just calm down and have a baby!"

With a sudden pain, she frowned and took a breath, "No, you have to buy more for me in the future. I am lonely in the palace, and I have those scriptures to pass the time." Holding the red silk with both hands, she bowed her head Look at your stomach, "You said... to give birth to a child for someone you don't know very well, what am I trying to do?"

What are you trying to figure out? I really can't tell. This is the fate of women in the palace.After entering the palace, don't they all live like this?
She knelt down and wiped her sweat, "Don't think so much, just think about your princess! You will be able to meet her soon."

She closed her eyes and nodded, "I'm not afraid, I'm strong, and I will definitely be able to give birth to her."

Song Yin withdrew and saw that there were already guards guarding the door, and looked at the door, Rong Shi was there, holding a waist knife, with bright red tassels hanging on his chest, fluttering in the wind.He looked dignified, and nodded to her lightly, she felt at ease, knowing that he was all on guard, no matter if Guo Guiren's child was male or female, at least he would be safe and sound.

She turned around and ordered someone to bring a charcoal basin to the pavilion. Because the charcoal was burning so fiercely, the windows of the delivery room had to be opened a crack for ventilation.She stood under the window and assigned the eunuchs to be on duty, "Keep an eye on it. If there is a slight mistake, everyone will not be able to survive. The group should also pay attention to each other. If anyone is suspicious, the guards outside are waiting to invite you into the urn."

Everyone responded in unison, she said this not only for the people outside, but also for the people serving inside.Everyone should be mindful, even if Prince Yu's people are mixed in, they would not dare to act rashly under such circumstances.

Looking at the door again, he is no longer there, presumably he has gone to the south to ask for orders.

Song Yin stood under the eaves, feeling as if her heart was frying.She, Ama, came in a hurry and got everything ready, and came here specially to listen to the letter.He glanced at the door of the pavilion, "What's the matter?"

She said: "It's just getting into bed, and it's early!" Hearing a mournful cry from inside, her heart tightened.As the new wind picked up, she stomped her feet, feeling that the blood on her body was frozen and unable to stretch.

Shu Ming approached a little closer, and said softly: "I don't know what went wrong in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. According to my opinion, the cabinet ministers should be announced to enter the palace to wait for the order, but there is no movement at all."

Song Yin was surprised, "Master Rong didn't come either?"

"Without the will, who can come in?" Shuming shook his head, "Maybe Long Live Lord is sick and confused, but this trip to Yangxin Hall is tied up, and I don't know what the plan is."

If the emperor doesn't give an order, I'm afraid Rongshi won't be able to use his hands and feet.She suddenly felt terrified, "Ama, has Long Live Lord already..."

Shuming opened his eyes and murmured: "No way... Could it be possible to wait for Master Guo's child?"

Nothing is impossible, they are separated by one floor for the matter before the imperial court, probably only Lu Run knows the situation at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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