Chapter 132: Family (34)
Important person
All the female officials looked at each other. Everyone knew about her and Rong Shi. When she came here, she was completely bullied by the emperor.Everyone reassured her, "It's nothing, don't think too much about it. Maybe... Long Live God just sent you back to the House of Internal Affairs in two days' time on a whim."

She sighed and shook her head, "Go back, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back... Has Cai Si entered the brand in the past two days?"

The female officials said, "The concubines who were canonized in front of me have been fortunate one by one. Tonight's dinner has turned over the green head card of Concubine Wei. Everyone said that Master Wei is popular."

She was relieved and said it was fine, "I've met Master Wei twice, but the red is really red, the draft has turned up the most cards so far, it can be seen that the master likes her."

The emperor is both Yuxing and love. He has his duties, and of course his political achievements are the most important, and it is also essential to spread his branches and leaves.The empress dowager kept a close eye on it, and every time she turned the card, she wanted to tell Cai Si to go to the Compassion Palace for questioning. The late emperor suffered from having no heirs, and the emperor was a latecomer, so he had to take the lead.Or those ministers should have something to say, the two elder brothers are in a difficult situation, and the elder brother has adopted again, what will happen to the country and society in the future?
Songyin can understand him too well, so it proves that she can't get along with him.What she envied was a clean relationship, just like she and Rong Shi, standing face to face, with pure eyes, only each other in their hearts, no matter how much temptation and disturbance, love each other firmly, let alone a person, even a root Can't get the needle in.Therefore, it is also doomed that there is no possibility of any development between her and the emperor. If Rongshi is like him, and she chooses one of a lot of women to spend the night every day based on her preference, she may beat him to the point of being paralyzed.As for the emperor, I don't like it, so I don't care.She didn't feel any displeasure, and even felt an indescribable sense of nausea.He talked about how much he loves her every day, but couldn't get what he asked for, so he went to look up the signboard of Concubine Wei at night, does it mean that Li Daitao is stiff?
She could see it, and of course the people who served her could see it too.When the emperor summoned his concubines in his bedroom, they were only a few dozen steps away from the Hongde Hall.How can there be such a thing in the world, because I love her, I imprison her in the palace, turn around and get entangled with other women in front of her, but whoever has a temperament, don't say it is her Tong Songyin, who can change it? endure such humiliation.

"This kind of thing in the palace is unavoidable. I'm used to it, so it's nothing unusual." When Lu Run came to see her, he was sitting under the window of the moon hole and talking, fearing that she wouldn't think about it, so he blindly explained her. , In another two months, if it is still like this, then you have to think about it carefully, after all, not being promoted is not a problem."

She leaned on the pillow to drink tea, and said with a mocking smile: "Who is Jin, I always feel that I will be able to go out one day, and it won't be long..."

One must have hope to live, he fell silent, the fine porcelain tea cup was soaked with hair tips, and the tea stood upright, so lovely.He gently patted it, watched it bob up and down, and remembered it after a while, "Rangyu was very worried about you, and asked to come to see you a few times, but I persuaded him. The emperor made the Qianqing Palace into a copper wall and an iron wall." , It took a lot of trouble for her to come in. I told her that you are fine, but she was restless in the Zhuxiang Pavilion, one for you and the other for your father, crying her eyes like peaches."

Her heart twitched when she mentioned Ama, "He was still confused when I entered the palace, and he didn't know what was going on now. I want people to see him..." She slowly shook her head, "But today is different, I can't get rid of people, so I have to let him. You are helping to manage the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Have you met Fogg? Ask me about the situation, how is my Ama now? Are the old lady and the wife okay? I don't know. After receiving the title of the emperor, the family members probably feel that they are shameless, and the girl's family has followed someone, and she doesn't even have a title."

He didn't know how to promise her, her heart was on Rong Shi, she hoped that she could go out and reconnect with him.But how long will it be until the emperor releases him?My own woman, I'm afraid she would rather wither in the deep palace than bloom beside others.

He gave her a difficult look, "Fogg talked about your Ama's recent situation two days ago. He said that he knew each other, but he was not in a good mood. He opened his mouth and asked Er Niu where she went and how did you see her?" Tian'er won't go home. I'll send someone to the door tomorrow to ask, and I'll come back to you when I'm sure."

She hummed, put down the teacup, with a dazed look on her face.She lowered her eyes and said: "Ama didn't blame me, she still missed me, which made me ashamed. Now that I think about it, I went to Rehe, and I didn't care about the future. At that time, I wanted to see Rongshi. We were in the same room In the city, it takes a month to part. I really can’t bear it. I expected this result, but it was a fluke, thinking that no one would know if I went back secretly. Sometimes I wonder, I just want to be like an ordinary girl Same, I fell in love with someone, and stayed with him day and night. But I am a fourth-rank official, so I don’t have so much free time. Although I am reluctant, I still provoked the emperor, and I can’t do whatever I want.”

She talked to him about her difficulties and her grievances, but she didn't know that the person opposite her had the same troubles as the emperor.She probably never realized her own benefits. If she wasn't likable, why would she fascinate them?Rongshi was lucky and met her standards, while he and the emperor were out early because no one was good enough for her.He is also a selfish person, he can't do it himself, the emperor broke her wings, and he was secretly happy.Because she can't fly anymore, she is very close to him, and I can often see her when I miss her.Sometimes I am ashamed of my own thoughts, he is so despicable, what is the difference between him and the emperor?
Song Yin said a lot, but in fact she was complaining to herself, not caring whether she could get sympathy or not.Looking down at the mouth grease stained on the teacup, there was a faint smear of red, and he wiped it with a handkerchief, and said: "Give me a message to Rangyu, I'm fine, I don't need to be on duty, and I'm not afraid of messing up errands." " After finishing speaking, he looked up at him, "Lu Run, if I want to escape from the Forbidden City someday, can you help me?"

There was surprise in his eyes, but he was so weird, without any hesitation, he said yes without hesitation, "As long as you want, I will make it for you."

Song Yin smiled happily: "Finally, I still have you as a friend, you are my best friend."

She may have been joking, but he took it seriously.A few simple words pierced his heart like a sharp arrow.I don't know if it's because he is good at catching, or because she is eloquent. From the last time she took him home for the elderly, to now being a blue-faced confidant, it turns out that he is so easy to be bribed, and a few good words have already made him compromise unconditionally.

It is difficult to have a standard for the depth of love. Everyone expresses it in a different way.He thought carefully, if she can be with Rongshi, she will be happy, but the emperor is a huge obstacle, how can he let him give up?Unless it is exchanged for his most taboo thing.However, there was an element of threat mixed into the transaction. Even if he had no choice but to agree at the time, what kind of bloody storm will it be when he recovers?
He wanted to speak, but in the end he held back, clenched his fists tightly on his knees, weighed and said: "You hold it back for now, let me think about it. After the wedding in June, when there will be a queen in the palace, There are many things that can bypass Long Live Lord."

She nodded with a smile. In June, if Rong Shi's plan doesn't work out, it would be meaningless for her to go or stay.

But she couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to deal with the emperor for nearly two months.

Fortunately, the emperor has indeed undergone a major change recently. He came to see her every day after leaving court, and did not take the initiative to provoke disputes.Topics involving the Rong family and his son were all avoided.Song Yin asked him why he didn't pursue Rong Shi when he broke into Hongde Hall that day.The expression on his face was indifferent. "I only look at the moment. You are already by my side. It is understandable to be unconvinced. Always allow the loser to vent. I have a higher attitude and don't care about him. I will propose a marriage to him later. Reward some more things as my compensation to him."

It turned out that he always thought that if he robbed other people's things, he could find something to fill in and return it, and he would be able to settle the matter.What he never forgets, doesn't he care about others?She didn't want to argue with him, so she could be vague and let it go. After all, he still cared about it in his heart, so he asked her when he had time: "Do you like me?"

When she was drinking tea, she was often choked and smacked by him, and she shook her head apologetically for a long while, "Not yet."

He didn't force it, and fell silent in disappointment. When he came the next day, he asked again: "Do you like me?"

She often felt that he was stupid and naive in spite of his boundless ambition.To like someone is to keep accumulating, say beautiful words, be considerate, and then experience some things together, and gradually develop feelings.Instead of drinking two cups of tea with him like him, talking about the intrigue in the court, and finally asking if you like it, the woman will post it spontaneously.

Sometimes she wanted to inquire about Rongshi, but she was afraid of arousing his suspicion, so she could only reluctantly hold back.After thinking about it, he asked sideways, "Master's big wedding is coming soon. I'm not on the job in the House of Internal Affairs, so I can't help much. I don't know how the preparations are going. The most important thing is the court dress of the master, the dragon coat, The top crown, the court beads... everything must be sloppy. Before I came, I had already started to take care of it, and I handed it over to others halfway, for fear that they would not be able to handle it. The master should let me go back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is not a problem for me to be so idle .I really don't understand what you mean by trapping me in Qianqing Palace."

He said: "If you don't understand, I understand it. I don't ask too much. Let me control you. You are always there whenever I want to see you. That's all. As for going back to the House of Internal Affairs, you just stop thinking about it." Think about it, I don't need a housekeeper, but I need you. You stay here for me, and you are not allowed to go anywhere. If you stay in Qianqing Palace, you will be the target of public criticism, but I know that you can handle it with your means, even if you are a queen. Once you enter the palace, there is nothing to be afraid of."

With her means, why should she use means for him?She didn't answer his words, turned around, and just looked out the window.He frowned, she was clearly smiling, but her eyes became more and more lonely.He knew that she was unhappy being locked up in the palace, but what to do, he was reluctant to let go, as soon as she let go, she would belong to someone else.So I just have to grit my teeth and hold back, this period is the most tormenting, just like weaning a child or quitting smoking, it will be fine when it passes.

She seemed to accept her fate here, but her Ama couldn't agree on the other side.

It took Shu Ming half a month to recover his sanity from being beheaded. During his more than 30 years of work, he saw the decapitation of a familiar person with his own eyes. This horrible scene will never be forgotten.The more afraid he is, the more he hates the emperor. When he knew that Song Yin had been forcibly taken into the harem, he couldn't bear it for a moment, "I've never seen such a stinky and shameless emperor! Being an emperor can rob people's daughters by force? The emperor broke the law and the common people The same crime! This man is like a poor family who suddenly has money, and he wants to let the whole world know that he has wealth. What kind of thing is he doing back and forth, perverse, sooner or later he will collapse!"

Angrily, he put on his official robe and top hat, when his wife asked him what he was doing, he pointed at the sky, "I want someone in the palace!"

The wife turned pale with fright, "You want the guillotine to fall on the back of your neck to be happy, don't you? Why did Er Niu enter the palace, isn't it to keep the family safe!"

He didn't care about that much, he spent so much effort on Songyin, this girl was adjusted to inherit the family business, not to act as a green card for the harem.

He still entered the palace, walking staggeringly, and entered the military plane crookedly.People who have died once have nothing to fear, beheading is nothing but scars the size of a bowl, what a big deal!The emperor sat cross-legged on the south kang to discuss state affairs with his ministers. He swept his sleeves and beat him a thousand times, "Greetings to the emperor."

The emperor said, "Come back to report on your work? Are you all right?"

He responded, "I'm a poor slave, I'm getting better soon. Thanks to the imperial doctor sent by the master, who gave me some medicines. Now I can recognize people and eat by myself, but sometimes my brain is not working well." , I want to ask the imperial doctor if there is any medicine to cure it."

There was a choking smell in his words, and the emperor could hear it, and his face was a little embarrassed for a moment.After all, it's Songyin's Ama, he wants to slowly develop a relationship with Songyin now, even if her Ama is messed up, he can't take it too seriously.He put down the booklet and said calmly: "Delaying the river project is indeed a felony. My sentence is based on the law, and there is nothing wrong with it. The chief of this job is the Ministry of Industry, and you are the deputy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so everyone Ketu asked to cut, and saved your life, which is considered an extrajudicial favor."

Shuming knelt down and kowtowed, "I thank my master for not killing me. I came into the palace today, one is to ask the emperor to resign, and the other is..."

Knowing what he was going to say next, the emperor raised his hand and said, "I haven't finished my maintenance work yet, so you go outside and wait, and come in when you are called."

He said yes, but walked back and stood against the wall, his eyes fixed on a piece of dirt on the ground, it looked really scary from the side.Eunuch Su La discussed in private, saying that Director Tong might have gone crazy from fright, and he didn't even roll his eyes during the two sticks of incense, which shows that the disease is still not cured.

The people from the Military Aircraft Department withdrew one after another, and when they passed by him, they bowed to him, and he knew how to return the salute.Then he waited quietly, hunched over, like a refined Huang Daxian, as if his body was too long to stand upright.

Finally the emperor announced him. He re-entered the military aircraft office with crane steps, and raised his hand, "I haven't finished my previous words. One resigns, and the other comes to find my daughter. Songyin has been in a relationship for more than half a month." Did not go home, the slave and the old lady at home are very worried. The person disappeared, the slave searched half of Sijiu City but couldn't find it, went to the palace to ask the emperor's will, asked the emperor to speak, ordered Shuntian Mansion and the guards to help Look for it. After all, Song Yin is a fourth-rank official, so he disappeared without knowing why, and he didn't even take an errand, so how can he do it!"

The emperor had a solid foundation in his heart, because Song Yin did not accept the canonization, and it was not easy to issue an order to Tong's family until now.They were in a hurry and felt that their daughter was at a disadvantage, so they came to ask for an explanation.

He fiddled with the bracelet and said, "Songyin is by my side, so you don't have to worry. Seeing that the big wedding is approaching, let's get things done first, and naturally there will be an order for you."

Shuming raised his eyes, "I don't understand this. The master left Songyin as an errand, and he had to allow her to go home for the night. No matter how busy she was, there would be a time to take a rest. Why did she never return?"

If you want to talk about the fundamentals, you have to speak thoroughly. They are all waiting for him to say a word, right?These parents are all looking forward to the promotion of their daughters, so that the family will be full of glory.He understood their thoughts, and said in a loose tone: "I want to make her a noble concubine, but she keeps pushing back, so this decree can't be made out. After the process, I don't want to force her. When she changes her mind, the decree will not be issued." I have to go through your Ministry of Internal Affairs and let you know sooner or later."

Shuming said, "Long live, this is impossible. Songyin has already made an agreement with the Rong family. There is no such charter for one girl and two families. You're an idiot, you're the emperor, you can't fight, but it doesn't sound good to the people. You'd better let her go back, it won't delay your fame."

The emperor was still smiling at first, but his face darkened at the end, knowing that Tong Shuming was here to beg for a daughter. He wanted to keep the one he loved by his side, why is it so difficult!

"I am not worthy of your daughter or your son-in-law?"

Shuming was terrified, "The slave's family is lowly, and she was born in a coat, how dare you be my son-in-law! Song Yin has to inherit the incense of our family, and Jin Mo is dead, she is our family. Top beams, you have demolished all the beams of the slaves, how can you let the slaves live?"

The emperor smiled after hearing this, "I can really chop off your head just because you insist on not letting go. But because you are her Ama, I don't care about you, and don't forget the majesty of the sky." Inviolability is not allowed. Songyin's fate is not something you can decide in a few words, you go back to your house of internal affairs, the official will not allow you to resign, and the daughter will not return it to you, that's it."

He was speechless, thinking that this person was lucky enough to be born in the emperor's house.To be born in the market, this is a rascal!

The discussion was fruitless, and he left the Military Aircraft Department dejectedly.Passing through the Longzong Gate, I heard someone called Ama, looked up, and saw that the monkey's headlight-like face was gone, and settled down, with drooping eyebrows like a bitter melon.He was even more sad, "Don't call me that, I'm not blessed to be your Ama."

(End of this chapter)

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