Chapter 15 Forbidden Court (15)
He stared at me with both eyes, and I felt like I was going to reveal my secrets. (3)
She proudly raised her neck, pulled her skirt back and got off the bridge.She has her responsibilities, she has invited the Queen Mother, and she is going to Funing Palace to dry the dragon robes for the official family, she is so busy, how can she have time to play with those things!
Chunwo smiled helplessly. She knew that it was good to establish the demeanor of a queen, but it was a pity to obliterate her nature.

She walked in front with her head held high, and the attendants of Yongjin Temple followed behind.She is wearing a peach-blossom cloud-and-mist blouse today, with beaded flowers in a tasseled bun and a treasure belt.Tiankuo is originally a day for housewives to work, if Jin Cui is full of heads, it will seem out of date.Youth is capital, even if you only wear a comb, it looks lively and beautiful.

Not long after the sun had risen, there was still a slight coolness in the air, and people in it were extraordinarily clear.Yun Hua walked briskly, listening to the birds singing on the branches, turned her body slightly and said, "Someone get me two parrots, I want to teach them how to talk." It was found that Xu Shanggong led a group of people, and they were already about ten steps behind.

This is the life of a queen, every word and deed is supervised.Although Shang Gong couldn't correct her directly, he showed her a demonstration, tactfully said that she was walking too fast, and reminded her to be calm and keep her feet on the ground.

She was a little embarrassed, so she slowed down and moved forward a little bit.They finally caught up, she tucked her hands more and more confidently, entered Baoci Palace, and entered the palace to enjoy blessings.

The Empress Dowager just came out of the inner hall after meditating, took off her dharma clothes and handed them to Shang Gong next to her, and said with a smile, "You are here? The dragon robe drying ceremony was held on June [-]th. In the past, it was presided over by Concubine Xian. This time, the true god has finally returned to his throne." Today the outer court rests for a bath. The ministers are all back for the holidays, and the officials are free. I ordered someone to hold a banquet in the garden, and you go and invite the officials to go with you. First, you and your husband can get along more, and second, let the harem Ladies have something to look forward to." She raised her hand, and the queen held the towel for her to clean, she smiled, and led her to sit down on the low couch.

"Did the empress meet with the officials yesterday?" The empress dowager carefully examined her expression, "I heard that there was no contact when I left Rouyi hall?"

Yun Hua raised his eyes and smiled, "The official's family is busy, so I sent someone to say hello, and the official's family will come to see me when they have time. The empress doesn't need to worry about us, the official family and I... are fine."

As soon as she said that it was fine, the queen mother was relieved, sighed with relief, and her face was quite gratified, "It's so good, for me, it's second to pray for the good weather of the big axe, you and the official couple are harmonious, in my heart The big stone fell to the ground. The official has a different temper since he was a child, and he needs you to enlighten him more in the future. No matter how busy the government affairs are, he must be more careful. The emperor's heir is related to the country, and there are so many concubines in the harem, so we can't let them go Make decorations. There is also the imperial concubine. She entered the Forbidden Court with you. After all, she is the princess of Wurong. Don't wait for her. You look for an opportunity to mention it in front of the officials, and find a good day to go to her Yisheng Pavilion Sit down!"

It's only been a few days since the wedding, and she has to persuade her husband to spend the night in someone else's pavilion. The queen's job is really not easy.Fortunately, she was originally in a slump, so she could be as generous as possible, and replied: "Miss Liang came to my palace yesterday, and I also told her, please be safe and calm. I will go to Funing Palace in a while, if The official is here, let's talk to him today!"

The queen mother smiled and nodded, "The queen's magnanimity is the blessing of the forbidden women. I think the queen must also feel a little bit wronged, complaining that the empress is too impatient. You only married the official family on the second day of the junior high school, and you pushed him to the office on the sixth day. Go to someone else's room."

Yunhua hurriedly said: "I don't mean to blame my lady. The official family is not my official family, but the official family of all the ladies in this forbidden court. Although I am young, I am not confused about major matters. It's just my advice. I am afraid that the officials may not be willing to listen, and whether they want to be lucky or not depends on the officials themselves."

The queen mother leaned against the couch, patted her knees slowly and said: "I know this, and I won't blame you for not going to other people's pavilions. I am his mother, and I have been worrying about it every day since he was 16 years old. , It took seven years, but it’s still not oil and salt! I can’t just push all the responsibility to you when you come, then I’m too unreasonable as a mother-in-law. I mean, if you can persuade, the official It’s best if you listen, but if you don’t listen, then you don’t care about other people’s troubles, and put yourself first.”

Yun Hua's eyes darkened, anyway, the queen mother will not let the emperor's grandson stop.With many people, there are many opportunities. If it is really impossible to develop, with her at least it is a way out.

Of course the Empress Dowager has her own difficulties, she is not in a hurry, and she has to bear the heavy pressure from the courtiers.The heir of the Great Yue Emperor is not prosperous, and the official family is a wise monarch, but he has no children so far. If this continues, the Great Treasure will be left behind?Adopting an adopted son to raise by his side is not his own flesh and blood after all. After a few generations, I don't know whose surname Day Yue's surname is!
The queen mother smiled helplessly, "I went to the doctor in a hurry, and I hope you will understand me. Right now you and the official family are just getting married in Yan Er, so walk around a lot and don't let it cool down. I can forcefully lock you up for the first three days. Together, you can’t repeat the old tricks in the future, you have to make people laugh, so rely on yourself. The empress is a sensible child, and in the future she will give birth to a prince who will inherit the rule, and her position will become more stable. Do you understand what I mean?” She patted her hand, turned her head and told Xu Shanggong, "The sage is kind, and you have to pay attention to it when you first ascend to the post. You must pay attention to it and remind the ladies at all times. Don't tell the ladies to mess up the rules. Then pass the word, and order the Imperial Medical Bureau Five times, I entered the Yongjin Palace to ask for my pulse. The saint is strong and healthy, which is the blessing of the official family and the blessing of my big axe."

Xu Shanggong bowed his head to take the order, and Yunhua understood the meaning of the imperial physician asking for pulse, got up and blessed him, blushing and said: "I have taken my mother's words to heart, I will definitely go to Funing Palace more in the future, please rest assured."

The queen mother nodded and said good, "It's almost time. I expect the official's house to be in the palace. You can go. Don't delay too long. I'll go through the garden first and talk to the ladies."

After Yun Hua resigned, Funing Palace is very close to Baoci Palace, and the two palaces are on the same horizontal line.However, the main hall of Funing Palace is slightly ahead of Baoci Palace. Entering from the back west gate, you can see the wide Danchi.The door of the main hall is open, and the two gates stand on the yellow gate, creating a splendid atmosphere.

Seeing her coming, the guard in the palace rushed forward and bowed his hands, "Greetings with the saint. The crown servants in the apse have already prepared, and they will open the box only after the saint orders."

Zihua put up his skirt and went to Danbi, and asked, "Where is the official family?"

The escort said: "The official family just came back from the Wende Hall. The son of the country sacrificed wine and presented a seal book, which was very popular with the official family. Now the official family is in the side hall. Please wait a moment, the saint, and let the ministers enter the internal biography. "

Today, no one dares to be presumptuous in front of him. He doesn't like people to be close to him, and even his personal internal officials are outside the door.Rong Hua came in and questioned the security guard with his eyes, and the security guard pointed to the cabinet to the east.She nodded slightly, and waited outside the sill with her shoulders on her shoulders, only to hear the guard call the official in a low voice, "Today is the sixth day of June. The saint was ordered by the Empress Dowager to dry the dragon robes for the official." Listen carefully , he hummed, and there was nothing to say.

After being together for three days, I can see some clues. He is the kind of person who never knows how to take the initiative. Sometimes he even takes two steps back when you take one step forward.If you wait foolishly, you may never be able to wait for the opportunity, she has to make the first move.Maybe he will feel impatient, but it has gradually become a habit, no matter how defensive he is, there will always be a time to relax.

She took the painting and turned around and ordered, "You go through the Rouyi Hall first, and move the box to the Danqi, and I will come later."

Everyone bowed silently, but they all left the Palace of Funing.

There is a screen behind the dragon and phoenix cover, it is not jade or ivory, it seems to be a huge piece of polished cowhide.The leather has good toughness, is stretched extremely tightly, and is translucent.A row of sill windows on the opposite side were open, and there was light shining from the outside, and the figure of Imakami sitting sideways could be clearly seen.

He didn't wear a crown when he lived in the imperial palace, and he tied his hair in a hosta casually.Wearing a Luo Yi with a round neck and long sleeves, he leans on a table with a relaxed posture.A smile appeared on Zi Hua's face, he walked around the screen, and Nuan Nuan called out to the official, "Are you busy?"

He didn't look up, and he didn't answer, but he didn't look angry.Shizhao said that he would twirl his fingers when he was angry, she paid attention to it, and saw nothing unusual, so she bravely went to sit next to him on the couch.

Looking around, the chapters on that post have different shapes and very different fonts, and they have collected the inscriptions of many literati from ancient and modern times.She distinguished carefully, some of them were mottled because of the age, and she could only recognize a few of them.For example, Lu Ji, Xie An, and Ouyang Xun.

She felt that it was a pity, "If such a good print is not properly collected, it will be destroyed in a few years."

Imakami finally raised his eyes, still gloomy, and glanced at her, "Now that it's in my hands, I have to find a way to remedy it."

She groaned, and moved closer, "Do you want to make rubbings? I can't recognize them completely, how can I fix it?" A slender finger pointed at a half-destroyed engraving, "There are only a few vague strokes left. Can you guess whose seal it is?"

He didn't answer, picked up a pen to draw on the white fold, the tip of the pen wandered around, and drew out a seal character of Sun Guoting.

Zonghua compared it up and down, and if it really matched the remaining traces, he clicked his tongue and said in admiration: "The officials have learned from the mountains, and the ministers and concubines are so admired."

He probably disdained to discuss such advanced knowledge with her, so he quietly put away the post and put it in a wooden box.She was not discouraged, and continued to climb up: "I'm going to the Rouyi Hall, you can go with me! The empress said that the officials need to be present when the dragon robes are drying, just to make a good mouth. You just watch from the sidelines." Look at me, the palaces will pass the word to the empress, she will be very happy."

He was noncommittal after hearing this, but it was obviously loose, so he stood up and put the wooden box aside.

"Your Majesty said that there was a banquet in the garden, and all the ladies in the forbidden area are here, so please go with the officials." She turned around and waved her hands through the screen, "The officials are here."

When she smiled, the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and such a sincere and happy expression appeared on the queen's face, which seemed to have great credibility.If a person is not so boring and mediocre, even with another purpose, it can make people guard against and give people the illusion of being observed at the same time.

Today, I walked out with my hands behind my back, the sun was getting higher and higher, and the light was strong.There are floating clouds in the blue sky, and the sixth day of June is sunny and sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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