Chapter 156 Lin Yuan (19)
You are especially popular with centenarians.

It was about five o'clock the next day, and the darkness before dawn shrouded the entire Ober Ridge as if in another world.Lian Deng hasn't been sleeping very well recently, and it often takes nearly midnight to fall asleep. Not long after falling asleep, I heard a rush of footsteps in my dream, and suddenly the curtain was lifted forcefully, and someone stood outside and shouted loudly: "Tranquility! Tranquility!"

She was very dizzy, and she heard that the second brother was often thinking, so she stood up and groaned, "Brother, what's the matter?"

Chang Nian's voice was full of tears, and he lowered his voice slightly: "Get up quickly, something happened to Aye."

She was still dazed at first, but suddenly became agitated.Standing up straight, he pulled a round-neck robe and put it on, hurriedly buckled the belt and ran out, "What's wrong, Aye?"

Chang Nian was speechless, but just raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the big tent.The guards outside the king's tent were a hundred times stricter than usual, and the dead soldiers stood with their knives on their hands, surrounding the tent.Her heart was beating wildly, and she hurried over, the tent was full of generals.Passing through the armored jungle, I saw King Ding lying peacefully on the couch, with his eyes closed and his face turning blue.

With a buzzing sound in her head, she asked the former medical officer, "What's wrong with your lord?"

The medical officer shook his head, gave up his seat in front of the couch, and stepped aside.Look at the brothers again, they stand there bewildered, all of them look like mud tires soaked in rain.

Lian Deng's legs were trembling in her trousers, she thought that maybe Wang was not well.It's not that she hasn't faced death before, but it's the first time for her to let go of that lost memory while watching her relatives die in front of her eyes.She stepped forward and took King Lading's hand, "Aye?"

He didn't respond, and his fingers had been cold, probably for a while.She didn't believe it, and hoped to feel the pulse in his neck, but she couldn't feel it, even his neck was cold.

"How could it be? Aye had dinner with A'Ning earlier..." She knelt down and cried, "Aye, what's wrong with you?"

She is not close to King Ding, but since last night, she has been able to get along like a normal father and daughter. Why did she have to suffer such a blow when she felt warm?She didn't know what to do. She saw his face up close, with his handsome eyebrows and profound facial features.As if the frozen memories were suddenly opened, she remembered this face, it turned out that he was really her father.

She wailed, grabbed the clothes on his shoulders and shook him, "Aye, don't leave me, I'll come back to you, you can't go!" Her pain came from the heart, and the wailing came from the soul. Bursting out from the deepest part, she couldn't think of any way to resist the sudden bad news except screaming like a beast.

Countless punches hit her heart, and she collapsed in front of his bed.Without her mother, the father she just recognized has gone away again. From now on, she is a real orphan and has no one to rely on anymore.She regretted it unceasingly. She was numb when he was still alive and didn't think about loving him in the past.Now that he is dead, she only remembers the years when she sat in his arms and rode on his shoulders before she was four years old.But it was too late, he left, so inexplicably.

She wanted to investigate, so she turned around and scolded the medical officer, "Why did the king die, tell me quickly!"

The medical officer trembled, cupped his hands and said: "The villain has checked carefully, and there is no trauma on the king's body. His nails, eyelids, and tongue coating are all normal, and his expression is serene, and his limbs are stretched. It can be seen that he has not experienced pain at the end of his life. He is definitely dying. "

The end of life, how can people in their 40s count as the end of their lives, there must be something inside!She stood up, spinning around like a headless chicken, "He was fine last night, he talked to me a lot, he was obviously very healthy at that time, why did he leave suddenly?" She raised her head and looked around, "Where is the national teacher? The national teacher is here where?"

Tan Nu came up to support her, "I have already sent someone to invite you, don't worry."

But her sadness, in the eyes of some people, is pure acting.King Ding has six sons in total, including Chenhe who is as pearly as jade, and of course there are also reckless men with elm heads, such as the fourth brother and so on.

Lian Deng's recognition of his ancestors has always made him doubtful. At that time, his father was very happy, and he had nothing to say.Now that his father died suddenly and for no apparent reason, in his opinion, the cause of the disaster might be this younger sister who had a suspicious background.

"Brothers, who came into the mansion to assassinate Aye, do you still remember?" He took a step forward and drew out his sword and pressed it against her chest. This is how you end up today. Since you have had bad intentions from the very beginning, can Aye recognize you and resolve the resentment of the past ten years? You are determined to kill him to avenge your mother, and you were the last one to meet him last night, yours The suspicion is the biggest, don't pretend to be here! Not only you, but also your lover, and even Chenhe in Suiye City. You conspired to murder Aye deliberately, and wanted to take advantage of Cai Duhu's absence to take the opportunity to control the power in the army, I said Right?"

Their brother and sister turned against each other, and this time will only cause chaos.Eldest brother Zhaoye scolded in a low voice: "Shiro, don't make mistakes in front of Aye."

Waiting raised his head and smiled wryly, with tears flowing down the corners of his eyes, "Aye is dead, there is no scar on the surface, how can he know whether his internal organs are intact. A military general in his prime will sleep to death silently, Do you believe it? Aye usually doesn't even have a cold or cough, why is it like this now? There must be an inside thief, or the person Aye trusts the most, tell me, who else is there besides her!"

Lian Deng was sad and angry, too choked to speak.After a while, he said: "Brother, don't bully me just because Aye is gone, my heart for Aye is the same as that of each of you!"

"I bullied you?" Waiting for the sword to approach two points closer, "Is there anyone to testify for your actions last night?"

What else can you do at night besides sleep?It is simply unreasonable to ask her to find someone to testify.She retorted, "What about brother? What did you do last night? Is there anyone to testify for you? You lost Aye, and I also lost Aye. Why do I have to suffer from your unreasonable speculation? Brother, don't deceive people too much, Otherwise, I will be rude."

Waiting for Chi still refused to let it go, she was fed up with his sword facing each other, and with a shock of internal strength, the sword in his hand was shaken to pieces.

At the critical moment, the generals in the tent suddenly quieted down and divided into two squads, leaving a passage in the middle.The national teacher rushed over behind the curtain, and when he entered the door, he ordered: "Don't spread the news, whoever dares to shake the morale of the army will be killed!"

Seeing him coming, Lian Deng seemed to see a savior, "Can I, Aye, still be saved? The national teacher is very powerful, please save him."

He glanced at her, rolled up his sleeves and looked at Wang's Baihui, Tanzhong, and Shangqu, his face became colder the more he looked.Lian Deng anxiously asked: "Is there still room for change?"

He straightened up, and slowly lowered his sleeves, "It's been too long, the body has become stiff to the chest, and there is no way to recover."

The appearance of the national teacher originally left a glimmer of hope for people, but when he announced the result, it was undoubtedly a catastrophe.Everyone was clueless, only heard the old men of King Ding sobbing softly, no one thought that Hongtu's hegemony would disappear in a blink of an eye.King Ding passed away, and the 13 people had no leader. There was resistance in the front, and there was no retreat in the back. Even if they reached Chang'an, this expedition would be meaningless.

The national teacher recruited Dalang to discuss countermeasures, Zhaoye turned around and looked at the couch, and cupped his hands with tears in his eyes, "I also ask the national teacher to give me some advice."

The national teacher said: "Only the generals in the tent know about the news of His Royal Highness's death. They only say that they are sick, and they will not be mourned first. When Cai Duhu returns from Puzhou, he will make a decision after listening to King Xin's wishes." Ye patted on the shoulder, "It's only natural for a son to inherit his father's career, and it's time for Dalang to revitalize his kingly way."

Who in the world has no selfishness?When King Ding was here, the princes worked hard to assist their father, and they could still be closely united.Once King Ding died, he would definitely start thinking about their respective ownership.The prince is far outside the customs, and only in troubled times can he become a hero. Whoever conquers Chang'an first has the hope of becoming king.So I couldn't panic for the first half an hour, and when I calmed down, everything became orderly again.

The men's hearts are full of victory and defeat, and they are supported by their beliefs, but the lotus lamp does not.She guarded King Ding's body, feeling like she was about to shed all tears.After a person died for a period of time, the rigor gradually spread from the face, to the chest, and then to the upper and lower limbs.His fingers were already inflexible, she could only keep rubbing them, but finding it was futile, she sobbed again.

King Ding was about to be encoffined, so the army sent someone out quietly to buy a coffin and came back. After wrapping it up and preparing to seal it, she held on to the cover and refused to let go.They had informed them in advance that she would not make a sound, and she couldn't even cry out, trembling all over, and just lay down on the edge of the coffin and sobbed.In the end, I couldn't even see the waiting, so I came up to help her, and said kindly: "Sister, I was so sad and dizzy earlier, and accused you like this, you must forgive brother. Everyone is sad when Aye is gone, but You have to be sad, don’t hurt yourself. Aye’s undead is not far away, and it’s hard for him to get on the road when he sees you like this... Don’t cry, ask Tanu to take you down to rest!"

She shook her head, looked at King Ding's body and murmured: "I met Aye, and it has only been three months. In the past three months, I only cared about singing against him, and I didn't do my filial piety in front of him for a day. Brother knows Do I regret it so much? My mother is gone long ago, and now I have lost Aye, what kind of name am I living in this world!"

She didn't have a good rest, and the injury was too severe, and she fell into a coma after being excited. Tan Nu took her back to the tent when she was unconscious.

Relatives who have no feelings will always have something to rely on when they are alive, but now that they are dead, everything is empty.Those brothers are not from the same mother, and they are not as close as Chen He since childhood, and in the end they are probably only a little better than passers-by.Tan Nu wants her to cheer up, "You can't notice when King Ding is alive, he is like a big tree, you can enjoy the shade under the tree. Now that he is gone, we can fight for everything by ourselves. Have you thought about it, in the future How should I go? Should I stay in the army, or go back to Suiye City?"

After she regained consciousness, she began to think that the news of King Ding's death can be concealed from anyone, but Chenhe must not be concealed.She struggled to find pens and ink, and wrote a letter to him at the desk, and handed it to Tan Nu: "You send someone you can trust to detour back to Suiye City from Zhangye, and hand the letter to the prince. The army is in chaos. Ma, everyone has their own plans. The son is behind, so you can't be kept in the dark. I don't know if he will come to replace Aye. I hope he won't get into the muddy water. The cause of Aye's death is unknown. He is the last little hope."

Tan Nu said hello, and put the letter in his arms, "Aren't you planning to go back?"

She was sitting in a daze, a beam of setting sun was shining through the skylight on the top of the tent, and fine dust was flying up and down in that strip of light, circling up and down, unable to reach the sky or fall to the ground.She sighed a long time, "What am I going to do? Suiye City is not my home. I am doomed to wander, maybe wait for a while, and when I feel exhausted, we will leave here , find a place to live a peaceful life.”

Tan Nu knew that she was so tired, and the crux was still in the national teacher.If he can be relied on, she may not give up hope.If he's unreliable, she'll have a plan for herself.

That's fine, there are so many things that need to be experienced one by one.Tan Nu said: "Don't think about anything for the time being, take a good rest for a while. When you have strength, if you want to leave someday, we will go without looking back."

She nodded, Tan Nu closed the curtain and went out, and she dozed off on some basis.He heard footsteps faintly, and opened his eyes to see that he was already in front of him.

"Are you okay?" He squatted on the mat and said, "People are mortal, so look away! You look like this, and I'm also a little sad. I don't know, so you have such a deep relationship with King Ding."

She moved her lower lip, "He is me, Aye, who passed away suddenly. You don't know that I will be sad? It seems that you still don't know me very well."

He frowned, "Why do you say that? Are you blaming me for not caring enough about you?"

She turned her eyes away and didn't speak. After a while, she said: "I heard that "The Book of Crossing the Dead" can recruit the dead, can you think of a way for me?"

He pondered: "Originally it was possible, but now there are only half of the scriptures, and it is basically impossible to revive people. Didn't you ask him about the whereabouts of the scriptures?"

"I asked, but he only said that he was hiding in a very secret place. I tried my best but couldn't find any clues." She thought for a while, stood up and said, "Since half of the scriptures can't bring him back to life, then that day How did the Yin soldiers do it?"

"Yin Bing is a wandering soul without an owner. It has been dead for many years. If you want to gather, you only need to spend some energy. Now the only thing that can save King Ding is the "Crossing the Dead". Unfortunately, he is gone. The scriptures are completed. Mystery. Not only can't save him, even I will die soon..." He stared at her carefully, "Liandeng, you really didn't ask about any whereabouts?"

His distrustful tone really disappointed her, "Am I willing to watch you and me die? If there is any news, I will find it even if I risk my life. But there is nothing I can do now , I am too incompetent."

She held her head in her hands and began to cry, shedding tears, no matter how good the spirit was, it would be unbearable.Looking at her movements, he expected that she would have a headache, so he turned around behind her, touched her temples on both sides to infuse her with some spiritual power, and said softly: "I thought you were a strong person, and you will not be afraid of any setbacks." It won’t be defeated so far, I didn’t expect to misread you. Without you, Aye, you still have me. You can continue to search for the "Crossing the Dead", and if King Ding doesn’t say anything, I think the son will know..."

Lian Deng was surprised for some reason, "What are your plans?"

He said slowly: "The current state of affairs is scattered, and the prince should take charge of the overall situation. If those brothers take the lead in attacking Chang'an in the future, he will follow in your Aye's footsteps and stay in Suiye City forever."

She turned her head to look at him, her warm eyebrows and eyes were the same as before.But there is always some inexplicable premonition that after the death of King Ding, he will target Chen He... Why do you have such a feeling?It is reasonable to say that he is very close to her, and she should not doubt his intentions, but too many things have happened recently, and she has to be careful.

"I once talked with Chenhe about "The Sutra of Crossing the Dead". Hearing what he said, my understanding of this sutra is only limited to the records in Huihui documents." She said cautiously, "To tell you the truth, I doubt my Aye doesn't have the half of the scriptures in his hand, so Chenhe doesn't know about it at all. He is a scholar and his health is not good. If you let him come to the army, what if there is something good or bad? Linyuan, Although I have six elder brothers, only Chenhe is my closest relative. Please take care of him for me, and don't let him get involved in the battle. They want to be emperors, just let them do what they want, and Chenhe will stay Suiye City should be the lord of the city, he is more suitable for that kind of life." She begged him in a moaning voice, "Promise me...promise me."

There was a faint cloud of sadness between her brows, and her face became smaller and smaller every day due to the hard work of the day.He paused for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay, it's up to you."

She cheered up and put her arms around his neck, "You are so kind."

She has this kind of intimate behavior from time to time, which he repelled at first, but gradually he got used to it.He raised his hand hesitantly, thought twice, and landed on her slender waist.He lowered his head slightly and rubbed against her ear, "What's wrong with me, in fact, I'm not good at all..."

Lian Deng's heart twisted, with tears in his eyes, trying to force it back, and trying to pretend to be normal, "You saved my brother for me, you are doing good to me. You are good to me, of course you are a good person in my eyes."

He smiled, so this is a good person, her request is really very low.Just because Chenhe didn't join the army doesn't mean he can't get news from him.It doesn't matter to him who will be in charge of the army, anyway, it will fall into his hands in the end.It's just that she... makes it hard for him sometimes.You can't move her. If you move her, it will cause unnecessary conflicts.But if you keep it, there will be a heavy pressure invisibly, falling down day by day, and it will almost oppress him.

After resigning from her account, the long day finally passed.Looking at the sunset on the west mountain, the setting sun among the mountains is particularly bleak.

Xia Guan came back to report: "Zi Palace has been settled, and it will be parked in the king's tent first. When we leave, we will use a horse-drawn carriage. We still declare to the outside world that King Ding is ill."

He nodded, "Has Cai Yan passed through Yanzhou at this time?"

Official Xia responded, "I should be able to go to Puzhou tomorrow evening... Your seat, since Cai Yan is not in the army, the sons of King Ding will not be able to make a fortune, why don't you take this opportunity to gather power?"

He lowered his eyes and stroked his sleeves, "You don't understand, the purpose of dismissing Cai Yan is to give these five little kings a chance to carve up the old part of the Ding Wang. Cai Yan is old and cunning, and he is not willing to be driven by the younger generation. At that time, or not, Or become a king on his own, the 13 army he brought became [-] in one breath, you must wake up from your dreams! This seat also needs someone to take the lead, and it doesn’t necessarily make people say that the national teacher led the army into Chang’an. Do you want to lose this century-old reputation..."

Before he finished speaking, a nest of flying birds startled in the trees not far away.He flicked his sleeves and slashed out with a palm, and the person hidden behind the tree was shot two feet away, because he only used half of his strength, and he couldn't die.He walked over to check, and was shocked when he saw it was a lotus lantern.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and stood up staggeringly. How could the injuries on her body match the boundless panic?She stared into his eyes, "Who are you?"

He was a little flustered, and didn't answer her question, but just asked: "Didn't hurt you?"

She pushed his hand away, her eyes still fierce, "Who are you? You deliberately pushed Cai Yan away. My Aye's death has something to do with you!"

He turned cold, "Keep your mouth shut, and watch out for misfortunes coming out of your mouth!"

She went forward and put the knife on his neck, her eyes were filled with tears, but her expression was as hard as iron, she gritted her teeth and said, "You evil ghost, where did you get my Linyuan? Who is it, tell me! If you don’t tell me, I’ll kill you!”

Seeing this, Xia Guan wanted to stop him, but he raised his hand and called back.He wasn't afraid of her knife at all, instead he took a step forward and said with a smile, "You want to kill me? If you're determined to be cruel, just do it."

Is he sure she can't bear it?If he really wasn't Lin Yuan, why would she be reluctant?She pressed the golden knife on his neck, the blade was cold and sharp, and cut his flesh, "I can feel it if you are him. I just ask you, where is he now, after recruiting the Yin soldiers But you were seriously injured? To be honest, I can let you die more happily, if you play tricks, I will cut off your meat piece by piece and feed it to the fox!" She has no Aye, and she can no longer be without a lover.The pain in her heart was uncontrollable, her hatred was so extreme that she was trembling, and an urge to kill surged through her limbs.With such a strong desire, if she wasn't afraid of not being able to find out Lin Yuan's whereabouts, she would have swung her knife away.

He could feel her murderous intent, this weird girl had such keen insight, beyond his expectation.But how can a mere knife get him?He was still patient, and teased her with a sense of ridicule, "With your cultivation, you can't hurt me, so why take the risk! Lian Deng, we've been obedient these few days, and we've been together, you've forgotten all of this?"

She blushed, and gave a loud pooh, "I just didn't notice for a while, and you took advantage of me."

He frowned, still smiling, "You said you love me, you love me, so you put a knife on me like this? Well, let go when you have enough temper, be obedient."

If it was normal, she might really throw a knife and jump into his arms.But he is not the original him, she doesn't even know his real identity, so what if he has the same face?
"If it was him, he wouldn't have the heart to make me feel so sad. Why did you kill me, Aye, because you found out that he didn't have the "Crossing the Dead" in his hand, or did you let these 13 people obey your orders? No matter how ambitious you are, being a national teacher alone can't satisfy you, you want to usurp power, don't you?"

His face changed suddenly, he raised his finger and flicked, the knife snapped like a string.She was taken aback, subconsciously wanted to kill him, but he grabbed both hands and cut behind her back fiercely.

"You talk too much. I won't kill you because I promised him. But if you continue to speak unscrupulously and annoy me, I don't care about that much." He carried her back and walked all the way. Approached his big tent.His tent is a long way from the barracks, even if she shouted loudly, it was useless, he lowered his head and sniffed her neck, "I have stayed in a cold place for too long, and I like the fragrance of your body. Don't worry, I It won’t hurt you, but I’m afraid you won’t be as free as before. From now on, you’ll stay in my tent and you’re not allowed to go anywhere. You’d better be obedient, otherwise I can send someone to kill Tan Nu and Chen He at any time. Go get it. You don't want to see the people you care about die one by one, right?" He raised the corners of his lips and said, "I thought I could hide it for a little longer, but I can't believe I couldn't hide it from you."

At this point, she can be sure that this person is not Lin Yuan, and her Lin Yuan has disappeared.Although he had prepared before, but faced it seriously, he still couldn't stand the bad news.She cried bitterly, "What about him? Where is he?"

Anger grew on his face, "I don't have time to take care of myself, why don't you have the time to ask him?" After saying that, he dragged her arm up, and with a click, he took off the tenons on her shoulders and lifted her up. Throw it on the heavy seat.This is good, and it is more useful than binding. If you are dislocated, you can no longer wield knives and sticks, and you can be a good and obedient girl.

Lian Deng cried out softly, pained and startled, but helpless.This person is much more ruthless than Lin Yuan, but he has the same face and the same figure as him, so who is he?There is no need to change their appearance to be so similar, except for the national teacher who founded the country, I am afraid there is no one else.

She broke out in a cold sweat, but that national teacher has been dead for more than a hundred years, why did he appear here?Is he a man or a ghost?She moved back in panic, all the way to the edge of the tent.He turned his head to look at her, Ruyu's face was still radiant, but in her eyes it became a white bone.

"What? Did you find anything new?" He squatted down in front of her, reached out and touched her cheek, "You are the cutest when you are not making noise."

She turned her face away, "Where is my Linyuan?"

He stood up abruptly, flapping his wide sleeves, "There is only one Linyuan in this world, who are you asking?"

She couldn't answer, she didn't know his original name, now she thinks they are both equally pitiful, one lost her memory, the other lost herself.

He seemed very angry, and he stood there for a long time before he calmed down.After that, he didn't care about her any more, and sat in front of the desk to read the secret letter by himself, his facial features, every movement and every expression under the lamp, all had his shadow.

Lian Deng couldn't move her arms and her shoulders were so sore that she could only rest there.Closing his eyes, it was like a revolving lantern in his mind, and all he saw were the pictures of being with him before.Thinking of his hypocrisy and petty temper now, I find it indescribably cute.But what about others?Is it still in this world?
She sobbed in her dream until she woke up, but the pain still didn't subside.He choked up for a long time while leaning on the pillow, probably he was too troubled by her to calm down, poured a glass of water, and came over to feed her.

"Actually, I shouldn't keep you. It's a disaster to keep you by my side." He seemed very sad, his long eyelashes drooping down, covering his deep eyes, "But I like you very much, because no one has ever dared to leave you alone." You are so close to me. Kissing and hugging are all initiated by you. Since we both feel good about each other, there is nothing wrong with continuing like this."

She was ashamed and indignant, "If you hadn't pretended to be him, how could I... You are so shameless, you are still talking about this. Fight me if you have the ability, what a hero if you take off my arm!"

He sighed softly, "Fight with you? Are you sure you can beat me? You have injuries on your body, so stop making unnecessary resistance."

Lian Deng struggled a lot in his heart, and couldn't figure out why it would develop into what it is now.But she knew that she couldn't fight him head-on, she was not his opponent in terms of punching and kicking, and now there was no one in the army who could compete with him.She just hated that Aye's death must have something to do with him, but she couldn't bear to kill her enemy.

She slowly let out a long breath and forced herself to calm down. She wanted to inquire bit by bit, at least get news of Lin Yuan from him, and she wanted to find him at the ends of the earth.

"He once told me about his past... who are you? Are you his master?"

He was noncommittal, and put the cup on her lips, "Are you thirsty after a long time? Drink some water."

She had no choice but to sip a little bit obediently, his expression softened, and he fed her several mouthfuls one after another.Her arms couldn't move, and she couldn't even maintain her balance. She accidentally fell down, and he didn't help her, but just looked down at her.

She was extremely embarrassed and hated this kind of unequal relationship, "You connect my arm for me, and talk about it if you have something to say."

He shook his head, "You will find a way to kill me if you catch it, and you will run away. It's a critical moment, and I can't let you mess up the plan. If you are obedient, let's do it for now. If you are not obedient, I will immediately order someone Buy another coffin and come back, put you in it, put it with you, Aye, and let him be your companion."

Her face was livid with anger, "Why are you so cruel? I, Aye, relied on you, but you killed him."

He frowned slightly, "You said with certainty that I killed him, do you have any evidence? You are really too young and prone to get angry." He paced in the tent in a leisurely manner, walked around twice and stopped, lazily He smiled lazily at her, "Actually, your conjecture is correct, I did kill the person. I have already found out that his so-called "Book of Crossing the Dead" is a lie. Some people in this world can be deceived. Some people will burn themselves if provoked. My patience has been exhausted long ago. To this day, I just use him as a name to command the three armies. Now that the army has left Biandukou, and Jincheng County is not far away from Chang'an It’s far away, it’s the same with him or without him. So I intend to kill Cai Yan after dismissing him, so that your elder brothers can seize power. They really lived up to my expectations, and your elder brother wants to accept the command banner , the others are not convinced. Alright, I'll tell you everything you want to know, so don't make trouble anymore. Why, Brother Aye, since the relationship is not deep, just pretend that they never existed. If you If you are willing, this seat can erase this memory for you, and you can continue to be carefree."

So she was right, everything was really under his control.So what role do you play?At his mercy, he inquired about King Ding, and even thought wisely that King Ding could not have the "Sutra of Crossing the Dead", and finally he died, and it turned out that he was also an accomplice.

She was so guilty that she shed all her tears, leaving only hatred.He wanted to touch her, but she tried her best to avoid it, gritted her teeth and said, "If you hurt me, erase my memory for me. In your eyes, I'm probably a fool, right? You'd better not do anything else. If I find out tomorrow, I will miss everything." Don’t wake up, and never live in the world.”

Her appearance made him angry, and he said coldly: "Forget it, if you don't want to, I won't force you. From now on, you will be with me, and you are not allowed to leave the big tent. If you dare to take half a step, I may break you legs."

His possessiveness is unfounded, maybe because of the warmth these days, she treats him as another person and entangles him unscrupulously.When there are many people, he will quietly hang down his sleeves to hold his hand, and when there is no one around, he is willing to put down his body and act like a baby by his side.Or a hug, or a kiss, a woman in love is the cutest and the cutest.

I'm used to it, and I'll feel uncomfortable if I don't have it.So when she doesn't really belong to anyone, what's wrong with being greedy for her warmth and enthusiasm?Keep her, no matter whether she agrees or not, after a long time, maybe she will like him too.Every woman loves a handsome man, he is no worse than the one she loves, so she will fall in love with him sooner or later.

Just do it when you think about it, afraid that she will escape, and threaten her by holding her pain.Then make her unable to run fast or ride a horse, so that she is his.But she is still asking "her Linyuan", her Linyuan?He was very impatient, "He was seriously injured, I don't know if he is still alive. If he is fatal, he should have recovered by now."

"Then where is he?" She pleaded, "Let me find him, I just want to find him. I don't care about right and wrong, let me be with him, I only have him."

He pursed his lips and did not speak. After a while, he said: "You can't leave. If you leave now, you will really be charged with patricide. Everyone knows your relationship with me. If something goes wrong here, I will be unable to move an inch."

She fell silent, knowing that it was useless to say more, he would not let her go, and she had to figure out a way to go.

Later, she was imprisoned by him like a bird in a cage. She was specially guarded when marching or camping, and even Tanu couldn't see her.He was afraid that the joint would be damaged if it was removed for too long, so he would put it back on for her the next day, but before she could recover, he took it off again.This unloading and loading is equivalent to torture for the lotus lamp.Human limbs are not firewood after all, they can be moved anywhere at will.Gradually her two arms lost feeling. At first she could hold back from begging him, but later it was really unbearable, so she could only bow her head to him.

Sometimes she wondered why a person with such a face would be born with such a vicious heart.Although the man she knew was sometimes unreasonable, compared to him, he was really pure and kind.

After the death of King Ding, the Zhaoye brothers really started a round of competition.Cai Yan is a man of success, and he doesn't speak a word, leading his [-] troops to form a faction of his own.The two forces of King Yong and King Xin disagreed when they attacked Chang'an. King Xin turned his finger on King Yong because of an agreement with Cai Yan.Unexpectedly, the agreed alliance could not be realized at the critical moment. When the two sides were dying in the battle, Cai Yanfang and his men arrived belatedly.Afterwards, the development of the situation was not as agreed before, Cai Yan took the reins of the horse and strolled along the Yellow River for two laps, and hurriedly returned to the camp.

King Xin suffered a defeat and was defeated. He was beheaded and killed by General King Yong in front of his horse.Today, the five sons lost two members. Among the remaining three, King Chu and King Yong are evenly matched. There is only one King Qi who has no soldiers and no power left in the court.The army rolled forward like a huge wheel, passed Jincheng and stationed in Longzhou, the distance from Chang'an was almost the same as Puzhou.The national teacher was very happy that day. He got the news of the war between the king of Chu and the king of Yong. He returned to his tent and ordered someone to bring wine.

Lian Deng squatted on the mat and was lost in thought. Although she and him are in the same big tent now, they often have nothing to do with each other, and there is no intersection of eyes.Fortunately, he still had a little humanity, and those two arms allowed her to return to the original position. After two days of rest, she was already able to move.When she can move, her mind starts to be active. She knows when the person in charge of the big tent usually changes, and there is a gap of half a cup of tea. If she uses it properly, she can escape.It's a pity that I can't get in touch with Tanu, I don't know how she is now, if I want to run, I have to run with her, otherwise if she is left behind, this old monster will definitely be bad for her.

She thought about it on her own, but when he came in front of her, she drank a little too much, her cheeks were flushed, and that color was more charming than the spring scenery in March.It's a pity that she no longer has any interest in this skin, and she was a little scared when she saw him coming, but she didn't dare to offend him, so she had to step aside.

He put the wine cup in his hand aside, draped his long and wide Zen robe, and sat down beside her, "I heard that you haven't eaten well these two days, why?"

She lightly said, "Staying in the tent all day without any consumption, so my appetite is not as good as before. The national teacher is in a good mood today?"

He leaned against her, hummed softly, "The Central Plains will be settled in a short time..." He paused to look at her, "Now you are called our teacher, and you are really getting more and more alienated."

Seeing this face now, I can only feel fear.She hastily turned her gaze away, "I admitted to the wrong person before, please forgive me if I offended you."

"But I like 'offending' like you." He said bluntly, reaching out to grab her wrist.She was probably afraid that he would take off her arms again, and looked at him in horror.He smiled, "Why are you so afraid? If I were him, would you still be so afraid of me? Don't worry, I only look at your injuries. Does your shoulder still hurt?"

She said that the pain was gone, "Thank you, Teacher Guo."

"I prefer you to call me Linyuan." He raised his hand and touched her cheek hesitantly, "Actually, forget about everything before, and you can try to accept me. I can do whatever you want and like. Here you are. Isn’t this face what you loved at the beginning? I am the real owner of this face, and I am the real Linyuan. Since we could get along well before, why can’t we now?”

The resurrection of a person who has been dead for more than a hundred years, I hope you can love him, is a nightmare for normal people.She tremblingly said: "Master, you are his master, and I respect you as much as he does."

He laughed, "I killed you Aye, but you respect me. It sounds very hypocritical. If you say you hate me, it's easier for me to accept it." He moved closer to her and smelled the faint breath on her neck. aroma.The girl's body is fascinating, even if there is no incense, the fragrance from the muscles and bones is fatally attractive to him.

It's very strange, I don't know why, maybe pure yin blood can confuse people's hearts, every time he gets close to her, there will always be an unspeakable longing.Longing to be close to her, longing for her adoring eyes, hot lips, and tender hugs.This feeling grew stronger and stronger, sometimes to the point where he couldn't control it.

He put his arms around her shoulders, sighed, and softly called her name.Lian Deng's heart trembled, it was clearly a trick he used frequently in the past, but now that he has changed his soul, everything is different.She was afraid, thinking of those intimate actions with him, she almost felt sick.She couldn't refuse clearly, so she hurriedly interrupted: "I have a question that I don't understand, can I ask the national teacher for advice?"

With the wine on his head, he is very talkative now, dragging his long tone and saying: "Say it."

"The combined forces of King Xin and King Yong are only 18 horses. Our 13 troops traveled from Suiye City through the Hexi Corridor, to Jincheng County, and then to Longzhou. The threat is clearly greater than theirs. Why is there no countermeasure in the court?" ?”

He put his hand on his forehead and said with a smile: "Because the national teacher was ordered to kill King Ding and confiscate his military power. King Ding is strong outside the pass, with strong soldiers and strong horses. The court wanted to eradicate the threat, so he thought of a good way to invite the king into the urn, which can be killed. He can also make the army return to the Central Plains."

She suddenly felt disappointed, so her confession was also in the plan.The person she loved never stopped plotting against her.Her heart sank, and his approach also frightened her, so she kept some distance away from him calmly, and she could only continue to interrupt, "Now that the army is in the hands of the Imperial Advisor, when will the Imperial Advisor return to the court?"

He raised his eyebrows, thought carefully, and after a while Fang said: "If you retreat, you can defend the country, and if you advance, you can attack Chang'an. Do you think I should give away this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

Lian Deng looked at him in horror, "Does the national teacher really want to be emperor?"

He pondered, "If you are interested in Jiangshan, I can make a gift for you, it all depends on your wishes." As he said, he caressed her lips.The girl's lips are like peach blossoms, which is fascinating to look at.He approached her, clasped her neck, and kissed her brutally.

She was so frightened that she tried to push him away, but her arms couldn't bear the load.

He still remembered that day after finishing the discussion in King Ding's tent, she was waiting for him not far away with her hands behind her back.Seeing him, she stuffed a fruit in his mouth, and waited for him to finish eating, then pouted and begged to be good.He was a little embarrassed, pretending not to see it, and raised his head to look at the flowing clouds in the sky.She was short and couldn't reach him, so she grabbed his arm and jumped vigorously.He really thought it was funny at that time, what to do if he still couldn't reach after jumping up, couldn't bear to see her so anxious, so he lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.At that moment, the dry and pale heart suddenly became full of vegetation, throbbing, and pain, all caused by her.Now that she got into trouble, she has to be responsible for the compensation and the finishing touches. It is impossible for her to get out of her life unless she dies or he dies.

What he wants, never needs the consent of others.Who does she belong to?She belongs to no one.She loves another Lin Yuan, but even he was created by him, what reason do they have to resist him?It doesn't seem to be worthwhile to turn master and apprentice against each other for a woman, but it can be discussed.If it is exchanged with a country, this transaction should be possible!

He concentrated on feeling her, even though she was reluctant, he was still satisfied.There are perfect curves under her clothes, which is what he longs for.Perhaps alcohol can really mess with sex, and it gradually became difficult for him to control himself.Her breath was faint, like orchids and osmanthus, getting into his mind and disturbing his thoughts.He unbuttoned her belt, ignoring her resistance, and put his hand inside.

Her muscles tensed, and the whimpering sound came from her nasal cavity, which sounded very pitiful.She waved her fist to resist, but was restrained by him, unable to move.He left her lips and squinted at her. Those red lips were really alluring, and he licked them nostalgicly. He sighed softly: "Liandeng, what's wrong with me, you don't like me?"

She shivered and said, "I have someone I like, don't touch me."

"But you clearly said you loved me two days ago." He smiled, "So I take it seriously, and I love you too."

She screamed and wailed like a ghost, saying incoherently, "No, it's not you, you're not him...I love him!" In fact, in the end, she didn't know who "he" was at all.He smiled, an anonymous person who bore his name and lived for more than 100 years.

"You can try to be flexible. I am him, and he is me. You love him as much as you love me. Why do you have to distinguish so clearly!" He put her flat on the heavy mat, bent down, and kissed her neck , "You can try today..."

What he wants to try is self-evident.Lian Deng was so terrified that she almost fainted, she didn't expect that she would encounter such a shameless thing, so she fought back vigorously, but unfortunately her fist skills were worthless to him, he could defuse her offensive with just a casual raise of his hand in the invisible.

She was almost desperate, maybe she was really doomed.If her innocence was ruined in his hands, she would have no face to live.She gripped the collar tightly and said no sharply, "I don't want to, you can't force me."

Sure enough, he stopped and frowned at her, "Don't want to?"

Seeing hope, she nodded quickly, "You said you like me. Since you like me, you can't force me to do what I don't want to do. Do you know love? Love needs to be cultivated bit by bit, and mutual affection must be slowly developed, isn't it? It can be produced by such barbaric plunder as you."

If you want to talk about the truth, he certainly understands it so simple.But there was another person hiding in her heart, and there was no place to accommodate him. He wanted to go in, and replacing him was the most direct way.

He said: "I don't have such good patience. I once heard the eunuchs say that whoever gives a woman's body, her heart will be with her."

She hurriedly said: "I slept with him, I belong to him."

He was stunned, "I know, I don't mind. If you cover his brand on you, then you will belong to me."

He lay down beside her, "Liandeng, don't be afraid."

She cursed with tears: "You are disrespectful, you told me not to be afraid. You have been dead for hundreds of years, why did you suddenly come back to life? I don't want to be with the corpse, get out! Get away from me!"

Her words made him angry, and he raised his hand, almost slapping her in the face.In the end, he restrained himself abruptly.

"These disrespectful words are enough to kill you ten times. I will let you know soon whether I am a dead body or not."

He squeezed hard to vent his anger, "He left you behind and went back to Chang'an by himself, do you still want to be his wife?"

Her eyes widened suddenly, he went back to Chang'an...he was in Chang'an.She grabbed his arm tightly, "Where is it in Chang'an? You tell me."

His breathing was rapid in the dark, not sure if it was because of anger.He was so angry that he said coldly: "It's okay to tell you, he is in the Supreme Shrine and continues to be his national teacher."

Lian Deng was stunned there, it was really news that a thousand arrows pierced her heart, she thought he might be wandering somewhere, his life and death were unknown, but she didn't expect him to return to the Supreme God Palace.That's right, since he was ordered by the emperor to destroy King Ding, Fang Zhou's betrayal is of course false.He went back, left her here, and went back by himself...

She suddenly realized that she had nothing to love, and she stood up for him wholeheartedly, but he left her to this monster.What's next?Will he be a plaything for their master and apprentice while he is still alive?Should she believe what he said?Maybe he said this intentionally for the sake of alienation.

She woke up suddenly, and he was already approaching the city.She hurriedly pushed him back, stammering: "Last time when Linyuan and I...he lost a lot of power. If the national teacher thinks clearly, I will suck your cultivation base. His internal power is already there, so if you suck it again... Yours, when the time comes, you will no longer be my opponents, so what should I do? must...not be reckless."

It was really a word that awakened the dreamer, he paused, in a dilemma.He took her hand and didn't speak, just let her see his current situation.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed her neck, and pulled her into his arms, "According to what you said, I will never have sex with you again?"

Lian Deng endured and endured, so that she didn't let herself scold aloud.She is not perfect, why would she have sex with two men?Especially for a pair of master and apprentice, just thinking about it makes people vomit blood.

Forget it, just treat him as Lin Yuan, don't think about anything, let's talk after passing this test!Compared with chastity, a kiss is nothing at all.

This time it was a fluke, what about next time?He was amused, and he didn't necessarily let her go so easily.Her mind was in a turmoil, but she was determined to escape.Regardless of whether what he just said is true or not, go to Chang'an to have a look, and try to rest assured.As for where to go in the future, she no longer knew what to do, she could only take one step at a time.

Since this night, he has treated her better and better. He came to see her immediately after going out, brought her some food and play, and curry favor with her like coaxing a child.She thought that he had tricked his three-year-old successor back from the street market before, so he must have taken care of him like this.

She asked cautiously, "Do you remember his name?"

He frowned and thought for a long time, "He was still young at that time, so he couldn't tell what his name was. He called himself Sanlang for a while, and Bao'er for a while. Those names should all be nicknames, so he didn't have a name, so he was called Linyuan."

She kept silent and let such a small child leave Ye Niang, he didn't understand anything at that time.It's not that he doesn't have a name, and he doesn't have his own facial features, but he forcibly gave it to him, and then brazenly declared that everything came from him.

There was nothing to argue with the elderly, and after she rested her arms, she began to prepare for her escape.One day it happened that he went out and did not come back until Youshi.She stood in front of the tent and watched, and it was snowing outside, and the snowflakes were flying one after another, and it didn't take long for the mountain top to be dyed white.

Faintly heard the sound of the soles of the shoes rubbing against the withered grass, and moved rapidly, not far away.She turned her head to look, and the guard in front of the tent suddenly fell down, and a dozen men in black rushed over and rushed towards Xia Guan, who was two feet away.

Lian Deng was surprised, he didn't know who came, he was hesitating when he heard Tan Nu's cry, "Don't be dazed, run!"

She was overjoyed, but Xia Guan couldn't be dealt with by a few dead men, he was merciless in his attacks, and before they had time to go far, he had already killed them.

The national teacher will come back at any time, so a quick decision is needed.Tan Nu drew his sword to fight, but Xia Guan's sharp iron claws grabbed her throat before the sword was drawn out of its sheath.Seeing this, Lian Deng rolled up his sleeves and soared into the air, directly attacking his spirit.Seeing her menacing approach, Xia Guan stepped back to resist, and when she grabbed her wrist, he pushed him away. He thought it would break his arm, but unexpectedly, she changed direction temporarily and hit his Jianjing point hard.

He was shocked five steps away, and when he tried to move forward again, she raised her hand to stop him, "I'm going to find him, and anyone who stands in my way will die."

She has won Linyuan's five successes, and it is difficult to deal with the national teacher, but it is easy to deal with a Xia official.Seeing her resoluteness, Xia Guan probably also missed her old master, so he didn't bother anymore, he just said: "You can't escape, if you are caught back, you will end badly."

How bad is it?At most one death.Anyway, it has come to this point, it may not be easy to stay.She stepped back quickly, threw a sentence of "Don't worry about it", pulled Tan Nu, and jumped into the darkness.

Running all the way, fearing that someone would catch up, every pore was filled with tension.However, her heart is free, she can escape here, go to Chang'an, find Xiao Chaodu, and look around.As for Lin Yuan, she was very contradictory, she hoped to see him, but she was afraid that he was really what the national teacher said.If he found out that he betrayed her, how would he deal with himself then?

As the night fell, horseshoes sounded on the ancient road in the suburbs, and they galloped past like a gust of wind.It was very dark, and it was dangerous to ride a horse when the road could not be seen, but he dared not stop for fear that he would be overtaken.She escaped from the army and never wanted to go back there again. Facing that yin and yang national teacher was more uncomfortable than death.She would rather run, keep running, even if she broke her neck, she would not fall into his hands.

It was snowing in the sky, and the blow came over without thinking, and the face was cold and painful.She didn't care about it, and kept running for two hours, the snow was so heavy that it was really difficult, so she and Tan Nu found an abandoned shack to rest.

An embarrassing escape, because of fear, he didn't even dare to light a fire, so he could only hug Tan Nu to keep each other warm.Tan Nu said: "I'm really worried about you these days. The national teacher opened the big tent alone, and no one can get close to it. I vaguely feel that something is wrong. Even if you have a bad quarrel, it shouldn't become like this."

She leaned against her and sighed deeply, "Let me tell you, you might not believe it, but he wasn't the one who got back at Biandukou that day."

Tan Nu said, "It's not him? You mean the one in the army is not the national teacher?"

She didn't know how to explain, "It's the national teacher, but it's the first one, and the one who entangled me is the second one. The person who had been dead for 120 years suddenly came back to life, and I found him and brought him back to the camp. As a result He killed me, Aye, took control of the army, and wanted to seize the world...Tannu, in fact, I was the one who started the whole thing, because of my stupidity, I killed Aye and also Linyuan."

Tan Nu was at a loss when he heard it, but after experiencing so many strange things, no matter how big the waves were, he could digest them.She just explained to her, "How many years have you lived, how many years have they lived? Compete with them, how can you be their opponent! It doesn't matter whether the national teacher is a man or a ghost, we escaped anyway, the ends of the world, leaving him There is a way to survive. You listen to me, don’t worry about the first or second national teacher, they are too powerful, can’t we afford to provoke or hide? You forget about him, find someone to live a good life again, don’t let it go A piece of your Aye's heart."

When she thought of King Ding, she choked up and couldn't speak. Her ability to escape today also depended on his prior arrangement.The people he asked Tan Nu to lead did help in the end, otherwise she would still be trapped in that big tent and unable to get out.

She leaned on her shoulder and sobbed, "If I could be so free and easy, I wouldn't be where I am today. I really feel sorry for him, and I don't know how he is now. You can accompany me to Chang'an to have a look. If he really feels at ease to be his national teacher in the Supreme Shrine, my heart will die, and I will never see him again in this life."

If people who are trapped in love listen to advice, there won't be so many idiots complaining about women in the world.Tan Nu had no choice but to agree.After a while, he asked again: "Do you think the national teacher will come after you? Has he ever done you any harm?"

Lian Deng was embarrassed to say, like what happened that night, how could she have the face to speak up, so she mumbled: "He seems... to have something for me."

Tan Nu choked, "Master and apprentice both have the same taste? You are especially popular with centenarians."

She was almost amused by her words, and in the mist and mist, having a confidant to depend on her for life was a great consolation in this disheveled life.

The snow in the Central Plains is endless.When I saw it the next morning, the whole world was covered with silver, and the ground was about a foot high, and there was still no intention of stopping.They stayed in a small shack in the wilderness, and they would be unable to move an inch if they were delayed.So I got on my horse and walked another way. It was really impossible, so I had to go to the next town to find an inn to settle down.With such a heavy snowfall, people lack food and drink to keep warm, and if the noise is not good, they will freeze to death.You can't just escape from the hands of the national teacher and die on the way before reaching Chang'an!
But there is one thing that can be assured, they can't hurry, even if the national division sends chasers, the difficulties they encounter will be the same, God is fair.Besides, she was lucky, thinking that he would not bother about her escape. She was like a frightened bird, just scaring herself.

After trekking hard, I finally arrived at a town called Vientiane.The door was blocked by heavy snow, and there were few pedestrians on the road. Occasionally, I saw one or two old men delivering charcoal. When I asked where there was an inn, I raised my hand and pointed to the east, which was at the other end of the stone road.

They shook off the snow on their bodies and headed east. The walls on both sides of the road had been covered.After crossing a wooden bridge and passing through an open square, the inn is in front of it.Lian Deng rubbed her frozen fingers, hope rose in her heart.But a gust of wind suddenly rolled over, and the snowflakes flew charmingly.She raised her hand to cover it, and looked again after the wind passed. She was surrounded at some point, and more than a dozen people in white were standing far away with their hands on their horizontal knives.She panicked and turned around to look at Tan Nu, the two of them exchanged glances, they were about to break out of the siege, when a man walked out, wearing a lotus green cloak, because the hood was so deep that it was impossible to see his eyes clearly.Standing in the ice and snow, that figure is three points colder than a sword halberd.

Lian Deng and Tan Nu looked at each other in dismay, reined in the horse's reins and looked closely, he walked forward slowly, with his wide sleeves hanging down, dragging across the snow, leaving a shallow trace.There is a jade brand and golden bell on the waist, and every step is accompanied by the sound of gold and jade.Finally reaching her horse, he raised his hand and took off the hood. Underneath was a face like ice and snow, his brows and eyes were covered with light frost, and his lips were blatantly red.

Although he had a premonition before and still hoped to escape from his palm, but he was still defeated after walking here.She gritted her teeth and asked him, "Who are you?"

He raised his head and smiled at her, "Guess."

This face made her confused, she wished it was him who came to pick her up, maybe because she was too eager in her heart, for a moment she really had an illusion.But no, the flying snow in the sky swept across his face, he blinked his eyes lightly, he is not Lin Yuan.

She was furious, why should he restrict her actions?So evil came to the gallbladder, and he took the rein and dragged it back with all his strength.The horse neighed, and raised its front hooves high, as long as it stepped down, it would be enough to break two of his bones.

But the national teacher is the national teacher after all, if she was knocked down so easily, it would be impossible to have today.He punched hard on the horse's chest, and the Hequ, which weighed more than 1000 kilograms, was thrown more than ten feet away, and it hit the ground on all fours.Fortunately, she jumped out quickly with sharp eyes and hands, otherwise she would probably have fallen to her death.After landing, there was nothing to be polite, and they joined Tan Nu, each drawing their knives to attack him.

Today it's either you die or I die. It's really boring to live, spinning like a spinning top, thinking you've escaped from the sky, but who knows it's still spinning in place.That's why she would rather die in battle than become his shackles.The kung fu that Wang Apu taught her didn't have so many twists and turns, and she continued to attack when she saw the opponent's weakness.She had noticed that his left hand didn't move very much, and it might have been crushed in the coffin for a long time.She can try to break his arm first. If she is lucky, it is unknown if she escapes.

She dared to think and dare to do it, with a purpose in mind, and her moves were like lightning. After all, Tan Nu's skills were weak, and she was wounded within three moves against him.She was anxious, and counterattacked with all her strength, and he really came out with his left hand. She thought it was his weakness, but she never thought that the strength of that hand was stronger than that of the right hand. Earthquakes go far.

He had reservations, but she was still in unbearable pain.Lying in the snow and looking at the sky, the sky is endlessly dark, it would be nice if I just died.She closed her eyes, the snowflakes fell on her face, and the icy chill penetrated into her bones, she couldn't help coughing, and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

Faintly hearing Tan Nu's cry, she crawled over, cried and slapped her face, "If you hold on, there is hope for you to live."

In fact, this is a lie. She has tried her best to live until today, and has never seen any hope.But this time she couldn't die, she knew it herself, but she felt pain and nausea, and it was really hard to hold on.

Tan Nu helped her sit up, and he walked gracefully in front of her, looked down at her, and said without any emotion in his tone, "How? Can we fight again?"

Such a cold-blooded person is really rare, she stood up with difficulty, even if she had to fight him with bare hands.

Her speed was obviously not as good as before. He raised his hand to catch her punch, "Playing this kind of boring game with you is a waste of my time. Alright, come here and come back with me."

She spat at him, "You lingering old monster, what right do you have to let me go back with you? I will kill you one day and avenge me, Aye!"

The haze in his eyes gradually grew, and Huo Di shot, not attacking her, but strangling Tanu's neck, "I told you, since you don't care about her life, then you don't have to be polite." , give her a ride for you!"

You can give up anything on the lotus lamp, but friends who are close friends of life and death can't give up.He is good at catching people's pain, so she had no choice but to compromise, grabbed his wrist and begged, "Let her go, I'll go back with you. This matter has nothing to do with her. I asked her for help to escape." My, don't embarrass her." He didn't seem to believe it, tilted his head to look at her, and she said loudly, "You let her go, I will never run away again."

"But what if I let her go and you turn around and commit suicide?"

She sneered, "The national teacher has all eyes and hands, so it's all right to arrest her and bury her with me."

He thought about it, and it made sense.Then he nodded, and added calmly, "And that girl from Kucha."

Lian Deng glared at him with hatred, but he didn't care.Let go of the hand that restrained Tan Nu, and said with a smile: "Go find your lord, make a good marriage and live in peace, don't meddle in our affairs anymore." After saying that, wipe off the blood from the corner of Lian Deng's mouth, and let go He took off the cloak and put it on her, and led her to the other side of the sedan chair.

Lian Deng couldn't say goodbye to Tan Nu, and looked back at her with tears in her eyes.Tan Nu's throat was almost strangled by him, and once he survived, he knelt in the snow and gasped for breath.She reluctantly looked away, Tan Nu's injury was not serious, so it shouldn't matter.No one is chasing her, she can go to Chang'an, find the Supreme Shrine and find out the whereabouts of the national teacher, that's fine.

He took her into the car, but she was worried, and asked him repeatedly, "You won't touch Tan Nu, right? If something happens to her, I will die in front of you."

He gave her a cold look, "I'm different from you, I won't go back on what I promised."

She also let him ridicule her, her chest hurt badly, she let out a long breath, leaned against the car fence, her heart gradually cooled down, and she was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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