A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 172 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-7

Chapter 172 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (7)
Don't be afraid that confused people don't understand, but afraid that sensible people will pretend to be confused.Both the Empress Dowager and the empress are considerate, and when they see that there is nothing to do, they don't say anything.

Regardless of whether it's in the palace or Changchun Garden, any feast can't be finished until Haizheng.Everyone tried their best to support it, and it was almost the same, and the emperor was tired, so he said: "Go back, go back and have a good rest, don't miss the errands tomorrow." I am old, thinking about the government, but the words have lost their sharpness , It seems to be bearish, and more concerned about the children and grandchildren.

Everyone led the order to resign, those who hit Qian'er and those who enjoyed happiness, all in an orderly manner.How to enter the garden before, how to get out.The eunuch who led the way was leading the way in front of the wind. There was a lot of water in the garden, and there were also many embankments. The men were a little drunk, and the black lights rolled into the ditch carelessly.

When we arrived at the Hall of Nine Classics and Three Events, everyone was having fun. The Eleventh Master took the side Fujin to stand in order in the hall, with his head drooping and his face down, like a wilted cucumber.

The third master just laughed, "I'm not talking about you, you don't choose a date, you are here today, the old man will wait for you for an hour." He shook his head while talking, "You, you should not raise birds, you should learn from a teacher to make jade Craftsman. A water bottle in this hand, a file in that hand, and a groove on a petal are enough for you to ponder for a long time. This slow-witted person, slow to get out of the road, it’s a pity not to open a jade workshop.”

Everyone is full of wine and food, but Eleventh Master is still hungry here!He didn't argue, so he asked Shao Yaohua'er, "Do you have any snacks? Send some for the bar mat. I've been hungry for a long time, and I still have to eat in the hall!"

Hongce glanced at the side, but said nothing, and walked out of the Grand Palace Gate with Guan Zhaojing.

When I got in the car, I felt relaxed, leaning on the fence of the car, and started running on the top of the horse. In the middle of the night, the main road in the capital city was not as crowded as it was in the daytime. The bluestone road stretched forward, and under the big moon, the road surface glowed with a faint blue light.After drinking too much wine, there is an incense burner full of stars in the corner of the carriage, and the incense tower is burning inside, and the smoke curls straight into the forehead.Open the bamboo curtains, let the cool breeze blow, and you will be more awake.

The moonlight is bright and clear, and it is clear at a glance within a few feet.At this hour, no one was walking around except the shift watcher, but by mistake, I saw two people coming out of the alley with a dog, and they disappeared under the moon shadow.

Go straight from Dengshikou Street, turn a corner and you will find Tongfu Road.This lane was named after a general lived in it before, but the general’s family fell down, and this area became the residence of ordinary people.There is a large population in the imperial city, there is a small courtyard house, and the family background is not bad, like those who have no money, or those who are relatively low status, live in a large courtyard, and they should live in such a place with Master and the others.

The door of the compound creaked and pushed open, and the two people and a dog squeezed in through the crack of the door, and headed towards the west room.

In the middle of the night, Dingyi and the others are still awake in this room.In the past few days, we have to go to the temple to pay the gods, and there are flames in the temple. You can't go there empty-handed, you have to bring money, clothing and alms.Half of the people who live here are yamen errands, who deal with murder and arson every day, and they especially believe in this, starting with Uncle Wu, and everyone gathers together to go to Miaofeng Mountain for a meeting in two days.

People gather together to pay, and Xia Zhi is a monkey who tops the lamp. He can't help much, so he just takes the head.Unable to calm down, she was so hot that she shook her fan, shook her head to look around, looked out the window, was immediately fascinated, and quietly walked out.Ding Yi sat next to the master to help with some money, she just glanced at Xia Zhi's little gesture, and didn't pay much attention to it.After a while, he came in again, pulled his sleeves beside her, and said in a low voice: "It's interesting, let's see it?"

"What's the fun, I'm busy!" The money has to be wrapped up in red silk, and put there with the name, so it can't be confused. ?

Xia Zhi said in a secretive way: "You will regret it if you don't look at it. Do you know what 'removing your hat' is? I'll show you."

Dingyi was a little bit embarrassed, wanted to go but couldn't let go, looked at the master's face, the master was magnanimous, and said with drooping eyelids: "Go, don't cause trouble." The two brothers hurried out from the base of the wall .

What is taking off a hat? It's not just taking the hat off your head in the ordinary sense, it's a jargon for a badger catcher.If the common people want to make money, they can think of anything, and there is nothing that can't be used.Catching badgers is a job, but people can't do it alone, and those who can't run on two legs can't run on four legs, so they have to find dogs to help them.There are never too many good dogs. I look around during the day, and if I spot someone else's dog, I steal it at night.If you steal it back, you don't have to work immediately, you have to make adjustments in advance.I was afraid that my ears would make noise when I was running, so I had to cut off the drooping upper half and make it stand up.There is also the tail. When the tail is shaken with a whip, the part that is not straight must be chopped off. Only when the appearance is good can a badger dog be qualified. This process of cutting the ears and chopping the tail is called "removing the hat".

Two people dipped in their saliva, cut a hole in the window paper, and looked in. The oil lamp in the room was dark, only one person grabbed the dog's mouth, and the other cut it with a knife. After cutting, he burned the wound with a hot iron lump. It hurts, and I can't cry out, so I'm gasping.

Dingyi covered his ears, "Oh, that hurts so much, these two people are so wicked."

Xia Zhi said: "It's not like doing this every day. It can be used for several years after being raised! The poor have no choice but to find food. Unlike the clan under the banner, there is a monthly payment of money in the clan mansion, and they can't go hungry even if they lie down."

Dingyi scratched his scalp, "There are really so many badgers to catch??"

"That's right, there are badger nests everywhere in the watermelon fields and in the cemetery. This month, the males are looking for their females, and they run around all night. The dogs with their caps off are more ruthless than ordinary dogs. They bite when they go up with red eyes. I can catch four or five in one night." Xia Zhi pulled her under the crooked neck tree to sum up, "Let's do the math, people collect fur and meat, badger oil can cure burns, not to mention selling it in pharmacies, or setting up a stall under the overpass I don’t worry about not being able to sell. You see, it’s all money. A badger can be exchanged for at least three renminbi, and if you walk all night, you can earn more than us carrying knives.” One said that the other held her shoulders, “We will I can't do it, I'm old and not young, and my family is weak. In the future, I will have to spend money to ask for a wife. This money can't fall from the sky, and I have to earn it by myself. It's so easy to catch badgers. It doesn't cost money. A dog, two steel forks, two Just a backpack. Let’s try it too. If you don’t catch it, you’ll play outside all night. If you catch it, it’s a windfall, what a great thing.”

Dingyi gave him a white look, "Virtue, I only want to ask for a wife!"

Xia Zhi snorted, "You're not a girl, if you were a girl to marry me, I wouldn't worry about it."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." She snapped her hands back twice, and after thinking about it, she was really short of money.If you want to go to Changbai Mountain, you have to pay money, and the man who is the nanny will come to the city to find her, open his mouth and say that he can't get rid of the pot, and asks for money.do not give?Don't reveal your life experience!You are Wen Lu's son, your father committed a capital crime, and you still pretend to be a good citizen working in the yamen?Either the fish died or the net was broken, so he had to seal the money to prevent him from ruining her job. Anyway, the executioner is also a businessman.

It's an opportunity for a penny to kill a hero, but I'm just worried, where can I find a dog?
"Don't steal, go to the bird market, isn't there a stall selling dogs, let's buy one."

Xia Zhi cut his hands back, and the cattail fan slapped loudly on the spine, "All the dogs sold there are dogs for the nobles to enjoy. Pekingese, chow chow, Tibetan mastiff...you buy it? It's not worth the money if you sell it. Catching rabbits There are no famous dogs for catching badgers, just the kind of local dogs that feed a piece of meat and have fun all over the world, easy to feed and easy to fool."

"Do you have to steal it?" She was still hesitant, "That's not good."

"If everyone steals, it's not considered stealing. Besides, it's your ability to steal." Xia Zhi explained her, "The watchdog has even lost sight of himself, and the master doesn't care too much. How stupid, is it? Isn't it? Ask someone to raise a cub again, and he will be able to take over in a few months."

Dingyi can't say no to him, he has been in the market for a long time, and he has to think carefully in order to earn two dollars for food!Just steal it, anyway, it's just this one time, she will never do it again next time.

The next day, the yamen put the value in the yamen and came back. First, I washed the clothes and rinsed them to dry them. The food was ready at Xiazhi. The three masters and apprentices sat down to eat. Grilled rummy.Wu Changgeng looked at Nahan, "What's the matter? Eat slowly, don't choke. Let's have some soup..."

This is not anxious to go out to find a dog, what soup to drink.

"When will Master leave?" Dingyi asked in a steady voice, "It takes four days to go to Mount Miaofeng. In such a hot climate, where do you live? What about eating? How do you spend your time eating?"

When Wu Changgeng picked up vegetables, he saw a piece of shredded pork, so he flicked it into her bowl, and said slowly, "I'm taking a few days off, and I'm leaving today. The cars outside are all ready, let's go out before closing the city gate." It’s cool to drive at night. Find a place to set up a mat tent in the middle of the night. Where can I live? For food, there are porridge and steamed buns on the road. If you want to cool off, there is mung bean soup waiting for you!” Finished Pointing at the two of them with the chopsticks, "I'm not here, so be sure to stay on top of me, don't cause trouble. Xia Zhi, you are a senior brother, take care of the little tree and take care of the job, if something goes wrong, you are the only one to ask, you know?"

It's not easy being a master. The two apprentices came to him in their teens and were brought up by Qing Xiaoer. He is like a half mother.Don't look at the rough guys who are five big and three rough, they are also amazing when they are meticulous.Not only meticulous but also protecting the calf, whoever dares to mess with his apprentice, he can play with your life.Ding Yi and Xia Zhi sometimes thought he was nagging, but they also pretended to be him in their hearts, and they urged, "Don't worry about us, just go out and relax. You can't run under the big sun. It's very hot this year, so I'll walk back to meet you." , put it down, that’s not going to happen.”

"I can't die." He put down his chopsticks, and when he heard someone shouting from outside, he took off his straw hat from the wall and put it on, put the muddy yellow bag on his shoulder, and went out.

The two disciples sent them to the door, saw the good guy, the big carts were connected end to end, four walking mules were hitched to the front, the cart was full of men, women and children, they gave up their seats to Wu Changgeng when they saw Wu Changgeng.He is the head of the meeting, sitting in the front so that he can give orders.After everything is settled, the whip of the driver is raised, and with a sound of "beep", the car leaves Tongfu Road.

The magic spell was lifted, and the brothers and sisters were very happy.I hurried back to clean up, the bowls were not washed, and they were all soaked in the bucket.Take a skein of rope, and a piece of meat that has been soaked in sweat medicine. Before it is dark, I will walk around the streets to find good dogs, and I will start at night.

Great Britain is different from before. There have been curfews in all dynasties, but not in Great Britain.The gates of the inner and outer city are locked, so as long as you don't leave the city, you can walk around at will.

There are many temple fairs in Beijing, like today, people don’t dare to set up stalls under the sun, they all plan to go out at night to earn money.The Tianqiao area and the Ritan area are not idle. When the evening comes, everyone comes out, wolves and dogs.There are those who wrestle at the beginning, those who sell peanuts and soybean juice, and those who sell incense and birds... Only you can't think of it, and there is nothing you can't buy.

Dingyi wandered around with Xia Zhi, from one alley to that alley, he heard the dog barking, several houses were tied up, so it was hard to make up his mind.I was tired from walking, and the heat in my head was gone, so I said lazily: "Brother, let's find a tea shed to rest our feet. I want a bowl of tea, and then listen to a section of the Dagu book. After listening, I can go home."

Xia Zhi doesn't believe in evil, "The meat will stink tomorrow, so I have to feed it out tonight."

This stock is twisted!No way, just follow along, look here and there, pass by the Temple of Sun, there are spoons on the street, and the iron pot is rattling.Patiently headed towards Fangcaodi, just after turning the corner, I saw a dog squatting beside the gate outside a fried liver shop. The dog was lean and thin, with long and thin legs.It's hot, panting for breath, opening its mouth and sticking out its tongue, one side is drooling, and the other side is staring at people. I have never seen such a fierce-looking dog.

Dingyi was a little scared, "What the hell is this, Xiao Tiangou's family?"

Xia Zhi was extremely excited, "Hey, good luck, I met a high-quality goods! This is a slider, an expert in catching rabbits. There is no dog leash around his neck, maybe someone got lost, it's cheap!" As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the meat out without waiting for the sum to find a place for the cat, and waited for the dog to lie down.

(End of this chapter)

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