A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 179 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-14

Chapter 179 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (14)
Dingyi choked up, and said with a smile: "You misunderstood me, I came here specially to say hello to you...By the way, I'll send you an umbrella to Chef Ma at your house."

The subordinates have superior wisdom, and their answers are clever.Hong Ce smiled, "It's hard for you to still think about coming to pay my respects."

She corrected her color and cupped her hands upwards: "Your Highness has helped our senior brothers a lot. I always remember it in my heart and never dare to forget it. I came here today to say that you lost the dog for us, so I can't let you suffer. My teacher and I Brother discussed, how much to subsidize, just... I want to ask the prince to be more lenient, we are poor, let us take the salary every month and pay it back."

I don't have the confidence to say this, but my attitude is very sincere, and I feel that the help is not in vain for this steadfastness.He said: "I don't have any disadvantages or losses here. They are all favors who leave. There is no need to worry about it."

"That's your face too. If it wasn't for you, the dog couldn't have been sent all the way from Shaanxi. The little one really can't repay you, so let's give you a good kowtow!" Dingyi really thinks that she deserves a big gift from her, These little people don't pay attention to having gold under their knees, and they don't have anything long on their bodies. Kowtow is the best way to express their gratitude.

Hongce stopped him at the right time, "If you don't like this, kneeling down won't taste right."

In their eyes, it is as common for a prince to accept prostration as beating a thousand sons. The Twelfth Lord exempted her, which is enough for her to say a lot of good things.She glanced outside and asked, "Where did your lord come from? I didn't see your sedan chair. Are you alone?"

He nodded, the sky was gloomy when he came out of the military plane in the second half of the day, and there was no big sun, so he was willing to walk alone.Fortunately, there are umbrellas prepared on the Xihua Gate, so we won't get too embarrassed when walking in the rain.

"Hey, you didn't do your best with your predecessors, how could you leave your master alone. Look at the wind and rain, it's really scary." She sighed regretfully, "If I serve by your side, I will carry you behind my back. You see Your shoes are all wet, and it's so uncomfortable to wrap them in."

He is a man who can put on a serious face when he speaks flattery.He has seen too many people with dogs wagging their tails, and counting him is not a nuisance.The filial piety is enough, but the tone is too big. Such a small man can carry a lantern, but it is too far to carry people.

He looked at her suspiciously, and Dingyi realized that the boss was embarrassed, so he hesitated and said, "Don't look at me as a small person, I have strength."

Hong Ce straightened his sleeves lazily and said, "I don't even have an umbrella. I have to open an umbrella for you if you carry me behind your back."

She really didn't think about this question, when she saw him hooked his lips and looked at her, she immediately blushed, "I understand what the lord means, I have caused you trouble the last two times, and made you have a headache when I dangled in front of you... ...I don't think anything will happen to me in the future, everyone knows that I know you, and no one dares to embarrass me." She paused, licked her lips and said, "But I thought, if I could Serving by your side, then you don't have to worry about me..."

This person is quite interesting, and his three sentences are oblique and consistent.Maybe he was afraid of being bullied before, and no one took him seriously, so he wanted to go to the palace to find a backer.It's a pity that the guards of the palace, like the Ouchi guards, were selected/come out from among the cronies and were trained since childhood.There are almost no half-way monks, and his situation has never been taken into consideration.

"I'm not worried about you." He said lightly, "It's a coincidence both times. If you can help me, I will help you. If you can't, I won't help you."

She let it hang out, feeling very embarrassed, "This... is it because the prince loves me."

He smiled happily, and turned his face to look outside the eaves. Water was dripping down the tiles, and a torrential rain eased the drought since the beginning of summer. The heavier the rain, the more open-minded he was.The door of the palace was half-closed before, but the concierge didn't realize he was back until now, and rushed out to greet him, but he dismissed him with a wink.He stood with his hands behind his back, let out a long breath facing the empty street, and then turned his eyes to the child, "How old is it?"

Ding Yi shuddered, and said with a sigh: "My lord, the little one grows a small tail every year on Chongyang Festival, and she will be eighteen on the ninth day of September."

He looked at him again, "I can't tell, I think it's at most fifteen or sixteen."

She grinned and agreed, "Yes, the small ones grow slowly and look younger." Normal men would grow tall and tall by seventeen or eight, and she couldn't help it. She is still the same when she is out of joint.People politely say that she looks "young", and call her a dwarf unceremoniously.In fact, it's not very short, let's compare it with the prince in front of him, he will be able to touch his shoulders.Prince Chun is tall, with two long legs, so he should be considered tall among ordinary women.Of course, if you force yourself into the crowd of men, you will obviously not be ranked.

Hongce had never seen someone boasting himself so much, and he found him more interesting, so he asked him, "You recommended yourself several times, why? You don't learn the craft well now?"

Dingyi shook his head and said: "No, master and senior brother miss me very much, the work is not tiring, and the salary they earn is enough to make ends meet, isn't this... not a good job. A good person, with a single knife, he will be decapitated. I’ve seen too much, and I feel bad.”

"The ones who beheaded were all criminals who committed crimes. If you kill them, you will kill them." He frowned slightly, "So you are afraid?"

"No." She puffed out her chest, "I'm so brave..."

I don't know if God was deliberately playing tricks on her, but there was no sign, a thunderbolt suddenly struck down, the momentum was so fierce that you could even see lightning and flint rolling across the ground.She took a deep breath and sat down on the ground.Hong Ce couldn't help laughing when he saw it, "You are so courageous, is this the Dafa?"

Her heart fluttered, and she felt very embarrassed when he laughed at her.His ears are inconvenient and he can't hear, but his own ears are good, and he slammed into his side with a loud bang, so it's no wonder he wasn't scared!

She murmured to answer, but his expression suddenly became lonely again, and he said in a low voice: "When I was young, I was afraid of setting off firecrackers. Every New Year, the palace would prepare all kinds of fireworks and Erjijiao, and put them in rows on the ceiling. And outside the door. The brothers all went to join in the fun. A few brothers were brave enough to blow the paper twister to light the lead. I covered my ears and hid beside the side. The firecrackers were full of energy and jumped into the sky with a thump. Stand closer , the blue bricks under my feet are trembling..." He sighed a long time, the corners of his lips curled up in a mocking arc, "Now, I can't hear the thunder exploding next to my ears. People are like this, they close their eyes and close their ears. On the contrary, I can bear it."

Dingyi was quite surprised when he said that.She knew that this prince was not easy, he had experienced more than other princes, hadn't he been in Khalkha for more than ten years, he was not very popular in the past.

He searched his guts to find some words to comfort him, but he stretched out his hand.She froze for a moment, is this going to give her a hand?She looked at that hand, the flowing moiré pattern on the sleeve was set against the snow-white skin, with slender joints.Those fingertips, like the tips of orchids, can touch people's hearts with just one scratch.

She hesitated and felt ashamed, she was a rough person, how could she desecrate this respect!Subconsciously wiped the skirt of the shirt, and then handed it over.

His palms were warm and gathering strength, and with just one lift, she was lifted up.She curled up her five fingers and hid them behind her back. Her hands were empty, but she seemed to be grabbing something. She smiled at him and said, "Has your lord ever played with Sky-Speeding Monkey? Put the pole in the crack of the bricks and click on the whoosh!" It jumped into the air and exploded with a bang, and it was far away, so it didn't bother me."

He shook his head slowly, "I was not very courageous when I was a child, and I didn't dare to touch those things that were on fire."

A stranger, who didn't get close to you, always wondered how profound and unfathomable this person is, but after hearing these words, he suddenly felt that although the prince is powerful, he is also a person of flesh and blood.She tried her best to flaunt her boldness, and she was open-minded about her shortcomings in character. In this way, she didn't feel that she was losing her position, but on the contrary, she seemed more popular.

"Isn't it just to listen to that sound when I play the Monkey King?" He looked at her, and sometimes became very sensitive because of lack, such as listening to opera, he couldn't accept it, so he naturally hated it.

Ding Yi hurriedly said no, "I don't play the Monkey King not to hear the sound, but to see how high it jumps. I am afraid of the sound, as you have seen, a thunder can scare me to the ground, like a New Year's call I don’t touch whips or anything like that.” She smiled shyly, “I’m just like you, just stand and watch from a distance, just for fun.”

The two of them had found something to talk about, standing under the eaves, it was raining rumblingly outside, and they were chatting about fireworks.The smile on Prince Chun's face must be seen clearly, the lights are flickering, and every time he looks back, he is different from others.She doesn't like people surnamed Yuwen, but this one is an exception. She has helped him a few times, and she is willing to talk to him more because of her good character and decent conversation.

"When did the prince give birth?" She squinted her eyes, revealing a row of glutinous rice and silver teeth, "When you celebrate your birthday, I will give you a Kongming lantern with big red birthday characters on it, and let it fly when you light it, it will definitely be higher than the flying monkey .”

He still looked indifferent, "On the ninth day of September, I also landed on the day of Double Ninth Festival."

Ding Yi said, "What a coincidence..."

It's a coincidence, there are always such and such coincidences in the world, and they meet together, which cannot be explained.But this person is still a child at heart, he only talks about long tails on children's birthdays, and it's really rare to be like this when they are eighteen.In the past, Hongce had to deal with the official circles, and he had to be vigilant at all times. It was rare to meet someone who was irrelevant, and there was no need to be taboo about speaking. He was considering whether to invite him in for a cup of tea. Put it a little on the ground, and said in a sad voice: "Master, I have been waiting for you for a long time at the Shenwu Gate. I didn't expect you to come out from the Xihua Gate. How is it? Did you get wet? The sky changes as it says, you see Your robe is all wet. Hurry up and don't delay, the servant will ask someone to prepare dry clothes for you to change into, so don't cover your body."

Here, the chat is over.Eunuch Guan wanted to wait for the prince to enter the mansion, Dingyi swallowed half of what he said.Let's send it off respectfully, feeling melancholy for a long time without saying that he is ugly.Taking a wrong look, the prince walked two steps, turned around, and handed over the umbrella in his hand.

"Take it." He turned the umbrella around, facing her with the handle, and said, "The rain won't stop for a while, and you'll get sick if you get too wet."

Dingyi smiled, bent his waist to pick it up with both hands, "Then I'll return it to you when it clears up, thank you, my lord."

He nodded slightly, withdrew his eyes, lifted his robe and entered the door, and a group of people walked behind.

After washing up and changing clothes, Lu Shenchen, who was in charge of the front yard, was already waiting outside.The front and back yards of the palace are managed by two groups of people, each with its own regulations.The steward of the front yard wears a rank of three or four grades. Apart from supervising the property of the manor of the palace, he also handles other official affairs for the master.Because I stand in silence every day and answer, who is visiting today, and what is it for.The Twelfth Master was walking at the military plane, and he was involved with the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and he had to report back, what case was in which yamen, how it went, whether the case was closed, and so on.

Hong Ce patiently asked one by one to understand that it was his errand whether he liked it or not.The imperial court is like this, there are many people and many things, and the chicken has a beak and a duck beak, and if it doesn't work out, some old cases will be dug up to make a raft.Things are clear and clear to everyone's satisfaction, but there are always one or two suspicious points, and after investigation from the beginning, they become inextricably linked again, which is very intriguing.

He clicked on a person's name on the brochure, "Wen Lu committed suicide in prison, and the cell boss found out that it was already the beginning of the next day, which means that there was no one guarding the prison that night, at least no one was patrolling the prison. Wen Lu died Not long after, the house caught fire, his wife was buried in the sea of ​​flames, and the youngest daughter disappeared, so the case was closed, which was really hasty."

Lu Shenchen said yes, "People from the Ministry of Criminal Justice came in the next half-hour and roughly clarified the matter. It was a case during the reign of the Supreme Emperor. Twelve years later, the Ministry of Criminal Justice received an order yesterday and has already started to handle it. The three of Wen's family The son was exiled in Huangzhuang, and there was a daughter who was unwilling to be taken in by relatives at first, but was taken away by the nanny, and it is unknown where she is now."

He closed his eyes, "Look it up, the child is second, and the nanny is the most important thing. Since I left it to the end, I will know some cause and effect."

Lu Shenchen replied, "Your Majesty will go to Ninggu Pagoda in a while, and take the route of Shengjing, which happened to pass by Changbai Mountain. Brothers from the Wen family sent ginseng to be processed there. If they are destined to be alive, they should all be nearby. gone."

He hummed, squeezed the center of his brows and said: "Then hand over the booklet and explain the reason, don't wait, pick a time, and leave early!"

(End of this chapter)

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