A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 187 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-22

Chapter 187 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (22)
My own little life... These words somewhat aroused his yearning for him.When he was old, Changchun Garden urged him, and Langrun Garden also sent several messages, anxious to let him get married.A daughter-in-law must be married, but I don't know if I can find a suitable one, not to mention how much I like it, at least like-minded, so as not to become a resentful spouse.

He looked down at him, "You can get involved in everything, and you can read faces?"

"I'm different from you. You are a prince, so it's precious when you land. As for us, when we run outside, we meet a lot of people of all kinds. Seeing that there are interesting crafts, I also like to learn. There are stalls on the street, There is a whole set of work, face to face, hand reading, reading and touching." She led him to sit down, and said with a smile, "My favorite is the bird playing cards, so there is a large stack of paper codes there , the fortune-teller opened the bird cage and said, "Do the math, when will you be lucky", and the bird came out to pick. Picking and picking, all the cicadas were in the willows, which was bad luck. Then the fortune-teller asked people to spend The eldest son buys his auspicious coins, all of which are colored Chengde brothers, not one penny for one penny, the cheapest is two for one."

She babbled, but she was actually encouraging herself.She didn't know how she came up with the idea to show Twelfth Master's palm reading, but she felt that the hand was always dangling in front of her eyes, which was a bit provocative.

She raised her eyes to look at him, the prince was very safe, although he didn't trust her, his face didn't show it.She took a breath, put her hands on the stone table, palms up, with an invitation gesture.If you say that the prince is good-natured, you are not wrong at all.He really handed over his hand, and the five fingers were thin and long, like water onions.The blood vessels under the light-induced skin can be seen clearly, where is the man's hand, it is clearly a woman's, and the wrong place was pressed.

Dingyi's heart beats, this is the second time.Last time she was frightened by Lei, and he kindly gave her a hand. This time, his hand was resting on hers, with slender joints and a gold chiseled ring on his little finger. Compared with him, his own Simply ashamed to see people.She felt so useless that she didn't dare to open her mouth, for fear that the heart would pop out of her throat when she opened her mouth.If this is an acquaintance, you must make fun of it, but the prince is sitting opposite, and the prince will not allow her to blaspheme.

She coughed emphatically, and turned his hand over, "Have you not asked anyone to read your palm? Palmistry looks at the palm prints, not the back of the hand..." She pretended to admire, "Oh, you have a golden flower seal Wen, this palmistry is really good! Let’s talk about the plain of Mars first. Many people are sunken, but you are not. The surrounding area is flat, and the one in the middle is like a small mound of dirt, which proves that you have courage and are not easy to give in. He is a very persistent person." She pointed to the line in the middle of the palm lines, "We say whether people are smart or not, we look at this line. This line dominates the brain, your brain is good, the line is long and deep, not like My senior brother, my senior brother is just a reed flower with a forked root. He is very smart and not on the right path. You are single-minded. Such a person is good and reliable. Combined with the first knuckle of your finger, it is really rare .If the thread is flawed and the knuckles are short, then this person is no good. Ninety percent of them are arrogant and foolhardy... Next time I have to show Qi Ye, tsk tsk, I see him hanging."

Hong Ce sneered, "You're belittling your master like this, he will be impatient when he finds out."

Dingyi said in a daze, "I'm right in front of you. I'm only telling you this. Why don't you go to his place to file a complaint? I'm in Cao Ying and my heart is in Han, and you don't know it."

He pursed his lips and nodded with a smile, "Go on, what about marriage?"

As far as Dingyi is concerned, she is just half-hearted. She is so active, most of it is to catch Prince Jin's hand, what kind of ugly Yinmao can she say?But the bow was drawn, and it was a little late to withdraw now, so I had to continue drawing.She swipe across the palm lines of his head, all the way to the bottom of the little finger, and stopped at the short line, "Let me see how many Fujins you have in the future, the more lines, the more Fujins..." Look Come and see, he let out a sigh, "Why are you just one? It seems that you are a person who values ​​affection. You don't marry many wives, but you are fine. Find a good one and live a down-to-earth life. With your identity, you can do It’s so rare to get here.”

The Twelfth Prince really believed her words, "Can you tell where the marriage is? When will the Red Luan move?"

To tell the truth, the longer a wise man spends with a fool, his mind becomes noticeably duller.Dingyi looked at the prince, and felt that the prince seemed to be tired by her. She bit her lips and said: "I can't tell, anyway... soon. Maybe it will be this year, this year will not be next year, and the year after next at the latest..."

Isn't this nonsense, the prince is already 23, he is not in a hurry, his relatives and elders should help him.

Hong Ce took his hand back, "Sometimes fate must be there, don't rush it for a while. How about you, have you seen it for yourself?"

Dingyi shook his head, "I never thought about marrying a wife. A poor and white person is not worthy of starting a family. I don't even have a place to stay. A daughter-in-law can't support her after leaving the house." Thinking of what he did just now, suddenly Some blush.I touched it with my hand, so why keep it?Turning around to look at the sky, the sun has risen so high, he hurriedly said, "I've been bothering you for a long time, I should go, the manager of the Seventh Prince's house is still waiting for my reply." As he spoke, he said, "My lord, you Sit wide, the slave is leaving."

He hummed, but his eyes drifted away without moving.But Dingyi exited the pavilion, hurried out, took two steps and looked back at him, he was still sitting there, alone and quiet, the scene and the figures were enough to be included in a painting.She lowered her eyes to look at her hands, grinned her teeth and slapped herself - she used all the magic tricks of the charlatan, what was she trying to do!

After leaving the Prince Chun's Mansion, he went straight to Dene Street. The Asmen of the Prince Xian's Mansion was half open, and occasionally a few dogs could be heard barking.

She went to the door to ask someone to pass it on, and the gatekeeper had seen her before. Her appearance was quite special, and it was basically memorable.He cupped his hands at the door, "Mu Shiwei, you are here, the manager has come to ask several times. You go in quickly, right now he is walking the dog with the prince, you go down that road, go to A door with hanging flowers, you can see it when you turn a corner."

This is intentionally embarrassing, the first time you come to the door, there is no one to lead the way, which prefecture's rules?She cupped her hands and said, "Then I'm really leaving. If I run into Fujin in the wrong place, then you can't blame me."

"Let's go, let's go, I don't know which high gate the Fujin is in. The small courtyard where the Fujin and the Fujin live is deep, and you can't bump into it even if you want to."

It turned out that the Seventh Prince did not have the head of Fujin, and there was only one side Fujin in charge in the mansion.The second-in-command and the first-in-command cannot be compared. The first-in-command lives in the upper room in the main courtyard, while the second-in-command can only live in a slightly remote room, otherwise it is called a side room.

Well then, Dingyi groped his way through the door.There are people on duty at each gate in the mansion, all of them are guards. She walks all the way and bows to others, "You are busy, I am new to Geshha, my name is Mu Xiaoshu..." Everyone is also polite After returning the gift, she was promoted by the prince himself, so she has such a thin face.

Follow the path pointed out by the concierge, the deeper you go, the louder the dog barks.After passing through the Hanging Flower Gate, I saw a thin dog led by a big sycamore tree in the garden, with long hair flying on the tip of its tail and ears, standing there with its chest upright, its two eyes, one yellow and one blue, staring ferociously. The person who came here looked frightening.

Ding Yi swallowed his saliva and walked around in a big circle, and went to the prince to sweep his sleeves and beat him, "Master, the slave has come to work."

The Seventh Prince glanced at her, without saying a word, picked up a piece of meat from the tray held by the eunuch beside him, and threw it at the dog from a distance.With a bit of dexterity in his hand, he threw it at a tricky angle, and the dog was amazing, his body was twisted like a twist, jumping and jumping, he was sure to hit him right after another.

"Hey, what a guy!" The seventh prince clapped his hands, and raised his chin at Mu Xiaoshu, "This dog was bought by your twelfth master. It's a Shaanxi dog with mandarin duck eyes. It's rare. It was thanks to your teacher last time." Brother, without him harming my slider, I wouldn't be able to find such a satisfying little trick."

Dingyi lowered his waist even more, "This dog should be destined to be with you..."

The Seventh Prince stared at him, "Is it your brother's credit?"

"Don't dare." She transplanted the seedlings timidly, "It's our fault anyway. From now on, I will serve you well and atone for my senior brother."

Hongtao rolled his eyes at him, "This dog has a wild temper, it will jump on people when it lets go, why don't you fight it?"

"Don't mind." She was startled, "The servant can't serve it, I tremble all over when I see a dog... Besides, I raise birds, and the dog smells on my body, and the birds won't sing when they smell it."

The Seventh Prince thought for a while, and it was not good to scare his heart, so he stopped talking to him.

Na Jin saw the right time and replied: "Master, this servant will take Xiaoshu to see Shouheng right away. I'm going to go on the road later, I have to see how the car is packed. Are your winter clothes ready?"

The prince was too busy teasing the dog, so he didn't have time to ask those people, so he waved his hand and dismissed them.

Only then did Dingyi remember that it was cold in the north, she didn't even bring any warm clothes, she rubbed her feet and said, "Master, I have to go back to my master to find a cotton robe, I forgot to bring it."

Jin rolled his eyes, "Don't worry about your old padded jacket. Serving the prince will freeze you to death? Your bodyguards have special padded armor with thick silk padded pads inside, it looks like they are wrapped in felt everywhere. ah."

Dingyi responded, followed him to the guard's office, turned around and passed through several door openings, the guard's office was outside the east corner gate of the palace, a row of blue-tiled houses, with a big wooden signboard hanging on the mullioned windows.Then Jin Jin entered the yard and greeted, "The superior asked to go to the firearms camp to get the gun, did you get it back? The people in Chunwang's mansion have arranged everything, and you, mud pig mangy dog, can't help you. Hold the gun for you It’s also like carrying a fire stick, follow along and learn hard, don’t even buckle the machine spring when something happens.”

The guards came out to help, and said with a smile: "Look at what you said, our Shoutou is a good gunman, with a bang, he can shoot through Yang with a hundred steps." While talking, he looked at the person, "Is this the one you mentioned?"

That Jin said, "It's called Mu Xiaoshu." Turning his head, he asked, "Which wood? Elm wood? The name is interesting, it's both wood and tree, how dare you lack wood in the five elements?"

Dingyi smiled and said no, "Mu is the one with three points added, so you can't water a little tree after it's planted."

"That's not bad, it really makes sense." Na Jin pressed the plaster on his temple, pointed to the person before him and introduced, "This is Datou Liao, the assistant of the guard's department, if you have any questions, just ask him, he just asks, no He doesn't know."

When Dingyi met Li, Liao Datou rolled his eyes and said, "What is he going to do when he enters the guard's office? Look at this, he can't carry a knife or a gun."

That Jin clicked, "You look at his figure, does he look like a man who can bluff people? He wasn't sent to fight, he was assigned a job, and he had other assignments. You, tell him the rules, how about the salary? Hair, how to get four seasons shoes, hats and clothes, and find him a place to sleep, and that's it."

Datou Liao stroked his chin and looked at this kid again. Last time his senior brother stole a dog and told them to arrest him, he was very capable. He invited the Twelfth Master of Prince Chun's Mansion to intervene. It seems that his foundation is not weak.He replied, "This, this... Xiaoshu, our guards are on duty, some are on duty at night, and some are on duty during the day. Do you choose night or day?"

Na Jin clicked his tongue again, "He has other assignments!"

Datou Liao rubbed the back of his neck, "Yes, there are other assignments... We are different from the others as guards. We can't go to sleep outside during shifts, in case the master wants to pass. When the prince gives an order, we have to turn over and obey. You If you want to hug girls in Bada Hutong, then where can I find you in these Goulan courtyards."

The golden fan fanned the wind everywhere, "What are you talking about, can you be a little bit promising if you care about hugging girls all day long?" Thinking that he didn't come to be a guard at all, it would be superfluous to turn around, so he told him directly, "In Goshha in our mansion, the monthly payment is two taels of silver, and the advance payment has to be halved a year. The corn is eleven shi, and the corn is converted into 13 taels of silver. Food and lodging are all in charge, and the clothes are all paid by the prince's mansion. What's the matter with you? You don’t have to worry about it, just be your job well.”

"Then let me ask, where do the prince's birds live?" It's easy to say, but this place is a bit troublesome.The guards are full of rough old men, naked and shirtless in hot weather, how should she deal with it?Ding Yi discussed with Na Jin, and tentatively said, "You see, I am dedicated to serving migratory birds, maybe I can feed some water and food in the middle of the night, so I can live with the birds, and I can take care of everything."

Na Jin was touched by her, and immediately came back to his senses, "Then what are you doing at the guard's office? You can go directly to the garden. Oh, it's so hot, I'm so hot. It's just a day or two. What the hell! Go to the garden, and I'll have them bring your uniform and armor, and it'll be over."

A foolish master raises foolish slaves, the Seventh Prince governs the family meekly, and the servants under him can be deceived if they can.Liao Datou looked at the manager and took him away again, thinking what kind of guards he was, after a long time, he turned out to be a bird breeder.

(End of this chapter)

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