A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 197 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-32

Chapter 197 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (32)
It was the second day since Dingyi woke up from alcohol, and he sat up in a daze for a while, looked at the sky and looked around, remembering that the two birds were very anxious.Yesterday, I drank the wine sent by others, and my stomach didn't hurt anymore, and my errands were delayed.Hurry up, pack up and go out to look for birds, the Seventh Prince said yesterday that he would bring the birds, why aren't there any in the house?

She put on her belt in a hurry and went to Qi Ye's hall, she was alive and well without any symptoms, and her mind was clear.Recall, who saw her coming yesterday?The Twelfth Master was here, and she babbled and caught him and talked a lot. I don't know if she leaked her words, or if she was cheating... Thinking about it carefully, the hair on her back was blown up. She remembered that she ate other people's tofu, and the prince hugged it With such close hands, she felt at ease in his arms.People who are wandering outside have no roots. When they get down beside him, they suddenly feel that they are not alone. At least there is such a person who is willing to listen to her bitterness.Just crying and laughing, embarrassing enough, I don't know how people feel when they see her again...

She ran and thought at the same time, and now she has no face to see anyone, wait for two days, take a break before going to find out, if Master Twelfth finds nothing unusual, she will look up quietly and be satisfied; if nothing happens Hold on, sooner or later you will have to tell the truth, grit your teeth, and explain it is over.

After running all the way, he entered Qiye's Wende Hall, stopped in front of the door, took a breather, raised his legs and walked into the door of the hall, swept his sleeves and slapped a thousand children, "Slave greets the master."

It is a rare time for Qi Ye to read a book. He is learning the libretto of "The Peony Pavilion" with a book in his hand. …

He ignored her, Dingyi looked up, guessing that he was busy studying opera and couldn't speak.But at a glance, Qi Ye was squinting at her, raised his eyebrows, and said in a strange way: "What's the matter, Master Mu, are you safe now?"

She said she didn't dare, "Master, you call me that to break my life. Tell the master, everything is fine now, and the servant is here."

Qi Ye snorted twice, and circled her, "Are you really sick, or are you just sleepy, pretending to be sick and lazy? Are you sick? Why don't you ask the imperial doctor if you're sick? You can lie down there and you'll be fine." I drank a little wine. I fell asleep after drinking too much, and I slept so beautifully. From the first half of the day to the next day, I, the master, did not feel as comfortable as you."

She blinked a few times, "I didn't pretend to be sick, I was really sick. Besides, I drink too much... It's not that I'm greedy, here Jinda said that drinking alcohol can cure stomach pain, I didn't drink much, just a small cup. I It's not my pleasure to drink lightly and get drunk as soon as you touch it."

"You can tell me flowers for anything, should I believe you?" He turned around twice, remembered, and added, "Listen to one more sentence, don't keep pestering your twelfth master , you two are not the same kind of people. Let me tell you, Master Twelfth is so powerful, if you dare to harm her son, she will peel off the skin to make a lantern for you, do you believe it?"

Dingyi shuddered, "I've been wronged, why do you think I'm such a person! I didn't want to spoil the twelfth master, so you can't talk about it."

"You're still, I can see that you are trying to lead him on an evil path. What are you guys called? Longyang? Broken sleeve? Fen Tao?" Master Qi shook his head repeatedly, "I'm ashamed to say you. I am your master, you do this, you slap me in the face. How can people talk about it?" He pinched his throat and learned it, and raised his orchid finger in the air to point out, "That old seven, make a little white face and do a bird's hand pose, really The bird-playing expert seduced the old twelve. The culprit is the seventh, and everyone has enough saliva to spit on him—look, the shit pot is all on my head, who am I to blame? Who is it? Don't say I'm a mandarin duck, I'm a villain today and I admit it, who made me your master. You didn't get into the family of the Twelfth Lord because you didn't have a fate. Now that you're here, you have to Follow my orders, remember?"

The master talked on and on for a long time, but Dingyi could only listen in a muffled voice.Because there was no way to explain, Master Qi misunderstood, she deserved a few reprimands.

Come to think of it, he was right.Even if he is not a man, his status and status are quite different, and it is useless to covet the Twelfth Master.You shouldn't think so much, it's too embarrassing to overestimate your own strength, let the twelfth master know, maybe you will feel defiled by her!

She said with a bitter face: "Master, what you said makes sense. The servant listened to what you said, and Mao Sai suddenly opened up. From now on, I will stay away from the twelfth master, and I will not go to the twelfth master if I have anything to do."

Qi Ye snorted, "That's right, I'm your rightful master, come to me if you don't understand anything, and I'll give you advice. Actually, I'm very good at thinking, as long as you come, I'll give you advice." Pointing out the way, you see that the name is right and not being pointed out by others, how wonderful it is!" He smiled heartily, "Besides, I am a good person, not like the old twelve. My mother is Concubine De. Notoriously empathetic…”

In the end, I said it was wrong, why is it compared to my mother?Qi Ye coughed under cover, "Then what, master, I am in a good mood today, and I decided to reward you with calligraphy. Go grind and lay paper, and watch my pen go as fast as it can."

When the interest came, no one could stop it, so Dingyi responded and looked at every corner of the hall, luckily Yingying and Feng'er were there.While grinding, she said: "Master, I asked for leave yesterday, who will take care of the two of them?"

Qi Ye said: "I am fine, I didn't make trouble or fight."

The birds each have a cage, and they can't fight if they are not together.Sometimes Qi Ye's words are out of tune, you can only listen to the general idea, and you can't go into details.Dingyi saw that his wolf hair was dipped in ink, moved it over, and landed on the golden scroll.The knowledge of yellow belts is not learned in vain. It has been a solid foundation for more than ten years. It is not a problem. The pen is inherited with a strong character. I did not expect that a person like Qi Ye can write so beautifully in cursive.

Because Ding Yi had to wait on him, he stood on the other side of the case and saw that he was writing backwards, so he couldn't tell what he was writing.It was only after Qiye put down the pen that she turned around and looked at the four big characters - so she could do it for herself.She wanted to cry immediately, but since she gave it away, couldn't she think of a good word, what is this!

Qi Ye was quite proud, "Don't look at it bluntly, this is a golden word, if you can do it, you will be able to walk well in the future."

She answered yes, "The slave will remember, and never forget the teaching of the master."

Anyway, Qiye thinks the sky is very blue and the clouds are very light. Today's weather is really nice.

He stretched his muscles and bones, walked slowly into the halo at the door, and said back: "It has been raining for such a long time, and once the sun clears, I feel relaxed. When the weather is good, you take two birds out for a walk, let them see you." see the sun..."

He ordered here, the people in front of the case are still reading his handwriting, is it so well written?All looked silly.

But it's funny to be stupid, Qi Ye didn't speak any more, and quietly looked over with his chest folded. Mu Xiaoshu was facing him sideways, so I didn't say anything about his face, the black hair on his temples under the hat was intriguing.He was a small man, and the small man looked young and a little childish.Standing there holding the scroll, like a country bumpkin who has got a baby and doesn't know what to do with it, the more he looks at it, the more he finds it funny.

"Do you want me to frame it? When I buy my own property and hang it in the lobby of the main house, if someone asks, I will say it is my master's admonition." She lowered her head and looked again. This money, I can pass it on to my family."

Seventh Master thought about it, "It's also possible." He went over to his pocket and put on a pouch, poured out a seal, took a few hot breaths on the engraved surface, and landed on the lower right corner of the scroll with a slap.

After finishing it, he was proud, raised his eyes, and looked at the seal characters with lowered eyelids like his predecessors, exquisite nose, red lips, two rows of eyelashes like a fan... His heart skipped a beat. Twelve's soul was hooked, and even a well-informed man like him couldn't stand it.

Seeing that he forgot to look away, Xiaoshu grinned at him with a calm gaze.Hongtao, on the other hand, was a little embarrassed, and turned his face away embarrassingly.

"Thank you Master Zishang, your elegance is much better than rewarding gold and silver." She said as she rolled up the scroll, "I will send the words back first, and come to collect the birds later."

Qi Ye waved his hands indiscriminately, "Let's go together, this word, clamp, pinch and creak under the nest." He went over and took off the birdcage and handed it to him, and said four or five times in a row as if to dismiss the plague.

Dingyi took the birdcage and stared at him in astonishment, "Master, have you fed it in the morning?"

"It's been fed, it's been fed, the chicken is full of edamame." He returned his hand, "Let's go, let's go..."

The people were blown away, and Qi Ye stood in the center of the earth in a daze, only three words remained in his mind - something happened!In terms of playing, flying in the sky, running on the ground, he has seen everything.He also went to drink wine and go whoring. The more the court banned it, the more he wanted to offend it in private, and he loved to deviate from the norm.Forty-nine cities, there is a special place, open a hall and bring Tsing Yi who trains cross-dressing.When they are not grown up, they are young children. They are all teenagers and half-grown children who appear on the stage, drink and play games with them.If he hadn't named his name, he didn't give himself money, so he did.But he is decent, he is only limited to jokes at the wine table, he never thought of bringing it into the house, because he is not good at it.

I used to be a very upright person, why is it wrong now?When I saw Mu Xiaoshu just now, my heart skipped a beat. Why?Think about it carefully, since when did he, like that old woman in Beijing opera, prevent his daughter from marrying a poor family and try every means to obstruct it?For the sake of face, people should be given to the old twelve, which is definitely not the case now.

He walked around the room, half raised his head to look at the roof of the hall.Not good, my taste suddenly changed. I have been away from home for nearly two months, and there is no woman around me, so my brain is not working well.How about trying to untangle it tonight?Staring at a man all the time is not a solution, it will be better in the future, this hot potato is not easy to hold or throw away, it's embarrassing.

He poked his probe out, "Na Jin, arrange arrangements, the master is going out to have fun tonight. Bring me to a lively place, if it's not busy, I'll use you as firewood."

Na Jin said, "Come on, take care of yourself!"

Dingyi looked back and thought that the life of the Seventh Prince is really colorful.As for Master Twelfth, he was alone, and the more people there were, the more inconvenient he would be. Thinking about it made her feel sad.It's just sad, I dare not feel that he is pitiful, the word pitiful is not suitable for him, even thinking about it humiliates him.

She drooped her shoulders in desperation, Qi Ye's words just now chilled her deeply, and she had to discipline herself in the future, lest she accidentally missed the bottom line, and people would feel disgusted when they saw her.She was also afraid, the concubine in the garden was portrayed so horribly, would she still dare to provoke her?Besides, I have nothing to do with my own affairs, thinking about those who are a little shameless.

She looked in the direction of Ji Si Zhai, red walls and yellow tiles could be seen in the shade of green trees, the sky was so blue, nothing had changed.

Carrying the bird cage to the garden, Master Qi ordered the birds to bask in the sun, and she took off the cover.Looking into the jug, the man only added food but not water.She stretched out her arms and hung the cage on the branch. There was a golden well in the southeast corner of the garden, not far away, and she went there to fetch water.

Going down the steps and passing through the corridor, I met Liao Datou and saw that her feet stopped, "Where is Xiaoshu?"

She beeped, seeing people in the guard class is always a little embarrassed now, and she either smiled or not.However, since we met, we always wanted to exchange some pleasantries, and said, "Tou Liao is here to answer the master?"

Liao Datou said yes, "It's only two or three days to rest here, and I have to prepare for the departure... I remembered that everyone reserved a private room for drinking tonight. Are you coming? Last time, it was because of that. You make each other have a grudge, why bother. If there is any displeasure at the wine table, if you are unhappy, just clink the glasses and let it go. If you don’t see you when you look up and look down, do you still remember the grudge for the rest of your life! Ah, come or not?"

Naturally, Ding Yi didn't want to go, and he was a bunch of men, so what if he made a mistake at that time?Anyway, she didn't intend to stay with them for a long time. When they arrived in Changbai Mountain, no matter how good or bad they were, they would all part ways. There was no friendship to cling to.

She said: "Thank you, I won't go. I was not feeling well yesterday, and Gongli Wenda gave me a jug of wine. I got drunk all night, so I can't drink any more today."

Liao Datou felt a little regretful, and sighed: "I said to smooth things over, everyone will forget about the previous unpleasantness... Come on, since you don't want to, pretend I didn't say anything." He looked under the tree from afar He rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Would you like to walk the bird again for the prince?"

Dingyi responded, "It's sunny today, master asked me to take it out to bask in the sun."

"Very good, very good..." Liao Datou touched his nose with a smile, "Take it well, it is the lifeline of the prince, and if one hair is missing, the prince will be punished."

He wobbled away, Ding Yi turned around to look at the birdcage, there was nothing unusual, but Liao Datou spoke in a sullen manner, always feeling malicious.After thinking about it, she stopped fetching water and went back with the bird.

Sometimes a woman's premonition is really accurate, she always feels that someone will make things difficult for her, and she dare not deal with people blatantly, maybe she will attack the bird.After all, she is like a bird, the bird is good or bad, and the seventh prince is fascinated by the bird, so if something goes wrong, she will die.So he kept his mind and stared at the cage for most of the day without letting go. After staring at it, something happened.

There is a drying pole in the red cage, and a phoenix platform raised on the sand in the lark cage, both of which are for birds to sing and dance.The two birds were standing upright, but for some reason they began to shake slowly, as if they were drunk and fell to the bottom of the cage.She was so frightened that she was dumbfounded. Seeing that the bird's wings spread, it seemed that it had been drugged.

What should I do, Master Qi went out to have some fun, and when he came back, he knew that the bird was going to die, so he had to tear her alive.She wanted to cry, but she saw the bird was about to kick her legs, so she hurriedly looked for the medicine brought out from Beijing, it was used to cure bird plague, and if the symptoms were not right, she couldn't control it, so let's try it first and then talk about it!
While taking the hydration medicine, Shatong came in from the door, picked his teeth and said: "Little tree, I saw you running faster than a rabbit just now, you are all well?" Stepped in and looked startled, "What's wrong with this bird? Why is it lying down?"

Dingyi cried and said: "I don't know, it's fine, I hung it outside for a while and then put it down... My bird, what should I do!"

She was so anxious that she had raised her for so many days, if something happened to her, she would feel very uncomfortable to death.

Zhang Luo poured medicine, and Shatong also came to help. After tossing and watching for a long time, he couldn't be rescued in the end. The two birds fluttered twice and died quietly.

It was really a bolt from the blue, she held two dead birds and cried loudly, "My Yingying and Feng'er...what should I do, how can I explain to the master..." She lives by the birds, the birds If it's gone, what value does she have?
She was especially contagious when she cried. Sha Tong saw her nose sore, and went up to comfort her, saying, "Don't cry, every bird has its own life, so let it die when it dies. Zhe, how will Seventh Master explain to you?"

She shook her head with tears in her eyes, "It's okay, it's because I didn't put my heart into it, this time and time again, I have more success than failure."

"It's not all your fault, please don't howl, keep your voice down. I saw that while Qi Ye was not around, I went out to look for two and came back. Isn't it Hongzi and Crested Lark, there are plenty of them in the bird market. "

Still unable to extricate herself from her grief, she sobbed and closed her hands, sobbing: "That's not the original one, I'm sorry for them, I didn't take care of them well."

Sha Tong coughed, "Aren't you short-sighted? You're obviously drugging someone. You don't understand that you can kill such a small thing with two melon seeds? People want to see you stumble, you Still sticking? It will be too late when your master comes back." Sha Tong said as he lifted his robe and went out, "I'll call back to Master Twelfth, at this time I have to be ordered by Master, I'm taking leave, and I'll take you to the Bird Market, don't I'm crying, wait." After saying that, Sa Yazi ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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