A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 204 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-39

Chapter 204 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (39)
All dead?It was like a bolt from the blue, which stunned Dingyi.

She stood there stiffly, her hands and feet were cold, and her legs trembled too much to support her body.Staggering to hold on to the wall, he felt his chest throbbing, as if he could spit out blood with just opening his mouth.

How could this happen? She couldn't believe it at all. Over the years, whenever she encountered a hurdle that she couldn't get over, she would think of her brother who was far away.Although her parents are gone, at least she still has relatives, and she is not alone.But now that even her elder brother is dead, and all three of them are dead, what's the point of her living?
Qi Ye didn't care about who died and who lived, but when he heard about it, he turned his head and hollered, "Is this a purgatory for you? The three brothers are all dead, and all of them are dead."

Hong Ce kept his eyes on the six roads, and watched her every move in his eyes.He understood that Mu Xiaoshu should be Wen Lu's daughter, no wonder she would try her best to enter the Xian Wang's mansion knowing that they were going to Changbai Mountain to handle the case.She traveled thousands of miles just to find her elder brother, and now that her elder brother is dead, she might not be able to withstand such a blow.

Her face was pale and trembling, and his heart clenched.Now it is necessary to divert everyone's attention so that no one can discover her abnormality.Now that the brothers of the Wen family are all dead, she doesn't need to recognize her relatives. She can hide her identity if she can. It's good to hide it, and there are fewer barriers, so there are more ways out for him.

He clenched his fist and slammed it hard on the table, making the dish bounce wildly and startling Qi Ye who was eating taro.Everyone was stunned, and all the officials who were sitting stood up, all of them showed panic, and listened to the teachings tremblingly.

He sounded sharp and scolded: "What a steward! Although the imperial court assigns sinners, they are still human beings if they are not ordered to die. They are still the people of my country. People in the countryside have to report their lives and deaths to the assistant leader, but these people don't need to." Is it wrong? Tao Yongfu, you dared to hide the death of a repeat offender from the court, and asked the Lord to go around such a big circle, what should you do!"

Eunuch Tao was so frightened that his legs trembled and he knelt down and kowtowed, "It's the negligence of the slaves, because the plague was rampant at that time, and the dead had to be loaded into the carts. It's not an exaggeration, two carts a day is not vague. .The servant was really busy and lost his head at that time, too many people died, and it was too late to verify their bodies one by one..."

"It's too late, how do you know that it's the three brothers of the Wen family who died?" He snorted, "I was ordered to re-investigate the case, but none of the three brothers were left. There are so many coincidences in the world that I ran into them all." Now, who are you fooling?"

Eunuch Tao didn't know what he meant, so he fixed his eyes on him, recovered after a while, and murmured: "My lord, calm down, I sent someone to visit again, maybe I made a mistake at that time... Don't be impatient, I just came here , I have worked hard all the way, and the slave will take care of the master to rest well. Please ask the master to let the slave have a little time to check the head, and the slave will let people do it overnight."

Hongce stared at him indifferently, "You are not bad at sharpening your guns in front of the battle. Let someone check it out. You are waiting for the news in the room. What's the matter? Can't you move your rich body?"

Eunuch Tao sighed, and said in a stack of voices: "Yes, yes, I will go in person, I must find out and give the Lord an explanation."

The local officials didn't dare to be slow to wait. They listened to the prince in front of him, and their eyes had long been directed to the accompanying people.Don't stick around, when is the time, hurry up and do it!What happened to the result is another story, move, and move without being scolded.

Everyone panicked. The jurisdiction of this kind of place was loose, and no one from above asked, so they were so confused.Now suddenly came a prince who understands, the prince must be tight, and suddenly felt that there were too many criticisms on the local political achievements to take care of.Think about where you didn't do it properly, cram for the time being, make up for it before the lord gets into trouble, know your own way, and let's talk about it after getting past this level.

As for Qi Ye, it is always better to have less than more. He feels that since the Wen family has disbanded, it doesn't matter whether there is any grievance in the case.Everyone is dead, who are you rehabilitating?Who will thank you after the redress is over?It is enough to have a book to explain the reason, and there is no need to spend so much effort.He smacked his lips twice and said, "Good guy, this taro is so sweet that it sticks to the teeth... This, this, this, I see the matter has come to this point, so it's not serious. Let's rest here for two days, let's go on the road after resting enough! Ning Guta's errands are settled and he will go back to Beijing early, the case must be dealt with, and the sons of Wen's family will not be left behind, and they will go back to take care of it, stay at home comfortably, and it's the same if they start from other places."

Of course Hongce knew the truth, if it wasn't for Xiaoshu, why would he care so much about the Wen brothers?He wanted to give her some relief, and after another investigation, it was confirmed that she was dead. She accepted it slowly, let go of this concern completely, and only then can she live as peacefully as before.Lao Qi only wants peace in the world, the case is not handled, how easy it is to throw a piece of soup, open his mouth, oh forget it, let's just muddle along!It's good to get by.There are too many doubts in this case, all the Wen family members involved are dead, and Xiaoshu is left as a hang-up, who leaked it through his fingers, maybe it was a fluke to be alive.

The two brothers began to think about it, and when they looked again, she was no longer there. Hongce was startled, held back a few words, and told everyone in front of him to leave.

Hurriedly went to the tube house, pushed the door in front of her house, but the room was empty, and she was nowhere to be seen.Where did people go?He stood and thought for a while, did he enter the mountain by himself?He couldn't help becoming anxious, she was alone, she couldn't tell the direction, the situation in the mountain was changeable, if she made a mistake, she would die there, and even the body would never be found.

He was worried about her, and also complained a little bit. In the past, he would come to him with baskets of little troubles, and he didn't mind causing him trouble at all.With such a big matter now, she keeps silent and thinks about it, and never intends to confess to him, what is she thinking in her heart!

He was so anxious that he lost his mind, and this time he who was always indifferent finally felt the feeling of being frightened.I was stunned for a while, and I couldn't look for it with great fanfare, but I could only do it quietly in private.But in such a climate, the world is vast, and he can't figure out which way she will go.Going out to check, there are continuous ridges in the distance, and it is getting dark, clusters, like stacked dark clouds.The climate in the mountains is harsh, and it may be even colder at night. She wants to climb mountains and mountains, in this month when a drop of water turns into ice?Do you really think you are strong?
He called Sha Tong in a deep voice, "Find some village heads to lead the way, and order Ha Gang to send his subordinates into the mountain."

With a bewildered face, Sha Tong looked around and said, "Master, it's getting dark now, what are you doing in the mountains?"

Hongce ignored him, and said with frowned eyebrows: "Ask me to understand how many roads are there in the place where Aha is stationed, and you can't ignore any of them... Hurry up, or something will happen if you slow down."

Sha Tong was stunned and said: "I am afraid that they will report false accounts. The brothers of the Wen family are actually not dead, and the village will kill people overnight? Could it be that there is a collusion between Huangzhuang and Yandao, and they are ghosts?"

The master is doing errands, and the slaves are waiting on the sidelines. Under the influence of ears and eyes, he has a keen eye, and he can connect everything with a quick turn of his mind.Hongce shook his head, "I read that roster book. The paper, pen and ink are old, and it can't be done like this. It's the key point, and it happened several years ago, so there's no need to keep it until now." He didn't know what to do. Talking about his current feelings, he propped up his waist and said helplessly, "Mu Xiaoshu has entered the mountain, and I'm afraid he will fill the belly of the beast if he is later."

Hearing this, Sha Tong slapped his thigh in frustration, "This Mu Xiaoshu is going to die!" Hold down the hat and trot, the red velvet on the top of the hat danced in the wind and snow, and disappeared after turning a corner.

As for the Qiye in that room, after playing with the bird enough, he found that the bird handle was not there, and he didn't get angry, so he brought it over by himself.He smiled when he entered the door, "Shu'er, this Bailing has learned a new trick..."

He raised his eyes to see that no one was there, and exclaimed strangely, "Why did you go to the old twelve's house this late at night?" He thought for a while, and became a little angry, "It's outrageous, two people You don’t need to shy away from being a man? You’ve said it several times and you haven’t made any progress, what a pig’s brain!” He was so angry that he went out and shouted loudly, “Then Jin, where did he die?”

Na Jin ran and jumped over, before he could open his mouth, he nodded on his knee and said, "Master, something has happened!"

Qi Ye was stunned for a moment, "What happened?"

"You don't know yet, Mu Xiaoshu, the culprit, ran away with hysteria, and Master Twelfth took people into the mountains to look for him."

"Hey!" Master Qi changed his face, "Master was not good enough for him, he was a runaway slave? My slave ran away, and I was the last to know, what's going on?" He was so angry that he opened the bird cage. Throwing, staring at Jin, "Are you dead? What are you doing poking in my eye socket? It's time to collect his body any later. Why don't you call someone?"

In the end, even the tone of his voice changed, and Jin shrank his neck in fright and said yes again and again.Qi Ye stood in the snow, turned around to look at the flopping bird in the cage, and murmured, "Mu Xiaoshu, you bastard, I treat you badly. you……"

In the mountains and fields, a Zhuge lantern was half-bright, and official boots stepped on the snow, making a squeezing sound.

Dingyi's face was blank, the tears had dried up, and he just felt disheartened.Dazed forward, she was going to Aha's residence, even if it was two hills away, she would not believe it unless she saw it with her own eyes.

I still remember the time when the siblings were together, she was the youngest, because she was taken over by the nanny and the mother-in-law from birth, and the relationship with her parents was not very deep, but the brothers always loved her very much.The grasshoppers and grasshoppers weaved for her, Ruliang came back from Buku field, got the lucky fruit from the palace, he was reluctant to eat it, so he pocketed it all for her.On the morning of the accident, she had agreed to bring her the clay-carved rabbit son, but who knew that such a mistake would happen.Although it was hurtful to lose her mother, she has truly become a widow now. Her parents and brothers are like shooting stars in her life. She even doubts whether they have ever appeared.It was still a dream for more than ten years. She was always alone, lonely and helpless.

It's really cold in the wild, so cold that it makes people's teeth chatter, without any worries, it's a bit of life and death.She was walking in the wind and snow, the snow on the branches fell suddenly, and there were wolves howling in the distance.She tightened the scimitar on her waist, she was willing to cut herself, she had nothing to be afraid of.She no longer has any purpose in living now, so she went to ask in person, and if she understands, even if she dies, she can rest in peace.As for Twelfth Master, such a smart person, I'm afraid he has already seen the clue.She spent a lot of effort trying to restrain herself, but there was no other way, such a blow made her life irresistible, so she still tabooed those things?

Master Twelve... What is he thinking?Knowing that she is Wen Lu's daughter, can he treat her kindly?He came here to find Ruliang and the others to inquire about the case. Now that they are gone, shouldn't it be time to turn the gun?The daughter of a prisoner is far less innocent than ordinary people.This was the situation before, but now she is a bit self-defeating, the fig leaf has been ripped off, what face does she have in front of the Twelfth Lord?It's just that I'm sorry for him, but until today, what did he think?It's too late to confess now, she didn't have the courage to face him again, she wanted to find her brother and repay him, but it's a pity... She felt so guilty, she felt sorry for the twelfth master, and also for the seventh master.This time Jinshan may die here, and the debts owed can only be repaid in the next life.

The wind and snow were blowing, her heart was full of desolation, she gritted her teeth and walked forward, the mountain was so dark, only the light illuminated the small piece of ground at the tip of her feet.The surrounding snow reflected a bluish light, and when one foot fell, it sank into the calf.Her boots were getting wet, and her toes were so cold that she couldn't feel it. She tried to curl up and twisted her body into a small ball.Looking ahead, we can vaguely see the winding castration.One step deep and one step shallow, each step is unknown, if the next step falls into the abyss, it seems that there is no wrongdoing, she holds the heart of swearing to death, if Ruliang and the others are really gone, she will not be able to live, sooner or later it will end like this , I am not afraid of anything.

She walked alone, in a trance, she heard a call from behind, calling Mu Xiaoshu one after another, like the ritual of ordinary people calling their souls by the riverside.She thought she had heard it wrong, and after further arguing, it was indeed true, and she didn't know which group of people caught up with her.

She suddenly burst into tears, and an indescribable feeling lingered in her throat. The two masters probably haven't given up on her yet, but what face does she have to meet people?

There happened to be a haystack by the side of the road. She rolled up the dead branches and swept away the footprints, and hid in it with a low body. She covered it a little, and looked out quietly——the footsteps were approaching, and a pair of soap boots strode past, and the torch was burning. , Someone said loudly: "The one who saw the figure just now, why did he disappear in a flash?"

The Twelfth Master stepped into the flames, looked around and said, "Don't stop, just chase forward." But he stopped, waited for others to walk away, turned around and walked towards the haystack.

(End of this chapter)

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