Chapter 21 Forbidden Court (21)
With an expression of killing herself, she stood on tiptoe and pecked his right cheek with lightning speed. (1)
Chunwo stood behind the window and watched her. She left the Yicui Building and walked along the waterside pavilion, walking between the lights and clouds. When the moon was in the sky, there was a mysterious and strange smell.

"Isn't the official house still sleeping?" She came slowly, looked left and right, and complained enviously, "This place is better than my Yicui Tower, I like it better."

He was sitting on a bamboo couch with a low table in his hand, on which were placed teapots and cups.Picking up the teapot, poured a cup and handed it to her, "Originally, Yicui Building was where I lived, but now I'm giving it to you, do you think it's bad?"

She took it and held it in the palm of her hand. The wooden boards on the balcony were polished so smooth that there was no need for a stick, and she sat down on the floor beside his couch.Leaning against him, she was only a foot away from him.She is good at using this kind of soft little movements to shock people, making people feel that she is tame and not aggressive.Looking down at her today, even if he knew she was doing it on purpose, he got used to it after a lot of times.

She held the teacup together, steam rising from the mouth of the cup, turned her head and smiled and said: "If you still live in Yicui Building, I will definitely think Yicui Building is better. Don't worry about me, I just have eyes for you. Just like Xiao Children, other people's things are always the best."

She had a pun in her words, and it wasn't that he couldn't hear her, but she wasn't angry either.Looking into the distance, he said casually: "In that case, then you can sleep here tonight. With me, will you still feel hot?"

She smiled more and more softly, lowered her head and replied shyly: "Mother Chun is still waiting for me, I didn't tell her when I came out..."

"Don't the people of Miao Nei know that you are my queen? A lady who comes to the lord's side, stays to spend a good night together, and still needs to inform the subordinates? Where did this rule come from?"

He doesn't seem to be joking, Meng Hua feels that sometimes he is just getting burned.She seems to love to provoke him very much, and she doesn't necessarily have the intention of killing him all the time. Seeing his indifferent appearance makes her feel uncomfortable.The soft knife stabbed him twice in order to relieve his hatred, but after several confrontations, the handle of the knife was pinched in his hands at some point, and in the end he was turned into an army, and he had to clean up the mess himself.

That's all, since it's here, let it be. After he has spoken, there is no room for her to shirk.It's good that he doesn't reject her, he approached her slowly, and slowly put down his guard.The current aggrievedness is nothing but accumulation, and there will always be a day when she will be proud.

She put her elbows on the head of the couch, turned her body, and leaned against it softly, "I'll just take orders, don't blame Chun's mother...Guys, how many days shall we stay here?"

He said: "Three days, it's too long. There is no one to preside over the government affairs in the court, and you will not be able to sleep peacefully after you go back. If you like this place, you can stay for two more days. When the time comes, I will report to the empress and ask her to lead the ladies to escape the summer heat." Bar!"

She thought for a while and said no, "Everyone in the forbidden court has left, are you the only one left? What if you have a headache? It doesn't matter if the lady and the ladies live forever, but I can't. I want to be with the official family, Also take care of the food and daily life of the official family.”

He squinted slightly to look at her, her face was full of sincerity, very much like the kind of eager to be a good wife.He moved the corners of his lips, but didn't smile, "Queen, you are so considerate, it will make me suspect that you like me."

She looked at him in surprise, his face was peaceful in the night, with handsome facial features and affectionate eyes... Her ears became hot, and she said softly: "I like you...I marry you, why don't I like you ?”

I like him because of marrying him, or there is a deeper meaning.He didn't want to worry about it, because he couldn't figure it out.

He put his hands on his knees and said very slowly: "I have not been a pleasing child since I was a child. I have many problems. Not only the palace servants think I am weird, but also the mother of the late Emperor and Yun Guan. I I can't speak at the age of five, it's not that I can't, it's that I don't want to speak. So some palace people call me dumb behind my back, and even think that I won't sue, and treat me very harshly."

She couldn't keep up with his thinking, and it only took a blink of an eye to jump from one topic to another.She frowned, "Is there such a thing?"

With no expression on his face, he nodded and said, "I was raised by my wife after I was five years old. Sometimes they didn't give me food and drink, and they didn't change my pants when I got wet. I remember one time, a little yellow door accidentally spilled ink on it. On my homework, the words were ruined and illegible. When the Taifu checked the homework, the little yellow door dared to say that I was lazy in front of my face. The Taifu sued me in front of the late emperor, and the late emperor ordered me to face the wall and think for half a month. ... Later, when I grew up and took control of Da Yue's military administration, I realized that the people who used to boss me around no longer dared to speak to me loudly." He looked up at the stars in the sky, and his voice was full of mockery, " But I know that I am still not likable, even if I am on the throne, there are still people who are against me. So the queen said that she likes me, even if it is not from the heart, I am flattered."

He had never said so many words at once, she repeated the content of his words repeatedly, because she was bullied since she was a child, she understood the beauty of power, and Yun Guan's mother blindly let those palace servants go, which caused him resentment , And then vent your anger on Yunguan?

Only then did she realize that she was so close to the entanglement between him and Yun Guan, and it was as if she could push away the clouds with her hand.She moved over and probed cautiously, "King Huaisi once mentioned the official family to me, and the words and lines are full of respect for the official family."

He leaned sideways on the side of the couch, resting his hands idly by the side.Her silk painting was blown over by the wind, and it fell lightly on the back of his hand. He held it at his fingertips and twirled it. The warp and weft of the silk color were fine, just like her thoughts.

He didn't feel that there was anything to hide from, so he turned his head and gave her a slight smile, "What the queen said is inconsistent with what I know. He has never had half respect for my brother, and I have the same for him. He lives For a long time, people in Yue only knew that there was Prince Zhongguang, but they didn't know that there was King Su Chongyuan."

She saw it more and more clearly. Since there is no emotion between the brothers, it is not surprising that they kill each other!

"The officials may have misunderstood King Waisi. In my opinion, he is a very affectionate person."

His tone was a little melancholy, "The Queen's thinking is too simple, the palace is the center of continuous conspiracies and tricks. People who walk out of here are not as beautiful as they look on the outside. Even if you love someone, you use your wisdom, not your heart." .”

So she might never be able to become the same person as him. She died because of love, not because of resentment, and she couldn't get along with his character who cared about every detail.

She verbally agreed that she didn't want to continue this topic anymore.Looking at the clear sky between the sky and the earth, the red lotus in the pool swaying under the moonlight, he pawed softly and said: "Is there any water chestnut planted in the Fengchi pond? There are already tender water chestnuts in this season, will the officials take me to pick them tomorrow?"

He followed her gaze, "If you want to eat water chestnuts, just tell Huangmen."

She stammered no, "I want the officials to take me there. Let's go boating on the pool. It's fine if the waves are shining and the sun is shining. It's like a poem when you think about it."

He looked at the moonlight and murmured, "I'm afraid the sky will change tomorrow."

She pouted dissatisfiedly, "You just said that you would take me there, and you said that the sky will change, I don't believe it."

He lay down and raised his arms to cover his eyes, "Go as soon as you want! It's getting late, go in and rest, I'll sleep here tonight."

She looked around, a little hesitant, "The humidity on the lake is heavy, it will be bad if you hurt your body. The officials don't want to share the bed with their concubines? If not, I can go back to the Yicui Tower, and you don't sleep outside."

He thought she was noisy, so he frowned and said, "You are too wordy."

His tone was not very good, she felt stunned, and retorted softly: "I care about you, why are you so fierce? Forget it, catching a cold is also your business."

With that being said, you can't watch him sleep in the open.Now the clothes are thin, Gen Yue is surrounded by mist, it will definitely be cold in the middle of the night.She stood up and went into the room. There were red candles burning in the hall, so she just searched for it. A brocade quilt was folded on the side of the bed.She took it out, unfolded it and gently covered it for him.Just as he was bending over, he suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at her so lingeringly, reminding her of the time when he painted flowers in Ninghe Palace, he was so close that he could hear his breathing and heartbeat.She was a little flustered, her face turned red instantly, and she wanted to pull away, his fingers pinched her chin, the fingertips were slightly cold, with a kind of nightmare-like allure.

"Yong Hua..." he said, "You are still here."

His face was covered with a layer of soft moonlight, not as aggressive as usual, and his lips were slightly parted, almost as if inviting.She was dizzy, she couldn't hear what he said clearly, she couldn't stand on her feet, and she could barely support him.He raised his neck slightly, and that face enlarged in front of her eyes, getting closer and closer... Her heart was so convulsed, it turned into a handful of fly ash, only his breath was overwhelming, like blue Gui, the turbulent attack.

But after all, it didn't develop as she imagined, his movements stopped abruptly here, and then he let go of his hand, and lay back on the bamboo couch again.

She straightened up, her legs trembling.He still closed his eyes, if it wasn't for the shortness of breath that betrayed her, she even suspected that she had had a erotic dream about him.

Standing there, she was both surprised and furious, and finally fled in panic and fled back to the Huanshan Pavilion.

The person sitting on the couch was still trembling, holding his face in his hands, not knowing what to do.Suddenly I felt very scared, my heart was very chaotic, my throat was choked with breath, and I burst into tears.Looking at him again, he is not very stable, he turned over and turned his face to face the water.She crossed her arms and leaned against the bed, only to realize that her strength was all a disguise, she was clearly prepared, but when it really came, she would be so repulsive.

She remembered that Yun Guan kissed her face, and she liked the kiss very much.But for him, even getting closer made her feel disgusted.

It seems that his problem of not getting close to strangers has been cured, but there are too many things that he can't understand. What does he mean when he said you are still here?
Her mind was in a mess, and she buried her face in her arms in frustration.

He couldn't sleep well all night, and he looked outside when he was half asleep and half awake. He was fine, as if nothing had happened.It wasn't until the next day when the sky was bright that he twitched his sleeves and sat up, pressing his forehead.

After making such a fuss last night, it was a bit embarrassing to face him again.She hurriedly turned her back, and heard him stepping into the hall in black, maybe stood by her bed for a while, his robe was blown by the wind, making rustling noises.After a short pause, the sound of footsteps gradually disappeared, as if they had left the Huanshan Pavilion.

She stood up to look, through the bead curtain she saw several yellow doors standing outside, Yan Hui bowed and waited for him to wash.Probably for fear of waking her up, everything went on in silence.With an indescribable feeling, she fell back onto the pillow, feeling completely lost.

(End of this chapter)

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