A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 225 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-60

Chapter 225 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (60)
It's almost like dying once, and I still feel shuddering when I think about it again.I have lived for 24 years without trying it, and the original ecstasy is breathtaking.He felt his chest convulsed, and even breathing involved his muscles and veins.Because I know it's her, and I'm deeply satisfied, so I don't have to worry about who will get in the way in the future. If the old seven comes to make noise again, he will tell him in a loud voice that Dingyi belongs to him, and let him go as far as he can. .

Like a child who has a treasure, he is reluctant to let it go even for a moment.He wrapped his arms around her waist, touched the tip of her nose, and called her softly, "Are you asleep?"

She closed her eyes and refused to speak, and it took a long time before she hummed.He looked at her carefully, his face was a little pale, but his lips were blatantly red.He rubbed her cheek with his thumb, "What? Does it still hurt?"

Embarrassed, she shrank down and shrank into the bed.He didn't force her to ask, Xinxin laughed, and murmured: "I'm so happy...we'll make arrangements for the wedding when we return to Beijing, and I don't care about the rest. I'll let them go to the procuratorate and the military aircraft department for everything." Right. I have to get the major things done in my life first, and I will talk about what happens in the future." He reached out to fish for her, picked it up and put it in his arms, shaking, "Fu Jin, go home and see what you want to add Instruct Guan Zhaojing to do it. There will be rewards from the palace, and the mattresses are all ready-made, so don’t worry. You are thinking about where to go. The Wen’s compound in Shanlao Hutong is now in the hands of the Minister of Rites. Brother, Kangtai is under his door, so he can talk. Let's take down that house and leave it for you, okay?"

He thought so far, Dingyi couldn't answer him, everything seemed perfunctory.He treats her wholeheartedly, but he is thinking about how to leave at this moment, I really feel sorry for him.

In fact, there is really not much to explain, and there are not many traces left, and it is insignificant to come and go.She just couldn't bear him, and felt that leaving him alone and playing tricks on others, at least he wouldn't be happy in the short term.She had nothing to repay him, and giving herself to him was a summary of the relationship of the past six months, and it was also a consummation of merit and virtue for herself.As for the future, she never thought that maybe she would never marry again in her whole life, once in a lifetime is enough, and no one can replace him.

She caressed his forearm lingeringly, half-closed her eyes, her lazy look had a charming taste, "I'm sleepy, you're nagging, can you tell me to sleep?"

He hurriedly agreed, "Let's not talk about it right now, let's talk about it when we wake up."

She was naked, and the quilt was as slippery as satin, slowly wrapping up, making him flustered and short of breath.Young people always have endless energy, his rapid breathing is infinitely magnified in her ears, she caresses his broad shoulders, and he ignites clusters of sparks on her body, burning all the way.She closed her eyes and raised her neck, shouting his name in despair, half in pain and half in relief.Fortunately, it was enough to make him happy at this moment.

The shadow of the sun moves up and gradually reaches noon, the first day of the first lunar month, and occasionally the sound of firecrackers can be heard sparsely.Sha Tong stood at the corner of the corridor with his hands tucked in waiting for the report. After waiting for a long time, his legs became weak and he turned around and sat down on the stone pier. Then, he saw a figure in a crane cloak appearing on the veranda, as if appearing out of thin air. The one who came out walked very fast, and when he turned his feet, he dodged into the narrow alley.

He was surprised, and just about to catch up, someone behind him called him, "Master Lu ordered you to come back to his command, please pass on to Prince Chun, all the hundred ahas in the barracks have been captured, and Suo Luntu was captured alive in the Goulan courtyard." On the embroidered bed of the son, only Yue Kun escaped, and when he went to his mansion to arrest him, it was already empty. Next, we should continue to investigate thoroughly, and it is better to go to the imperial court to publish the wanted list, please give me a hint."

After hearing this, Sha Tong asked him to wait, and pushed the door open and entered the room. The room was quiet, and the light from the window left diamond-shaped spots on the blue bricks. He took advantage of the light to step forward and knelt on the footrest Pushing Lord Twelfth, he said in a subdued voice: "Master, wake up, there is news from Lu Yuan."

He was wandering between half asleep and half awake, he couldn't help being sullen when he saw the person in front of the kang clearly, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover it, but it was in vain.He turned his head to look in horror, the quilt was laid flat, as if no one had ever been there.His mind was stunned for a moment, he couldn't distinguish between reality and dream, his expression suddenly changed, and he asked Sha Tong, "Where is she? Where did she go?"

Sha Tong was confused, and said in a daze: "What's wrong with the master? Are you talking about Miss Wen? Miss Wen has been lost and she hasn't been found yet. Lu Yuan's people just came to report, saying that Aha and Suo Luntu have been arrested. , only Yue Kun slipped through the net, and is still searching everywhere. Master, look at the situation, the disappearance of Miss Wen has a lot to do with the surname Yue. You guard against the last chance of the surname Yue to trade her for her life..."

Hong Ce sat there unable to recover, could it be another dream?But so clear, absolutely not!He didn't care about anything else, and lifted the quilt with a wave of his hand. There was already a pool of blood stains on the bed sheet, and it was so red and stained.As if he was being shocked by an electric shock, he braced his body in a panic and shook into a ball.

Seeing that his master was so stupid, Sha Tong said tremblingly: "Grandpa, quickly cover it, it's freezing..." Following his gaze, he was stunned after reading it, what's going on?He hastily checked Twelfth Master's body, he was all beard and tail, nothing happened, where did the blood come from?Thinking about his master taking off so much that there is not even a strand of veil left, is there a goblin who harmed people, or did Xiao Shu really appear?
Only Hong Ce knew that what she said just now had deep meaning, she came to say goodbye, and maybe she would never come back again.In the end what happened?His heart seemed to be crushed by the wheels of ten thousand wheels, and it was already torn to pieces.Since he was going to leave, why did he have to leave such memories for him, and how would he live in the next few decades?
He tore at his clothes and buttoned them up indiscriminately, stumbled out of bed, almost fell due to the weakness of his feet, but fortunately Sha Tong helped him up.He didn't have time to pay attention to those words of persuasion, pointing to the incongruous language, "Detain the shopkeeper who came from Sui Yunlai, this inn has a secret passage, let him confess truthfully, otherwise he will be delayed immediately! Send more troops to arrest him Yue Kundu, if you catch this king, you will be rewarded a lot, if he is told to run away, the whole army will never forgive him!"

Sha Tong responded yes and ran out.He buttoned up his clothes, but the left button and the right button didn't match the buttonholes. He was so irritable that his whole body was put on fire.It was so bittersweet that she shed tears. It turned out that his feelings were so insignificant in her eyes. Why didn't she tell him when she encountered difficulties?Even people have entrusted them, so what else can they hide?
There are so many things in my head that I can't sort out the beginning and the end. I was confused for a while, and when I calm down, I vaguely feel that something is wrong. What is the reason in this world for her to leave without saying goodbye?He gasped, could it be that the brothers of the Wen family were still alive, she couldn't choose between family affection and love, she left her body to him, and left quietly?If that's the case, he resents being wronged, what about her?It must be a hundred times more painful than him.

He didn't remember the days in Ningguta so clearly, anyway, he spent them in endless search.No one was found in the end, but what is certain is that the borders are so tightly guarded that even a fly cannot fly out. She must still be on British territory.He appointed a group of people to inquire about the origin of Yue Kundu, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and finally found out that Yue Kundu is Wen Rujian.The three brothers died and he was the only one left. He hated the court and Yuwen, so he found his sister and took her away from him, easily killing half of his life.

The matter of slave reselling in Huangzhuang was dug deep from Sorentu, and the case was closed without much effort.The vice governor, Daoqin, took bribes and broke the law, dismissed Dingdai and took him to the capital to await trial. He was originally scheduled to leave in early March, but he took a long time to go, afraid that he would miss her as soon as he left, although she might not be here long ago.Lao Qi wanted to issue an arrest warrant, but he insisted against it. Hongtao only knew that he wanted to get his tree back, but he didn't know how much trouble the Wen family would make if they reappeared under such circumstances.At that time, it will not only be the court forces who are looking for them, there may be others, he can't let her fall into crisis.

For a while, I really felt overwhelmed and hoped for disappointment every day. She evaporated like a drop of dew without a trace.There will be no desire if you don’t get it. She taught him how to love someone, but she disappeared. This kind of harm to him is unprecedented, even far better than letting Khalkha out when he was young.

He originally wanted to stay in Ninggu Pagoda, but he had no choice but to shoulder the duties of an imperial envoy. No matter how much he couldn't let go of his personal relationship, Yu Gong had to settle the case first, so as not to disgrace the great trust of the court and the emperor.

The way back was smooth, and the further south we went, the better the weather.It's the season when the flowers are blooming in spring, and sometimes I can't catch up with the post station, and I don't feel too uncomfortable when I stop by the lake to set up camp.

Lao Qi lost his bird handle, and a thrush and a red child became good objects for him to think about others when he saw things.He waited on them himself, and often sighed at them, "How did you two have such a bad life? You came back alive after being so cold. What about your sister, she disappeared, she flew away..."

Hong Ce didn't want to listen to that, his heart sank a little, and he turned and walked away.

He had always had a hunch that as long as she was still alive, she would come back sooner or later.Wait, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow... He only has one thought now, to reverse the case for Wen Lu as soon as possible.Wen Rujian didn't trust the court, so he showed it to him.If he behaves better, he will let Dingyi come back to reunite with him.

Lao Qi's attitude changed at some point, and when he saw his frowning look, he scolded, "You are a prince, and your title is still higher than mine. Can you be a little bit temperamental? Let someone make it like this." This pustule-like appearance, I look at it for you! Why don’t you have a wife? When we returned to Beijing, we married both the husband and the assistant, and the house was full. Well, I can’t think of anything!” Then scolded the little girl Shu, "this unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, the men are digging their hearts out for her. The two princes and brothers flatter her. She dare not give the moon if she wants the stars. She is not enough, so she just left. Is there a good son-in-law waiting for her outside?"

He frowned and cut off his words, "Don't talk about her like that, she has reasons."

The old seven stared blankly, and for a long time summed up a sentence, "Silly brother, not only did you lose your ears in Khalkha, but you also lost your mind." Tell yourself.He walked slowly towards a secluded place with his hands behind his back, and after sitting for a whole night, no one could find him.

After walking for four or five months, it was the cold dew solar term when I arrived in Beijing.In July, there is fire, in September, clothes are given, and at five o'clock, they are lit in the court room, and Shi Qing's court clothes are sticking to the skin and flesh, and they are soaked in cold.He sat by the window and slowly fiddled with Chaozhu, the corner of the window drawer gradually turned red, he stared blankly.When the courtiers saw him coming back, they came forward to greet him one after another. He stood up and bowed his hands to return the salute, still in a polite and distant manner.

After sitting down, another person came in from the door, with a smile all over his face, he greeted him respectfully, and grinningly called him Uncle Twelve, "My nephew greets you."

He pursed his lips and smiled, "How is Brother Six?"

The sixth elder brother is the queen's charming son. He is thirteen this year, and the order is written, but everyone calls him easily, and they all call him Brother Tiger.Elder Tiger Tiger is of the same age, so he is considered a half-child. If he strictly followed the study's dogma, he should be disciplined, but he has the favor of the emperor, so he is much more agile than the other brothers.

He came over with a shy face, "Thank you, Uncle Twelve, for your inquiry. My nephew is doing very well, but recently I met something that was not going my way, and I found an opportunity to talk to Uncle Twelve. You have been away from Beijing for more than a year. It is my fault at that time." Ma won't let anyone go, I should have followed you to learn how to do business."

Hongce looked at him dotingly, "You can't do it, you're too young, it's a place of bitter cold, you can only suffer if you go there."

"My ama went to northern Shaanxi to live in a cave on the twelfth, and you went to Khalkha on the twelfth. The elders came from a hard life, so why can't you come to me?"

The sixth elder brother is a newborn calf, full of energy, unable to understand his father's loving heart.Hongce said with a smile: "The situation at that time was different from what it is now. You have to learn and manage slowly, starting from the south of the Yangtze River, so that people will not be troubled from the shallow to the deep." He changed the topic, "The north is not good, Nothing interesting, I brought a cow bone bow for each of you buddies, and sent someone to send it to you later."

The sixth elder brother kept silent, avoiding the left and right and whispered: "Uncle Twelfth, my ama has conferred a title on me. I'm not yet 15 years old. I think I'm making a fuss, so I want to drive me out of the palace." Building a mansion. There is nothing else. If I set up my own family, I have to marry Fujin, saying that I need to find someone to take care of me. I don’t want to. What if I meet the woman I love in the future? You see, this year’s Xiuxiu chose twenty In the palace, not only mine, but also yours, Shisanshu's Fujin, are appointed inside. I asked Thirteenth Uncle, he pretended to be stupid and said whoever loves whoever marry, I don't have the guts. You guys There may be room for negotiation with me, Ama, if you don't do it, I will take advantage of it."

He was a little surprised, "Where did you hear that?"

Sixth elder brother said: "Everyone knows about it, don't ask where you heard it, there is such a thing anyway. You are all old, even if you mean marriage, it doesn't matter, I am only thirteen, welcome in and play tricks? I That mother saw a moth coming out of the sky, but I am still listening to her... Uncle Twelfth, what are your plans, are you going along or against, give me an accurate word."

With a calm expression, he stroked the folds of his knees and said: "I have someone in my heart, I will make a copy and pass it to the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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