A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 232 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-67

Chapter 232 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (67)
Raising birds is Dingyi's old profession, and the dozen or so pigeons in Beiwu later became her good pastime.Princes and aristocrats play birds differently from ordinary people. Pigeons are divided into three or six grades, like the gray ones with big noses, which are worthless, and players are not rare to keep them.If you want to raise them, you can raise Zihuaner, Mohuaner, and Tiger Hat. These are marketable, well-conditioned, and can play Frisbee.What is Frisbee? It is a flock of birds taking off, connecting end to end in mid-air to form a circle, and flying like that. It is a scene that pigeon breeders love to watch.

Master Twelfth raised a short-billed phoenix, which only ate sorghum seeds. The pigeon's beak was not wide open, so it had to be poked in one by one, and it was very laborious to serve.But there are also good ones, like today, I went out for an hour and brought back two new faces, probably because other pigeons flew off and confused them.

Dingyi was so happy that she rubbed her hands together. There are rules in raising pigeons. The owner will not find any lost birds. When they come to your house, they belong to you.She brought the twelfth master to see, "Turn around and sew up the shoulders, and it will be cooked after two days of feeding. I saw that they are all males. When they recognize the house and start a family, they will live here. "

The Twelfth Master nodded beside him, "Why don't you say that the male is stupid, we have a lot of pigeons and females, we want a wife, and we don't want our old home anymore, just like people."

She looked back and smiled, "How about yourself? Men are married when they are colleges. People and birds are the same. Who doesn't want to have a home! Just a big house can't be called a home, there must be people in it, When you come back and see this person is here, waiting for you, that is home.”

He pinched her on the face, "Nowadays, it's the same thing, but people are smarter than pigeons, and people cheat their wives, and finally take them back to live. Pigeons are wrong, and those who are impatient should go back to the door .”

"Isn't that why I feel anxious when I see people are in pairs!" She reached into the pigeon cage to take out the bird, and tied the wings with string.You can't spread your feathers, and birds can't fly. You can only stroll in the yard and get familiar with the place.She clasped her hands contentedly and said, "Lay the eggs early, and the chicks will hatch, it's so much fun!"

The two male pigeons cooed as if they could understand human speech, and then chased after the female pigeon.Maybe it's because they met each other in the sky a few times ago, and they have feelings!A few birds had very specific goals, and they would go on foolishly without you, so they chased the two hens.The hens didn't pay much attention to them, they nodded straight at them, it was a way of flattering them, it was very funny to watch.

Hongce hugged her from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and said melancholy: "That man is a bit like me. He scratches his head and ear when his wife is not available."

"Virtue!" She smiled and turned back to push him, "I never gave you face, as soon as you yell Dingyi—'Ai', Pidianerpidianer will come."

"But I didn't waste my time, making lamps or something. This is the most outrageous thing I've done in my life." He thought about it, and laughed to himself, "Who has never been young and frivolous, and you are in a snowy day?" Putting on lights together is also a memory when we get old. I just thought, let’s get married soon, have a child soon, and it’s not going to work if we go on like this, and we will get sick later.”

She didn't understand what he meant at first, but then she came back to her senses, her cheeks flushed with shame, and she faltered and said, "Isn't that what you meant, I'll listen to you..."

Her appearance made her even more restless.He can't be instigated now, and he will be caught at any point.Hurry up and turn your face away, just about to talk, saw the two male pigeons succeeded, and the female pigeon was willing to face it face-to-face, and even kissed it.

He looked at it strangely, "It's really human-like!"

Dingyi turned around to look around, and saw the male pigeon playing hooliganism, flapping its wings and landing on the back of the female pigeon.The two were greatly surprised, and when the surprise was over, she was left embarrassed. She murmured softly, "I'm shameless, I don't know how to find a place to carry people..." Then he was pulled into the room, and the door slammed shut.

She rolled her eyes and said with a twitch, "What is this for? If you have something to say."

He pushed her against the wall, breathing a bit short of breath, "Tomorrow will be the beginning of winter..."

It's not a big deal, but she still nodded, "Well, it's time to worship the ancestors tomorrow. I don't know if Qi Ye's two birds are doing well, I haven't seen Qi Ye for a long time, what is he busy with now?"

He lowered his head and sniffed the scent on her neck, the smell was so sweet that it made people dizzy and confused, and said casually: "The queen pointed out a Mongolian princess to him, that one is easy to fight, he is probably too busy trying to figure out how to deal with it!" Shaking her, she was a little unhappy, "What are you talking about him for? From now on, I'm not allowed to mention him in front of you. No matter how good-tempered I am, I'll be jealous."

She was shaken like a wicker in the wind by him, covered her mouth and smiled, and rolled her eyes.

He leaned over to kiss her earlobe, and said crookedly: "I'm going back to Beijing tomorrow, and Hong Zan couldn't hold back and let me catch a clue. After that, the case has made great progress. But What would you do if I left? If only you could go back with me, I would do everything I can to see you by my side. How can people be at ease if you are left here alone? "

She fiddled with the sachet on his waist, puffed her cheeks and said, "I want to walk with you too, but I can't open my mouth in front of Ru Jian. Just go about your business and I'll stay here waiting for your good letter." Son."

He reluctantly agreed, "Then I will leave two people for you and let them take care of you nearby. If you have anything to do, just tell them... Don't run away quietly. If Ru Jian dares to come back again, will I catch him? Good fruit to eat."

After pretending for a long time, the original shape was finally revealed. Dingyi smiled and said: "I don't know if I look at it, but I leave two people to watch over me! Don't worry, I won't run away again this time. If you issue an arrest warrant, the Where is the territory of Great Britain where our brothers and sisters end up? I guess Ru Jian also has the same thoughts. Who wants to be chased all over the sky all the time? If things can really be settled, he is not a deadhead. After all, we grew up in Beijing, although Datong is My hometown, after all, my parents and relatives are not there, so it is no different from other places I have stayed in. I can’t get used to the people’s language and taste here, so it’s better to go back to Beijing.” Thinking of Ru Jian talking about the engagement that day, he was busy Ask him, "Are you familiar with the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Which one is looking at the vault now?"

Hongce was walking on the military plane, and of course he was also involved with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he said, "The Ministry of Internal Affairs is managed by the sixth master and the old thirteenth. It seems that the treasury is not a long-term job, and it changes every now and then. As far as I know, there are two now. One is in charge of the warehouse, the other is in charge of the gold factory, one is named Zhen, and the other is named Suo, which one are you talking about?"

"The one who manages the storehouse is named Sona." She said with her face up. "My third brother was engaged to the second girl of their family. At that time, the two of them had a deep relationship. My third brother still misses her. You Back to Beijing, please help me find out if the girl is married or not. If not, my third brother will be saved."

Hong Ce thought about his potential, and now he is trying to please this uncle.Dingyi values ​​this elder brother, but Rujian doesn't nod, it's very difficult for him to take someone over from him.Regarding marriage, it is natural that relatives and friends are happy to see it become good. Besides, I know the pain of lovesickness, and I can understand Rujian's difficulties.It's just that too much time has passed, Ruhua's age has been wasted, and she is already in her thirties. If the girl herself is willing to wait, I'm afraid her family will not agree.

He said: "It's not difficult to inquire about it. I'm afraid that the family has already married and had children."

Dingyi spread his hands and said: "That can't be helped, it's good to tell him to give up. You don't know that he is silent, but he is really worried. It's really pitiful, unlike you who can search all over the world, he can't come back. In Beijing, I dare not even inquire about his whereabouts. Sometimes I watch him from a distance, and when he is free, he will sit under the eaves and play the flute, and the sound of whimpering sounds like crying, which shows that he is sad."

He said in a low voice: "I see, man wants to be alone in his heart. I understand this kind of hardship. I just don't know if Rujian has the same luck as me. If you have the ambition not to marry for the rest of your life, he and other girls will not marry." Like us?"

She said not necessarily, stroked the tassels on both sides of the jade crown for him, and said softly: "You can't force others, just hit your luck. It's best not to marry, and it makes sense to marry. The husband's family is broken When is it time?" He said deliberately teasing him, "You inquire, and you are not allowed to force people back. In the play, many princes are bad people, bullying men and women, we don't Do something like that."

He whispered, with a coquettish air, "Do you think I'm the old seven's overlord? But if I use some crooked brains, you have already returned to the palace with me. Is there any need to mess around here? I always put you first, and you still say that about me?"

Finally, he found a chance, and he took advantage of the problem to make her into a ball.

It was raining patter outside, and the banana trees in the yard were half green and half yellow. Looking through the gauze on the window, the banana leaves swayed and trembled in the wind and rain.

She smiled and looked at him mischievously, "I have to go back, it's not easy to dig coal in the rainy mountains, I can't prevent Ru Jian from coming back early..."

Her words were swallowed into his mouth by him, her elegant lingering power contained a ready-to-go strength, and she murmured confusedly between her lips and teeth: "Don't go back... I don't know if we have to be separated for a few days, I feel very uncomfortable when I think about it. Ding Yi... "His hand covered her shoulder, slowly slid down the arm, and slipped onto her crotch.The graceful and beautiful waist supported her and dragged it forward fiercely, sticking tightly to him.

She was taken aback for a moment, and then blushed, she was too ashamed to look at him, this person is usually gentle, but he can do anything at this time.

His panting was like a beast, and it vibrated and magnified in her ears. She also knew that he had endured so hard. After all, he was a normal man, and he couldn't touch him even though he was so close. It was actually very tormenting!She took the initiative this time, she stood on tiptoe and hugged his neck, licking his lips like him, the prince reacted like a baby, and became shy again.

Dingyi is a bold thief, she has a sense of stupidity since she was a child, and dares to do what she decides no matter how absurd it is.They will be separated tomorrow, and she is also reluctant to part with her. In fact, it's hard to say what the end of their relationship will be. She has never been very optimistic.It's just that he told her to rest assured, and she instinctively believed him.It's not thrilling, and I've been getting along quietly and liking quietly all the time. Although this kind of love is not very gorgeous, it is more meaningful and stable than others.

She unbuttoned the belt around his waist, because there were too many hidden buttons, it was not easy to handle, and she blushed anxiously.In the imagination, there should be a charming look flying over, and with a flick of the finger, the belt will fall off in response, who knows that it took a long time to untie it but it didn't work.

He laughed, raised her chin and exhaled like blue, "Airouer, what do you want to do?"

This sound of loving meat made her skin crawl. She grew up in a small market, and she has read and listened to a lot of pornographic stories, and her morals are deeper than this serious prince.It's just that the girl was too embarrassed to say it too boldly, and she didn't stop cuddling his shoulder and hand, muttering that the leather buckle is not good, next time she should change the belt!

He couldn't just watch her busy, Lidong in Yunzhong was already very cold, the room was as cold as water, but her forehead was covered with sweat.He untied his belt, and smiled in a low voice: "I've never seen such a quick-tempered person. It's sunny, what are you going to do?"

Got cheap and good-looking master!She glared at him, "My lord and I will fight hard once."

He was joking at first, but when she replied, he couldn't laugh anymore, and pointed at her with trembling fingers, "Girl..."

She didn't take it seriously, "Where did you learn that phrase of loving meat? Did you go to a brothel? Where did the bustard teach you?"

Of course he would not patronize that kind of place, the imperial court forbids officials to prostitute, he is a good prince who abides by the law and disdains to engage in such activities.But how to explain it, it just popped out when it came to her mouth, who knew that she would be caught right away.He wiped his face, stammered, and said, "I usually read very mixed books... I don't care about any books, as long as I buy them from outside, I'll read them." With a suspicious expression, he felt guilty for no reason, and swore to the sky, " Really, like "Three Words, Two Beats" and "Jiandeng Xinhua", those are more or less mentioned. After watching too much, I slowly remembered them. Anyway, I haven't told anyone about it. There is no need to worry too much about the private words."

Her heart gradually became sweeter, and she twisted her body and said, "Who are you and your husband?"

"Isn't it you?" He pulled her over, she was shy and cute, his heart was in turmoil, he leaned over to kiss her, and said in a low voice, "You are my Fujin, I'm afraid most of the capital knows by now. I have an idea My reputation has gone out, if you don’t want to be a husband and wife with me, what will I do in the future?”

The two were chattering and laughing, and suddenly there was a loud shout from outside. After careful identification, it turned out to be Ru Jian's voice, and he raised his voice, "Little Zao'er, are you in there? Don't let me out yet, don't blame me for going in." !"

(End of this chapter)

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