A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 250 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-85

Chapter 250 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (85)
The small mortuary stopped for three days, and the big mortuary stopped for seven days. After all, it was nothing.Ru Jian failed to come back, and his mind and soul are far away.

On the day of sending, the sky was gloomy, and some snow foam drifted here and there.In terms of solar terms, spring has begun, but last winter has not ended, and the coldness has continued until now.

The wind was so strong that the filial piety flags fluttered.The funeral procession was magnificent, stretching for two miles.Qi people pay attention to returning fallen leaves to their roots, so we have to send Rujian back to his parents.

The Wen family turned out to be criminal ministers, but at the beginning they just collected them hastily, and there was no decent burial circle.Dingyi has been exhausted these days, and he didn't take it into consideration too much, after all, Prince Zhuang has not been convicted yet, the Wen family is still not innocent, and the burial regulations are not easy to overstep.But when I got there, I found that the tomb had been renovated, with a decent Baocheng and Baoding, and the tombstone was re-carved in her name.

She said nothing, Hong Ce stood not far from her, silent, watching her carefully.She suddenly wanted to cry, and her heart ached so badly.Knowing that he was innocent, he was being blamed, and from beginning to end, he was not at fault.But what to do, she is powerless and can't do anything.She only has to find someone to hate, and hating Prince Zhuang is not enough. If she wants to find someone who is closest to her, who loves her and loves her, she probably has nothing to fear!

She stood on the edge of the tomb and looked down. There were more than one person and one hand. It was so deep. Would Ru Jian be afraid lying in it?She really couldn't bear it, the siblings were not related, so they were reunited with great difficulty, but fate made a joke and only gave alms for a short period of one year.It is far more cruel to give hope and then take it away than to despair at the beginning.

She still remembers the scene when she was with Ru Jian, the brother and sister were alone, no matter what she was doing, he kept looking at her with a smile, his eyes were doting and caring, and he also cherished the hard-won affection.Little things in daily life, such as when he picks up vegetables for her, try to pick the best ones for her.There was a hole scratched in the clothes, she was not good at female sex, so he sat under the lamp to mend it for her, where in the world can you find such a good brother!It's a pity, now that he is dead, she blames herself, what face does she have to enjoy and be happy?So he tortured himself, and by the way, Hongce was also implicated.

There is an auspicious time for the burial, and the yin and yang are all counted. When the time comes, the cannons and whips should be fired without delay.She stared fixedly at the coffin, it was an excellent longevity material, it had been painted several times, it was so bright that a figure could be seen.Eight people carried her past her, and she held Hailan's hand tightly.Turning her head to look, her face was pale, and her breathing was intermittent like a gossamer.Wei Wei hunched her body, although she tried her best to hold herself up, but she trembled into a ball under the filial piety.

After being buried, monks and Taoists chanted sutras, and Dingyi held a handful of soil in the Sanskrit voice, held it in front of his chest, and dared not throw it out for a long time.It's like a hot potato, it's not good to hold it, it's not good to lose it, she is helpless, sobbing loudly, the cold wind pours into her nose and nose, and even her tongue is numb.

"Let him rest in peace!" Hongce had to make up his mind for her, comforted her in a low voice, led her, and sprinkled the mud in her hand into the grave.

There are too few relatives and friends, even though those aunts and uncles have come, it is no different from not coming.I can't talk about feelings, but I just want to cling to them.Shovel after shovel of mud was filled in, and they wailed loudly, as if their voices were louder in a competition, which Dingyi felt harsh to hear.

Building and erecting monuments, she stood in the northwest wind and watched, her heart gradually became cold.People are alive, they are fake and empty, and they all return to the loess in the end. The glory and humiliation of this life turn into dust, and what is left behind?After more than ten days of pain and suffering, I can see it more or less. If I don’t think about it, I can calm down.She held incense to worship, offered a glass of wine, and bid farewell to the last blood relative.

Going back to the Hutong of Wine and Vinegar Bureau, the yard is still the same yard, but there is always an illusion that people are going to the empty building.The eunuchs and girls who come and go are like Wu Nuo performing on the stage, separated by a layer of veil and a layer of misty light, far away.She stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Sha Tong stepped forward and bowed, "Master is tired, go back to the room and rest! Don't move around this time, the servant will bring you food and drink, you have to take good care of yourself."

Since they were not allowed to be called Fujin, at first they were called big girls, but they felt uncomfortable calling them, so they all changed to masters.Seeing that she didn't answer, Hongce said softly, "Just do what Tongzi said. I've taken leave for the past two days and will stay with you at home."

She was still very stubborn, turned her face and said no need, "I want to be alone, you go back to the palace!"

She forgot that he couldn't hear him and couldn't send him away. He came up to hold her hand with pitiful eyes, "I am also very sad about the death of the third brother. Now that it is done, you have to learn to accept it. Don't worry, I will take care of you in the future." take care of you."

The breath blocked her throat, she couldn't speak, and was led into the bedroom by him.

He spread out the quilt graciously and put her on the kang, then sat on the bed and rubbed her hands for her, and asked her with a forced smile, "Is it cold? The wind outside the city is stronger than in the city, and most of them are freezing. I will give it to Master and Xia Zhi." Re-arranged the errands and let them work in the palace. Executioners can't be a lifetime, and the salary is low. The master is old and should enjoy the blessings. You can enter the palace. The emperor told me the other day, you don't have to worry about the status. , the queen thought of a way for us... you go home, you have master and senior brother at home, and you are not so lonely."

He Xu Xu said, thinking so thoroughly, how should she answer?Is that palace her home?

Seeing that she was silent, he said to himself: "When you encounter this kind of thing, you will be hit hard. I can't help you. I want you to come out by yourself. If you don't look at me, you should also look at the child. We were all looking forward to her at that time, you have eaten so many girls, this birth must be a good one. There is also the case of Prince Hongxun's trial of Zhuang, the emperor's intentions are there, and there are many civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty. Well, seven gourds and eight gourds, not only your father's case, but other things are also involved. Yesterday Hongzan sent a message to someone to see me, and it was about Ru Jian's matter."

She straightened up when she heard it, "He still has the face to mention Rujian? What did he say?"

Hong Ce frowned and said, "He has admitted to many things, but this one is completely dismissed, saying that it has nothing to do with him."

Dingyi was furious like a mountain, "It has nothing to do with him? Does anyone else hate Rujian? He filed a complaint in prison, and Prince Zhuang was afraid that the old case would be involved, so he killed him. Doesn't it make sense?"

"If I were Hongzan, I would kill Ji Lantai if I wanted to. You told him frivolously, but there was nothing to prove it. Why is he dictating someone here?" He took a long breath, "I have imagined it several times. All these possibilities ended up in a dead end, which made no sense. But anyway, the emperor finally made a fuss about it. Because of Ru Jian's death, the court was able to investigate and deal with Hongzan in a legitimate way. Hongzan has been in the officialdom for 30 years. There are quite a lot of disciples, how much they relied on him at the beginning, and now they want to get rid of him so urgently, this is the emperor's power. It is still the seventh brother who sees it clearly and simply ignores everything.

Dingyi sat dazedly, his mind was in a mess.Ru Jian died strangely, who is the murderer?She became annoyed, but Prince Zhuang shirked it. Others are all wronged and owed, what about Ru Jian?Who should he ask for his life?

"I don't believe him. He killed my parents and sent people to Changbai Mountain to kill my two elder brothers. Ru Jian slipped through the net. He has a reason to kill him." She looked at him indifferently, "What do you think these are? What do you mean? It is a fact that Ru Jian’s life was lost, you just sent him today, don’t you know?”

He murmured, wanting to argue, but in the end he swallowed it back.The imperial doctor said to take care of her emotions. She was just pregnant, and it happened that Ru Jian was killed. It is only natural that she is in a bad mood, and he can't care about her.But he was also wronged, and after thinking about it again, he was used to being squeezed out since he was a child, so what is this!
He still lost his smile, "Don't be impatient, who is right and who is wrong, you can make your own judgment when Hong Xun decides the case. What do you want to eat? I heard that some people will be sick. When the queen was pregnant with the tiger brother, she vomited. Awesome...Are you going to vomit? I'll ask someone to prepare a basin."

He's like an old lady, and he's going through every detail, how can he still be the high-ranking prince back then!Dingyi shook his head, leaned on the pillow and said, "Leave me alone, I can't afford it. Hongce, I have a few words that I've been thinking about for a long time, and I want to tell you."

He looked nervous, put his hands on his knees, nodded and said, "I'll see."

He didn't say listen, he just watched, the difference of one word made her feel in every possible way.She said, "Sit on the edge of the kang."

He immediately beamed with joy, stepped on the pedals, and his face was beaming with excitement.Squeeze forward, squeeze forward again, trying to shake her hand, but she avoided it calmly.

She didn't dare to look at his face, turned her gaze away and said slowly: "I know more or less the inside story of my father's case. In fact, it's not so righteous to just want to overturn the case. If it was an unjust case from the beginning, I wouldn't like it either." You, just because I know there is something wrong with me, I can't hate anyone. But Ru Jian thinks differently. He has seen all the ups and downs of the Wen family, and the ones who make him hate the most are my father's former classmates. They blamed On my father alone, no one rescued him, and everyone hoped that he would die soon. There are also two elder brothers who were exiled in Changbai Mountain. You can’t imagine the injuries on their bodies. It is said that there is no good flesh. Not the main culprit, he is not enough to die, and the three of them shouldn't be exiled. I was only six years old at the time, and I didn't know much. Ru Jian experienced all the disasters himself. A hundred times deeper than me... I said this just to let you know that my innocence is second to me. What I value is the safety of my family, and there should be no more life and death. But what I am afraid of, I will I don't understand why God is so cruel to me, the last family member will not be spared, I have completely lost my mind."

He said anxiously: "There is no one in my mother's house, you still have me, God is merciful, take one away and send another, you have to think about it."

She shook her head, reached out her hand, and put it on the back of his hand as before.

"I still love you very much." She swallowed her bitterness and continued to speak with difficulty, "But there are many people in this world who love each other, and not all of them may find a lover. We can't go on, not because of resentment, I don't care I blame you. It’s just that I have carried too many burdens on my body, and my heart is cold, and I retreated.”

Her words made him tremble all over, what do you mean we can't be together?What does it mean to have a cold heart and retreat?He looked at her sadly, "What about the child? If you want to make a clean break with me, what will you do with the child?"

She said, "I couldn't have him, I'm sorry."

"I think you are crazy." He stood up suddenly, pointed at her with one hand, the fingertips trembled, wishing to pierce her disguise, "You are so cruel, I misread you! How much do I owe you?" , you want to beat me up like this? The Yuwen family is sorry for you, I am sorry for you, what is wrong with the child, you can't tolerate her? Tiger poison does not eat children, but you want to kill her, isn't she your flesh and blood? So happy, I thought there was finally a turning point, you will change your mind for the sake of the child, who knows that it was just an empty rejoicing, your heart is made of stone!"

When he said that he couldn't restrain his anger, he covered his eyes with his hands and turned around quickly.

She knew he was crying, and it was wrong for her to force him into this position, but how could she blend into his life as if nothing had happened?In-laws, brothers, sisters-in-law... She felt a chill in her bones when she thought about it.They are all surnamed Yuwen, and her parents and brothers are ants in their eyes.Hong Ce has already been dragged down by her, and if he marries her again, he may not be able to hold his head up for the rest of his life.

She was selfish and cowardly, she admitted.After reuniting with Ru Jian, she has the courage, because she is not alone, and she has someone to support her.Now that Ru Jian is gone, she suddenly realizes that she is so insignificant that she can't fight against that huge family that eats people but doesn't spit out bones.

She supported the edge of the Kang and said sorry repeatedly, but he didn't want to look at her, and the lines on his side became cold and hard.He said: "I can tolerate your temper and unreasonable troubles, but I will not back down on the matter of the child. If you touch her, the relationship between us will really be over. I will do what I say. .”

He left without ordering anyone to watch over her, nor did he restrict her movements.She sat there, the kang under her body was burning evenly, but it was still cold, it was from the inside out, and she couldn't warm up.

(End of this chapter)

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