A Collection of Old Sayings by Fourth Sister You

Chapter 252 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust 4-in-87

Chapter 252 Meeting the Best Him: Red Dust (87)
Leaking night into the palace, he has his own plan.He asked for an order to go to Khalkha, and he didn't want to stay in the capital for a day.

The emperor naturally agreed that it was certain to pacify Kamobei. The soldiers, horses, food and grass were all fully equipped, and there was only one strong general to go.As for who this fierce general is, the candidate has not yet been decided, but apart from Hong Ce, there is no second thought.In the words of Chaozhong Gujiao, Prince Chun has ruled Khalkha for more than ten years and knows everything about the local area like the back of his hand.One guest does not bother two hosts, the time has come for Prince Jin to serve the court again.

He had already thought through the thoughts in the emperor's mind, and the reason why he didn't make an order immediately was precisely because he had been stationed in Ulaanbaatar for so many years.Logically speaking, he is a half-disabled body, and no one should appoint him.So the emperor waited and waited for him to ask for his order, so that the righteousness could be fulfilled.The emperor's physical integrity, and Prince Chun's dedication to serve the country have earned a good reputation.

Sooner or later you have to leave, but there is a difference between leaving early and leaving late.He made a determined effort to mobilize troops overnight, and took out 3 horses from the capital, and then joined the Dingbian garrison at Uliasutai.Now that the emperor was prepared, he must have nothing to worry about. He received the general order and led the troops northward early the next morning.

It was only light at the fifth watch, and Dingyi was leaning on the kang head in a daze, when he vaguely heard a few cannon fires, which made the house tremble.Originally, he had a very light sleep, but when he woke up, his mind came back to life, thinking of what happened last night, it was as if he had fallen into a dream.

Anyway, she couldn't sleep well, she stood up and called Bao'er, and it was Sha Tong who came in.

"Master is awake? How are you doing now?" Sha Tong leaned forward and put on a warm coat for her, "I didn't let the imperial doctor see it yesterday, but the servant first boiled some medicine for nourishing Qi and blood for you. I'll send it in for you. The little confinement is more hurtful than the big confinement, you should rest well and don't get out of bed."

She shook her head and asked him to put the medicine aside, "What happened just now? Where was the cannon shot?"

Shatong stood under the candlelight, crying, "The imperial court dispatched troops to help Khalkha Khan put down the chaos. This morning, the general sent troops to march. It was a salute. The servant should have accompanied him, but the twelfth master said The master can't be short of people, let the slaves stay..."

She sat there dumbfounded, her blood froze, "Is the general who ordered to put down the rebellion the Twelfth Lord?"

Sha Tong answered yes, and almost blurted out a few times, and because she was still ill, it was hard to say that Twelfth Master was stimulated to enter the palace to ask for orders.

But he didn't say it, Dingyi knew it in his heart.He was angry with her and left without saying goodbye, and went to Mobei, which is far away.It seems that he has been running around for more than ten years, and the roads he has traveled, many people will not be able to complete them in their lifetime.

It was not yet bright outside, and the oil lamp illuminated half of the room. The table was sunken along the corner recess of the cabinet, turning into pitch black;

She leaned against the lead pillow, crying even if she wanted to.Take it upon yourself!It doesn't matter if you die, but don't harm him.She asked Shatong, "Who else is accompanying?"

Sha Tong said: "The emperor sent a cabinet scholar, Zhang Jing of the Military Aircraft Department, and a wing lieutenant of the infantry to assist the Twelfth Lord. Don't worry, master, those few are experienced in many battles, and they are all good helpers of the Twelfth Lord. The servant is just uncomfortable, Khalkha has been with the Twelfth Master for ten years, this time he did not bring the servant, the servant... the servant is like a bereaved dog."

She slumped on the pillow, "It's because of me, I made him very angry yesterday."

Sha Tong raised her head and opened her mouth. After much deliberation, she still had to comfort her, saying that it wasn't because of this, "The twelfth master's Enie is the princess of the Saiyinnuoyan tribe, and the situation of the princes has a lot to do with their natal families. Something happened to her natal family, if you don’t go to take care of the aftermath, who will go? Khalkha is like a thorn now, sticking to the body of the twelfth master anyway. They rested for two days. Whenever there is trouble, the twelfth master will put his head on the gun. So no matter whether you and the twelfth master quarreled or not, he should go to Khalkha and still have to go. Don’t worry about anything right now, as long as you take good care of yourself, you are right The second master's greatest favor."

She could tell that Sha Tong was actually blaming her.The slave loves the master, and he sees all the troubles that the twelfth master has encountered with her these days.Maybe in the eyes of others, she just has a good life, but she is messing around.Even if everyone in her family died, because Hongce was innocent, she should still marry into Yuwen's family.

It's easy to say, but how strong is the heart to do it?
She loves Hongce and has never changed.It's just that love can't be together until the end, because the environment doesn't allow it.

She lowered her head and thought for a long time.Every plant and tree here was arranged by him, Prince Jin's mansion took back all the eunuchs and maids, and she was cut off here.

"Right now the Twelfth Master has gone to Mobei, and the child is gone. I have nothing to do with him. Please invite my master, and all your people will be removed. I will move out tomorrow, and you will send someone to come. Take the house."

Sha Tong hurriedly said: "Don't tease me, you are already like this, where can you go? Don't you know what the Twelfth Lord is? In his heart, you are his Fujin. No matter how many twists and turns you have encountered before, say No matter how many cruel words you say, his heart will not change. The little master will feel uncomfortable without him, and this kind of thing will be the same for everyone. Twelfth Master treats you well, if others don’t know it, but the slave knows it, you can be so cruel Come on with your heart?"

She was unmoved, "What you just said is wrong, in fact, I am the real lost dog."

Sha Tong was suffocated and stared at her blankly, seeing that she had made up her mind and had no choice but to go to the palace to invite Wu Changgeng.

When Master came, Xia Zhi also came naturally, staring at her up and down.Feeling guilty, Dingyi turned away from looking at him, pushed the person in front of him out, and asked Master to sit down first.

Wu Changgeng was worried about her, and asked her how she was doing, but she said vaguely that she was better.

Wu Changgeng nodded, "Then let's take care of it. The prince left Beijing this morning. You two... now you have no name or distinction. The twelfth master will send troops. It will take at least a year, and at most three to five years. Have a plan."

Dingyi said: "I've already made it clear to him that once he leaves, he won't care about me anymore. I want to move out, but I don't have the skills to do it myself. I'll take out 5000 taels of silver and ask Master to help me set up a house. , so I can settle down."

Wu Changgeng smacked his lips, "Why are you doing this? Even though you didn't visit the hall, you even have a child, and you two have been in a mess all your life. If you want to get away now, why did you go earlier?"

She murmured: "It's because the child is gone, so I might as well leave it alone..."

"Is it really gone?" Xia Zhi suddenly said, "The Twelfth Master left too hastily, I didn't have time to see him. Let me ask you, are you playing tricks? Where did the chicken blood come from?"

She choked, "What chicken blood, are you hysterical?"

"Don't be fooled." Xia Zhi turned around and said to Wu Changgeng, "Master, she asked me for a live chicken yesterday, but I ignored her, thinking that she should give up, who knows, she succeeded." The head asked her again, "You said, why do you want a live chicken? You pretend to be a miscarriage and you kill a chicken. You can do it! Now you have committed a crime and left your popularity. How do you plan to end it?"

Wu Changgeng was stunned, "Is there such a thing? Xiaoshu, you..." He was so angry that he couldn't speak, he pointed his fingers at her, and said for a long time, "You are digging for yourself. Damn you, how can you make fun of the child, who is still there, and you say it’s gone, what will you do if he lands in the future? This child is of royal blood, and you want him to be exiled? Master knows you can’t make it through, but this matter You are too thoughtless."

She covered her face with her hands, and said in a low voice: "When you are with him, you have to deal with Yuwen's family. I am just afraid and don't want to see them. I told him before that I would rather be his concubine. Why, I just want to see them." It's not good for anyone to cover up your background and reveal it. Later things developed beyond my imagination, and I couldn't control the situation. Ru Jian was kind. He wanted to reverse the case and let me be his Fujin in an open and honest manner, but now you see , can I still sit in that position? I also know that the only enemy of the Wen family is Prince Zhuang. In fact, such words are just fooling myself. Otherwise, if he is in prison, how could someone give a memorial tablet to Lord Twelfth? If I am with him, he will have no place in the capital. What will happen then? All the hard work and errands will be piled on him In him, he is a prince after all!"

Wu Changgeng fell silent, what she said was not completely unreasonable, for a young girl, no one can discuss things, she can only guess by herself.Sometimes when you get into a dead end and have nowhere to go, you just follow your own ideas.There are many things in this world that are hard to tell right from wrong, it's just that the positions are different.

"Since you've made up your mind, then move out early! It's impossible to stay, and when the clan's house comes to check on the child, and the Twelfth Master is not here, it's hard for you to talk." He pondered for a while and said, "But you have to figure it out. It's easy to go out. After you go out, you won't be able to enter Prince Jin's mansion again in your life. From now on, the Twelfth Lord will have nothing to do with you getting married and having children. Can you bear it?"

She cried as soon as she heard it, and sobbed, "I know, I'm just unlucky. If I miss such a good person like him, I don't have anything to say about the future. I've already thought about it. I'm like Hailan. I'm not happy in this life." I will find another person. I will bring up the child well, and I don't want him to recognize his ancestors. There is nothing wrong with being a commoner. As for the twelfth master to marry a wife and have children, it should be. He should be married to a good girl. Better, I can help him a bit."

At this point, no one can help her.Wu Changgeng sighed, and pulled Xia Zhi out together.

Finding a house is, to be honest, not that easy.If the price is right and the house is satisfactory, where can I get it in a while.Dingyi was in a hurry, so he had no choice but to mobilize everyone to go to the alleys to inquire.But after looking at several households, he was not satisfied. Seeing that the sun was going down, he said to go back first, and then look for it tomorrow, but when he arrived at the palace, Lu Shenchen from the deacon's room called him back.

"Don't look for it, just now the Fourth Prince sent someone to send a message that our master entrusted him to redeem the Wen family compound a few days ago. The current owner is under his family's coat, and the matter is settled in a word." Lu Shenchen handed him a bunch of keys, "The house has been vacated. The house in front is Hengtai, the servant of the household department. The house is well maintained. It doesn't worry about wind and rain. People can live in it."

Holding the key, Wu Changgeng muttered: "My lord's heart..."

Lu Shenchen shook his head, "Why bother to get the old house back? One is to widen Fujin's heart, the prince is kind. The other is, I guess I can't let it go. It's floating outside, what if The sky wants to find it, but the person is gone, and you have to go all over the world. The Wen family compound is the root of Fujin, and if you have the root, you can't run away. Poor Twelfth Lord, it's the first time in such a big life, but it's not easy , can you not be discouraged!"

Wu Changgeng shook his head, "Who says it's not, it's not easy."

I sent the key to the alley of the Wine and Vinegar Bureau. It was getting late, and I didn't go in by myself, so I handed it over to the little eunuch.The little eunuch carried them to the backyard, Dingyi was still learning to cut the children's clothes under the lamp, when he heard the report from outside, he hurriedly hid the materials.

Sha Tong came in with the key and explained the ins and outs. She didn't say anything and waved him out.The key was placed on the kang table in front of him, it was very strange, and it was not the original one, but the tears were unstoppable when he looked at it.

It's not to bring back the old house. To be honest, she doesn't care about those things. The things in the past are lost as soon as they are lost. There is no need to worry about them.If you want to say regret, it's also because Ru Jian couldn't wait until this day.It was Hong Ce who made her sad the most, he was always like this, why did he make arrangements for her when he had clearly agreed to let go?As he said before, he was used to saving her and taking care of her. The more he was like this, the more she felt sorry for him.

There was a sheepskin map in the drawer of the kang cabinet. She opened the scroll and lay down under the candle to measure it.She has seen this picture dozens of times. Khalkha's territory is not that vast, and it is in the north of Great Britain.Crossing Inner Mongolia to the border, the journey is only about the distance from Beijing to Shengjing.But if you want to fight in the hinterland, then Ulaanbaatar is equivalent to another Ninguta.

Hearing that Khalkha was extremely cold, he left in such a hurry that he didn't know if he had brought warm clothes.The army moves slowly, and it will take two or three months on the road. By then, the child will be five months old, and it is time to show pregnancy.I hope he will go well in this battle, win Khalkha early and triumphantly.Although she dared not look forward to seeing him, at least she knew that he was safe, so she could take care of the child with peace of mind.

"Ama is not only a errand prince, but also a great general." She smiled and stroked her stomach, "By the time he comes back, we will probably have teeth and be able to walk. When he enters the city, Mom will show you He will go. Riding on a tall horse, he is the most energetic and good-looking one." She counted with her fingers, "It will take seven or eight months to go back and forth, plus the battle, if everything goes well, you can come back in two years. Two years , not too long. But... I have already begun to miss him."

(End of this chapter)

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