Chapter 34 Forbidden Court (34)
After going around such a big circle, it turned out that it was really just to meet him. (2)
Sometimes I think she is ridiculous, a fool who is full of ambition but makes frequent mistakes.He was so calm and proud when he first entered the Forbidden Court, he thought she had really grown up, and even prepared to face her as if he were a powerful enemy.As a result, until now, when she was with him, she was still immature most of the time, and she couldn't stand his hands at all.Just like what he said, if it wasn't for his friendship earlier and he was willing to pamper her, would she still be alive now?The two people with completely unequal abilities, he accommodated, maybe after a long time, they became her defeated opponents.Because she can't be cruel, if she is stronger, the situation will be different.

The hand has been pressed on her stomach, unable to move for a long time, gradually numb.He tried his best to get up and tuck her in the brocade quilt, he remembered what the medical officer said, she had to keep warm, she was very fragile at this moment, like a bird waiting to be hatched.Isn't that right, a fresh person, a fresh personality, an existence that he has never come into contact with before.He has narrow interests and rigid behavior since he was a child, and he can't even bear any change in the environment.Those women in the forbidden area also had graceful figures and graceful postures, but he hated them and couldn't get close to them.It's good to have this kind of eccentricity, it may make him a loyal emperor, maybe.

She turned over lazily, with a vaguely charming look on her profile in the dim light.In fact, we have shared the same bed many times, and the first few times we could concentrate on nothing else, but this time we were in a trance.Probably because it was too close and ambiguous, the skin under his hands was soft and tender, sweet enough to be greasy.She had already warmed up, so he dared to move a little.He didn't leave either, he stroked her fingers delicately, then blushed and heartbeat, unable to hold back.

Every touch is charming.His mind was a little messed up, his queen...but he didn't dare to make a mistake, for fear of blaspheming her.Besides, I was really afraid that if I woke her up, she would punch him unceremoniously.She couldn't fully accept him now, and he couldn't tell whether she had feelings for him or not.A girl of Hua'er's age has given up hatred and is kind to everyone.Maybe he had to wait patiently, patiently...but he found that his patience was running out, at least for the moment.

He withdrew his hand, he might do something absurd if he went on like this.He looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, and slowly calmed down. When it was a little effective, he heard her cough, and he hurried to look. She was probably choked by him, and she looked at him with big innocent eyes.

"Official..." She called him softly, "I had a dream, I fell into the water."

Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately went up to hug her, patted her on the back, and murmured, "It doesn't's just a dream."

She hummed and soon fell asleep again.He lowered his eyes to look at her, and she leaned in his arms, only seeing the smooth forehead and thick eyelashes.His heart was throbbing, it was the kind of convulsive, throbbing feeling, which he had never felt before.She was too close to him, and he was a little embarrassed, so he moved his body back quietly, at least to prevent her from discovering his ugliness!Wanting to see if she was fast asleep, he called twice, but she didn't answer.

He was relieved, gently caressed her cheek, then bent down slightly, and kissed her forehead. The specious touch also filled him with joy.

Just in such a dazed state, I vaguely heard a rooster crowing from far away, and the trembling high-pitched voice erratically poked into the sky, so it turned out that it was almost dawn.There were gradually footsteps outside the hall, and the lanterns under the eaves were extinguished one by one, and the sky was still gloomy.She turned over and turned to the inner side of the bed, and he calmed down and gradually fell asleep.

Because I tossed late last night, I would get up later the next day accordingly.He was still asleep when Yunhua sat up, she stared at it for a while, only to feel that the official's eyebrows were flying like a green dragon creasing a moon knife, he was really a tall and majestic man.

He gave her a stomachache last night, and I feel a little embarrassed thinking about it.But now the pain is gone, and menstruation is smooth, but I am inexperienced, sleep more casually, and the mattress is also contaminated.She sat there in a daze, the size of a goose egg, right beside him.After rubbing it twice, it got into the warp and weft. There is really no way.

She awkwardly got out of bed, pulled off her pajamas and went outside, calling Chunwo under her voice, "I stained my clothes."

Chunwo said it was all right, "It's finally going well, it doesn't hurt now! It was so serious last night, it really scared me. Go change clothes, eat something to cushion... the official has not yet got up stop?"

She nodded, "I worked hard on him last night, let him have a good rest." After speaking, she attracted Chunwo's strange gaze, and she paused, "What's wrong with mother? Why do you look at me like that?"

Who made her talk so exciting!Chunwo laughed and said, "Did the officials take care of the saint until very late?"

She was a little embarrassed, and said coyly: "The hand stove is cold, he warmed it for me, that's it..." She put her hand on her stomach, "His hand is really warm."

Chunwo sighed after hearing this, "The official is really a caring person."

She nodded, "I also think he is very caring... So I met him ten years ago, and he even came to the house as a guest..."

They chattered, their voices became softer and softer, and they went to the side hall.He closed his eyes for an hour or two, and woke up in a haze, so he would not feel dizzy.Standing up and trying to get out of bed, I suddenly saw a pool of dark marks on the mat.The bamboo mats in the palace are all made of Qi bamboo. The color is clear and oily, and it will change when it touches water.He was stunned, and hurriedly lowered his head to check, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him, fortunately.

Slumping her shoulders and letting out a sigh of relief, she also came in from the outside.At first, he hid behind the screen and peeked in furtively, but then saw that he was already awake, so he moved over step by step.

"Don't the officials sleep a little longer?" She glanced at him shyly and then quickly turned away, "The weather is not good today, so I can sleep all day."

He rubbed his forehead and said, "I still have something to do. In the assassination case the night before yesterday, the imperial army captured two assassins. I don't know how the trial is going. After a while, I will pass it to the Department of Criminal Prison and the Department of the Palace for discussion. If it doesn’t work out, I can’t sleep or eat.”

Someone in Da Yue wanted to put him to death. If the internal troubles were not eliminated, how could he solve the external troubles?The various divisions are stepping up the investigation, but he has his own considerations.When he ascended the throne in a hurry back then, some things were suppressed, like a cancer, and it would explode at last.Now it is very good to face it directly, and he has been eradicated early, so that he can concentrate on dealing with Suiguo and Wurong.

She was still worried about his injuries, so she tucked her hands in and said, "I changed your medicine for you, can you go again? Is it going to Wende Hall? The concubine should send it to the official's house!"

A gratified smile appeared on his face, "The queen is sick and needs to be recuperated. I'll go by myself, you just wait for me in the palace."

That is to say, he will come later, she thinks it is quite good, and when he comes, he can repeat what he didn't say clearly yesterday.As for how to get along in the future, she really has to think carefully.

She lowered her head, her face flushed faintly, "Okay, I'll wait for you." Seeing him turn around to look at the pool of blood, she blushed even more.Quickly stepped forward to help him, threw a handkerchief to cover the mark, and said softly, "The concubine and the official comb their hair."

She led him to the mirror, smiled, and pulled his sleeve to look for the comb in the box.The one he usually used seemed to be left in the side hall, so he simply took off the silver comb on his head and untied his hair tie.

He looked at her in the mirror, and the brass mirror reflected a world with warm colors and no sharp edges.She drooped her head, and her beaded earrings rippled slightly on her delicate neck.Tie up his hair for him, with gentle gestures, flick up a strand and observe it in the mirror.After meeting her gaze a few times, she shyly smiled and said, "What are the officials looking at?"

Sure enough, he avoided it, and said nothing, "Is the queen feeling better?"

"It's much better, thanks to the officials last night... I feel so ashamed." She tied the hairband for him, and she was embarrassed to look at him, her eyes flickered and wandered from side to side.

He turned around, put his hands on his knees, and said hesitantly: "Do you remember what I told you last night? I want to know what you think, do you still hate me so much now?"

He did those things because he loved her, Chunwo said he couldn't blame him.As for herself, she was in a dilemma and had no idea.It's not like yesterday in Funing Palace, he was angry and annoyed, he said that he knew her ten years ago, as if everything happened for a reason, and he became less hateful.

She stood still for a while, not knowing what to say.The wife brought a jar of medicine, and the person who was waiting for the test took the medicine and put it in his mouth. There was no hindrance, so he turned around and unwrapped the bandage on his arm.

Sitting quietly facing each other, the blood soaked the silk cloth and stuck to the wound, it was a bit difficult to take it off.She melted the congealed blood with medicinal wine, and said slowly: "I fell in the tile workshop that day and hurt my knee. It was you who bandaged the wound for me. Ten years have passed, and now we have switched sides. For a moment, don’t you think it’s a coincidence? If there is no antecedent, I might not be able to forgive you, thinking that you are just to replace Yunguan. Now... I remember the brother who came from afar, he can play the flute and dance sword."

There is a tacit understanding between two people, and sometimes a knowing smile is enough.Having said that, it will develop in a good direction!He watched her clean the wound for him, afraid of his pain, he lowered his head and blew gently for him.Even if the years stop at this moment, there seems to be no regrets.

It was a great thing for him that she could accept him, but it would take some effort to get into her heart.He didn't say it, he wanted to start over with her, forget about Yunguan and Suiguo, and be together without any burden.He knows that he can't promise easily, because there are too many uncertainties, but as long as she likes him, all problems will be solved.

He put down his sleeves and stood up, "The empress didn't rest well last night, so sleep a little longer. After I finish my business, I will take you to Yanfu Palace to see the scenery." He straightened his belt and took two steps. The ribbons are intertwined and clank.When he was about to leave the apse, he remembered, pointed to the bed and said, "Let them change the mat." After speaking, he went out.

Yun Hua immediately stretched his face. In such a tender and sweet atmosphere, does he have to say such unsightly words?As soon as he felt that he had made progress, he poured cold water on her head.She thought she could get away with it, like a child who wets the bed, after all, it's disgraceful.She didn't expect that he knew everything, and before leaving, he had to give instructions, which made her feel very embarrassed.

She stomped her feet and called for someone to come, her sleeves swept wildly, "Change all the bedding for me!"

Her sharp voice was so sharp that he could still hear it far away. Thinking of her panic-stricken look, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Go to the Chuigong Hall, the people from the two divisions are already waiting in the hall.He enters, and his successors enter the back pavilion, pressing hands to invite them to sit down.

Pei Ran submitted the document to raise some criminal and prison affairs, looked at him and said: "The two assassins captured by the Imperial Army the day before yesterday were interrogated by the minister and Commander Zhao overnight, but no information was obtained from them. These people came prepared. , loyal to his master, one killed himself by biting his tongue while the guards were unprepared, and the other wanted to follow suit, but fortunately he found out immediately and stopped halfway."

He glanced down at the paperwork in his hand, "Failed to find any news... In other words, there was no progress for a day and two nights."

Although he didn't get angry, but his tone was very bad, the two were terrified, Pei Ran hurriedly said: "Your Majesty calm down, now the city is conducting extensive investigations, inns, wine shops, embroidery alleys, and anyone without a household will be interrogated. When I waited to interrogate the criminals, I found nothing. These two people have a Bianliang accent, and they don't look like they were sent from other countries. The minister got a front-line report yesterday, and it is said that there have been frequent visits and miscellaneous people in Cao Baoyi's house in the past two days. Your Majesty also Do you remember that this Cao Baoyi used to be Zhan Shifu of Zhan Shifu, and also served as a bachelor of Longtu Pavilion, and he is the trusted minister of King Huaisi..."

King Huaisi was a big taboo in the court, Pei Ran was half-swallowed, and it was hard to speak clearly.Today is a smart person, as long as he gives a little introduction, he will naturally understand the profound meaning.

Sure enough, he sneered coldly, leaning on his back and saying: "I have heard since Yuji that the officials in the court have guessed a lot about the cause of King Huaisi's death. There are many rumors that I harmed him in order to seize the throne. I am afraid that there are also old ministries who want to avenge him now." He closed the papers and put them on the desk, "Don't go around in circles, since you have the news, let's do it! I would rather kill someone by mistake when I do something. Qian, don't let one go. Arrest Cao Baoyi in secret, and set up nets around his mansion, waiting for those miscellaneous people to take the bait. As for the former prince's staff, I will severely interrogate him. He is just a literati. Come up with some words."

In front of the palace, the commander of the commander sat down and bowed his hands, "I obey the order. According to my humble opinion, all the squadrons should also be mobilized. There are two important ranks in the forbidden army, and they should always be on the alert. First, protect the safety of your majesty and the palace family members in the forbidden palace. event."

He touched the bridge of his nose and said, "It's enough to send some more manpower. If you lose your temper, don't make people panic." Turning his head to look at the scenery outside the window, he said in a manly voice, "At that time, the officials of Zhan Shi's mansion, whoever had anything to do with the East Palace Those who are involved, if one does not fall, I will find out. Be patient and grind your temper slowly, maybe there will be unexpected gains, and I don't know."

Pei Ran exchanged glances with Zhao Yan, knowing in his heart that it was time to start rectifying the former prince's old affiliations.After three years of restraint, there will be a day when there will be trouble. Take advantage of this opportunity to clear the court and consolidate the imperial power.

The two responded with a loud voice, and withdrew from the hall, and took orders to undertake it.

(End of this chapter)

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