Chapter 41 Forbidden Court (41)
I'm not angry, just a little sad. (3)
It's already autumn, and it doesn't look like the luxuriance of summer anymore. Some flowers and plants show signs of withering, and the wind blows past, rustling, making a sound.She lowered her head and thought, the empress and Jinshang seem to be in harmony with each other, and it is difficult for anyone to get along with him with Jinshang's weird temper, the empress must still be thinking about Yun Guan in her heart.Women are different from men. Men talk about love, but the temptation of power can overwhelm everything.As for women, little love and little love always come first, only when even love is lost, will they want to seize power fiercely.Inviting her today, the topic must be around Yunguan, and there is at least one thing in common between them, which is to help Yunguan face the court.

After waiting for a long time for the queen's future, she was not in a hurry, but was just curious why she was not announced to Yongjin Palace.The golden leaf on the walking swing rang in her ears, she raised her hand and tucked her hair, and glanced casually, but saw that Jin Shang was walking from a distance, with a leisurely gait, no different from usual.

After all, she was a little flustered, but after more than 20 years of honor, she has developed the ability to stay calm.She stood up, calmed down, and went to the pavilion to greet Nafu.

Today, I was still on the middle road. When I saw her, I nodded and called sister.When they got close, they held hands together, "Ah Sister, please."

She followed him into the cabinet and said with a smile: "The official family has a sympathy with the saint. The official family has arrived before the saint arrives."

He smiled faintly, "Sister, don't you know, today I invited Sister to talk, it has nothing to do with the queen, I think the people below have passed the wrong order."

Her smile froze on her face for a moment, and it was almost impossible to convey the wrong message.It seems that something unexpected will happen today!Maybe Yun Guan's appearance in her house made him aware, he was a person who would take revenge on every wrongdoing since he was a child, but now he is on the throne of God, he has really become more and more diligent.

She sat down in the armchair, took the teacup he handed over, and slowly took a sip, "Since the official ascended the throne, you and my siblings have never talked properly. Today, if you order someone to pass me on, you must have something to say to me." Say it!"

He was sitting at the table, holding the cup in one hand, his fingers were as delicate and clear as a girl's compared to the purple sand.Unhurriedly turning the cup, he said in a calm voice: "Can't you come to Elder Sister if you have nothing to say? Elder Sister is four years older than me. Although she is not the same mother, she is the same flesh and blood of the late Emperor after all. But I have not been loved by Elder Sister since I was a child. I don't know what's wrong with it, sister would rather talk to Huangmen than pay attention to me."

She turned her gaze after hearing this, with a surprised expression on her face, "Why do the officials say that? You know my temper. I'm used to being alone, and I never deliberately get close to anyone. Maybe this will make the officials misunderstand me." ! The official family is my younger brother, how can I not like to talk about it?"

He nodded slowly, "It would be great if I really took care of myself... Sister, do you still remember how the captain-in-law died?"

Startled, she stared blankly at him.But it was only in a blink of an eye, and with a calm look, he tucked his hands in and said, "The son-in-law was drunk and fell to his death. Why did the officials ask about this?"

He put down the teacup, stood up and paced in front of the window, and said sadly: "I often feel that the woman behind a man is very important. Especially when this woman's status is higher than yours, she has no feelings for you, and you are still determined When you love her, this kind of relationship will be a tragedy in the end. Sister doesn't love the son-in-law, so she even forgets the real cause of his death. Let me remind you, the son-in-law didn't die by falling from a building, he died in the East Palace, it is clear that there is love There is righteousness, but the stele in front of the tomb doesn't even belong to me."

The Eldest Princess stood up abruptly, clenched her five fingers into fists under her big sleeves, and couldn't help trembling, "Why did the officials say that?"

He smiled loosely, "Sister, don't be afraid. I knew this secret three years ago. The reason why I kept it secret is to be considerate of Sister. It's a pity that Sister never accepts my favor."

She looked at his face, and a premonition of failure crept into her heart. Sure enough, he knew everything, and thoughtful of her?Very nice to say.At that time, the general trend was the general trend, and Yun Guan was dead by default, and he could not ascend to the throne of God.

He paced slowly with his hands behind his back. He seemed to be a gentleman, but he was often scary.She was about to speak, but he stopped her by raising his hand, "Sister, don't deny it too quickly. Now that you have reached this point, it is beneficial for you and me to have a frank and honest talk. In fact, Sister knows exactly why the dispute started at the beginning. If it wasn't for Yunguan not being able to tolerate me and starting a dispute first, there wouldn't be the series of misfortunes that followed. He was afraid that my achievements would overwhelm the Lord, and he wanted to get rid of me quickly. Sister and he were not born of the same mother. The relationship between me and him is the same, why does sister only help him? If I die, what good will it do for sister?" He couldn't help laughing when he saw the fear on her face, "Look, sister, after I ascended the throne, I will be sealed You are the eldest princess of Rongguo, the king of Yifu and the vassal, you can be regarded as repaying grievances with virtue! The son-in-law died on behalf of Yunguan, but I have not touched my sister in the past three years. I am thinking of the family relationship, ah Don't you understand?"

He can discuss political affairs in such a chatty and joking tone. After all, the eldest princess is a woman, and apart from her noble background, she has no support behind her.At this stage, it is meaningless to blindly deny it, and she is willing to let it go, she just said: "Since the officials are open and honest, I don't need to beat around the bush. I didn't intend to put anyone to death, I just followed my father's wish, Yun Guan is the crown prince, you should have returned to him."

He looked at her sarcastically, "Follow my father's wish? Sister, why do you have to be so high-sounding! Born in an emperor's family, who doesn't have the desire for power? Sister knows that Yunguan is easier to control than me. Meaning! Another thing, Yunguan promised you that if he proclaims himself emperor, he will take the child from Fayun Temple into the palace and treat him as his adopted son, am I right?"

Hearing this, no matter how strong her will was, she couldn't support her body anymore. She staggered and sat back straight.

That child in Fayun Temple is her weakness and her stain.Marrying the son-in-law was not her will. At that time, she had someone she admired in her heart, because the man came from a humble background and was just a second-class son of the military chief. She was unable to report to the first emperor and concubine Bao Shu, so she had to marry her concubine with hatred.The life after marriage was boring, and she still couldn't forget that person, and she became pregnant after having a secret relationship.It was a scandal for such a thing to happen in the emperor's house. She wanted to keep the child, so she had to claim illness and live in a separate residence with the son-in-law.The son-in-law is not stupid, maybe because he loves her, he didn't expose her.She gave birth to a child and sent it to Fayun Temple. Later, because of Yunguan's promise, she persuaded the son-in-law to help him eradicate Konaka, and finally made the son-in-law die...

She often dare not recall, everything is like a nightmare, thinking of it makes her beyond redemption.She is sorry for the son-in-law, she is noble and graceful in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact she is just a despicable and dirty selfish ghost.This secret was buried so deep that she thought it would never be discovered, but now that he dug it out, it was like a scarred wound being torn open again, dripping with blood, it was horrible.

She became angry from embarrassment, "What exactly do the officials want?"

He said succinctly, "I hope sister can tell me the whereabouts of Yun Guan."

Her body was hot and cold, as if she had fought a big battle, and she was a little helpless.Shaking his head, he said, "I don't know his whereabouts. Even if the officials kill me, I won't be able to confess."

After hearing this, he lowered his eyes, slowly stroked the topaz handle in his hand, and said after a while: "I believe sister, it must be because I really don't know. It doesn't matter, I will never force others to be difficult, but after talking thoroughly with sister today , Sister should understand my thoughts. The world has already been settled long ago, so why set off a huge wave. If Sister can help me, Sister’s son will be my son, and he will be king and minister in the future , will never treat you badly, what do you think, Sister?"

The conditions for going along are very generous, but for going against, needless to say, you can't escape ruin.It's not a pity that she died, what about the child?Chongyuan grabbed her seven inches. Everything she did was always for the child. If she gave up halfway, what hope would she have as a widow without a husband?
She leaned on the crescent table and wanted to cry, took a deep breath and said, "What does the official want me to do?"

He said: "There is no need to do anything, just spread some news when necessary, for example, that the queen and I are in love with each other, for example, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the mid-autumn lady is forbidden to drink new wine in the Xuande gate."

Do you want to invite you into the urn?The eldest princess knew in her heart that she was secretly thinking about whether she could communicate with Yun Guan in private, but he seemed to read her mind and said with a smile: "Sister knows how to assess the situation. As long as I am in power, this world is mine. Yun Guan wants to make a comeback , unless he can defeat our Sanya [-] forbidden brigade, otherwise he will hit a stone with a pebble, and I am afraid it would be better than the one who died three years ago."

It seems that there is only one way to go to compromise, "How should the official family deal with the queen?" She looked at him sideways, "Yunguan met the queen, did the queen tell the official family when she came back?"

He was poked to the point of pain, and his heart throbbed violently.Is the eldest princess waiting to see his joke?A person who is held in the hands of others still has this kind of leisure and joy?He said: "I have my own reasons for how the queen should deal with it, so I don't need to worry about it. I remember that child's name is Cong Jia, right? I ordered someone to protect him three years ago. It is said that he looks very good. My sister doesn't have to worry about it." I'm worried. He is five years old this year and will be enlightened next year. I haven't met this nephew yet. If Yunguan's matter should be dealt with immediately, after joining the imperial school from Jia, the elder sister and Sun Dutou's matter should be discussed. Do lovers get married in the end, I am also happy to make a good couple."

After he finished speaking, he lifted his robe and left Yangai Pavilion.The eldest princess looked at him blankly. He was wearing a scarlet robe, which was so red in the autumn sunlight.Thinking about it carefully, we have been in the same family for 23 years, and the words of these 23 years don't add up to what we said in half an hour today.Whether she admits it or not, he is indeed a qualified person in power.As for Yunguan, if he suffers a loss, he becomes a proton in Sui.In the past ten years, only relying on his mother to recruit cronies for him, that foundation is simply vulnerable to Chong Yuan.Emperor Chong originally thought that if he restrained his son-in-law, he would be able to protect his foundation for ten thousand years. Now look at it, a son-in-law in power is still planning the world!

An inch of autumn wind and an inch of coolness, she wrapped her shoulders in a shawl, and looked up at the canopy of the trees outside the pavilion.The sky is cool and blue.The continuous eaves of the palace are like dark clouds, and a shadow is deposited on the edge of the sky.The big axe is not the old axe, and the Forbidden Court is not the original Forbidden Court, everything is changing.It was as if a huge wheel was pushing forward, running over, leaving deep ruts, and no one could do anything about it.

The sweet-scented osmanthus in the flowerbed is blooming just right, and the bright yellow buds grow in clusters.Pick it off when the dew is still wet, and cover it under the silk cloth, the aroma gathers, and it is extraordinarily bitter.

"What did the sage pick it for?" Ah Rong asked, standing under the tree with his neck tilted, "Do you want to make sweet-scented osmanthus flower sauce? Sugared lotus root?"

Ah Rong followed her zodiac sign and only cared about eating.Yong Hua said no, "Pick it off and make a string of incense beads, wear it on your belt or on your wrist, the fragrance will last for a long time."

She said, "Then I will pick it with the saint." She rolled up her sleeves and wanted to help.

Yun Hua hurriedly declined, "I said I would do it by myself, and I don't need your help."

Ah Rong picked two flowers, but was reluctant to throw them away, so he pulled up his apron and put the flowers in it, "The sage makes fragrant pearls, and I make sweet-scented osmanthus candy. Each makes its own thing and has nothing to do with each other." He asked again, "" Did the sage make incense beads and send me a string?"

She was petty and said no.Ah Rong pouted and asked why, and she said, "I promised to make it as a gift for someone else, but I'm afraid that the flowers won't be enough."

Ah Rong asked who to give it to, but she just shook her head and didn't speak, her heart ached, her eyes felt sore when she stood there.

He left in a hurry yesterday. She thought about it for a long time, but she felt desolate, but she couldn't figure it out.She has her difficulties, and she can't talk about them in detail, not even Chunwo.She always felt that she had something to say, but this time she had doubts, and finally realized that she had been protected all along, and all the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys she could feel were her pampering and wantonness in her youth.She has to learn to grow up and survive in the Forbidden Court.They fight, let them fight, she can't help anyone, and she can't hurt anyone.In this way, he sat in a corner and stood by.Her fault started with getting married. Thinking about it now, many things contributed to her imperfect plan at that time, and now it is too late to blame anyone.

Chunwo came, took the curtain and the long pole, "Pluck it like this, when will it be picked? Put the curtain under the tree and just knock the flowers down."

She shook her head, and took off the gauze for her to see, "I picked a lot, maybe a dozen would be enough."

She returned to the Golden Palace with a basket on her shoulders, carefully picked off the flower stalks, asked someone to bring a mortar, and sat under the window to grind patiently.The petite petals are disintegrated under the pestle, smashed into mud, then put in gauze, wrung out the water, twisted into round beads, and placed on the window sill to dry.She was busy with her hands, but she kept frowning, and Chunwo and Ah Rong felt sad when they saw her.She has never been like this before, she cried for most of the night last night, and the sky was about to collapse, but when asked her, she didn't say anything, which made people feel very worried.

Chunwo hesitated for a long time, and said softly, "What's the matter with you? I'll go ask the official. If there's anything that can't be solved, just talk about it."

Say it, how can you say it?She shook her head, now it is best not to say anything.She thought of Chi Ying, there was no conclusion about her poisoning, the servants were ordered to investigate and deal with it, they picked up the chef and the monks, and tortured them severely, but there was no progress at all.It is strange to say that, if it was the imperial concubine's bitter scheme, all the blame should be pointed at Qingning Palace, but the result was beyond her expectation.

She put down her sleeves and stood up, "Go to Yisheng Pavilion to see Mrs. Liang!" As she spoke, she walked out, Xu Shanggong led a few wives to wait on her, and walked out of the palace gate slowly.

Yisheng Pavilion is at the east end of Houyuan, and it needs to pass through Taohuaxi.When she came down from the bridge, she met Jinshang coming out of Yingyang Gate.By such a coincidence, she stood still and was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do.When he saw her, there was no expression on his face, he just asked, "Where is the queen going?"

She owed her a blessing, "The concubine went to Yisheng Pavilion to visit the imperial concubine, I don't know how she is doing now."

He paused for a while, then sighed and said, "By the way, let's go together."

(End of this chapter)

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