Chapter 47 Forbidden Court (47)
You know love, what's the use of knowing it, what she loves is not you, your heart is thrown into the ditch, it's worthless. (3)
Having been exhausted for a long time, and encountered an unprecedented predicament, he had no appetite at first, but he was afraid of spoiling his interest, so he nodded in agreement.After entering the side hall, Ah Rong undressed her, but she kept silent and just swallowed her sobs.Chunwo sighed blindly, "You are really wrong today, very wrong. With so many people, you just let the officials down? I was shocked when I saw that Yun Guan was still alive. It turned out that you were out of your mind a few days ago Is it for this?"

She said yes, "Qiushe met him that day, and he didn't let me tell, so I didn't tell you. He suddenly appeared today, and I have no other choice. I'm afraid that he won't be able to save his life after being caught. There was such a deep relationship, I can't just leave it alone."

Chunwo nodded and said: "I also know that this is human nature. It's just that Ah Rong and I were very heartbroken just now, thinking that you really left with him, leaving us alone, and I don't know how to face this change."

She lowered her body, pulled the nurse and Arong and said, "It's my fault. I was too anxious at the time and didn't think too much about it. I didn't care about the past and the future when I did things. I rashly left with him without giving you an explanation." , Now that I think about it, if the officials and the queen mother vent their anger on you, no matter where I go, I will definitely not be safe in this life."

They hurriedly helped her up, Ah Rong said: "The lives of maidservants are worthless, it will be good when the sage comes back. If you bend your knees, how much lifespan will be lost to the maidservants." While talking, he tore off her head , asked, "Where is Mr. Yunguan? Has he been captured by the officials?"

She shook her head and said no, she sat lonely in the tub, scooped up water and splashed it on her face, then clasped the edge of the tub with both hands, and snuggled her face into her arms.

"He left me halfway, and left by himself. He left me in the wilderness, without a single family around..." Yibi said, choked up unbearably, and tears fell into the water, which aroused the little boy Little Ripple, "I still feel very chilling when I think about it now. I did my best for his own good, and that's how he treats me."

Chunwo was shocked when he heard that, "How could he do such a thing! Since he has already left, why did he leave you behind?"

"He said it was inconvenient to take me away, but I know that he wants me to go back to the prison, and he wants to plan for the future." She shook her head disappointedly, "He only hopes that I will be unscathed, but he is not worried that I will go back to the prison." There will be no bones left. If it weren't for the magnanimity of the officials, would I still be able to survive? A person suffers only once, and I have done my best to him. No matter what happens in the future, I will never miss the old love again." She raised her head Holding Chunwo's hand, she complained sadly, "Mother, I was terrified when I was in the wild, there were dark shadows everywhere, I was afraid of ghosts and robbers, I didn't even dare to cry. I was thinking, Yunguan doesn’t want me anymore, and the officials hate me, so I’ll just find a place to die myself. Later, the officials found me, but they didn’t even blame me... I feel ashamed of him, I don’t have the face To him."

Chunwo and Arong looked at each other sadly, and comforted them: "People grow up in such a stumbling way. They meet some things and meet some people. Some people give you Qiongju, and some people give you pain. It doesn't matter. Yes, I stumbled and stumbled, got up and continued walking. Knowing good and bad, knowing how to behave in the future, no one will care about you. The official treats you well, and you treat him wholeheartedly, forgetting those insignificant people , your husband is your lifelong support. You already have so much, why give up and start from scratch? It’s easy to find a priceless treasure, but it’s rare to have a lover. If you compare it twice, it’s not easy to compare it.”

She nodded in thought, but Ah Rong murmured: "Young Master Yun Guan seems to be a different person, we have known him for so many years, he was not like this before."

Chunwo sighed: "Time makes man, he has encountered too much injustice, and suffered so much, he is no longer a noble son of Sui who doesn't care about world affairs. It seems unfair to blame him, but he did What happened is really discouraging. No matter what, you shouldn’t leave people halfway, but fortunately the officials arrived in time, if you delay, or if you don’t meet them, the consequences will be unimaginable.” Carefully scrubbed her body , got up and put on his clothes, and earnestly warned, "Now that you know who is good and who is bad, don't be half-hearted, and live with the official family in a down-to-earth way! I told you before that the husband and wife are always the best, only a few The time will prove it, is this the reply?"

She lowered her head in shame, "I always forget what mother said..."

Chunwo said helplessly: "I knew you were like this. You have big ideas, but you are not careful. How can you make it go on like this?"

"I'll remember this time." She said softly, "Only when I have a good relationship with the official can I repay his kindness."

She put on a Wujinyun embroidered shirt, and walked through the front hall to the terrace, where they used to carve melons. The railings are densely packed, and there is a roll shed on the top, with two hanging bamboo curtains. There is a little breeze, and the stream is bright and clean. It is a reward. Great place for the month.He was there, sitting at the table, staring at the moon in the sky in a daze, probably still thinking about Yun Guan!She walked over and softly called the official's house. He came back to his senses and pointed to the round stool for her to sit on.Because she didn't drink, she only poured tea into the cup.

Enjoying the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival, there is always something missing if there are only crabs and no flower carvings.She turned around and called someone, "Warm a pot of wine for the official's house, so as to dispel the cold."

Shang Gong took orders to do it, she sat down at the table, there were only two of them, but the dishes were laid out on the table.Dairy Yurui Soup, Quail Crystal Chowder, Crucian Carp and Fake Clams... are all her favorites.She suddenly felt very sad, and lowered her head, not daring to look at him anymore.

Today is August [-]th, and the night market in the city lasts until dawn.Sitting quietly in the inner courtyard, you can hear the melodious sound of Sheng Yu and children playing.Originally, the Mid-Autumn Festival in Ouchi is very lively, but this year is an exception.With such a big bright moon, the palace is deserted and lonely, and it feels a little desolate and melancholy.It was all because of her, her recklessness and selfishness almost caused a big mistake.It made the Queen Mother and the ladies have a bad time, and I am really ashamed of them.

I don't say anything today, she can't drink, let her drink ginger soup first, then disassemble the crab, and pick the meat into her cup bit by bit.

"Eat it, don't be dumbfounded." He forced a smile, "This is the first Mid-Autumn Festival we spend together, and it is a memorable day."

To commemorate what, to commemorate her ignorance and embarrassment?The corner of her mouth twitched, and seeing that she was about to cry, he hurriedly said, "What's there to be sad about? Isn't it enough that I'm by your side, watching the moon and eating crabs with you? Why should you think so much about an insignificant person?"

"I don't miss him, but I feel ashamed." She muttered in a low voice, "I was thrown away, and you picked it up again, and continue to be your queen with a shy face... The officials should depose me, let me go to Yao Huagong cultivates the Tao."

After hearing this, he looked at her coldly, "Did I pick you up just to send you to practice Taoism? If I want to save face, I should kill you in the suburbs and blame Yunguan. At that time, even if he has a long mouth all over, he won't say no." It's clear. But I didn't do that, you are my wife, this position will be vacant after you die, and no one can replace you."

He spoke very plainly, but she heard mixed feelings.Now it's time to confess to him, to live a good life, let him know what she thinks in her heart.She said: "Actually, I have been thinking that if he can give up his plan to return to the court, I will go with him. Without my family, country, rivers and mountains, I will be with him. No matter how difficult the days will be in the future, I will finally have a care. But now I see It's my wishful thinking, I'm just like a fool..."

He nodded, "You are really stupid. You are not a ready-made queen, and you follow others to flee the world. Did I treat you badly? Didn't you say you love me? Could it be that you just said it casually, and you still like him in your heart?"

"I don't." She said timidly, "Even if I have loved, since I was with you, I have moved on. It is my fault."

When he heard her say empathy, he thought it was funny, "You are Chen Shimei."

She nodded with tears in her eyes, "I'm Chen Shimei."

He sighed, "Actually, you are wrong. You don't love him. It's just the yearning for love when you were young. You regard dependence and liking as love. Love is not like this. You or him, your love is not pure. Really If you love someone, you will not risk his life. When he put the blade on your neck, did you worry about your safety? With such a sharp blade, the slightest carelessness will kill you, you yourself Aren’t you afraid? Don’t be so impulsive in the future, you are just a half-fool, reading books in the palace, embroidering flowers, and punishing any lady with misbehavior. Leave it to me to get ahead. Put away your chivalry, don't let anyone take advantage of it."

He had seen through her a long time ago, but even if he blamed her, there was a taste of pampering.She leaned closer, hugged his arm and leaned on his shoulder, "The official is so kind."

He muffled a smile, "I've lived for 23 years, and this is the first time I've heard people say I'm good. It feels a little weird... Queen, the two men who love you the most in this world, one is dead, and the other is by your side, don't Believe other people's empty words. I once told you that it is true that you sit in the central palace and the phoenix seal is on your hand. Others promise you great power and honor, but they are all empty words. He When I swear to you, I have already given you everything I can give you, do you still want to compare me with him?"

He spoke very thoroughly, and looking back, his relationship with Yunguan for seven or eight years was only mediocre.She understood what he said, her father was gone, luckily he was watching over her now.If he didn't come to get married, he might not be able to see through Yunguan. Even if he regained the world, he might not be able to think of her.

She turned her face and looked at him seriously, with a red nose and tears in her eyes, "Guan Jia, I will follow you wholeheartedly from now on."

He squinted at her, "What will you do if he comes again?"

"Ignore him."

It's a little regretful not to hear her say to kill him, but that's enough. If she is really like Princess Rong, he may not fall in love with her.

He hummed, "Let's eat, let's talk, the food is cold."

Looking at the crab meat in the bowl, she frowned and said, "I don't like crab, I like shrimp."

After hearing this, he washed his hands and peeled the prawns. Seeing her chewing contentedly, his heart gradually settled down.Fortunately, she came back. Compared to her being taken away, Yun Guan's appearance today is nothing.It didn't matter if he didn't catch someone, he had plenty of time.Tomorrow, the court will simply talk openly and honestly. Now that the world is stable, even if Yun Guan reveals what happened back then, he is not afraid of those officials who are paid by him to impeach him.The impeachment of the monarch is the intention of rebellion, and taking advantage of the opportunity to clean up those who do not return to their hearts, he will have nothing to worry about.What comforts him the most right now is her, paying some price to make her stay by his side willingly is more important than anything else.He believed that people's problems might not be cured in a lifetime, the Sangong and Six Courtyards were useless, and the emperor's heir had to rely on her.

He looked at her lovingly, she was still a little childish, and when he found her in the wild, he was really like an abandoned cat or dog, extremely pitiful.Now she is safe, can eat something well, her eyes are alive again, she is still the same as before.

She blinked at him, "Why doesn't the official eat it himself?"

He said he wasn't too hungry, "I'll peel the shrimp for you."

Her nose was a little sore. Those were the hands that controlled the world, and now they were used to peel shrimps for her. They were overqualified.She called someone to wait for him to wash, rinsed her mouth with tea, raised her arms and said, "The official hugs me."

He laughed when he heard that, so he got up and hugged her into his arms.She clasped her hands behind him, arched her face, and arched his cross collar. His neckline was warm and had a long fragrance.She said sadly: "There is no one in the world who pampers me like Mr. Lang, will you always treat me well?"

He smiled and nodded, "I will always treat my wife well."

"Will you always love me?"

He said yes, "Love you forever." She fell silent, her eyes pressed against his neck, and there was a feeling of wetness.He shook her gently, "Cry when you're sad, and cry when you're happy? Don't cry, I shed too many tears today, be careful to hurt your eyes."

She hummed in a low voice: "The official just hugged me like this, I'm a little sleepy."

He raised the corners of his lips, stroked her hair slowly, kissed her earlobe and said, "Isn't it a horse, sleeping standing up? I'll carry you back to bed."

With strong arms, he picked her up and sent her into the apse.She got into bed, and he stood in front of the bed and looked at her.She was afraid that he would leave, and now that he was not in front of her, she felt that she had no idea, so she grabbed the brocade quilt and whispered: "The official family is with me."

He was a little hesitant at first, expecting that she must be tired today, and he didn't want to disturb her.As a result, the beauty invited him, and he immediately followed suit, took off his overalls and turned around to see that she was lying on the pillow, her bleary-eyed look was cute and dazed.It was cold at night, and the two of them cuddled together to keep warm.He hugged her into his arms, her petite body just filled the missing piece in his heart.

The moonlight was bright on the fifteenth day, and the windows were covered with glass to let the light in. She said to turn off the lights, "Let's watch the moon."

The candle was lit on the table, and he held her in his arms, yearning for this comfort and unwilling to get up.There happened to be his pendant jade on the low couch, he took it off and threw it far away. With a bang, the candle went out, and the jade probably shattered.She heard the noise and muttered, "I would have gone if I knew it earlier, and the good things were smashed."

He whispered, "Don't talk."

Qinghui sprinkled the room, and the faint blue light shone on the huge copper mirror of the dressing table, reflecting a piece of light, and casting a round and blurred light on the wall.She was lying in his arms, just lying down was not enough, she pulled him over, put her arms across his chest, and stroked his other shoulder.His heart was convulsed, imitating her tone and acting like a baby, "Queen, kiss."

She kissed him as promised, and licked his lips with her tongue, "Is this okay?"

He said fine, "Go ahead."

She put his two lips in her mouth, and it didn't look very good.He pushed her away, sighed and said, "It's not a shrimp, why haven't you learned it yet? You're usually smart, but you're so stupid in this respect!"

She didn't take it seriously, "Isn't it because of you, you will be fine!"

"What's the use of me alone?" So he taught her how to lick and pester her.She slowly realized what she had learned, and made a slight nasal sound, which touched his nerves.His hand slid down from the bend of her arm and pinched her slender waist.

Bewildered torrential night, bewildered torrential sanity.The lotus-colored mandarin duck satin surface reflected the cold light under the moonlight, and there were only slight fluctuations, which seemed a little hurried.

Her hand seemed to have magic power, wherever she moved it, a cluster of fire would be ignited, and then turned into a prairie fire, rushing to all limbs and bones.He was dizzy, he didn't know where he was, and his heart was beating uncontrollably under his jacket.She is still a good student, willing to learn and receptive.The hand wandered around under the quilt and touched something, triggering a series of gasps from him.He hoped that she would not stop, but her movements became slower and slower, and when he finally couldn't hold back, she was resting on his shoulder, and the snoring gradually started.

(End of this chapter)

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