Chapter 52 Forbidden Court (52)
Going around in a big circle, but in the end it was still powerless. (2)
Unwilling to wither under the darkness, sitting in the narrow strip of light with his back against the temple door, even if there is no temperature, there is a kind of desolate excitement.She looked down at the hand in the moonlight, it was gray and dead, and she was terrified.I miss Chunwo and Arong, I miss the old days in Zhongwazi, but unfortunately I can't go back.I couldn't help sobbing, and the wailing lingered in the empty hall, which was shockingly loud.She bit her lip and dared not make a sound, thick water shells formed in her eyes, which shattered in the blink of an eye.After crying for a while, she gradually calmed down, bent her legs, and put her face on her knees.She has no one to count on. It turns out that she has no one to rely on. When she is lonely, she can only keep herself warm.

It was late at night, and when it was midnight, there was only one oil candle lit in the palace, and the candle was as bright as beans, and the people sitting under the lamp looked solemn.

The door creaked open a crack, and Cheng stepped in sideways.He looked up at him anxiously, "How is it?"

Cheng shook his head, "Ah Rong was thrown into prison, and the Queen was imprisoned in the west. Originally, today was the right time and place, and the envoy from the Sui Kingdom came to visit, but now Shang is in poor health. As long as there are no accidents, it should be successful. It's a pity that the Empress Dowager and the noble concubine got involved halfway, and they saw it through."

He leaned back in his chair with a disappointed expression, "The queen mother has never been a simple person, she will appear, there must be a leak somewhere, let her get the news."

Cheng Ze frowned and said: "This matter was planned before the empress entered the forbidden palace. After the lord appeared in Bianliang, our people have never had contact with Ah Rong. Even if we stare at Qingning Palace day and night , and won’t find any clues, why did the news leak out! What I’m worried about right now is that the matter will be revealed. If Ah Rong can’t stand the torture and confess to the Lord, then the Lord’s situation will be in danger. We need to send people to sneak in quickly The chief prisoner of the army silenced Ah Rong, so as to protect him from any danger."

He raised his hand and said no need, "Ah Rong is loyal to me, there is no doubt about it. Send someone there now, a net has already been laid over there, waiting for the turtle in the urn. You don't need to do anything, she will kill herself."

He slowly lowered his head, he must have felt bad too!Cheng knows the relationship between him and Ah Rong, and Ah Rong has loved and respected him since he was a child.Her feelings grew together with the queen. She was by the queen's side and had many opportunities to get along with the lord, so she developed a complicated feeling for the lord that was higher than love and similar to faith.People from the lower classes have more stubborn loyalty than the queen, so after the assassination in the East Palace they escaped from the big axe, and they still have contact with Ah Rong.Seriously speaking about the news that the lord is alive, in fact, only the queen and her wet nurse, Ah Rong, and even Cui Zhuzhang are concealed, they all know about it.

Cheng Ze looked at his expression, and said cautiously: "The lord is worried about the queen? Xihe is not far from Tianzhang Pavilion, Mr. Cui should think of a way."

He sighed, "How's the matter of wooing Ban Zhi going?"

Cheng Ze said: "Lord Tianzhu, the newly promoted deputy commander of Yu Mazhi is the son of Prince Shaobao Li Congzheng. When the Lord returned to the battleaxe, it happened that Shaobao fell ill and resigned. The catastrophe did not spread to Shaobao. Bao himself. Now that his son has joined the class, he can take Yu Mazhi under the banner through the Shaobao."

He glanced at him, "After so many years, how can Prince Shaobao still be reliable? This is a big matter, if there is a mistake, it will fall short."

"The minister visited Li Congzheng in disguise that day. He heard that the Lord Lang sent someone to go. He immediately ordered his family members to burn incense and kneel and kowtow to the south. It can be seen that he is still loyal. Some officials in the court complained a lot about the present. Li Congzheng My dear friend, He Xinyi, the right counselor, is one of them. The minister also discussed with Shaobao after many considerations, and Shaobao did not hesitate, and said that he would like to help the Lord."

Yun Guan nodded, "It's so good. Right now, I just hope that things will happen soon, and I won't be at peace if I don't go out for a day. She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she is afraid of the dark and lonely. Either way, I will regret it for the rest of my life.”

Cheng Ze thought for a while and said: "If the lord is really reluctant, order Mr. Cui to rob the queen from the forbidden court, and find another proper place to settle."

Cui Zhuyu was originally from their side. Back then, the lord was kind to him, and the reason why the empress got married was brokered by Mr. Cui.It's just that this gentleman is not very interested in the ruling and opposition parties. After accepting the entrustment of the landlord, he followed the queen into the forbidden Zhongtianzhang Pavilion, more for the purpose of protecting the queen.Now that the queen is in trouble, he should not stand by and watch.

But he pondered for a while, then shook his head, "Small indifference can lead to big plans. Don't act hastily now, let her be wronged for two days! Ah Rong is afraid that I will be dragged into the water, so he will definitely confess to Sui Kingdom. Isn't Chong Yuan just waiting?" On this day, he is going to take Sui Xingbing as a raft sooner or later. But he has feelings for her after all, and he won't kill her." He smiled, Ruyu's face was half hidden in the darkness, gradually distorted, "If you want to become an emperor, you don't care how many people you sacrifice. She will finally understand that her official family has never been a kind person."

Among the people in the center of the power vortex, which one dares to call himself good?Yun Hua knew it and saw it clearly.In fact, from the day she entered the Forbidden Court, she was involuntary, like a puppet on the stage, controlled by others, even if she struggled hard, she could not escape the shackles of fate.So she calmed down, all love and family affection showed their true colors when they were tested.No one does not plan for himself, leaving some good things and discarding some dross.She has no use value, and it would be magnanimous not to let her die, don't expect anything else.

She was imprisoned in this cold palace, because she had no contact with the forbidden concubine today, and there was no chance to offend him, so this place was kept empty for a long time, and only now has she been welcomed.She has been reluctant to enter the palace, the palace is too deep and she is afraid of being alone.It's good not to close the door, as long as the door is not closed and she is not confined in a space, she will not collapse.She didn't lick her head or wash her face. She sat on the threshold and squinted at the sun in the sky.I think of when I was a child, my father accompanied her every day when he was not in business, taught her to write and paint.Later Yun Guan came and treated her well like her father, so she thought he could walk a long way with her, farther than her father.Later, Yun Guan changed and became unscrupulous. She felt that she didn't like him that much, so the man she married by mistake told her that he would protect her.She found hope again, and felt at ease to be loved by him, but today she suddenly found that none of the people who loved her were gone, and the 16 years of pampering had come to an end.

After sitting for a long time, I finally saw someone coming in from the palace gate, and the three yellow gates carried bedding and daily utensils into the palace.She turned her head to watch them busy, and then a lame man came to her, made a bow and said, "Sage, don't sit here, let's go inside to rest!"

When she heard him call a saint, she thought it was a little funny, "I'm not a queen anymore, haven't the officials decreed to abolish me?"

The lame Huang Men said: "There is no such decree. The saint is at ease. No news is good news. In the future, the three meals will be delivered on time. Xiyi is a quiet place. The saint is here to cultivate his mind. In fact, There's nothing wrong with that."

After he finished speaking, he limped away with the two small yellow doors.

No news is good news?No, there may never be any news, she just died of old age in the cold palace.It's just that he doesn't know if he will think of her in the dead of night, the previous intimacy is like an unreal dream, wandering between reality and reality, she is not sure whether the memory is trustworthy, maybe it is just her own fabrication!

Look at the sky in all directions, the sky is closer than today, she is still sitting on the sill in a gorgeous dress, with her back leaning against the door frame, humming the nursery rhymes he taught her in a low voice.

The food delivery Huangmen came and went, but the food box was left untouched.After a while, I saw a person coming in from the door. He was wearing a green official robe and a Futou. After a closer look, it was Cui Zhuzi.

She stood up to meet her, "Sir..."

She was on the point of weeping, her face under the sun was so white that it was almost transparent without makeup.There was pity in his eyes, and he said softly: "You have suffered."

The corners of her mouth twisted, she wanted to cry and held back.Leading him into the hall, because of its simplicity, she seemed very embarrassed, "There is no place for sir to sit..." She rolled up her sleeves and swept the bed, "Sir, let's make it easy!"

He frowned and looked at her, wanting to say something to her, but murmured slightly, but didn't say anything.It's useless to comfort her now, her only salvation is Konami, and the root of everything lies in him.But he might not appear again, he was busy dealing with King Ning, and then ordered the world to attack Sui.

He didn't want to mention the heavy topic, so he looked around, "This place is far away from the hustle and bustle. I should have brought you a pen and ink when I came here. You haven't practiced calligraphy for a long time, and I'm afraid it's rusty."

She pursed her lips and said with a smile: "I'm too tired and lazy. How did the husband come in? This is a cold palace, so you can't visit at will."

He said: "I have a solution, don't ask. I entered the Forbidden Court because of you, and now you have lost power, and I am a straight bachelor. I am also boring. Maybe I will resign in two days, leave Yue Kingdom, and go to other places go."

She listened quietly, lowered her head, looking lonely.After a long time, he nodded and said: "It should be like this. I wanted the wet nurse and Aunt Jin out of the palace many times before, but unfortunately I couldn't do it. Now it's my fault that they even sit down. Sir, can you leave?" Let's go, stay longer, I'm afraid it will hurt you one day. Now I am a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and no one can protect me. Let's disperse and save our lives!"

Some words rolled on the tip of his tongue, almost leaked out, but he managed to hold it.He fixed his gaze on her, summoned up his courage and said, "If I leave Da Yue, will you come with me?"

She raised her eyes blankly, thought for a while and still shook her head, "I have no hope in this life, sir, don't miss me. You can go alone, I am a kite nailed to the palace wall, I can't fly out."

It's actually not difficult to leave, he has the ability to take her out, it just depends on whether she is willing or not.He put his hands on his knees, and tightly clenched his five fingers under the big sleeves, "Do you still miss them? I have been thinking about it these days. I shouldn't have told you the cause of Yun Guan's death. You are young and energetic, please ask for your life and kiss." , then it was wrong.”

She said that everything is fate, "I regret it, I have tired the nanny, I don't know how she is now. And Ah Rong... I don't understand why she did this. I always thought I knew her well, but I didn't. I I remember the first time I saw her, there was straw on her head, and she knelt on the side of the road to sell her body to bury her father. Because she was not beautiful, even the people in the fence refused to buy her. I thought she was pitiful, so I begged my father to give her Qian, she came to the mansion to find me after her father was buried, and she has been with me ever since. I have been with her day and night for nine years, and I have been planning for her future, but now it is all ruined, and she committed suicide way of life."

As she spoke, she began to cry, tears slid down the jade kui on the small ribbon, and hit the green bricks beside her feet.He sighed, "There are some things that you can't learn in books, and I haven't taught you. For many people, kindness is not as good as love, and the same is true for Ah Rong."

She was taken aback by what he said, "What do you mean, sir?"

Cui Zhuzhen smiled lightly, "Didn't you realize that Arong likes Yunguan very much? Yunguan used to be the prince of Dayue, but Arong always called him Young Master Yunguan. Arong is a person without father and mother, and her family and country are in her hands." It's not that important in her heart. She likes a person, and this person is in the cloud. She is ashamed of herself and is willing to smash her body to pieces for him. , because in her heart, the homeland is far from being comparable to Yunguan. I think Yunguan should have made some promises to her, maybe she once promised her future..." He paid attention to her expression, and said softly, "Young girl , it is easy to be dazzled by love, and you are the same. What I can deduce, today is considered to be a fan of the authorities. Give him some time, and he will definitely find the loophole. If he comes to you, it means that he still cares about you. If not Come...then he has made a choice between King's Landing and you, he will abolish you, even sacrifice you, and use you as an excuse to attack Sui Kingdom."

She listened in silence, big tears rolling down her face.She could guess the position of the official family and Yun Guan on this matter, but she couldn't guess Ah Rong.It turned out that she also liked Yun Guan, and she liked it so humblely that she was willing to go through fire and water for him.

"Sir, do you think Yun Guan will go to save her?" She raised her arms to wipe away her tears, she cried a little too much, her eyes were so sore that she had to close her eyes.

Cui Zhuzhen shook his head slowly, "He won't even ask you, let alone Ah Rong. But it's really difficult for him to make a move at this moment, and I'm waiting for him to show his feet today." He hesitated and stretched out his hand, touching her wrist. Squeezed, "If they all give up on you, just come with me, and I will take you to another place, where there will be no court battles, and a peaceful life."

She looked at him with confused eyes, "Sir..."

There was a harmonious smile on his face, "I can take you far away and fly high, and I will do everything I can. When your father passed away, I promised him that I would take good care of you. I am happy for you when you are happy, but if they take the burden I can't afford you, so I have to take you away, and I can't let you wither in this deep palace. Don't be unhappy, without them, at least I'm still here, and I will sacrifice my life to protect you."

She just looked at him, tears fell more and more violently, the more she cried, the more embarrassed she felt, she turned her head and wiped it quietly.She felt that she might have missed something, but she shouldn't understand too much, so it's good for everyone to be vague like this.She sniffed and said with a smile: "Mr. has relieved me, and I feel much better. I am very grateful to you, but I don't want to put you in danger. This is a forbidden court, and there are guards inside and outside. I want to go out and bidden The sky is still hard. You go on your own, don't worry about me, I can't even drag you down. "

He said very firmly, "As long as you grasp the timing well, it's not difficult to get out. Soon, there will be a battle between Yunguan and Jinshang, and everyone's attention in the ban will be attracted by them. We can take advantage of the chaos and escape go out."

She tilted her head and looked at him, wondering that he was different from before. He was just a gentle teacher in the past.Looking at it now, it seems that he doesn't only know the Four Books and Five Classics, he has other things that impress her.

He felt guilty when she saw him, and avoided her sight in a panic, "I didn't mean to force you to make a choice, I just provided a way out, you decide whether you want to go or not."

She nodded and said: "I understand what you mean, but the wet nurses have not been released yet. I can't leave. If I leave, they will only die. I have to wait a little longer. At least let them return the wet nurses to me. I don't have any." I can't lose her anymore. But sir, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait. Is there anyone in Tianzhang Pavilion who makes things difficult for you? The officials are suspicious, and I'm afraid they will have suspicions about you."

He widened his brows, disapproving, "I'll inquire about the situation of the nurse and the others later, and if there is any result, I will find a way to inform you." He turned his head to look at the sky, "It's time to come, I should go. You listen to me, don't be sad, don't be afraid of things, it will pass. Eat well, don't cry anymore, no one can take care of you right now, you have to protect yourself. "

She stood up and sent him to the door, finally a person who could talk came, and she couldn't stay for long, feeling regretful in her heart.With a strong face, he said with a smile: "Don't worry, sir, I will be fine. Don't come here again in the future, and something will happen if someone finds out."

He didn't agree, waved goodbye, walked out of the palace gate, and walked away quickly.She was standing alone in the yard. A tree was planted in the southeast corner of the yard, with dense branches and leaves that rustled when the wind blew.She was bored and just looked up like that for a whole afternoon.

She has been waiting for a verdict from the Empress Dowager or the Empress Dowager, but a day has passed and there is no news at all.

(End of this chapter)

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