Chapter 86 Forbidden Court (86)
It rains and is promiscuous, and it is sad and thoughtful; the river is deep and deep, and it cannot be communicated; the sunrise is careful, and the heart has the will to die. (1)
All the way to the south, the carriage sat for too long, and it made me sick.

Cui Zhuzhen didn't take her along the official road, a winding path stretched forward for a long time, without seeing any people or inns.Zong Hua sat in the car and looked out. There were scorched reeds on both sides, and the north wind blew up and down, like withered waves.There was a snowfall last night, the snow in the south was short, and it fell carelessly. When I saw it at dawn, I saw a thin layer covering the ground.The wheels rolled over, leaving shallow ruts, and there was a taste of loneliness and vicissitudes.

She rolled up the front blanket and asked him, "When will we get out of here?"

He said it quickly, like an adult coaxing a child, always saying that.She complained softly, "I've been stuck here for six days."

He turned his head to look at her, with condensed frost on his eyebrows, "If you hadn't revealed too much to that family, why would we go this way?" Seeing her embarrassing, he couldn't bear to be harsh, turned his eyes away and said, "There is a town ahead, let's stay there overnight! I see that your complexion is not good, are you feeling unwell?"

She put down the curtain, "No." She lay down on the ground, looked blankly at the carvings on the roof, and asked in a low voice, "Sir, how long will it take to arrive in Jian'an?"

He made an estimate, "Ten days ago, I was already in a hurry. This road does not lead to Jian'an, and Chizhou is the only way out. It is three hundred miles from Chizhou to Jian'an. There must be wars raging. You have to be prepared."

They have been in this patch of reeds, they can't even see a ghost, how can they understand the ups and downs outside.She couldn't imagine what the cities and villages swept by the army would look like, she just kept thinking about when the officials would come to Jian'an.This is a dilemma. If he comes, it means that the city is broken and Dasui is finished. She doesn't want this.But if he didn't come, they would miss him, and maybe they would never see each other again for the rest of their lives. Thinking about it filled her with panic.

I don't know how the Yue army is fighting now, and where it has attacked.If she held him back and told him to slow down, when the official arrived, there would be hope.

She raised her hand to touch her forehead, her palm was very cold, and her forehead became hotter and hotter.She closed her eyes weakly, "Sir, I seem to have a fever."

He immediately grabbed the rein and came over to check. He wanted to touch her forehead with his hand, but she moved away quickly.His hand stopped halfway in embarrassment, and he frowned and said, "I have to judge whether it's true or not. After all, there are only more than 20 days left, and I don't have much time."

In desperation, she leaned forward.He compared it repeatedly on his forehead, and sure enough her temperature was on the high side, so he asked her earnestly, "Are you feeling bad? I'll drive the car faster and ask the doctor to take a look at it in town."

She embraced the mattress, retracted back into the car, and replied weakly: "I'm about to throw up after bumping all the way. Please slow down, sir. It would be nice if I could reach the town before dark."

He was worried, and looked back from time to time, but a thick blanket blocked his sight.Every time I feel sad, I forget it after a while, and I can't help but look back.

Lying down, she asked him with half-closed eyes, "Is it cold, sir?"

His heart trembled. During this period of time, she had seen him like a deadly enemy, and she suddenly greeted him warmly, which greatly moved him.He hurriedly said, "It's not cold, just take care of yourself."

There was silence behind the curtain, and it was only after a long time that she let out a long sigh, "Sir, why bother!"

He was suffocated, and there were a lot of words in his heart, but unfortunately, he would always be silenced by shame.Today she is willing to communicate, which is a good opportunity.He pressed the painful wound on his abdomen and tried his best to organize his words, "It's about doom. Everyone will encounter it in their life. If it is not unforgettable, it will be a waste of time. Recently I often recall the days before, in Jian'an I live an ordinary life, and live a relaxed and happy life every day. If you ask me what is the most regretful thing I have done in my life, it is to facilitate your marriage. In the three years when Yun Guan died, I actually wanted to express my heart to you many times , but because of too many entanglements, I missed the good opportunity. After I entered Bianliang, I had my mission. If Yunguan could not seize the throne, I would help Princess Qintai to become queen. Every step and every trap was planted by myself , It's too late to regret it now. Thinking about it, you should hate me only because of Chunwo. For Chunwo... I have committed a lot of sins. If it wasn't for making you go resolutely, I would not have made such a move. But later You also took revenge for her, although I didn't pay for my life, but the crime I suffered can offset most of it. Whether you can let me use the remaining time to try my best to make up for it depends on the ten years of friendship between our teachers and students."

He waited for a long time without waiting for her answer.A gust of wind rolled past again, blowing the fox fur on the hood toppled over, and only when he was extremely discouraged did he hear her voice, soft and hurtful: "What you owe me is pain, but what you owe spring is life." You just live with peace of mind, and then come to talk to me about compensation?"

She didn't accept it, and he had expected such an ending a long time ago.Having said that, the big stone in her heart was let go, no matter what she thought, the deal was done, and the so-called compensation was empty talk.He can only try his best to walk the road ahead. Since she is already by his side, if she wants to leave again, she probably has to wait for him to die!

He never knew that his possessive desire would be so strong, and the eruption after over-repression was violent and devastating.Especially after the accident outside Bianliang City, he completely broke free from the shackles, regardless of the consequences and everything else.

He leaned back, leaned against the fence of the car, and murmured to her, "Would you accept me without Yin Chongyuan?"

She said no, "You are my teacher, and I treat you as an elder, just like my father."

He smiled wryly, who will be her father!Her father could not be loved all his life, he was the most failed person in the world.So what about the wealth?Too moderate, watching other people fall into his wife's tent, and finally die with hatred, he doesn't want to be that kind of person.So fight for it, in his heart she has always belonged to him.Over the past ten years, he has watched her grow up little by little, from a young girl to a budding girl, and he accompanied her throughout her teenage years. Where was Yin Chongyuan at that time?Why did you take her away as soon as she appeared?

He is just not reconciled.He clenched his whip tightly, and whipped it on the shaft in an angry way.Her heart is on Yin Chongyuan, it doesn't matter, she will accept her fate when there is no hope.Instead, he is now regretting why he didn't find a way to kill Yin Chongyuan.Difficulty is certainly difficult, but killing him is the best way to cure the root cause.

Maybe next time, meeting again will be a life-and-death contest.He shook the horse's rein vigorously. It is more straightforward for the living to get her than the struggle between mountains and rivers.

With the sound of horseshoes, Min Hua leaned against the fence and fell asleep. Gradually, she heard someone's voice. She woke up suddenly, knelt on the cushion and opened the curtain to look around.

The time was just right, just as the sun was setting.She leaned against the window and watched, the sunset was bleak, everyone's faces were covered with ashen looks, and there was no light in their eyes.When the country is about to be overthrown, no one can laugh.Dogs still love home, let alone humans!Seeing this scene, Zi Hua felt that the sky was getting shorter.Cui Zhuyu drove the car to the door of an inn, and opened the curtain to ask her to get out of the car. Seeing her despondent face, he held his lips and smiled and said: "The Yue army has attacked here, look at the collapsed gatehouses and the homeless people, It was all done by Yin Chongyuan's forbidden army."

She glanced at him and remained silent.He didn't say much, and walked into the shop with his hands behind his back.

The doctor in the store came out to greet him. After a battle, he was a little timid to see strangers again.He wiped his hands unconsciously on the towel, bowed his waist and said, "Where do the guests come from? Are they staying in the hotel, or are they on the tip?"

Cui Zhuzhang said: "We came from far away, we need a room to rest for one night."

She followed him and added, "Two rooms."

He turned to look at her, noncommittal, took out some loose silver and handed it to the doctor, "Please call a doctor for me again."

The doctor held the money and said hello, and led them to the backyard, saying: "Half a month ago, a big battle was fought, and the sun and the moon were darkened. All the doctors in the town were taken to treat the wounded soldiers. The guests are very lucky. It just so happens It’s all back this morning. The guests rest first, and the little one asks someone to gather a charcoal basin to keep warm with the two of you, and then boil a pot of wine. The guests eat and drink, and I will go to the medical hall to find someone.”

The doctor left, he wanted to step forward to help her, but she waved her hand away.Just saying don't bother me, sir, took off my shoes and sat on the edge of the bed.It wasn't supposed to be on the bed with his face, but he couldn't hold on anymore and felt dizzy.The cold will come up on my back, and I will collapse if I sit for a moment longer.

She shuddered, "Sir, forgive me for being rude..." She pointed to the bed, "Sir, please do what you want."

He nodded and said: "You don't have to be polite, just go to bed and rest if you feel uncomfortable, I'll stay here with you."

She secretly slanders who cares about his company!But he was really powerless to refute, lying down was like dying.It was very cold in the quilt, unlike the warmth in the forbidden room.The bedding here has a damp, moldy, rotten smell, and it's nauseating to get close to it.She raised her head and called him, "Sir, bring me the quilt from the car, I'm not used to sleeping on the quilt here."

He knew that she was delicate, so he gritted his teeth and kept silent all the way, and only now made some trivial requests, which seemed amiable instead.He smiled, and said good in a warm voice, "Just make do with it, I'll bring it. If you want to eat, I'll let them prepare it."

She shook her head, "I have no appetite, let me sleep for a while."

Her sluggish appearance was worrying, he wanted to get closer, but he was afraid that she would be disgusted, so he had to stand and observe from a distance.Seeing that her brows were tightly furrowed, she expected to be extremely unstable, probably because of the wind and cold on the road.In this kind of weather, she spent several nights in the wild. She grew up among the rich and rich, and she had never suffered too much, so her body couldn't resist it.

He went out, ordered the servants in the shop to feed the horses, picked up the quilts and asked again, "Where did the Yue Kingdom's army attack?"

The boy picked up the fodder with a two-legged shovel and raised it into the manger, breathing hot air and said: "It's really not a good time for guests to come to Suiguo, it's a mess outside, the Yue army has already arrived at Jian'an City, the people on Fengshan Mountain The little emperor is still dreaming of the beauty! Fortunately, there is a general in the city who led an army of 20 to defend Jian'an. The Yue army attacked the city three times but failed to take it. Now it is said that Jian'an has been surrounded and the food and grass in the city have been cut off. Supply, I am afraid that the 20 army will not last long. The 60 Yue army went out to fight, and nearly 51 people died in the previous battles, and now there are 51 left. The [-] army crushed Jian'an City. Standing on the top of the city and watching, below It’s like black locusts, just think about how frightening it is!” He shook his head while throwing beans, “It’s almost time for a change of dynasty. If the guests have nothing important to do, why don’t you leave until the world is settled, otherwise you will meet someone on the road. Bandits, that's dangerous."

He listened quietly, then turned his head to look at the sky, "Has Jian'an City been cut off from the outside world?"

Si'er nodded and said yes, "The gates of the city are closed tightly, people inside the city can't get out, and people outside the city can't get in. It is said that the general ordered that he vowed to live and die with Jian'an, and he will probably guard it until the day when the grass and food are exhausted." Bar!"

He stood there for a long time, so things will be difficult to handle, it is impossible to enter the city now, unless the city is broken.He pondered for a while and asked: "The general you are talking about, but Sun Ying, the general of the town army?"

Si'er said, "General Sun is now our Sui people's great hero, mentioning his name, no one does not praise him."

In Jian'an City, he made friends with all the three religions and nine streams, and he also had dealings with Sun Ying.Half a year ago, he was still a military guard general, the fourth rank among generals, not considered a high rank.It seemed that those hussars and chariot generals must have been useless and rushed him onto the horse.This person was not very motivated in the past, and he did not expect that he would be entrusted with a heavy responsibility in times of national crisis, which was beyond his expectations.

Thinking about it in his mind, he rubbed his feet and went back to the bedroom. On the way, someone poured hot water into Mrs. Tang and put it on the bed for her to cover.She opened her eyes to look at him, then closed them again, her face was as white as a sheet of white paper.He couldn't help feeling anxious, and went to the door to wait for the doctor, and after half a cup of tea, he saw the doctor coming back with a medicine box on his back, he rushed to meet him, bowed with his hands, and asked the doctor to come in for diagnosis and treatment.

The doctor sat in front of the bed to watch her face, asked about symptoms and then checked her pulse. After the number on his right hand was finished, he switched to his left hand, pinching a handful of beards for a long time and said: "My lady's pulse is slippery, and it's a happy pulse. It's just a month. It's still small, hidden in it, but you can call again in half a month, and then you can be sure."

The sudden news shocked the two of them. They thought they were sick, but they didn't expect it to be a happy pulse.

Yun Hua's eyes turned red when he heard this, and his heart was filled with joy.She and the official family are looking forward to a child every day. The two people who have no common sense have recruited the medical officer to ask for pulse since they were in the same room.Once every three days lasted for nearly a month, I didn't expect to look forward to it, and it really came.It's just a great pity that such good news cannot be shared with him immediately.She really wanted to see him happy, he must be silly, crying and laughing!Now she misses him more and more, wishing to return to him all at once.They have a child, and finally those officials can no longer use the emperor's heir as an excuse to make things difficult for him, but they are so far away from him.Missing his embrace, missing his smile, but being separated abruptly, thinking of this made him hate Cui Zhuzi even more.

So this news was joyful for some and worrying for others. She was mixed with sorrow and joy, but to Cui Zhuzi it was a bolt from the blue.After having a child, the entanglement between her and Yin Chongyuan deepened.He expected her to forget him, but the child existed, reminding her all the time that she would never get rid of him in this lifetime.

The doctor said congratulatory words, and he forced a smile, "It's really great news, thanks to your auspicious words. This is the first child. I don't know what to pay attention to. Please give me some guidance."

The doctor said: "The baby has just been implanted, so it needs to be taken care of carefully. It should not be tired, and its mood should not fluctuate too much. It is naturally best to be happy all day long. There is one more important thing..." Whispered in his ear, "It is taboo to have intercourse within three months. After three months, the child will become fruitful, so you can take it slowly. But you must not be greedy. After all, you are pregnant, so you should be careful."

His face turned red, Nuonuo agreed, and replied: "We have been bumping along the way, I see that she has been terribly wilted for the past two days, and she refuses to eat, for fear of hurting the child if this continues, sir, prescribe some anti-fetal medicine Bar!"

The doctor opened the medicine box, took out a pen and paper, lay down on the table, and wrote a piece of paper full of profuse writing. While writing, he said, "Medicines are all aids. The most important thing is food supplements." For the sake of the fetus in the womb, you have to refrain from it. If you don’t eat, he will eat, but you can’t indulge yourself and wrong the child.”

She sat on the mattress, with a smile on her moon-like face, she lowered her head slightly and said, "Thank you sir, I will remember."

After prescribing the prescription, the doctor asked Cui Zhuzhang, "Who will come with me to get the medicine?"

"I have to trouble the doctor again." He suppressed his upset, and gestured politely, "I'll see you off, sir." After turning out of the guest room, he tugged on the doctor's sleeve and said in a low voice , "I have to trouble you, sir, this child... can't be kept, please, sir, find a way for me to get rid of him."

The doctor was taken aback. Adding a child is a good thing for the whole family to enjoy, but he would rather not have it, which is really unbelievable.Carefully looking at his eyes, he cupped his hands and said, "Excuse me, but what is your relationship with that little lady? I think the little lady is very happy..."

If you talk about husband and wife, where are the parents who don't want their own children? It doesn't make sense, so I can only think of another way to say, "She is a sister-in-law. The husband died shortly after marriage, and there is no elder in the husband's family. The parents of the family Talked to her about family relationship, and I would like to make her remarry. If the child is delayed, the marriage will be difficult. Now that the child is still young, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, do you understand what I mean?"

The doctor gave a long cry, but he felt sorry for the beautiful little lady, whose life was so bumpy.After all, it is helpless, every family has scriptures that are hard to recite, not to mention that in this war-torn era, life is becoming more and more difficult.He sighed, nodded and said: "If that's the case, then I'll prescribe another medicine. It's just that abortion hurts the body after all, so you have to live well afterwards, otherwise it will be difficult to conceive again."

He said good, "I can't bear it in my heart, but I can't." Seeing Dr. Jiu passing by the corridor, he beckoned him to follow the doctor to get the medicine, and then he turned and went into the bedroom.

When she entered the door, she had already got off the ground. When she saw him, she took two steps forward and said in a sad voice, "Mister has also heard the news. Now that I am pregnant with an official child, it is impossible for me to do anything different with Mr. Mr. Let me go." Go back and find the official, he is the father of the child, I can't let the child have no father."

He didn't answer her, just helped her back to the bed, and said with a smile: "Why did you get out of bed? You are weak now, you need to rest well. We will discuss those things later. The doctor told me outside just now that I am afraid that the pregnancy will not happen. Steady, the child is injured after being stunned for several days, first prescribe some anti-abortion medicine to recuperate the body. Stay here for the next two days, and it will not be too late to leave when you are safe." He rested his hands on his shoulders, "Yonghua, you I will treat my child as my own. So stop talking about looking for officials, and don't make me sad."

She knew it was useless to say it, but she just wanted to try her luck.But she really didn't understand how he became like this.Why did such a humble and refined person become so unrecognizable overnight?She tried her best to find Mr. Cui's shadow, but there was nothing, she couldn't find a trace.He stood face to face with her, but they were so strange that they had never met before.It was as if the soul had been replaced by someone else, but the skin was still his, which made people feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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