Chapter 99: Family (1)
get married
Jin Mo suffers from smallpox, and his illness is so severe that there is no cure.

Smallpox was terminally ill at that time, and there was no magic hand for rejuvenation. Three bowls of medicinal soup a day could survive it.Jin Mo's fortune is obviously not good, he has been sick for more than ten days, has a fever, talks nonsense, and the acne appears and disappears under the skin, but the flowers never break.Tong Shuming is on duty at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he is familiar with the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital.Unexpectedly, the imperial physician shook his head straight after seeing it. At that time, Jin Mo was dangling at both ends, and it was no longer possible.

"How about..." The imperial physician finished washing his hands in the copper basin, looked back with a sad face, and sighed, "Move the place? Rinse, maybe it will be fine."

The eldest lady hid her face and wiped her tears. Beijing has this particularity, people can't die on the kang, as the old saying goes, if you carry the kang on your back, you will get home unlucky and things will not go well in the future.The imperial doctor expressed it very tactfully, telling you in a disguised form that people are dying, so prepare an auspicious board!The auspicious board is a vermilion lacquer plank, which is specially used for stopping. If you put on that board, it means that you are not far from death.

Because of the contagious disease, the whole family did not dare to approach her, and there were only two maids who had grown flowers to serve her.The old lady led the crowd to wait for the news in the Baosha. The night was silent, only the sound of the wind.All of a sudden they burst into wailing, and everyone's heart sank, knowing that the person had passed, they immediately sobbed up and down, and the crying was loud.

White gauze lanterns are swaying under the eaves, fine scum flies in and melts when it touches your face. This is the first snow this winter.

A haha ​​bead climbed up to the roof, waving white silk in his hand, and cried in a sad tone: "The sky is sunny, it's raining, and the toad bone has grown legs... The wind stopped, the rain stopped, and the toad bone I can't do it..." Then count the benefits of the deceased in detail, this kind of ritual is called mourning.

The people outside Hou Zai's house got on their horses and went straight to Qianliang Alley in Zhengbai Banner.Rong Yunzao, a university scholar, lived in the alley. Their eldest son had just died, and they were waiting for this letter.

The wife kept urging, "Go quickly, it will be too late."

Instead, Rong Zhongtang hesitated, "The Tong family is the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and their family background is not high..."

His wife took out the handkerchief and cried, "What kind of family status do you care about at this moment? What's wrong with the coat, the emperor's confidant, the emperor's favorite!" Pushing and shoving Rong Zhongtang onto the sedan chair.

Waiting for a person to die is cruel to be honest, but there is no way.A living girl is in demand, but a dead girl is even more in demand.Especially for a family like theirs, it is very difficult to find a suitable family.When Rong Xu died, he was not engaged, and the old ladies and wives in the family were reluctant, fearing that he would be lonely down there, so when they heard that a girl was dying, they sent people to wait in the alley, fearing that if they went late, the other family would take the lead.

As for the Tong family, the old surname should be called Tong Jia's family, which belongs to the Huangqi Banner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.To put it bluntly, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the tent of the emperor's family. Although he is a domestic slave, he is deeply favored by the emperor.Seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, when they came to the emperor, at least they went up to the third and fourth ranks, so there are many high-ranking officials.

When it comes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, everyone knows that Tong Jia's is famous for its wealth, especially Tong Jia's.They are different from other coats, not because of military merits, nor because of imperial examinations.The Tong family is the closest to the emperor among all the aristocratic families in the inner mansion. The ancestor of that family is the wet nurse of Emperor Gao, who raised two generations of young masters.When she passed away, she was granted the title of Mrs. Fengsheng, and received a great grace. All women in the clan are exempted from the draft.This is a good thing that the banner people can't ask for, and it also shows that the daughter of Tong's family is superior to others, because meritorious deeds are earned by women.

But no matter how much honor and favor there is, there is still a gap between the Inner Three Banners and the Outer Eight Banners of the Han Army. Even if they intermarry, they will come and go.The coats of the Inner Three Banners cannot compete with the officials of the Outer Eight Banners. The Han people have their own pride, and even if they cannot marry a wife, they will never give up.

But now it’s not going to happen, just at the critical moment, after passing this village, there will be no such shop.Which Han family member's dead daughter is waiting for you to talk about Yin Qin, here is a ready-made one, if you hesitate, the girl will be promised to another family in the blink of an eye.

Rong Zhongtang still stepped into Tong's residence.

The mansion is in mourning, filial piety banners are brought in from outside, snow is flying in the sky, and servants dressed in sackcloth and filial piety are bowing to and fro. This scene is too familiar, and Rong Mansion has experienced it not long ago.Rong Zhongtang stood there in a daze with his hands folded. Someone rushed over on the middle road and made a bow before they got close. "The family is in a mess and it's out of style. Please forgive me."

Rong Zhongtang hurriedly returned the gift, "I came here uninvited, I was the one to be rude first."

Tong Shuming pulled himself together and welcomed him into the side hall.

Unable to go around in circles, Rong Zhongtang succinctly explained the purpose of coming, "The two children died early, but the hearts of parents are the same. You see, the two families have a good relationship, and you and I are old acquaintances. Let's get married. Give the children company."

If it is to say kiss to a living person, that would be the best.Jumping out of the circle of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and recognizing in-laws with the Outer Eight Banners, not to mention honor or disgrace, it is more or less a caring.It's a pity that what I want is a daughter who has just passed away. This kind of "bonded relatives" is a bit short, and the in-laws in the name have no practical significance.

Shuming stroked his hot forehead, "My eldest girl was very stubborn in her lifetime, and she must be polite. You and I are officials in the same dynasty, so we shouldn't be too picky, but after all, the child just died, and her grandma and I'm afraid Ernie won't be able to let go."

Rong Zhongtang knew it well, "Brother Shuming said it very well, I came in a hurry, and it was because the wife at home urged me... I should have invited a matchmaker to come to the door according to the rules of living people, and then divination, and asked the child's meaning .Isn’t this anxious, I didn’t think too much about it. Don’t worry, as long as it can be done, the eldest girl is the daughter-in-law of my Rong family, and our two families are the in-laws of the sons and daughters. The fire will not stop, and the blisters will not rot. This, this...a betrothal gift for the child , let’s not fool around with paperwork, we’ll do it on happy occasions.” Rong Zhongtang licked his lips and leaned forward, “Brother Shuming, Rong Xu has been with elder brother in the palace since he was a child. The big one. You can tell me whether the child can catch your eye. If the two children are there, it is a pity that they are both talented and beautiful as a pair..."

The two fathers sat opposite each other, choked up when they talked about their sadness.

Shuming had his thoughts in his heart, and said secretly: "It's hard for you to think about me. If you were all here, you wouldn't be able to find me." space.

He tucked his nose with a sweat towel, "Speaking of which, I have a solid foundation in my heart. Meng Zhongtang appreciates it. I will discuss it with the old lady and give you an answer later."

Rong Zhongtang stood up, "Now is the right time. If it is confirmed, the coffin will be placed in Rong Xu's tomb, so as not to disturb the child again in the future."

Shuming's face was ashen, and he pointed to the yard, "Look at the situation, how can I talk to the old lady? You know, I have never raised a son in my life, but I have four daughters, all of whom are daughters. I pointed at the big girl Who would want to marry a good family and take care of the family in the future..."

Rong Zhongtang thought for a while, "It's okay, once you get married, you are a family. When you encounter embarrassment for a while, you must support each other."

Shuming was hesitant when he heard it, and sighed, patting his knees, "I'm too jealous, don't take it too seriously. I remember... there is still a young master in your house?" He paused for a while and then said, "What if Niuzhen gave it to Rong Xu, as the relatives say, she will have to bother Rongshi in the future."

Rong Zhongtang was stunned immediately. Although Tong Shuming didn't tell the truth, he had a lot of intentions for the two sisters to marry the two brothers.In addition to asking the Rong family for a huge betrothal gift, they also have to agree to the marriage below, this is too big a book.Not very happy in his heart, he pinched and pinched the fingers in his sleeve, and pinched again.Tong Shuming probably noticed it, and asked him to drink tea with a lot of voices.

He looked out, and the weather was getting worse.The wind is invisible, but when it is mixed with snow, it shows a trend, rolling and circling up and down.

Monks and Taoists were invited to the house to recite the Sutra after preparing for the small funeral.The old ladies and wives in the family were hit, and they couldn't care about anything except crying. I saw a girl with her head cut off standing under the corridor and assigned someone to "bring the mage to the ear rooms on both sides, and first ask the yin and yang to get rid of the disaster." List. The eldest girl’s clothes are all prepared, and the old lady ordered nine shops and nine covers. Listen, Mother Li, I want you to understand everything by hand. You are not allowed to use leather or satin, buttons or belts for clothing materials. Fan Han is ready, when the time comes, I invite the eldest lady to come and inspect Han's coffin..."

Rong Zhongtang looked away, "That's..."

There was a slight smile on the corner of Shuming's mouth, "That's Erniuniu, Songyin. Such a big incident happened, and the whole family was in a panic, and it was all up to her."

Rong Zhongtang's tense shoulders relaxed. He often heard that there were four girls in Tong's family, and the older one was the dead one, named Jin Mo.The second is Songyin, the third is Rangyu, and the fourth is Tongqing.Shuming has no son, and his daughter will take over his position in the future, so the upbringing is different from ordinary girls in the boudoir.Seeing you today, the young girl is not messed up in such a big matter, it seems that in the future she will be an internal chief who can hold the balance.

That's right, the tiger father has no dog daughter, the Tong family can be a good family of the emperor, so naturally it can also be a good family of Rong.What's more, there are three sisters, so if you choose one of them, you're afraid you won't be able to pick one!

Rong Zhongtang nodded, "The eldest girl and Rong Xu are married, so Rongshi should help my younger sister."

The big stone in Shu Ming's heart fell to the ground, to be honest, he searched in Sijiu City, but he couldn't find a more desirable in-law than the Rong family.He was also anxious, he didn't want the big girl to be alone down there.The daughter's marriage ended up as a business, how could he get over it?Anyway, lay the groundwork first, and don't book it.In case the three girls have a better way out, it will not hinder their future.

It was decided, Shu Ming accompanied Zhong Tang out, and burned a stick of incense far away in front of the altar.The golden ink died when it came out of flowers. Several servants carried quicklime powder and sprinkled it along the base of the wall. When the wind blew, it choked people badly.

Rong Zhongtang left, and Shuming went to the upper room to answer the old lady, "Rong Xu disappeared last month, and she is three years older than the eldest girl. She used to be on duty at the guard's office, and she was with the third elder brother since she was a child. It is also a blessing, If there is no such calamity, the future will be limitless. I have met him several times, a handsome brother, steady, knows what is good and what is good, and if assigned to him, he will never wrong the big girl."

The old lady cried like walnuts in her eyes, "I just passed away and said that my kiss is here, which makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Who says it's not!" Shu Ming bowed his head and said, "But if you take a step back and think about it, they are very close. There is also a son in his family. I said earlier, seeing Rong Yunzao's appearance, he has some eyebrows. "

The old lady took the hot towel from the girl and covered her face, her voice came from under the towel, dissatisfied, "The one who drew the plantain picture?"

In fact, the picture of bananas is already an elegant name. Isn’t there a chicken under the bananas? What is it called together?No one draws such a picture, the lip color is too bad, but Shuming feels happy when he thinks about it, "Boy, you should be more casual. Besides, it happened many years ago, when I was still young, Shangfang Jiewa age."

The old lady said, "That's right, she's quite a good match with our second girl. Yin Zi was idle all winter, and he used plums to polish copper every day. He said that plums are fresh after washing, and I don't understand those things. The brazier tea hanger at home The money is polished and polished, but I think the child is going to be stupid. The big girl is gone now, so you should pay more attention to the money in the future!" As he spoke, he stood up tremblingly, "For the matter of the Rong family, first ask Knowing what Jin Zi means, she will agree to do it again. The child is poor, and he went away at a young age, so he should find someone to take care of him when he gets there."

(End of this chapter)

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