Chapter 13

Cheng Junheng was stunned when he received the call. He thought it was Luo Chenxi who called him, but the voice he heard was An Xuena's. He also said that Luo Chenxi was drunk, and he didn't know what An Xuena's attitude was now. Cheng Junheng didn't dare to talk nonsense, for fear of disturbing his friend's "good things".

I hurried to find BlueLover, and saw two people hugging each other as soon as I entered the door. People who didn't know the details would really mistakenly think that something happened to them.An Xuena turned her head to see Cheng Junheng coming, and nodded at him, Cheng Junheng was surprised by An Xuena's change, it was really too big.

"You're here, he's drunk, help him back." After speaking, she turned around and was about to leave, but Luo Chenxi held her tightly, An Xuena frowned slightly, and Cheng Junheng sighed.

"You must know about his memory loss. In fact, he has been..."

"Stop talking, Junheng, the matter is over, and it's impossible for me and him, don't talk about such things in the future."

"Oh," Cheng Junheng didn't know whether he was sighing for Luo Chenxi or An Xuena, "It's really a pity that you are not together."

An Xuena chuckled: "He already has Yang Yuxuan, doesn't he? What's more," she looked up at Cheng Junheng, her eyes were shrewd and sharp that he had never seen before, "Perhaps you have also discovered that not only he has changed in the past three years , I have changed too."

Knowing that it's useless to persuade her, she had to change the subject: "Why don't you send him back to the apartment that I bought for you before, and I will keep it there now." An Xuena nodded, and together with him brought Luo Chenxi to the Splendid Home .

Looking at the familiar things, An Xuena felt as if she had returned to the scene where he brought her here three years ago, but it was him who had the indifferent expression back then, but she was the one who was indifferent today.Maybe the heart is the same, but no matter what the reason is, it will not be expressed like before.

Seeing An Xuena's expression in the rearview mirror, Cheng Junheng shook his head helplessly. This couple really resembles each other. They both like to forbear themselves. In fact, why not take the initiative sometimes?It's just that no matter how you say it, he is just an outsider, and the person involved has to figure it out for himself.

Soon they drove to the door of the apartment, and the two helped Luo Chenxi back to the room. Cheng Junheng made an excuse to make sober tea for Luo Chenxi, and left the room, leaving the two of them alone.

Luo Chenxi was still not awake, but subconsciously held An Xuena's hand tightly and refused to let go, muttering in her mouth: "Don't leave me, don't leave me...listen to my explanation..."

An Xuena was taken aback, thinking that he had recovered his memory, and was about to call Cheng Junheng, when he saw him push the door in. Apparently he also heard Luo Chenxi's ravings, he fed the hangover tea, and left the room with An Xuena.

On the sofa in the living room, An Xuena asked doubts: "Has he recovered his memory?"

Cheng Junheng shook his head: "No, it's just his subconscious memory. I asked the doctor secretly later. You know, everyone who knows you, Yang Yuxuan, is very defensive."

An Xuena understood that Yang Yuxuan had always regarded her as her number one enemy.

Cheng Junheng continued: "Actually, I don't know the whole story. Three years ago, my father happened to send me abroad for business. They were married when I returned to China."

An Xuena raised her eyebrows. It seemed that Yang Yuxuan got married very urgently. I wonder if it had something to do with the car accident. An Xuena suddenly felt that she should not exclude Yang Yuxuan from the scope of investigation.

Looking at An Xuena, Cheng Junheng was very helpless: "I really don't know what to say to you two. You obviously love each other deeply, but you insist on torturing each other. If it were me, I would definitely not let go of my favorite."

"What the hell was going on at that time?"

"He had a car accident, and the other driver also ran away. Fortunately, a kind eyewitness reported the crime, which saved Chen Xi's life."

"Witness? Didn't he see the license plate number?"

"No, witnesses said it was a large truck without a license plate, that is, a black car."

An Xuena's heart suddenly sounded the alarm, it seemed that Ling Yeyi really wanted to kill Luo Chenxi, and the plan was so thorough, but she couldn't tell Cheng Junheng these words.

"and after?"

"Later, Chen Xi was in a coma for a whole month. It is said that the doctor had issued a critical illness notice at that time, because his indicators were almost close to zero." Speaking of this, Cheng Junheng glanced at An Xuena: "And , the doctor said that he had no desire to survive at all. The doctor also asked if there was anyone he cared about who might be able to wake him up, otherwise he would have to resign himself to fate. In fact, Uncle Luo sent someone to look for you at that time, but you are no longer in the country. "

An imperceptible trace of remorse flashed in An Xuena's eyes. She felt that perhaps she had done something wrong, because in the end she still doubted him, which led to tragedy.

An Xuena's expression did not escape Cheng Junheng's eyes, maybe they might get back together again.

"Then why did he marry Yang Yuxuan again?"

"It had been a month since the doctor's diagnosis was very clear, and you couldn't be found. At that time, the Luo family was ready to give up. You must know that almost all the authoritative experts were invited by the Luo family. It was Yang Yuxuan who insisted , and even forced her father to die, and then used all the strength of the Luo family and the Yang family to find Professor Li, the brain surgery leader who has lived in seclusion abroad."

"Then what did Professor Li say?"

"Like other experts, she is resigned to fate. But Yang Yuxuan refused to give up. She even insisted on staying with Chen Xi, who was judged to be in a vegetable state at that time, even at the expense of falling out with her family."

Hearing this, even An Xuena, who is a rival in love, couldn't help being moved by Yang Yuxuan's infatuation.

"Afterwards, Chenxi really miraculously woke up a week later, as described in many novels, but he was very indifferent to everyone, and the wound hurt so much, his temper became not so bad. Said Really, Yang Yuxuan really suffered a lot at that time, she insisted on doing it herself, so naturally she endured all of Chen Xi's gunfire.

"She really loves Chen Xi." An Xuena seemed to be talking to Cheng Junheng, and also seemed to be talking to herself.

"But Uncle Luo felt that something was wrong, so he asked Professor Li to examine him. It turned out to be a car accident sequelae, and Chen Xi lost part of his memory. At that time, not only Yang Yunjie, but even Uncle Luo advised her to leave Chen Xi, because Chen Xi like this was destined not to give her happiness. But she persisted, and finally moved Uncle Luo, Yang Yunjie also softened his heart, and held a wedding for them not long after Chenxi was discharged from the hospital."

An Xuena listened quietly without saying anything.As a result, some questions made her unable to ask them any more.

As if he had seen through An Xuena's thoughts, Cheng Junheng went on to say: "I went to see him after returning to China. I didn't feel the joy of being newlywed at all, and I could even say that he treated Yang Yuxuan a little indifferently. To be precise, he was very indifferent to everyone, but luckily Remember me. In order to stabilize the Luo family's stock price, Yang Yuxuan also insisted on refusing to spread the news of the car accident. She was under tremendous pressure from the outside world and her father's dissatisfaction."

An Xuena had really decided to give up on Luo Chenxi at this time, because Yang Yuxuan's love was deeper than hers, and compared with her, she was not qualified.

"You don't have to think too much. In fact, even if you lose your memory, the relationship between you and him is buried in the deepest part of his heart, so he thinks of you subconsciously."

An Xuena smiled wryly: "Really? You said it too, it's only subconscious. Now that we are together, we will only be condemned by our conscience. Yang Yuxuan is the Mrs. Luo recognized by morality and law. Can't hurt his benefactor."

Cheng Junheng persuaded her: "You don't have to think so. As far as I know, before the accident, Chen Xi seemed to have investigated the reason why you went abroad seven years ago. Because this matter seems to be more than just a photo."

"The reason for going abroad?" An Xuena wondered, "I left because of the photos."

"No, I mean he is investigating why your father's good company went bankrupt due to poor management, and Yang Yuxuan's timely request. He suspects that Yang Yuxuan ordered all of this, but there is no evidence."

"What?!" An Xuena was shocked: "You mean that my family's affairs may have something to do with Yang Yuxuan?!"

Cheng Junheng nodded: "Well, he was so suspicious, but it's a pity that something happened before the investigation came out."

The eyes are full of anger, An Xuena is really angry this time, it seems that Yang Yuxuan is not only related to Luo Chenxi's car accident, but may even be related to her father's matter, this woman, it seems that she can't let her go!She is determined to make Yang Yuxuan pay the price!

After sending Cheng Junheng away, An Xuena went back to the room, walked gently to sit by the bed, and just quietly looked at Luo Chenxi who was still sleeping soundly.Under the moonlight, his usually stern face softened a lot, and his handsome features made all women crazy.The thin lips and eyebrows that were tightly pursed at this time showed that he was having a nightmare.Lifting the quilt, An Xuena lay gently beside him, covering Luo Chenxi's clenched fists with her hands, letting him relax.

As if sensing the people around him, Luo Chenxi gradually stretched his eyebrows and relaxed.An Xuena got up and gave Luo Chenxi a kiss on the forehead, and whispered in his ear: "I won't give up on you, good night."

(End of this chapter)

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