Chapter 2

Splendid Homeland is the largest and most luxurious villa area in City A, located on a beautiful mountainside in the southern suburbs of City A.The unique scenery and high-end positioning make it a famous "rich district" in City A. Its developer is also the economic leader of City A - Hongyang Group. Many people also come for the word Hongyang.

The black Rolls-Royce drove up to the door, and the security guard immediately trotted forward, bowed to the car, and admired it extremely.But the people in the car didn't intend to get out of the car at all. They drove in and stopped in front of a delicate and artistic Italian-style villa.Five bodyguards immediately stepped forward and surrounded the luxury car, their well-trained bodyguards were no less than Zhongnanhai's bodyguards.Luo Chenxi walked to the car door, put her hands on the roof, and protected An Xuena from the car.Although it was just a gentleman's action, it was enough to show the status An Xuena held in the heart of the cruel Young Master Luo.At this time, two nannies had already come out of the villa, standing respectfully on both sides of the gate, and seeing them getting off the car, they bowed at 90 degrees in unison: "Hello, young master, and Miss An." The man on the other side doesn't understand him more and more. He seems to be a lot more mature than four years ago, with a little man's composure and arrogance, and thinking about things is no longer simply impulsive, but he knows how to think carefully.He hired a nanny for himself as proof, but after all, he hurt him first, and although he had unavoidable reasons, he didn't know it.But now, it seems that he treats himself better than before, maybe he is overthinking, but in this "goodness", he feels that there are more elements of politeness and alienation in it.What is he thinking?Why can't I see him through?Is it wrong to come back this time?What happened in these four years?A series of questions lingered in An Xuena's mind.Luo Chenxi glanced at An Xuena, the joy of meeting her just now had long since disappeared, only the complicated look in her eyes revealed her current mood.His heart ached slightly. Since when did they already have a secret?But whose fault is all this?He is also confused.As if mustering up a lot of courage, An Xuena said: "Chenxi, I..." "Come in and have a look, the decoration style is all to your liking," Luo Chenxi interrupted, "You will definitely like it." Luo, went in directly, didn't listen to Xue Na's continuation, and naturally didn't see Xue Na's disappointed and hurt eyes.Why doesn't he know what she wants to ask, but how should he tell her?He himself didn't know what happened.The servants at the side looked at the two masters with complicated expressions in surprise. Isn't it rumored that they have a very good relationship?Even the incident four years ago did not affect the relationship between Master Luo and Miss An.Although they were all confused, no one dared to speak much, and they didn't even dare to take a breath. Their young master had changed too much in the past few years, and no one understood his heart, so it's better not to take it to the muzzle.Everyone followed the two into the door with their own thoughts.

In the evening, a manor in the eastern suburbs of City A, surrounded by mountains and sea, is brightly lit. The gorgeous medieval European palace-style building shows the lofty status of the owner. I have it.From a distance, the freshly trimmed lawn coat and the temples are obviously holding a banquet. A middle-aged man in a black suit is surrounded by many dignitaries, but he still talks and laughs freely. It was written by the famous Italian artist Shirley, and there is no trademark, which means that it is custom-made. This dignity, this kingly demeanor, makes many dignitaries willingly surround them.Sending away another group of guests who came to greet him, Luo Sushan turned around and asked the butler who was following behind him: "Where is the young master?" The butler slightly bent down: "Master, the young master hasn't come back yet." Call?" Luo Sushan nodded: "Well, tell him to come back quickly, today is the day to discuss his and Yuxuan's marriage with the Yang family, how can he not be there? It's just nonsense!" At the end of the sentence, he was already angry.

In the restaurant, Chen Xi and Xue Na are dining, and two nannies are standing on both sides. The happiness and harmony they used to get along with has disappeared, replaced by silence, both of them are silent, perhaps because they have been separated for four years Perhaps it was because of the incident four years ago, they couldn't tell what it was.After a long time, Chen Xi and Xue Na broke the silence at the same time: "These four years..." The two looked at each other, and An Xue Na said unnaturally: "You talk first." Luo Chenxi shook her head.At this moment, the phone rang, Luo Chenxi went to the side to answer the phone, saw his frowning, said a few words in a hurry, then hung up the phone, returned to the dining table and was silent for a while.An Xuena looked at Luo Chenxi understandingly: "If you have something to do, go and do it, I can do it here by myself." Luo Chenxi looked at An Xuena for a long time, and An Xuena was stared at a little unnaturally, "You First... ummm" Before she could finish her words, Chen Xi hugged her tightly, tightened her arms, and sealed her lips with her lips.Xue Na was taken aback by this sudden move, she struggled slightly at first, but after reacting, she shed two lines of clear tears.It's been four years, and it's been four years since I left him. This is the first close contact. From the reunion at the airport to the present, his changes made her very disturbed and wronged.She wanted to cry a few times, but she couldn't hold it back. She didn't want to cry in front of him, but her emotions were not so easy to control, so she could only smile desperately, pretending to be cute desperately, hoping to find him before, to make him happy, and to make him happy. happy yourself.But no matter how hard he tried, he always had two emotions: indifference and tenderness.Just when she thought that the wall between them might never be dismantled, his move made her feel a little flattered and wronged.After the kiss was over, Luo Chenxi seemed to be a bit reluctant to let go of An Xuena, hesitated to speak, but finally only said: "Stay here well, this house is under your name, I will come when I am free in the future It's up to you." He left.Free time, free time, looking at the closed door, the smiling face that I had maintained is gradually unable to support it, it is obviously summer, why is it so cold?Xue Na squatted on the ground, buried her face in her arms, and cried silently.What happened between them, why does my heart hurt so much?

(End of this chapter)

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